path: root/tests/bounces/yahoo_04.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/bounces/yahoo_04.txt')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/tests/bounces/yahoo_04.txt b/tests/bounces/yahoo_04.txt
index cf603636..2a0c32ae 100644
--- a/tests/bounces/yahoo_04.txt
+++ b/tests/bounces/yahoo_04.txt
@@ -36,115 +36,13 @@ List-Archive: <http://lists.boost.org/MailArchives/boost/>
Message from yahoo.com.
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-From: "Hoeffner, Detlef" <Detlef.Hoeffner@partner.commerzbank.com>
-To: "'boost@lists.boost.org'" <boost@lists.boost.org>
-Subject: RE: [boost] Thread locals
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-Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 16:37:41 +0200
-> As a substitute, try using the comparison operator for the boost::thread
-> class. This can fill the gap in many (but not all) cases where you are
-> managing the set of threads yourself.
-I need this mainly for tracing purposes in spots where I have no knowledge
-of the current instance of thread. This does not seem to help me in that
-> On some platforms (i.e. pthreads), the "thread_id" is actually an opaque
-> type (pthread_t) rather than a numeric value, and I think that is why no
-> such operation is exposed in the current version of the library.
-It is however possible to provide a class threadid, that has dependent on
-platform different members but provides operations as ==, !=,
-operator<<(ostream&, ), ... That would be fine to solve the problem.
------Original Message-----
-From: Moore, Dave [mailto:dmoore@ashtontechgroup.com]
-Sent: Mittwoch, 3. April 2002 14:33
-To: 'boost@lists.boost.org'
-Subject: RE: [boost] Thread locals
-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Hoeffner, Detlef
-> [mailto:Detlef.Hoeffner@partner.commerzbank.com]
-> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 6:59 AM
-> To: 'boost@lists.boost.org'
-> Subject: [boost] Thread locals
-> Hello all,
-> I am replacing my thread abstraction with the thread package
-> from boost. It
-> is very nice but I am missing two things.
-> The first is the possibility to get an identifier for the
-> current thread, a
-> thread id.
-As a substitute, try using the comparison operator for the boost::thread
-class. This can fill the gap in many (but not all) cases where you are
-managing the set of threads yourself.
-On some platforms (i.e. pthreads), the "thread_id" is actually an opaque
-type (pthread_t) rather than a numeric value, and I think that is why no
-such operation is exposed in the current version of the library.
+Message removed
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