path: root/contrib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
7 files changed, 1600 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/README.import_majordomo_into_mailman b/contrib/README.import_majordomo_into_mailman
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..114da92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/README.import_majordomo_into_mailman
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Import Majordomo into Mailman
+Create Mailman list(s) from Majordomo list configuration files.
+* Import a single list (--list=NAME)
+* Import all lists (--all)
+* Import subscribers (--subscribers)
+* Just generate information about all Majordomo lists (--stats)
+* Verbose logging to file
+* Control over the console log level (--log-level=[debug|info|notice|warning])
+* Only import lists that have been active within the past N days
+* Mailman is installed so that its bin/* scripts can be called.
+* Majordomo has all of its list configurations in a single, local directory.
+* Majordomo's aliases file exists locally.
+* $DOMO_INACTIVITY_LIMIT set to zero or the file path of the output of
+Majordomo's consistency_check command.
+* Run as root.
+Before running this script
+* Change the global variables under "ENVIRONMENT-SPECIFIC VALUES" to match your
+* It is recommended to run this script with the --stats option first to get
+a sense of your data. Fields with many 'other' or 'no value' values, or
+fields that don't get imported (e.g. message_headers) that have many
+'has value' values might need to be considered more closely.
+This script was tested against Majordomo 1.94.4/5 and Mailman 2.1.14-1.
+Different versions of Majordomo or Mailman may not work with this script.
+However, some legacy settings for Majordomo are handled.
+* Archives are not currently handled.
+* A few Majordomo configuration values are ignored (documented in the comment
+above the getMailmanConfig() function) because they are either inactive,
+system/constant settings, or don't tranlsate into Mailman.
+* Add an --archives option to also import archives.
diff --git a/contrib/README.post_count b/contrib/README.post_count
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2de8112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/README.post_count
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+This is a bash script to go through the archives of a list and report
+number of posts by month, year and total as well as a rough report of
+total post size by month.
+The script was contributed by Alain Williams <addw@phcomp.co.uk>
+and has been slightly modified by Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net> to
+run with only read access to the archive and to remove the perl
+The original from Alain is at
+Both versions work only with archives whose archive_volume_frequency
+is Monthly.
diff --git a/contrib/import_majordomo_into_mailman.pl b/contrib/import_majordomo_into_mailman.pl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9df75f2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/import_majordomo_into_mailman.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,1418 @@
+# Create Mailman list(s) from Majordomo list configuration files.
+# main() is fully commented and provides a good outline of this script.
+# - Archives are not currently handled.
+# - A few Majordomo configuration values are ignored (documented in the comment
+# above the getMailmanConfig() function) because they are either inactive,
+# system/constant settings, or don't tranlsate into Mailman.
+# - This script was tested against Majordomo 1.94.4/5 and Mailman 2.1.14-1.
+# Different versions of Majordomo or Mailman may not work with this script.
+# However, some legacy settings for Majordomo are handled.
+# - Mailman is installed so that its bin/* scripts can be called.
+# - Majordomo has all of its list configurations in a single, local directory.
+# - Majordomo's aliases file exists locally.
+# - $DOMO_INACTIVITY_LIMIT set to zero or the output of Majordomo's
+# consistency_check
+# command is stored locally.
+# - Run this script as root.
+# - Change the "ENVIRONMENT-SPECIFIC VALUES" below to match your system.
+# - It is recommended to run this script with the --stats option first to get
+# a sense of your data. Fields with many 'other' or 'no value' values, or
+# fields that don't get imported (e.g. message_headers) that have many
+# 'has value' values probably need to be considered more closely.
+# - One solution: get all archives inot a 'Unix mbox' file and then use the
+# bin/arch tool. bin/cleanarch can sanity check the mbox before running
+# bin/arch.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Log::Handler;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+use Email::Simple;
+use Email::Sender::Simple qw(try_to_sendmail);
+use Data::Dump qw(dump);
+#----------------------- ENVIRONMENT-SPECIFIC VALUES --------------------------#
+my $DOMO_PATH = '/opt/majordomo';
+my $DOMO_LIST_DIR = "$DOMO_PATH/lists";
+my $MM_PATH = '/usr/local/mailman';
+my $DOMO_ALIASES = "$MM_PATH/majordomo/aliases";
+my $DOMO_CHECK_CONSISTENCY = "$MM_PATH/majordomo/check_consistency.txt";
+my $BOUNCED_OWNERS = "/opt/mailman-2.1.14-1/uo/majordomo/" .
+ "email_addresses_that_bounced.txt";
+my $TMP_DIR = '/tmp';
+# Only import lists that have been active in the last N days.
+my $DOMO_INACTIVITY_LIMIT = 548; # Optional. 548 days = 18 months.
+# If set, overwrite Majordomo's "resend_host" and thus Mailman's "host_name".
+my $NEW_HOSTNAME = ''; # Optional
+my $LANGUAGE = 'en'; # Preferred language for all Mailman lists
+my $MAX_MSG_SIZE = 20000; # In KB. Used for the Mailman config.
+# Global constants
+my $MM_LIST_DIR = "$MM_PATH/lists";
+my $MM_LIST_LISTS = "$MM_PATH/bin/list_lists";
+my $MM_NEWLIST = "$MM_PATH/bin/newlist";
+my $MM_CONFIGLIST = "$MM_PATH/bin/config_list";
+my $MM_ADDMEMBERS = "$MM_PATH/bin/add_members";
+my $MM_CHECK_PERMS = "$MM_PATH/bin/check_perms";
+my $SCRIPT_NAME = $0 =~ /\/?(\b\w+\b)\.pl$/ ? $1 : '<script name>';
+# Global namespace
+my $log = Log::Handler->new();
+my $domoStats = {
+ 'general_stats' => {
+ 'Lists without owner in aliases' => 0,
+ 'Total lists' => 0
+ }
+# Main program execution
+# Functions
+sub main {
+ # Verify the environment.
+ preImportChecks();
+ # Get the CLI options.
+ my $opts = getCLIOpts();
+ # Set up logging.
+ addLogHandler($opts);
+ # Get lists to import.
+ my @domoListNames = getDomoListsToImport($opts);
+ # Get a mapping of list names to list owners.
+ my $listOwnerMap = getListToOwnerMap();
+ # Get lists that already exist in Mailman.
+ my %existingLists = getExistingLists();
+ # Get all lists that have been inactive longer than the specified limit.
+ my $inactiveLists = getInactiveLists();
+ if ($opts->{'email_notify'}) {
+ # Email Majordomo list owners about the upcoming migration to Mailman.
+ sendCustomEmailsToDomoOwners($listOwnerMap, $inactiveLists, 1);
+ exit;
+ }
+ if ($opts->{'email_test'}) {
+ # Email Majordomo list owners about the upcoming migration to Mailman.
+ sendCustomEmailsToDomoOwners($listOwnerMap, $inactiveLists);
+ exit;
+ }
+ # Iterate through every list, collecting stats, and possibly importing.
+ for my $listName (@domoListNames) {
+ $log->info("Starting list $listName...");
+ if (not exists $listOwnerMap->{$listName}) {
+ $log->warning("List $listName has no owner in aliases. Skipping...");
+ $domoStats->{'general_stats'}->{'Lists without owner in aliases'} += 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Don't import lists that are pending deletion. This is a University of
+ # Oregon customization, but it should be harmless for others.
+ if (-e "$DOMO_LIST_DIR/$listName.pendel") {
+ $log->info("List $listName has a .pendel file. Skipping...");
+ $domoStats->{'general_stats'}->{'Lists pending deletion'} += 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Don't import the list if it's been inactive beyond the specified limit.
+ if (exists $inactiveLists->{$listName}) {
+ $log->notice("List $listName has been inactive for " .
+ "$inactiveLists->{$listName} days. Skipping...");
+ $domoStats->{'general_stats'}->{'Lists inactive for more than ' .
+ "$DOMO_INACTIVITY_LIMIT days"} += 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Get the Majordomo configuration.
+ $log->info("Getting Majordomo config for list $listName...");
+ my %domoConfig = getDomoConfig($listName, $listOwnerMap);
+ if (not %domoConfig) {
+ $log->debug("No config returned by getDomoConfig(). Skipping...");
+ next;
+ }
+ # Add this list to the stats data structure and then skip if --stats.
+ $log->debug("Appending this list's data into the stats structure...");
+ appendDomoStats(%domoConfig);
+ if ($opts->{'stats'}) {
+ next;
+ }
+ # Don't import this list if it already exists in Mailman.
+ if (exists $existingLists{$listName}) {
+ $log->notice("$listName already exists. Skipping...");
+ next;
+ }
+ # Get a hash of Mailman config values mapped from Majordomo.
+ my %mmConfig = getMailmanConfig(%domoConfig);
+ # Create the template configuration file for this list.
+ my $mmConfigFilePath =
+ createMailmanConfigFile($domoConfig{'approve_passwd'}, %mmConfig);
+ # Create the Mailman list.
+ createMailmanList($listName,
+ $mmConfig{'owner'},
+ $domoConfig{'admin_passwd'});
+ # Apply the configuration template to the list.
+ configureMailmanList($listName, $mmConfigFilePath);
+ # Add members to the list.
+ if ($opts->{'subscribers'}) {
+ # Create files of digest and non-digest member emails to be used
+ # when calling Mailman's bin/config_list.
+ my $membersFilePath =
+ createMailmanMembersList($domoConfig{'subscribers'});
+ my $digestMembersFilePath =
+ createMailmanMembersList($domoConfig{'digest_subscribers'});
+ # Subscribe the member emails to the Mailman list.
+ if ($membersFilePath or $digestMembersFilePath) {
+ addMembersToMailmanList($listName,
+ $membersFilePath,
+ $digestMembersFilePath);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Output stats if requested or else the resuls of the import.
+ if ($opts->{'stats'}) {
+ printStats();
+ } else {
+ cleanUp();
+ print "Import complete! " .
+ "$domoStats->{'general_stats'}->{'Total lists'} lists imported.\n";
+ }
+ print "Complete log: $LOG_FILE\n";
+# Environment/system/setting checks before modifying state
+sub preImportChecks {
+ # User "mailman" is required because of various calls to the mailman/bin/*
+ # scripts.
+ my $script_executor = $ENV{LOGNAME} || $ENV{USER} || getpwuid($<);
+ if ($script_executor !~ /^(mailman|root)$/) {
+ die "Error: Please run this script as user mailman (or root).\n";
+ }
+ # Check that the Majordomo and Mailman list directories exist.
+ for my $dir ($DOMO_LIST_DIR, $MM_LIST_DIR) {
+ if (not $dir or not -d $dir) {
+ die "Error: Lists directory does not exist: $dir\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # Check that the Mailman binaries exist.
+ if (not $bin or not -e $bin) {
+ die "Error: Mailman binary doesn't exist: $bin\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # Check the path of $DOMO_CHECK_CONSISTENCY.
+ die "Error: \$DOMO_CHECK_CONSISTENCY does not exist: " .
+ "$DOMO_CHECK_CONSISTENCY\nCorrect the value or set it to ''.\n";
+ }
+ die "Error: \$DOMO_CHECK_CONSISTENCY exists but " .
+ "\$DOMO_INACTIVITY_LIMIT does not.\nPlease set this value.\n";
+ }
+ # $LANGUAGE must be present and should only contain a-z.
+ if (not $LANGUAGE or $LANGUAGE !~ /[a-z]+/i) {
+ die "Error: \$LANGUAGE was not set or invalid: $LANGUAGE\n";
+ }
+ # $MAX_MSG_SIZE must be present and should really be above a minimum size.
+ if (not $MAX_MSG_SIZE or $MAX_MSG_SIZE < 5) {
+ die "Error: \$MAX_MSG_SIZE was not set or less than 5KB: $MAX_MSG_SIZE\n";
+ }
+# Get CLI options.
+sub getCLIOpts {
+ my $opts = {};
+ GetOptions('list=s' => \$opts->{'list'},
+ 'all' => \$opts->{'all'},
+ 'subscribers' => \$opts->{'subscribers'},
+ 'stats' => \$opts->{'stats'},
+ 'email-notify' => \$opts->{'email_notify'},
+ 'email-test' => \$opts->{'email_test'},
+ 'loglevel=s' => \$opts->{'loglevel'},
+ 'help' => \$opts->{'help'},
+ );
+ if ($opts->{'help'}) {
+ help();
+ }
+ # If --all or --list was not specified, get stats for all lists.
+ if (($opts->{'stats'} or $opts->{'email_notify'} or $opts->{'email_test'})
+ and not ($opts->{'all'} or $opts->{'list'})) {
+ $opts->{'all'} = 1;
+ }
+ # Validate --loglevel.
+ if ($opts->{'loglevel'}) {
+ if ($opts->{'loglevel'} !~ /^(debug|info|notice|warning|error)$/) {
+ print "ERROR: invalid --loglevel value: $opts->{'loglevel'}\n";
+ help();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $opts->{'loglevel'} = 'error';
+ }
+ return $opts;
+sub addLogHandler {
+ my $opts = shift;
+ $log->add(file => { filename => $LOG_FILE,
+ #mode => 'trunc',
+ maxlevel => 'debug',
+ minlevel => 'emerg' },
+ screen => { log_to => 'STDOUT',
+ maxlevel => $opts->{'loglevel'},
+ minlevel => 'emerg' }
+ );
+# Return an array of all list names in Majordomo that have a <list>.config file.
+sub getDomoListsToImport {
+ my $opts = shift;
+ my @domoListNames = ();
+ # If only one list was specified, validate and return that list.
+ if ($opts->{'list'}) {
+ my $listConfig = $opts->{'list'} . '.config';
+ my $listPath = "$DOMO_LIST_DIR/$listConfig";
+ if (not -e $listPath) {
+ $log->die(crit => "Majordomo list config does not exist: $listPath");
+ }
+ @domoListNames = ($opts->{'list'});
+ # If all lists were requested, grab all list names from .config files in the
+ # $DOMO_LIST_DIR, ignoring digest lists (i.e. *-digest.config files).
+ } elsif ($opts->{'all'}) {
+ $log->info("Collecting all Majordomo list config files...");
+ opendir DIR, $DOMO_LIST_DIR or
+ $log->die("Can't open dir $DOMO_LIST_DIR: $!");
+ # Don't get digest lists because these are not separate lists in Mailman.
+ @domoListNames = grep !/\-digest$/,
+ map { /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+)\.config$/ }
+ readdir DIR;
+ closedir DIR;
+ if (not @domoListNames) {
+ $log->die(crit => "No Majordomo configs found in $DOMO_LIST_DIR");
+ }
+ # If we're here, --list or --all was not used, so exit.
+ } else {
+ $log->error("--list=NAME or --all was not used. Nothing to do.");
+ help();
+ }
+ return @domoListNames;
+# Find all list owners from aliases and create a map of lists to aliases.
+sub getListToOwnerMap {
+ my %listOwnerMap = ();
+ open ALIASES, $DOMO_ALIASES or $log->die("Can't open $DOMO_ALIASES: $!");
+ while (my $line = <ALIASES>) {
+ if ($line =~ /^owner\-([^:]+):\s*(.*)$/) {
+ my ($listName, $listOwners) = (strip($1), strip($2));
+ # Some lists in Majordomo's aliases file have the same email listed
+ # twice as the list owner (e.g. womenlaw).
+ # Converting the listed owners into a hash prevents duplicates.
+ my %ownersHash = map { $_ => 1 } split /,/, $listOwners;
+ $listOwnerMap{$listName} =
+ "'" . (join "', '", keys %ownersHash) . "'";
+ }
+ }
+ close ALIASES or $log->die("Can't close $DOMO_ALIASES: $!");
+ return \%listOwnerMap;
+# Return a hash of all lists that already exist in Mailman.
+sub getExistingLists {
+ my $cmd = "$MM_LIST_LISTS -b";
+ $log->debug("Calling $cmd...");
+ my %lists = map { strip($_) => 1 } `$cmd` or $log->die("Command failed: $!");
+ return %lists;
+# By parsing the output of Majordomo's "consistency_check" command, get a list
+# of all Majordomo lists inactive beyond the specified $DOMO_INACTIVITY_LIMIT.
+sub getInactiveLists {
+ my %lists = ();
+ for my $line (split /\n/, getFileTxt($DOMO_CHECK_CONSISTENCY)) {
+ if ($line =~ /(\S+) has been inactive for (\d+) days/) {
+ $lists{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return \%lists;
+sub getBouncedOwners {
+ my @bouncedOwners = ();
+ for my $line (split /\n/, getFileTxt($BOUNCED_OWNERS)) {
+ if ($line =~ /Failed to send mail to (\S+)\./) {
+ push @bouncedOwners, $1;
+ }
+ }
+ return @bouncedOwners;
+sub getOwnerListMap {
+ my ($listOwnerMap, $inactiveLists) = @_;
+ my $ownerListMap = {};
+ for my $list (keys %$listOwnerMap) {
+ for my $owner (split /,/, $listOwnerMap->{$list}) {
+ my $type = exists $inactiveLists->{$list} ? 'inactive' : 'active';
+ my $owner = strip($owner, { full => 1 });
+ push @{$ownerListMap->{$owner}->{$type}}, $list;
+ }
+ }
+ return $ownerListMap;
+# Send an individualized email to each Majordomo list owner that details
+# the upcoming migration procedure and their active and inactive lists.
+sub sendCustomEmailsToDomoOwners {
+ my ($listOwnerMap, $inactiveLists, $notify) = @_;
+ $notify = 0 if not defined $notify;
+ print "Send email to all Majordomo list owners?\n";
+ my $answer = '';
+ while ($answer !~ /^(yes|no)$/) {
+ print "Please type 'yes' or 'no': ";
+ $answer = <>;
+ chomp $answer;
+ }
+ if ($answer ne "yes") {
+ print "No emails were sent.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ # Create the body of the email for each owner
+ my $ownerListMap = getOwnerListMap($listOwnerMap, $inactiveLists);
+ for my $owner (keys %$ownerListMap) {
+ my $body = $notify ? getEmailNotifyText('top') : getEmailTestText('top');
+ # Append the active and inactive lists section to the email body
+ my $listsTxt = '';
+ for my $listType (qw(active inactive)) {
+ if ($ownerListMap->{$owner}->{$listType} and
+ @{$ownerListMap->{$owner}->{$listType}}) {
+ $listsTxt .= $notify ?
+ getEmailNotifyText($listType,
+ $ownerListMap->{$owner}->{$listType},
+ $inactiveLists) :
+ getEmailTestText($listType,
+ $ownerListMap->{$owner}->{$listType},
+ $inactiveLists);
+ }
+ }
+ if (not $listsTxt) {
+ $log->warning("No active or inactive lists found for owner $owner");
+ next;
+ }
+ $body .= $listsTxt;
+ $body .= $notify ? getEmailNotifyText('bottom') :
+ getEmailTestText('bottom');
+ # Create and send the email.
+ my $email = Email::Simple->create(
+ header => [ 'From' => 'listmaster@lists-test.uoregon.edu',
+ 'To' => $owner,
+ 'Reply-To' => 'listmaster@lists.uoregon.edu',
+ 'Subject' => 'Mailman (Majordomo replacement) ready ' .
+ 'for testing' ],
+ body => $body,
+ );
+ $log->debug("Sending notification email to $owner...");
+ my $result = try_to_sendmail($email);
+ if (not defined $result) {
+ $log->notice("Failed to send mail to $owner.");
+ }
+ }
+# Return various sections, as requested, of a notification email for
+# current Majordomo list owners.
+sub getEmailNotifyText {
+ my ($section, $lists, $inactiveLists) = @_;
+ if ($section eq 'top') {
+ return <<EOF;
+You are receiving this email because you have been identified as the owner
+of one or more Majordomo lists. We're in the process of informing all
+current Majordomo list owners of an impending change in the list
+processing software used by the University.
+Majordomo, the current list processing software in use by the University,
+hasn't been updated by its developers since January of 2000. The versions
+of the underlying software as well as the operating system required by
+Majordomo are no longer supported or maintained. As a result, we are
+implementing a new list processing software for the UO campus.
+Mailman (http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/index.html) has been
+identified as a robust replacement for Majordomo. Mailman has a Web-based
+interface as well as a set of commands issued through email. There is a
+wide array of configuration options for the individual lists. Connections
+to the Mailman services through the Web are secured with SSL, and
+authentication into the server will be secured with LDAP, tied to the
+DuckID information.
+Information Services is currently in the process of configuring the
+Mailman server and testing the list operations. Our plan is to have the
+service ready for use very soon, with existing lists showing activity
+within the last 18 months being migrated seamlessly onto the new service.
+ } elsif ($section eq 'active') {
+ my $listTxt = join "\n", sort @$lists;
+ return <<EOF;
+Our records indicate that you are the owner of the following lists:
+These lists have had activity in the last 18 months, indicating that they
+may still be active. Unless you contact us, these active lists will be
+automatically migrated to Mailman.
+If you no longer want to keep any of the lists shown above, please send
+email to email indicating the name(s) of the list, and
+that you'd like the list(s) ignored during our migration procedure. You
+could also go to the Web page http://lists.uoregon.edu/delap.html and delete the
+list prior to the migration.
+ } elsif ($section eq 'inactive') {
+ my $listTxt = join "\n",
+ map { my $years = int($inactiveLists->{$_} / 365);
+ $years = $years == 1 ? "$years year" : "$years years";
+ my $days = $inactiveLists->{$_} % 365;
+ $days = $days == 1 ? "$days day" : "$days days";
+ "$_ (inactive $years, $days)" } sort @$lists;
+ return <<EOF;
+The following lists, for which you are the owner, have had no activity in
+the last 18 months:
+Lists with no activity within the last 18 months will not be migrated, and
+will be unavailable after the migration to Mailman.
+If you want to retain one of the lists detailed above, you can either send
+a message to the list (which will update its activity), or send an email
+to email with an explanation as to why this
+inactive list should be migrated and maintained.
+ } elsif ($section eq 'bottom') {
+ return <<EOF;
+There should be only brief interruptions in service during the migration.
+The change to Mailman will be scheduled to take place during the standard
+Tuesday maintenance period between 5am and 7am. If your list has been
+migrated to Mailman, you and your subscribers will be able to send posts
+to your list with the same address, and those messages will be distributed
+in the same way that Majordomo would.
+Documentation on using Mailman is in development, and will be available to
+facilitate the list migration. We will be making a test environment
+available to the list owners prior to the migration to the production
+Mailman server, so that you can see the settings for your lists and become
+accustomed to the new Web interface.
+If you have any questions or concerns, please contact email,
+or email me directly at email.
+ }
+ return '';
+sub getEmailTestText {
+ my ($section, $lists, $inactiveLists) = @_;
+ if ($section eq 'top') {
+ return <<EOF;
+Information Services is in the process of configuring Mailman as the UO list
+processing software, replacing Majordomo. You're receiving this email because
+you have been identified as the owner of one or more lists, either active or
+The final migration from Majordomo to Mailman is scheduled to take place on
+April 27th, 2012. At that time, your active lists will be migrated to the new
+service, and lists.uoregon.edu will begin using Mailman instead of Majordomo
+for its list processing. This move should be seamless with no downtime.
+We have set up a test server and would greatly appreciate your feedback.
+Specifically, we'd like to know:
+- how well the Majordomo settings for your lists were translated into Mailman
+- whether Mailman works as you'd expect and, if not, what didn't work
+- any other thoughts, concerns, responses, etc you have
+The test server is at https://domain. You will encounter a
+browser warning about an "unsigned certificate". This is expected: please
+add an exception for the site. Once Mailman goes live, however, there will
+be a signed certificate in place and this issue will not exist.
+All of your Majordomo list settings were migrated onto the Mailman test server
+except for subscribers. We did not import subscribers so that you could test
+the email functionality of Mailman for your list. To do so, subscribe your
+email address to your list, and perhaps a few other people who might be
+interested in testing Mailman (fellow moderators?), and send off a few emails.
+The links to your specific Mailman lists are listed below. Please feel free
+to change anything you want: it is a test server, after all, and we'd love
+for you to thoroughly test Mailman. Anything you change, however, will not
+show up on the production server when it goes live. The production server
+will create your Majordomo lists in Mailman based on the Majordomo settings
+for your list on April 27, 2012.
+The password for these lists will be the same as the adminstrative password
+used on the Majordomo list. If you forgot that password, email
+email and we will reply with the owner information for
+your list, including passwords and a subset of the current list configuration.
+ } elsif ($section eq 'active') {
+ my $listTxt = join "\n",
+ map { "https://domain/mailman/listinfo/$_" }
+ sort @$lists;
+ return <<EOF;
+Here is the list of your active lists:
+ } elsif ($section eq 'inactive') {
+ my $listTxt = join "\n",
+ map { my $years = int($inactiveLists->{$_} / 365);
+ $years = $years == 1 ? "$years year" : "$years years";
+ my $days = $inactiveLists->{$_} % 365;
+ $days = $days == 1 ? "$days day" : "$days days";
+ "$_ (inactive $years, $days)" } sort @$lists;
+ return <<EOF;
+Here is the list of your inactive lists (no activity in the last 18 months):
+Lists with no activity within the last 18 months will not be migrated, and
+will be unavailable after the migration to Mailman.
+If you want to retain one of the lists detailed above, you can either send
+a message to the list (which will update its activity), or send an email
+to email with an explanation as to why this
+inactive list should be migrated and maintained.
+ } elsif ($section eq 'bottom') {
+ return <<EOF;
+We are continuing to develop documentation for Mailman, which you can access
+through the IT Web site. That documentation is still a work in progress;
+the final versions have yet to be published. User and administrator guides for
+Mailman can be found at http://it.uoregon.edu/mailman. We'll provide further
+UO-specific documentation as it becomes available.
+It is our intention that this transition proceed smoothly, with a minimum of
+disruption in services for you. Please report any problems or concerns to
+email, and we will address your concerns as quickly as
+ }
+# Parse all text configuration files for a Majordomo list and return that
+# info in the %config hash with fields as keys and field values
+# as hash values. Example: {'subscribe_policy' => 'open'}.
+# Note that every text configuration file is parsed, not just <listname>.config.
+# So, for example, <listname>.post is added to %config as
+# {'restrict_post_emails': 'email1,email2,...'}. The following files
+# are examined: listname, listname.info, listname.intro, listname.config,
+# listname.post, listname.moderator, listname-digest, listname-digest.config,
+# listname.closed, listname.private, listname.auto, listname.passwd,
+# listname.strip, and listname.hidden.
+sub getDomoConfig {
+ my ($listName, $listOwnerMap) = @_;
+ my $listPath = "$DOMO_LIST_DIR/$listName";
+ # All of these values come from <listname>.config unless a comment
+ # says otherwise.
+ my %config = (
+ 'admin_passwd' => '', # from the list config or passwd files
+ 'administrivia' => '',
+ 'advertise' => '',
+ 'aliases_owner' => $listOwnerMap->{$listName},
+ 'announcements' => 'yes',
+ 'approve_passwd' => '',
+ 'description' => "$listName Mailing List",
+ 'digest_subscribers' => '',
+ 'get_access' => '',
+ 'index_access' => '',
+ 'info_access' => '',
+ 'intro_access' => '',
+ 'info' => '', # from the <listname>.info file
+ 'intro' => '', # from the <listname>.intro file
+ 'list_name' => $listName,
+ 'message_footer' => '',
+ 'message_footer_digest' => '', # from the <listname>-digest.config file
+ 'message_fronter' => '',
+ 'message_fronter_digest' => '', # from the <listname>-digest.config file
+ 'message_headers' => '',
+ 'moderate' => 'no',
+ 'moderator' => '',
+ 'moderators' => '', # from the emails in <listname>.moderator
+ 'noadvertise' => '',
+ 'post_access' => '',
+ 'reply_to' => '',
+ 'resend_host' => '',
+ 'restrict_post' => '',
+ 'restrict_post_emails' => '', # from the emails in restrict_post files
+ 'strip' => '',
+ 'subject_prefix' => '',
+ 'subscribe_policy' => '',
+ 'subscribers' => '', # from the emails in the <listname> file
+ 'taboo_body' => '',
+ 'taboo_headers' => '',
+ 'unsubscribe_policy' => '',
+ 'welcome' => 'yes',
+ 'which_access' => '',
+ 'who_access' => '',
+ );
+ # Parse <listname>.config for list configuration options
+ my $configPath = "$listPath.config";
+ open CONFIG, $configPath or $log->die("Can't open $configPath: $!");
+ while (my $line = <CONFIG>) {
+ # Pull out the config field and its value.
+ if ($line =~ /^\s*([^#\s]+)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/) {
+ my ($option, $value) = ($1, $2);
+ $config{$option} = $value;
+ # Some config option values span multiple lines.
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^\s*([^#\s]+)\s*<<\s*(\b\S+\b)\s*$/) {
+ my ($option, $heredocTag) = ($1, $2);
+ while (my $line = <CONFIG>) {
+ last if $line =~ /^$heredocTag\s*$/;
+ $config{$option} .= $line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Parse <listname> for subscribers
+ my @subscribers = getFileEmails($listPath);
+ $config{'subscribers'} = join ',', @subscribers;
+ # Parse <listname>-digest for digest subscribers
+ my @digestSubscribers = getFileEmails("$listPath-digest");
+ $config{'digest_subscribers'} = join ',', @digestSubscribers;
+ # Parse filenames listed in restrict_post for emails with post permissions
+ if ($config{'restrict_post'}) {
+ my @postPermissions = ();
+ for my $restrictPostFilename (split /[\s:]/, $config{'restrict_post'}) {
+ # No need to be explicit in Mailman about letting members post to the
+ # list because it is the default behavior.
+ if ($restrictPostFilename eq $listName) {
+ next;
+ }
+ # If posting is restricted to another list, use Mailman's shortcut
+ # reference of '@<listname>' instead of adding those emails
+ # individually.
+ if ($restrictPostFilename !~ /\-digest$/ and
+ exists $listOwnerMap->{$restrictPostFilename}) {
+ $log->info("Adding '\@$restrictPostFilename' shortcut list " .
+ "reference to restrict_post_emails...");
+ push @postPermissions, "\@$restrictPostFilename";
+ } else {
+ my @emails = getFileEmails("$DOMO_LIST_DIR/$restrictPostFilename");
+ if (@emails) {
+ push @postPermissions, @emails;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $config{'restrict_post_emails'} =
+ "'" . (join "','", @postPermissions) . "'";
+ } else {
+ # If restrict_post is empty, then anyone can post to it. This can be set
+ # in Mailman with a regex that matches everything. Mailman requires
+ # regexes in the accept_these_nonmembers field to begin with a caret.
+ # TODO: test this setting!
+ $config{'restrict_post_emails'} = "'^.*'";
+ }
+ # Parse <listname>.moderator for moderators
+ my @moderators = getFileEmails("$listPath.moderator");
+ if (defined $config{'moderator'} and $config{'moderator'} and
+ not $config{'moderator'} ~~ @moderators) {
+ push @moderators, $config{'moderator'};
+ }
+ if (@moderators) {
+ $config{'moderators'} = "'" . (join "', '", @moderators) . "'";
+ }
+ $config{'info'} = getFileTxt("$listPath.info", ('skip_dates' => 1));
+ $config{'intro'} = getFileTxt("$listPath.intro", ('skip_dates' => 1));
+ #
+ # Overwrite some config values if legacy files/settings exist.
+ #
+ if (-e "$listPath.private") {
+ for my $option (qw/get_access index_access which_access who_access/) {
+ $config{$option} = "closed";
+ }
+ }
+ if (-e "$listPath.closed") {
+ $config{'subscribe_policy'} = "closed";
+ $config{'unsubscribe_policy'} = "closed";
+ if (-e "$listPath.auto") {
+ $log->warning("$listName.auto and $listName.closed exist. Setting " .
+ "the list as closed.");
+ }
+ } elsif (-e "$listPath.auto") {
+ $config{'subscribe_policy'} = "auto";
+ $config{'unsubscribe_policy'} = "auto";
+ }
+ $config{'strip'} = 1 if -e "$listPath.strip";
+ $config{'noadvertise'} = '/.*/' if -e "$listPath.hidden";
+ # Password precedence:
+ # (1) $DOMO_LIST_DIR/$config{(admin|approve)_passwd} file
+ # (2) The (admin|approve)_passwd value itself in <listname>.config
+ # (3) <listname>.passwd file
+ for my $passwdOption (qw/admin_passwd approve_passwd/) {
+ my $passwdFile = "$DOMO_LIST_DIR/$config{$passwdOption}";
+ if (-e $passwdFile) {
+ $config{$passwdOption} = getFileTxt($passwdFile,
+ ('first_line_only' => 1));
+ } elsif (not $config{$passwdOption} and -e "$listPath.passwd") {
+ $config{$passwdOption} = getFileTxt("$listPath.passwd",
+ ('first_line_only' => 1));
+ }
+ }
+ # admin_password is required to non-interactively run Mailman's bin/newlist.
+ if (not $config{'admin_passwd'}) {
+ $log->warning("No admin_passwd or $listName.passwd file. Skipping...");
+ $domoStats->{'general_stats'}->{'Lists without admin_passwd'} += 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ # Munge Majordomo text that references Majordomo-specific commands, etc
+ for my $field (qw/info intro message_footer message_fronter
+ message_headers/) {
+ # Convert references from the majordomo@ admin email to the Mailman one.
+ $config{$field} =~ s/majordomo\@/$listName-request\@/mgi;
+ # Change owner-<listname>@... to <listname>-owner@...
+ $config{$field} =~ s/owner-$listName\@/$listName-owner\@/mgi;
+ # Remove the mailing list name from the Majordomo commands.
+ $config{$field} =~
+ s/(subscribe|unsubscribe)\s*$listName(\-digest)?/$1/mgi;
+ # Remove the "end" on a single line listed after all Majordomo commands.
+ $config{$field} =~ s/(\s+)end(\s+|\s*\n|$)/$1 $2/mgi;
+ }
+ $log->debug("Majordomo config for list $listName:\n" . dump(\%config) .
+ "\n");
+ return %config;
+# Create and return a hash of Mailman configuration options and values.
+# The hash is initialized to the most common default values and then modified
+# based on the Majordomo list configuration.
+# **** The following Majordomo configuration options are not imported. ****
+# archive_dir - dead option in Majordomo, so safe to ignore.
+# comments - notes section for list admin; safe to ignore.
+# date_info - puts a datetime header at top of info file; very safe to ignore.
+# date_intro - puts a datetime header at top of intro file; very safe to ignore.
+# debug - only useful for the Majordomo admin; very safe to ignore.
+# digest_* - digest options don't match up well in Mailman; semi-safe to ignore.
+# get_access - who can retrieve files from archives. Safe to ignore because the
+# "index_access" is consulted to determine archive access.
+# message_headers - email headers. Not in Mailman, and probably important for
+# some lists.
+# mungedomain - not recommended to be set in Majordomo, so safe to ignore.
+# precedence - mailman handles precedence internally, so safe to ignore.
+# purge_received - majordomo recommends not setting this, so safe to ignore.
+# resend_host - system setting that never changes, so safe to ignore.
+# sender - system setting that never changes, so safe to ignore.
+# strip - whether to strip everything but the email address. Not in Mailman.
+# taboo_body - message body filtering; roughly used below. Not in Mailman.
+# which_access - get the lists an email is subscribed to. Not in Mailman.
+# Additionally, the message_fronter and message_footer of the digest version of
+# the list is not imported because of the difficulty in parsing and translating
+# that text and because Mailman by default includes its own message header.
+sub getMailmanConfig {
+ my (%domoConfig) = @_;
+ my $listName = $domoConfig{'list_name'};
+ # Set default Mailman list configuration values
+ my %mmConfig = (
+ 'accept_these_nonmembers' => "[$domoConfig{'restrict_post_emails'}]",
+ 'admin_immed_notify' => 1,
+ 'admin_notify_mchanges' =>
+ $domoConfig{'announcements'} =~ /y/i ? 1 : 0,
+ 'administrivia' => 'True',
+ 'advertised' => 1,
+ 'anonymous_list' => 'False',
+ 'from_is_list' => 'False',
+ # NOTE: some may wish to map some Majordomo setting, such as index_access
+ # to Mailman's archive. As is, all archiving is turned off for imported
+ # lists.
+ 'archive' => 'False', # This doesn't change below
+ 'archive_private' =>
+ $domoConfig{'index_access'} =~ /open/ ? 0 : 1,
+ 'bounce_processing' => 1, # This doesn't change below
+ 'default_member_moderation' => 0,
+ 'description' => "'''$domoConfig{'description'}'''",
+ 'digest_header' =>
+ "'''$domoConfig{'message_fronter_digest'}'''",
+ 'digest_footer' =>
+ "'''$domoConfig{'message_footer_digest'}'''",
+ 'digest_is_default' => 'False',
+ 'digestable' => 'True',
+ 'filter_content' => 'False',
+ 'forward_auto_discards' => 1, # This doesn't change below
+ 'generic_nonmember_action' => 3, # 3: discard
+ 'goodbye_msg' => '',
+ 'header_filter_rules' => '[]',
+ 'host_name' => "'$NEW_HOSTNAME'",
+ 'info' => '',
+ 'max_message_size' => 100, # KB (40 is Mailman's default)
+ 'moderator' => "[$domoConfig{'moderators'}]",
+ 'msg_header' => '',
+ 'msg_footer' => '',
+ 'nondigestable' => 1,
+ 'obscure_addresses' => 1, # This doesn't change below
+ 'owner' => "[$domoConfig{'aliases_owner'}]",
+ 'personalize' => 0,
+ 'preferred_language' => "'$LANGUAGE'",
+ 'private_roster' => 2, # 0: open; 1: members; 2: admin
+ 'real_name' => "'$listName'",
+ 'reply_goes_to_list' => 0, # 0: poster, 1: list, 2: address
+ 'reply_to_address' => '',
+ 'respond_to_post_requests' => 1,
+ 'send_reminders' => 'False',
+ 'send_welcome_msg' => $domoConfig{'welcome'} =~ /y/i ? 1 : 0,
+ 'subject_prefix' => "'$domoConfig{'subject_prefix'}'",
+ 'subscribe_policy' => 3, # 1: confirm; 3: confirm and approval
+ 'unsubscribe_policy' => 0, # 0: can unsubscribe; 1: can not
+ 'welcome_msg' => '',
+ );
+ # Majordomo's "who_access" => Mailman's "private_roster"
+ if ($domoConfig{'who_access'} =~ /list/i) {
+ $mmConfig{'private_roster'} = 1;
+ } elsif ($domoConfig{'who_access'} =~ /open/i) {
+ $mmConfig{'private_roster'} = 0;
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "administrivia" => Mailman's "administrivia"
+ if ($domoConfig{'administrivia'} =~ /no/i) {
+ $mmConfig{'administrivia'} = 'False';
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "resend_host" => Mailman's "host_name"
+ if ($domoConfig{'resend_host'} and not $NEW_HOSTNAME) {
+ $mmConfig{'host_name'} = "'$domoConfig{'resend_host'}'";
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "message_fronter" => Mailman's "msg_header"
+ # Majordomo's "message_footer" => Mailman's "msg_footer"
+ for my $fieldsArray (['message_fronter', 'msg_header'],
+ ['message_footer', 'msg_footer']) {
+ my ($domoOption, $mmOption) = @$fieldsArray;
+ if ($domoConfig{$domoOption}) {
+ $mmConfig{$mmOption} = "'''$domoConfig{$domoOption}'''";
+ }
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "maxlength" (# chars) => Mailman's "max_message_size" (KB)
+ if ($domoConfig{'maxlength'}) {
+ my $charsInOneKB = 500; # 1KB = 500 characters
+ $mmConfig{'max_message_size'} = $domoConfig{'maxlength'} / $charsInOneKB;
+ if ($mmConfig{'max_message_size'} > $MAX_MSG_SIZE) {
+ $mmConfig{'max_message_size'} = $MAX_MSG_SIZE;
+ }
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "taboo_headers" => Mailman's "header_filter_rules"
+ if ($domoConfig{'taboo_headers'}) {
+ my @rules = split /\n/, $domoConfig{'taboo_headers'};
+ $mmConfig{'header_filter_rules'} = "[('" . (join '\r\n', @rules) .
+ "', 3, False)]";
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "taboo_body" and "taboo_headers" => Mailman's "filter_content"
+ #
+ # NOTE: This is a very rough mapping. What we're doing here is turning on
+ # default content filtering in Mailman if there was *any* header or body
+ # filtering in Majordomo. The regexes in the taboo_* fields in Majordomo are
+ # too varied for pattern-parsing. This blunt method is a paranoid,
+ # conservative approach.
+ if ($domoConfig{'taboo_headers'} or $domoConfig{'taboo_body'}) {
+ $mmConfig{'filter_content'} = "True";
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "subscribe_policy" => Mailman's "subscribe_policy"
+ if ($domoConfig{'subscribe_policy'} =~ /open(\+confirm)?/i) {
+ $mmConfig{'subscribe_policy'} = 1;
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "unsubscribe_policy" => Mailman's "unsubscribe_policy"
+ if ($domoConfig{'unsubscribe_policy'} =~ /closed/i) {
+ $mmConfig{'unsubscribe_policy'} = 1;
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "moderate" => Mailman's "default_member_moderation"
+ if ($domoConfig{'moderate'} =~ /yes/i) {
+ $mmConfig{'default_member_moderation'} = 1;
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "advertise", "noadvertise", "intro_access", "info_access",
+ # and "subscribe_policy" => Mailman's "advertised"
+ #
+ # NOTE: '(no)?advertise' in Majordomo contain regexes, which would be
+ # difficult to parse accurately, so just be extra safe here by considering
+ # the existence of anything in '(no)?advertise' to mean that the list should
+ # be hidden. Also hide the list if intro_access, info_access, or
+ # subscribe_policy are at all locked down. This is an appropriate setting
+ # for organizations with sensitive data policies (e.g. SOX, FERPA, etc), but
+ # not ideal for open organizations with their Mailman instance hidden from
+ # the Internet.
+ if ($domoConfig{'advertise'} or
+ $domoConfig{'noadvertise'} or
+ $domoConfig{'intro_access'} =~ /(list|closed)/i or
+ $domoConfig{'info_access'} =~ /(list|closed)/i or
+ $domoConfig{'subscribe_policy'} =~ /close/i) {
+ $mmConfig{'advertised'} = 0;
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "reply_to" => Mailman's "reply_goes_to_list" and
+ # "reply_to_address"
+ if ($domoConfig{'reply_to'} =~ /\$sender/i) {
+ $mmConfig{'reply_goes_to_list'} = 0;
+ } elsif ($domoConfig{'reply_to'} =~ /(\$list|$listName@)/i) {
+ $domoConfig{'reply_to'} =~ /\$list/i or
+ $mmConfig{'reply_goes_to_list'} = 1;
+ } elsif ($domoConfig{'reply_to'} =~ /\s*[^@]+@[^@]+\s*/) {
+ $mmConfig{'reply_goes_to_list'} = 2;
+ $mmConfig{'reply_to_address'} = "'" . strip($domoConfig{'reply_to'}) .
+ "'";
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "subject_prefix" => Mailman's "subject_prefix"
+ if ($mmConfig{'subject_prefix'}) {
+ $mmConfig{'subject_prefix'} =~ s/\$list/$listName/i;
+ }
+ # Majordomo's "welcome to the list" message for new subscribers exists in
+ # <listname>.intro or <listname>.info. <listname>.intro takes precedence
+ # so this is checked first. If it doesn't exist, <listname>.info is used,
+ # if it exists.
+ if ($domoConfig{'intro'}) {
+ $mmConfig{'welcome_msg'} = "'''$domoConfig{'intro'}'''";
+ } elsif ($domoConfig{'info'}) {
+ $mmConfig{'welcome_msg'} = "'''$domoConfig{'info'}'''";
+ }
+ if ($domoConfig{'message_headers'}) {
+ $log->warning("List $listName has message_headers set in Majordomo, " .
+ "but they can't be imported.");
+ }
+ $log->debug("Mailman config for list $listName: " . dump(\%mmConfig) .
+ "\n");
+ return %mmConfig;
+# Call $MM_NEWLIST to create a new Mailman list.
+sub createMailmanList {
+ my ($listName, $ownerEmail, $listPassword) = @_;
+ # Any additional owners will be added when configureMailmanList() is called.
+ $ownerEmail = (split /,/, $ownerEmail)[0];
+ $ownerEmail =~ s/['"\[\]]//g;
+ my $cmd = "$MM_NEWLIST -l $LANGUAGE -q $listName $ownerEmail " .
+ "'$listPassword' >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1";
+ $log->debug("Calling $cmd...");
+ system($cmd) == 0 or $log->die("Command failed: $!");
+# Create a temporary file that contains a list's configuration values that have
+# been translated from Majordomo into Mailman's list template format.
+sub createMailmanConfigFile {
+ my ($domoApprovePasswd, %mmConfig) = @_;
+ my $configFh = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => ".mm.cfg", UNLINK => 0);
+ print $configFh "# coding: utf-8\n";
+ for my $cfgField (sort keys %mmConfig) {
+ if ($mmConfig{$cfgField}) {
+ print $configFh "$cfgField = $mmConfig{$cfgField}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ # The moderator password must be set with Python instead of a config setting.
+ if ($domoApprovePasswd) {
+ print $configFh <<END;
+from Mailman.Utils import sha_new
+mlist.mod_password = sha_new('$domoApprovePasswd').hexdigest()
+ }
+ return $configFh->filename;
+# Call $MM_CONFIGLIST to apply the just-created Mailman configuration options
+# file to a Mailman list.
+sub configureMailmanList {
+ my ($listName, $configFilePath) = @_;
+ # Redirect STDOUT/STDERR to the log file to hide the "attribute 'sha_new'
+ # ignored" message. This message occurs because Python code to set the
+ # moderator password exists at the bottom of the Mailman config file that
+ # this script created.
+ my $cmd = "$MM_CONFIGLIST -i $configFilePath $listName >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1";
+ $log->debug("Calling $cmd...");
+ system($cmd) == 0 or $log->die("Command failed: $!");
+# Create a temporary file with a single email address per line to be used later
+# on to subscribe these emails to a Mailman list.
+sub createMailmanMembersList {
+ my $membersString = shift;
+ if ($membersString) {
+ my $membersFh = File::Temp->new(SUFFIX => ".mm.members", UNLINK => 0);
+ for my $memberEmail (split ',', $membersString) {
+ print $membersFh strip($memberEmail) . "\n";
+ }
+ return $membersFh->filename;
+ }
+ return '';
+# Call $MM_ADDMEMBERS to subscribe email addresses to a Mailman list.
+sub addMembersToMailmanList {
+ my ($listName, $membersFilePath, $digestMembersFilePath) = @_;
+ my $cmd = "$MM_ADDMEMBERS -w n -a n";
+ $cmd .= " -r $membersFilePath" if $membersFilePath;
+ $cmd .= " -d $digestMembersFilePath" if $digestMembersFilePath;
+ $cmd .= " $listName >> $LOG_FILE";
+ $log->debug("Calling $cmd...");
+ system($cmd) == 0 or $log->die("Command failed: $!");
+# Take the passed in list's Majordomo config and append many of its values to
+# the global $domoStats hash ref.
+sub appendDomoStats {
+ my (%domoConfig) = @_;
+ my $listName = $domoConfig{'list_name'};
+ # Some fields are uninteresting or part of other fields (e.g. 'moderator'
+ # is in 'moderators').
+ my @skipFields = qw/archive_dir comments date_info date_intro date_post
+ list_name message_footer_digest message_fronter_digest
+ moderator restrict_post_emails/;
+ # Some fields are highly variable, so collapse them into 'has value' and
+ # 'no value' values.
+ my @yesNoFields = qw/admin_passwd advertise aliases_owner approve_passwd
+ bounce_text description info intro message_footer
+ message_fronter message_headers noadvertise
+ taboo_body taboo_headers/;
+ # Run through every Majordomo configuration field and count values.
+ for my $field (keys %domoConfig) {
+ # Standardize/tidy up the fields and their values.
+ $field = lc($field);
+ my $value = lc(strip($domoConfig{$field}));
+ # Skip unimportant fields
+ next if $field ~~ @skipFields;
+ # Handle all of the highly variable fields by collapsing their values into
+ # one of two choices: does the field have a value or not?
+ if ($field ~~ @yesNoFields) {
+ $value = $value ? 'has value' : 'no value';
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{$value} += 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ # Some fields are moderately variable, but they are important to know
+ # about. Handle those fields individually to provide more granular data.
+ if ($field eq 'restrict_post') {
+ for my $restriction (split /[\s:]/, $domoConfig{'restrict_post'}) {
+ if (strip($restriction) eq $listName) {
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'list'} += 1;
+ } elsif (strip($restriction) eq "$listName-digest") {
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'list-digest'} += 1;
+ } elsif (strip($restriction) eq "$listName.post") {
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'list.post'} += 1;
+ } else {
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'other'} += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ } elsif ($field eq 'sender') {
+ if (not $value) {
+ $value = 'no value';
+ } elsif ($value =~ /^owner-$listName/i) {
+ $value = 'owner-list';
+ } elsif ($value =~ /^owner-/ and $value !~ /@/) {
+ $value = 'owner of another list';
+ } else {
+ $value = 'other';
+ }
+ } elsif ($field eq 'subject_prefix' or $field eq 'digest_name') {
+ if (not $value) {
+ $value = 'no value';
+ } elsif ($value =~ /^\s*(\$list|\W*$listName\W*)/i) {
+ $value = 'list';
+ } else {
+ $value = 'other';
+ }
+ } elsif ($field eq 'reply_to') {
+ if (not $value) {
+ $value = 'no value';
+ } elsif ($value =~ /\$(list|sender)/i) {
+ $value = $1;
+ } elsif ($value =~ /^$listName(-list)?/) {
+ $value = 'list';
+ } else {
+ $value = 'other';
+ }
+ } elsif ($field =~ /^(subscribers|digest_subscribers|moderators)/) {
+ my $count = () = split /,/, $value, -1;
+ if (not $count) {
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'0'} += 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'2000+'} += 1 if $count >= 2000;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'1000-2000'} += 1 if $count >= 1000 and $count < 2000;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'500-999'} += 1 if $count >= 500 and $count < 1000;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'101-500'} += 1 if $count <= 500 and
+ $count > 100;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'26-100'} += 1 if $count <= 100 and $count > 25;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'6-25'} += 1 if $count <= 25 and $count > 5;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'1-5'} += 1 if $count < 5;
+ $domoStats->{'general_stats'}->{'Total subscribers'} += $count;
+ next;
+ } elsif ($field eq 'maxlength') {
+ $value = 0 if not $value;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'1,000,000+'} += 1 if $value > 1000000;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'100,000-999,999'} += 1 if $value >= 100000 and
+ $value < 1000000;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'50,000-99,999'} += 1 if $value >= 50000 and
+ $value < 100000;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{'0-49,999'} += 1 if $value < 50000;
+ next;
+ }
+ $value = 'no value' if not $value;
+ $domoStats->{$field}->{$value} += 1;
+ }
+ $domoStats->{'general_stats'}->{'Total lists'} += 1;
+sub printStats {
+ if (not %$domoStats) {
+ print "No stats were generated.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ print <<END;
+| Majordomo Stats |
+Total Lists: $domoStats->{'general_stats'}->{'Total lists'}
+Config Options
+ for my $option (sort keys %$domoStats) {
+ next if $option eq 'general_stats';
+ print " * $option: ";
+ for my $value (sort { $domoStats->{$option}->{$b} <=>
+ $domoStats->{$option}->{$a} }
+ keys %{$domoStats->{$option}}) {
+ print "$value ($domoStats->{$option}->{$value}), ";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+ if ($domoStats and
+ exists $domoStats->{'general_stats'} and
+ defined $domoStats->{'general_stats'} and
+ keys %{$domoStats->{'general_stats'}}) {
+ print "\nImportant Information" .
+ "\n---------------------\n";
+ for my $field (sort keys %{$domoStats->{'general_stats'}}) {
+ next if $field eq 'Total lists';
+ print " * $field: $domoStats->{'general_stats'}->{$field}\n";
+ }
+ print "\n";
+ }
+# Utility functions
+# Print the help menu to screen and exit.
+sub help {
+ print <<EOF
+ Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [--loglevel=LEVEL] [--stats]
+ [--list=NAME] [--all] [--subscribers]
+ Examples:
+ # Print stats about your Majordomo lists
+ ./$SCRIPT_NAME --stats
+ # Verbosely import the 'law-school' mailing list and its subscribers
+ ./$SCRIPT_NAME --loglevel=debug --list=law-school --subscribers
+ # Import all Majordomo lists and their subscribers
+ ./$SCRIPT_NAME --all --subscribers
+ Options:
+ --all Import all Majordomo lists
+ --list=NAME Import a single list
+ --subscribers Import subscribers in addition to creating the list
+ --stats Print some stats about your Majordomo lists
+ --email-notify Email Majordomo list owners about the upcoming migration
+ --email-test Email Majordomo list owners with link to test server
+ --loglevel Set STDOUT log level.
+ Possible values: debug, info, notice, warning, error
+ Note: All log entries still get written to the log file.
+ --help Print this screen
+ exit;
+# Slurp a file into a variable, optionally skipping the Majordomo datetime
+# header or only grabbing the first line.
+sub getFileTxt {
+ my $filePath = shift;
+ my %args = (
+ 'skip_dates' => 0,
+ 'first_line_only' => 0,
+ @_
+ );
+ my $fileTxt = '';
+ if (-e $filePath) {
+ open FILE, $filePath or $log->die("Can't open $filePath: $!");
+ while (my $line = <FILE>) {
+ next if $args{'skip_dates'} and $line =~ /^\s*\[Last updated on:/;
+ $fileTxt .= $line;
+ if ($args{'first_line_only'}) {
+ $fileTxt = strip($fileTxt);
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close FILE or $log->die("Can't close $filePath: $!");
+ }
+ return $fileTxt;
+# Given a text file, extract one email per line. Return these emails in a hash.
+sub getFileEmails {
+ my $filePath = shift;
+ my %emails = ();
+ if (-e $filePath) {
+ open FILE, $filePath or $log->die("Can't open $filePath: $!");
+ while (my $line = <FILE>) {
+ if ($line =~ /^#/) {
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($line =~ /\b([A-Za-z0-9._-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4})\b/) {
+ $emails{lc($1)} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close FILE or $log->die("Can't close $filePath: $!");
+ }
+ return keys %emails;
+# Undo any side-effects of this script (e.g. temporary files, permissions, etc).
+sub cleanUp {
+ # Delete temporary config files.
+ $log->debug("Deleting $TMP_DIR/*.mm.* files...");
+ opendir DIR, $TMP_DIR or $log->die("Can't open dir $TMP_DIR: $!");
+ my @tmpFiles = grep { /\.mm\.[a-z]+$/i } readdir DIR;
+ closedir DIR or $log->die("Can't close dir $TMP_DIR: $!");
+ for my $tmpFile (@tmpFiles) {
+ unlink "$TMP_DIR/$tmpFile";
+ }
+ # Fix permissions of newly created Mailman list files.
+ my $cmd = "$MM_CHECK_PERMS -f >> $LOG_FILE 2>&1";
+ $log->debug("Calling $cmd...");
+ system($cmd) == 0 or $log->die("Command failed: $!");
+ $log->debug("Calling $cmd again for good measure...");
+ system($cmd) == 0 or $log->die("Command failed: $!");
+# Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
+sub strip {
+ my $string = shift || '';
+ my $args = shift;
+ $string =~ s/(^\s*|\s*$)//g;
+ if (exists $args->{'full'}) {
+ $string =~ s/(^['"]+|['"]+$)//g;
+ }
+ return $string;
diff --git a/contrib/majordomo2mailman.pl b/contrib/majordomo2mailman.pl
index c874862e..770dc575 100644
--- a/contrib/majordomo2mailman.pl
+++ b/contrib/majordomo2mailman.pl
@@ -480,6 +480,7 @@ sub init_defaultmmconf {
'max_num_recipients', "10",
'forbidden_posters', "[]",
'bounce_matching_headers', "\"\"\"\n\"\"\"\n",
+ 'from_is_list', "0",
'anonymous_list', "0",
'nondigestable', "1",
'digestable', "1",
diff --git a/contrib/mmdsr b/contrib/mmdsr
index 1097722c..8cbe55cb 100644
--- a/contrib/mmdsr
+++ b/contrib/mmdsr
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
# Version history
-# 0.0.1 Initial creation by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.1 Initial creation by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Created on: Tue Feb 15 04:01:20 PST 2005
-# 0.0.2 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.2 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Wed Feb 16 18:55:52 CET 2005
# Feedback from Tom G. Christensen (tgc99):
# > The current UID grab command doesn't work on Solaris
@@ -53,48 +53,48 @@
# > This is tested and works on RH 6.2, RH 7.3, RHEL 2.1,
# > RHEL3, FC3, FreeBSD 4.9, Solaris 2.6, 8.
-# 0.0.3 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.3 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Sun Mar 13 01:15:24 CET 2005
# Noted errors from grep when trying to search a nonexistant
# file. Added "-s" option to compensate, and extra code to
# notify the admin if the log file doesn't exist.
-# 0.0.4 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.4 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Sun Mar 13 01:58:37 CET 2005
# Eliminate some extra cruft from the "fromusenet" logs.
-# 0.0.5 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.5 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Wed Apr 13 00:54:42 CEST 2005
# Eliminate a lot of extra cruft from the "error" & "vette" logs.
# Eliminate more cruft from the "fromusenet" logs.
-# 0.0.6 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.6 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Thu Apr 14 03:07:08 CEST 2005
# Eliminate even more cruft from the "fromusenet" logs.
# Eliminate more cruft from the "vette" logs.
# Eliminate cruft from the "mischief" logs.
-# 0.0.7 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.7 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Sun May 1 22:29:13 CEST 2005 [guess]
# The "error" log "no such list" errors didn't need to be
# quite so "compressed", open them up to be more readable.
# Also eliminate all use of "xargs", use "fmt -w 75" instead.
-# 0.0.8 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.8 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Sun May 1 23:09:13 CEST 2005
# Clean up code for queue subdirectories to check.
-# 0.0.9 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.9 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Wed May 11 01:23:40 CEST 2005
# Eliminate date/time stamps from the rest of the logs,
# then pipe through `sort | uniq -c | sort -nr`
# so that all possible duplicates are eliminated.
-# 0.0.10 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.10 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Tue Jul 12 16:53:49 CDT 2005
# Add code to do summary of normal list activity
-# 0.0.11 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.11 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Tue Sep 6 15:44:19 CEST 2005
# Tweaked display of Mailman/qfiles subdirectories
# so as to avoid displaying more than $MAX_LINES
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
# Also slightly tweaked display of fromusenet logs
# to split summary from errors.
-# 0.0.12 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.12 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Thu Sep 22 22:37:35 CEST 2005
# Bugs found by Mark Sapiro and Adrian Wells.
# Mark suggested splitting the Mailman log directory
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
# change between Mailman 2.1.5 and 2.1.6, which broke
# hourly statistics.
-# 0.0.13 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.13 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Mon Dec 26 05:54:27 CET 2005
# Bugs found by Tom G. Christensen (tgc99):
# > ps output on solaris is full of whitespace but a further
@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@
# > individually under "Other Errors:". The following patch
# > (watch out for wrapped lines) summarizes them by list instead.
-# 0.0.14 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.14 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Thu Dec 29 08:17:38 CET 2005
# Added code to check /usr/local/mailman/data for
# moderation hold queue
-# 0.0.15 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.15 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Thu Jan 26 02:39:38 CET 2006
# Tweaked display of summary data in the "smtp-failure" log,
# and "other" category in the "vette" log, so as to reduce
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
# the files in the middle if there are too many -- now we
# know how many are being skipped.
-# 0.0.16 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org>
+# 0.0.16 Update by Brad Knowles <brad@shub-internet.org>
# Updated on: Sun Jan 29 11:45:58 CET 2006
# Mark found a couple of typos that I somehow let slip
# through. Thanks!
@@ -176,6 +176,32 @@
# 0.0.21 Update by Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net>
# Updated on: Sun Sep 27 12:45:44 PDT 2009
# Refactored to use mktemp to create temp files
+# 0.0.22 Update by Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net>
+# Updated on: Fri Mar 21 19:47:19 PDT 2014
+# Updated the "No such list" error report to include the newly
+# added name of the CGI module.
+# 0.0.23 Update by Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net>
+# Updated on: Sat Jul 25 07:52:55 PDT 2015
+# Updated "Login failure with private rosters" report to
+# account for newly added IP in log message.
+# 0.0.24 Update by Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net>
+# Updated on: Thu Oct 1 15:15:39 PDT 2015
+# Report vette log held and banned subscriptions as their
+# own categories instead of in other errors.
+# Replaced s/\+\d+@/+<digits>@/ in vette log
+# banned subscription messages due to flood of such.
+# 0.0.25 Update by Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net>
+# Updated on: Sun Jan 31 07:13:47 PST 2016
+# Report vette log DMARC lookups as their own
+# category instead of in other errors.
+# 0.0.26 Update by Mark Sapiro <mark@msapiro.net>
+# Updated on: Sat Feb 20 21:17:14 PST 2016
+# Properly display No such list names that contain ".
# Set up locations of standard commands, directories, etc....
@@ -426,7 +452,7 @@ do
echo "" >> $TMP
echo "No Such List:" >> $TMP
echo "------------------------------" >> $TMP
- $GREP 'No such list' $TMPLOG | $SED -e 's/^.* "//' -e 's/".*$//' | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT -nr >> $TMP
+ $GREP 'No such list' $TMPLOG | $SED -e 's/^[^)]*) //' -e 's/No such list "//' -e 's/"[^"]*$//' | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT -nr >> $TMP
CNT=`$GREP -i 'shunting' $TMPLOG | $WC -l`
if [ "${CNT}x" != "x" ] ; then
@@ -451,7 +477,7 @@ do
echo "" >> $TMP
echo "Login failure with private rosters (by user):" >> $TMP
echo "------------------------------" >> $TMP
- $GREP -i 'Login failure with private rosters' $TMPLOG | $AWK '{ print $NF }' | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT -nr >> $TMP
+ $GREP -i 'Login failure with private rosters' $TMPLOG | $AWK '{ print $(NF-2) " " $(NF-1) " " $NF }' | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT -nr >> $TMP
echo "" >> $TMP
echo "Unsub attempt of non-member (by user):" >> $TMP
@@ -510,9 +536,24 @@ do
$GREP -i 'Post to moderated list' $TMPLOG | $AWK '{ print $6 }' | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT -nr >> $TMP
echo "" >> $TMP
+ echo "Held Subscriptions" >> $TMP
+ echo "------------------------------" >> $TMP
+ $GREP -i 'held subscription request' $TMPLOG | $AWK '{ print $6 " " $11 }' | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT -nr >> $TMP
+ echo "" >> $TMP
+ echo "Banned Subscriptions" >> $TMP
+ echo "------------------------------" >> $TMP
+ $GREP -i 'banned subscription' $TMPLOG | $AWK '{ print $6 " " $9 }' | $SED -e 's/\+[0-9][0-9]*@/+<digits>@/' | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT -nr >> $TMP
+ echo "" >> $TMP
+ echo "DMARC lookups" >> $TMP
+ echo "------------------------------" >> $TMP
+ $GREP -i "DMARC lookup for" $TMPLOG | $AWK '{ print $6 " " $10 " " $13 }' | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT -nr >> $TMP
+ echo "" >> $TMP
echo "Other Errors:" >> $TMP
echo "------------------------------" >> $TMP
- $EGREP -vi '(Post by non-member|suspicious header|message approved|Discarded posting|bulk message discarded|junk message discarded|Message has implicit destination|Posting to a moderated newsgroup|Post to moderated list|Message discarded, msgid)' $TMPLOG | $SED -e 's/^.* ([0-9]*) //' -e 's/, message-id=<[^> ]*>:/:/' | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT -nr >> $TMP
+ $EGREP -vi '(Post by non-member|suspicious header|message approved|Discarded posting|bulk message discarded|junk message discarded|Message has implicit destination|Posting to a moderated newsgroup|Post to moderated list|Message discarded, msgid|held subscription request|banned subscription|dmarc lookup for)' $TMPLOG | $SED -e 's/^.* ([0-9]*) //' -e 's/, message-id=<[^> ]*>:/:/' | $SORT | $UNIQ -c | $SORT -nr >> $TMP
elif [ "${LOG}" = "smtp-failure" ] ; then
diff --git a/contrib/post_count b/contrib/post_count
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..c0aa446c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/post_count
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Show how much email sent through a mailman mail list
+# Copyright (c) Alain Williams <addw@phcomp.co.uk> January 2009
+# This program is free software and is licenced under the GPL: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
+# Set the path to Mailman's private archives directory.
+# Adjust for your installation.
+if [ "$1x" == "x" ] ; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <list-name>"
+ exit
+cd $ARCHIVES/$1 || exit
+echo "Columns: month number-of-messages total-message-size"
+Months="January February March April May June July August September October November December"
+# Work out starting year, look for something like: 2004-December
+startYear=$( ls -d [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-* | sort | sed s/-.*// | head -1 )
+endYear=$( date '+%Y' )
+for year in $( seq $startYear $endYear )
+do echo "Year $year"
+ YearTot=0
+ for month in $Months
+ do
+ [[ ! -d $year-$month ]] && printf "$year $month\tnone\n" && continue
+ cd $year-$month || exit
+ files=$( ls -f [0-9]* | wc -l )
+ (( FilesTot += files ))
+ (( YearTot += files ))
+ printf "$year $month\t$files\t$( du -h | cut -f 1 )\n"
+ cd .. || exit
+ done
+ echo "Total for year $year: $YearTot"
+echo "Emails total $FilesTot"
diff --git a/contrib/qmail-to-mailman.py b/contrib/qmail-to-mailman.py
index 3e4e19d5..8c95a1d3 100644
--- a/contrib/qmail-to-mailman.py
+++ b/contrib/qmail-to-mailman.py
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ def main():
local = string.lower(local)
- local = re.sub("^mailman-","",local)
+ user = os.environ.get('USER', 'mailman')
+ local = re.sub('^%s-' % user, '', local)
names = ("root", "postmaster", "mailer-daemon", "mailman-owner", "owner",
@@ -77,10 +78,15 @@ def main():
type = "post"
types = (("-admin$", "bounces"),
("-bounces$", "bounces"),
+ ("-bounces[-+].*$", "bounces"),
+ ("-confirm$", "confirm"),
+ ("-confirm[-+].*$", "confirm"),
("-join$", "join"),
("-leave$", "leave"),
("-owner$", "owner"),
- ("-request$", "request"))
+ ("-request$", "request"),
+ ("-subscribe$", "subscribe"),
+ ("-unsubscribe$", "unsubscribe"))
for i in types:
if re.search(i[0],local):