path: root/admin/www/mailman-admin/node16.html
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+<title>3.2 The Passwords Category</title>
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+<H2><A NAME="SECTION002320000000000000000">
+3.2 The Passwords Category</A>
+As mentioned above, there are two primary administrative roles for
+mailing lists. In this category you can specify the password for
+these roles.
+The list owner has total control over the configuration of their
+mailing list (within some bounds as specified by the site
+administrator). Note that on this page, for historical reasons, the
+list owner role is described here as the <i>list administrator</i>.
+You can set the list owner's password by entering it in the password
+field on the left. You must type it twice for confirmation. Note
+that if you forget this password, the only way for you to get back
+into your list's administrative pages is to ask the site administrator
+to reset it for you (there's no password reminders for list owners).
+If you want to delegate list moderation to someone else, you can enter
+a different moderator password in the field on the right (typed twice
+for confirmation). Note that if you aren't going to delegate
+moderation, and the same people are going to both configure the list
+and moderate postings to the list, don't enter anything into the
+moderator password fields. If you do enter a separate moderator
+password, be sure to fill in the <code>moderator</code> variable in the
+<i>General options</i> category page.
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+<b class="navlabel">Previous:</b> <a class="sectref" HREF="node15.html">3.1.5 Additional settings</A>
+<b class="navlabel">Up:</b> <a class="sectref" HREF="node9.html">3 The List Configuration</A>
+<b class="navlabel">Next:</b> <a class="sectref" HREF="node17.html">3.3 The Language Options</A>
+<span class="release-info">Release 2.1, documentation updated on October 2, 2004.</span>
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