path: root/README-I18N.en
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1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README-I18N.en b/README-I18N.en
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index 00000000..59b20965
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README-I18N.en
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+Mailman - The GNU Mailing List Management System
+Copyright (C) 2001,2002 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
+ Mailman 2.1 is multilingual. By default it supports English, but
+ additional languages may also be available. If the language you
+ want to add is already supported by Mailman, then getting all your
+ lists to also support that language is fairly easy. You just need
+ to go to the administrative web pages, click on the "Languages"
+ category, and select the languages you want your list to support.
+ If the language you want to use has not been previously
+ translated, or you don't know where to find the language pack for
+ your language, read the section below or contact the Mailman
+ internationalization mailing list mailman-i18n@python.org.
+ Suppose you want to add new translations for a previously
+ unsupported language, what steps would you need to take?
+ First, you should send a message to mailman-i18n@python.org to
+ make sure nobody has already created the translations for your
+ language. In the example below, we're going to create a
+ translation for the mythical language "Fredonia" which has the
+ official language code of "xx".
+ You should also see
+ http://www.list.org/MM21/i18n.html
+ for more information on internationalizing Mailman.
+ In general you need to do two things to add translations for a
+ language in Mailman. You need to translate the message catalog
+ and you need to translate the templates.
+ To translate the message catalog, grab the file
+ messages/mailman.pot and make a copy called mailman.po in the
+ subdirectory messages/xx/LC_MESSAGES. Then you edit the file and
+ add the translations for each message identified in the catalog.
+ It will be very helpful to have a good tool, such as KDE's KBabel
+ tool, or po-mode for Emacs, for this part of the job.
+ Once you've added your translations, you can then run msgfmt over
+ your .po file to generate messages/xx/LC_MESSAGE/mailman.mo.
+ Next, create the subdirectory templates/xx and translate each of
+ the files in templates/en/*.{html,txt}. These you should also
+ donate back to the Mailman project.
+ To make Mailman and your lists aware of the new language, follow
+ the directions in the section above.
+ Q: If your language uses non-ASCII characters, such as the cedilla in
+ French, how should you add these to the catalogs and templates?
+ A: For any message that is destined for the web interface, use an
+ HTML entity reference where appropriate. For messages destined
+ for email, you should use the non-ASCII characters explicitly.
+ This includes both for the message catalog and the templates.
+ As Mailman development continues, new updated catalogs
+ (i.e. mailman.pot files) will be made available. As mailman.pot
+ changes, the individual language catalogs
+ (i.e. xx/LC_MESSAGES/mailman.po files) need to be updated as well.
+ In general, I as the Mailman maintainer will merge the new
+ catalogs with the individual language catalogs, and commit the
+ updates to CVS. Translators should grab the new mailman.po files
+ from CVS and update the translated messages. They should also
+ update the template translations.
+ For best results, you will probably want to keep current on
+ changes to Mailman 2.1 in the CVS. As Mailman 2.1 moves towards
+ final release, the catalogs and templates should start to
+ stabilize. Alternatively, occasionally I will make new English
+ language packs available on SourceForge, and you can use these to
+ create your translations.
+ We'd really appreciate it if you donate your translations back to
+ the Mailman project, so that others can benefit from your effort.
+ You'll get credit of course, in the Mailman documentation. Here
+ are the steps to donate your translations, either the first time
+ or subsequent updates.
+ The best thing to do is to send me <barry@python.org> a "tarball",
+ i.e. a gzip'd tarfile, that can be unpacked in the top level
+ directory of the Mailman CVS tree. This would be the directory
+ containing this README-I18N.en file.
+ Your tarball should contain two directories, where your donated
+ language is `xx':
+ templates/xx
+ messages/xx
+ In templates/xx there should be the translated templates, all the
+ .txt and .html files, for your language, mirroring those in the
+ English template directory (always the master copy).
+ In messages/xx you should have a single directory LC_MESSAGES, and
+ in that directory a file called mailman.po, which is the human
+ readable catalog for your language. Do not send me the mailman.mo
+ file, since I'll recreate it on my end, and that'll save on the
+ size of the tarball.
+ That's basically it. If you need to include a README, please call
+ it README.xx and put it in the messages/xx directory. README.xx
+ can be in your native language.
+ You can email the tarball to me, and if this is the first
+ installation of the language, please tell me what the
+ add_language() call in Defaults.py.in should be for your
+ language.
+ As of this writing (23-Dec-2002), Mailman 2.1 supports the
+ following languages out of the box:
+ - Czech
+ - Chinese (Simplified and Traditional)
+ - Dutch
+ - English
+ - Estonian
+ - Finnish
+ - French
+ - German
+ - Hungarian
+ - Italian
+ - Japanese
+ - Korean
+ - Lithuanian
+ - Spanish
+ - Swedish
+ - Norwegian
+ - Portuguese (Brazil)
+ - Russian
+ We've also had volunteers for these languages, although they
+ aren't yet integrated into the code base:
+ - Catalan
+ - Polish
+Local Variables:
+mode: text
+indent-tabs-mode: nil