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-Mailman in Use and in the News
-Mailman was featured as the March 2004
-SourceForge.net Project
-of the Month.
-Mailman was featured as the Project of the Month in the
-May 2002 issue of
-Linux Magazine.
-Mailman was featured in a cover story article in the
-March 1999
-issue of SunWorld. The article was
-written by Cameron Laird and Kathryn Soraiz.
- Mailman was briefly mentioned in a ZDNet article on GNU/Linux.
-This was picked up by MSNBC. Unfortunately, both these links also
-appear to be dead now too.
- Zee Source provides a commercial Mailman installer at
-Below are the lists of sites using Mailman or providing list hosting
-services using Mailman. If you'd like to be included in this list,
-please let us know.
- Notice to Hosting Services: If your site provides mailing
-list hosting services using Mailman, please be sure to add yourself to
-the Python-Friendly
-Web Hosting page.
- The following sites (in no particular order) are known to use
-Mailman or Mailman technology to run their mailing lists.
- - Apple Computer, Inc.
- Dell Computers
- The XFree86 Project, Inc.
- VA Linux
- SourceForge.net
- Massachusetts
- Institute of Technology
- FreshMeat
- XEmacs.Org
- ListServe.com
- tummy.com (lots of Linux
- lists)
- RedHat, Inc.
- Samba
- KDE Project
- Pair List
- Reportica Service
- Bureau. Reportica has put up a demo of their service.
- CarlC Internet Services
- FriendlyWeb.net
- Python.Org
- Zope.org
- Zope.com (Yay!)
- National Organization of Women
- Exim.Org (see also Nigel's
- htdig
- extensions in action for searchable archives)
- Yorkshire
- Linux User Group mailing lists
- IA-64 Linux Project
- ORSN, Open Root Server Network
- in Europe
- Cosource.com
- VistaSource.com
- (private lists only, currently)
- SunHelp.Org
- Sun Managers
- Linux
- Managers
- Visualization Tool Kit
- (VTK)
- Kanga.NU
- Music and Technology
- Department, Virginia Tech School of the Arts
- Earlham College
- University
- of Manchester
- New York
- University School of Medicine
- Mississippi University for Women
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- University of vale do Itajai, Sao Jose, Brasil
- KVSC Radio, St. Cloud State
- University, MN
- Linux Lab of Isfahan
- University Of Technology
- University of Lethbridge Organization of Residence Students
- University of
- Kentucky
- Queen's Engineering
- HockeyFanz.com
- The CatHat
- Republic
- www.matrixlist.com
- lists.essential.org
- SoCal-Raves.org
- ravedata.com
- TSEC mailing list
- GRE (grad studies)
- mailing list
- HAL (Hackers at Large) 2001
- www.essential-is.com
- FishRoom
- www.debian.cz
- dali.feld.cvut.cz
- lists.spline.de
- mail.wirex.com
- linux.cu
- www.miss-janet.com
- Greek LUG
- alberg30.org
- anthem2000.com
- www.alb-net.com
- www.aviating.com
- www.kjsl.com
- gweep.ca
- antarti.ca
- dumpshock.com
- home of the linux pptp
- server (among others)
- ALDIL, a French free software
- user group
- Internet de Alta Calidad
- with some
- public mailing lists.
- dsheild.org
- ing.unibo.it and
- deis.unibo.it, and "lots of
- virtual domains".
- Pikes Peak Linux Users
- Group and
- Colorado Springs Dance
- Club
- www.dhs.org
- Chester County InterLink
- (also supporting a number of other non-profits, including the
- National Associate of Social Workers, Philadelphia region.
- MOST - Polish provider for
- Environmental Movement
- eLists.org
- IndyMedia
- mail.anywhereyougo.com
- The bearfolks mailing list
- Free software site in China
- Universidad
- Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina
- Torresen Marine, Inc.
- including their primary
- newsletter
- www.greatbridge.org
- www.memes.org
- BaWue-Net, a local specialty
- ISP in Southern Germany
- - SunSITE.dk
- Seattle Community Technology Alliance
- (SCTA)
- www.bioperl.org,
- www.biojava.org,
- www.bioXML.org,
- www.biocorba.org,
- www.biopython.org,
- www.open-bio.org
- lists.dalsemi.com
- www.cmw.sld.cu
- Indian Linux Users Group
- - Mumbai Chapter
- linux.org.uk (Alan Cox's
- site) and linuxuser.co.uk
- Beowulf
- SpamCop, along with
- Mailman and the archives
- distro.conectiva.com
- www.click-l.com
- Hammernode Internet Services, Int'l
- www.wi2600.org
- Open-Source Directory
- hidetheword.org
- Guardian Unlimited (the
- site of the UK newspaper The Guardian).
- chatser.org
- Clean Media, Inc.
- Gentoo Linux
- rcp.net.pe
- www.arachnis.com
- Sarai (New Media Initiative)
- The Hurd
- development/hacking group in India
- sindominio.net
- Chesapeake Church
- Universidade do
- Contestado-UnC Curitibanos/SC/Brasil
- sindominio.net
- VOLJATEL telekomunikacije d.d.
- JesusList.com
- CLUE - Colorado Linux
- Users and Enthusiasts
- www.polarhome.com
- CloseADeal.com
- Contesting.com, Amateur ("Ham") Radio lists.
- http://www.jmbarrie.net
- Freelance-Seattle.net
- Riverbend Church
- Evolt.org
- http://mail2.factsoft.de/mailman/listinfo/national
- Linux Medical News
- stack.nl
- NFR Security
- iuveno-net.de
- cathat.net
- heise-newsletter, the biggest news-website for
- it-professionals in Germany.
- Test Pattern Radio
- ATLink SRL
- BIBSYS (Library
- Automation System, Norway)
- www.digitalvoodoo.org
- Process Integrated Engineering
- Design (PIED)
- BBSRC (Bioscience and Biotechnical Scientific Research Council)
- Ernest & Allen
- pnews.org
- Linux Users Group, Germany
- indymedia
- Ethical Media Ltd
- Hipertek Ltda, Bogota,
- Columbia
- ynternet.org
- National Central University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, the 83th
- Cyberius' Network lists
- iServer and
- www.lawlawlaw.com
- Scriptbasic.com
- ITXZONE: The Indian IT Zone
- National Central University, Dept. of Civil Engineering, the 83th
- Boston Linux and Unix user group
- Hipertek Ltda.
- SpiderPro
- Faculdade de Motricidade
- Humana and
- Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária
- American Computer
- Unixworks
- Osthyvel.net
- University of West Hungary
- Silicon Valley
- Linux Users' Group
- German Sanchez Ruiperez
- Foundation, Spain
- www.red-libre.com
- COMM-ORG: The On-Line
- Conference on Community Organizing
- FAI - Faculdades Adamantinenses Integradas
- Oddzz and Casinozz.
- ibiblio
- University
- of Mississippi Medical Center HIM Listserve
- the Fiat Page
- (automotive), with mailing lists at
- this url.
- Meteorite
- Central via the mailing lists at Pair Networks.
- DeviantPC
- The Computer Science &
- Computer Engineering department at the University of Arkansas.
- Shakespeare's
- Monologues with mailing lists at
- this url.
- Universidad de la República,
- Facultad de Química, Uruguay
- North East 4x4 club
- Linux Audio
- Mailing Lists
- MultiByte GmbH
- Elists Online
- FAS - Rutgers, The State
- University of New Jersey
- Conexim web hosting Australia
- National Institute of Health Research and Development, Indonesia.
- AST Communications, Inc.
- InterWorking Labs
- Tokyo PC Users Group
- with mailing lists here.
- Allpar.com (Chrysler enthusiasts)
- Van Essen Lab at Washington
- University School of Medicine
- UCLA LUG with mailing
- lists here.
- Azone
- SquirrelMail (French)
- GNFC Ltd
- Diocese of Washington
- Gottfried Hamm
- KommunikationsSysteme
- Cultural events in Zirndorf,
- Bavaria
- GAIA, with mailing lists at
- here.
- Free Mobile Software System
- Instituto Superior Tecnico
- JavaHispano with
- mailing lists at listas.javahispano.org
- Agenda do Samba &
- Choro with mailing lists at www.samba-choro.com.br.
- JCA-NET Service with
- mailing lists at http://list.jca.apc.org/
- Indialists.org
- Apex Internet Solutions
- Indonesian mailing
- lists
- contribs.org
- stalig.com with mailing
- lists at lists.stalig.com
- Veteransgroups
- Mailing lists for Allied War Veterans
- Infogate Technologies
- The Last Alarm Network
- TI-99/4A On-Line User Group
- and them TI99'ers Hall of Fame.
- Vermont Shepherds"
- First Internet
- Services
- Come-to-Chat IRC Network
- Tokitsu-Ryu Academy
- Science and Technology Caucana
- Agenda
- Gradwell dot
- com ltd
- Artsadmin,
- London, with mailing lists
- here
- OpenSkills
- The Lunar Antics (Daily
- Comics)
- Atilim University
- Midhgard srl
- The Solution Cafe, Inc.
- Host Capacity
- xms.gr
- Market Hotline
- Universidad Tecnica Federico
- Santa Maria, Departamento de Informatica, Valparaiso, Chile
- Arts & Humanities Data Service
- Macromedia User Group Argentina
- MatureAsskickers
- Euroback
- Linux Users in
- Paraguay-South America
- Planet Groove
- Isfa.com
- Z7
- Projecto Software Livre
- Brasil
- LUGRoma, LInux
- User Group di Roma
- DVD Verdict
- Immoulin (Real
- Estate) BV
- Pegasus Network (Brazil)
- http://www.tarasfunpages.com
- http://www.aboveallgreetings.com
- http://www.daylight2twilight.com
- Summa Cultura
- CAD Color Ultrasound
- Linux Basics
- Access International
- Columbus Association of Internet
- Professionals (COLAIP)
- UCLA Department of
- Statistics
- - Departamento de Ciência da
- Computação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte-MG,
- Brasil
- BeezNest
- BxLUG (Brussels Linux User Group)
- - PowerPC Kernel Archives
- Papaya CMS
- effet webservices & eSolutions
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