path: root/Mailman/MailList.py
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diff --git a/Mailman/MailList.py b/Mailman/MailList.py
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+# Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+"""The class representing a Mailman mailing list.
+Mixes in many task-specific classes.
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+import marshal
+import errno
+import re
+import shutil
+import socket
+import urllib
+import cPickle
+from cStringIO import StringIO
+from UserDict import UserDict
+from urlparse import urlparse
+from types import *
+import email.Iterators
+from email.Utils import getaddresses, formataddr, parseaddr
+from Mailman import mm_cfg
+from Mailman import Utils
+from Mailman import Errors
+from Mailman import LockFile
+from Mailman.UserDesc import UserDesc
+# base classes
+from Mailman.Archiver import Archiver
+from Mailman.Autoresponder import Autoresponder
+from Mailman.Bouncer import Bouncer
+from Mailman.Deliverer import Deliverer
+from Mailman.Digester import Digester
+from Mailman.GatewayManager import GatewayManager
+from Mailman.HTMLFormatter import HTMLFormatter
+from Mailman.ListAdmin import ListAdmin
+from Mailman.SecurityManager import SecurityManager
+from Mailman.TopicMgr import TopicMgr
+# gui components package
+from Mailman import Gui
+# other useful classes
+from Mailman import MemberAdaptor
+from Mailman.OldStyleMemberships import OldStyleMemberships
+from Mailman import Message
+from Mailman import Pending
+from Mailman import Site
+from Mailman.i18n import _
+from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
+# Use mixins here just to avoid having any one chunk be too large.
+class MailList(HTMLFormatter, Deliverer, ListAdmin,
+ Archiver, Digester, SecurityManager, Bouncer, GatewayManager,
+ Autoresponder, TopicMgr):
+ #
+ # A MailList object's basic Python object model support
+ #
+ def __init__(self, name=None, lock=1):
+ # No timeout by default. If you want to timeout, open the list
+ # unlocked, then lock explicitly.
+ #
+ # Only one level of mixin inheritance allowed
+ for baseclass in self.__class__.__bases__:
+ if hasattr(baseclass, '__init__'):
+ baseclass.__init__(self)
+ # Initialize volatile attributes
+ self.InitTempVars(name)
+ # Default membership adaptor class
+ self._memberadaptor = OldStyleMemberships(self)
+ if name:
+ if lock:
+ # This will load the database.
+ self.Lock()
+ else:
+ self.Load()
+ # This extension mechanism allows list-specific overrides of any
+ # method (well, except __init__(), InitTempVars(), and InitVars()
+ # I think).
+ filename = os.path.join(self.fullpath(), 'extend.py')
+ dict = {}
+ try:
+ execfile(filename, dict)
+ except IOError, e:
+ if e.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise
+ else:
+ func = dict.get('extend')
+ if func:
+ func(self)
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ # Because we're using delegation, we want to be sure that attribute
+ # access to a delegated member function gets passed to the
+ # sub-objects. This of course imposes a specific name resolution
+ # order.
+ try:
+ return getattr(self._memberadaptor, name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ for guicomponent in self._gui:
+ try:
+ return getattr(guicomponent, name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.Locked():
+ status = '(locked)'
+ else:
+ status = '(unlocked)'
+ return '<mailing list "%s" %s at %x>' % (
+ self.internal_name(), status, id(self))
+ #
+ # Lock management
+ #
+ def Lock(self, timeout=0):
+ self.__lock.lock(timeout)
+ # Must reload our database for consistency. Watch out for lists that
+ # don't exist.
+ try:
+ self.Load()
+ except Exception:
+ self.Unlock()
+ raise
+ def Unlock(self):
+ self.__lock.unlock(unconditionally=1)
+ def Locked(self):
+ return self.__lock.locked()
+ #
+ # Useful accessors
+ #
+ def internal_name(self):
+ return self._internal_name
+ def fullpath(self):
+ return self._full_path
+ def getListAddress(self, extra=None):
+ if extra is None:
+ return '%s@%s' % (self.internal_name(), self.host_name)
+ return '%s-%s@%s' % (self.internal_name(), extra, self.host_name)
+ # For backwards compatibility
+ def GetBouncesEmail(self):
+ return self.getListAddress('bounces')
+ def GetOwnerEmail(self):
+ return self.getListAddress('owner')
+ def GetRequestEmail(self):
+ return self.getListAddress('request')
+ def GetConfirmEmail(self, cookie):
+ return mm_cfg.VERP_CONFIRM_FORMAT % {
+ 'addr' : '%s-confirm' % self.internal_name(),
+ 'cookie': cookie,
+ } + '@' + self.host_name
+ def GetListEmail(self):
+ return self.getListAddress()
+ def GetMemberAdminEmail(self, member):
+ """Usually the member addr, but modified for umbrella lists.
+ Umbrella lists have other mailing lists as members, and so admin stuff
+ like confirmation requests and passwords must not be sent to the
+ member addresses - the sublists - but rather to the administrators of
+ the sublists. This routine picks the right address, considering
+ regular member address to be their own administrative addresses.
+ """
+ if not self.umbrella_list:
+ return member
+ else:
+ acct, host = tuple(member.split('@'))
+ return "%s%s@%s" % (acct, self.umbrella_member_suffix, host)
+ def GetScriptURL(self, scriptname, absolute=0):
+ return Utils.ScriptURL(scriptname, self.web_page_url, absolute) + \
+ '/' + self.internal_name()
+ def GetOptionsURL(self, user, obscure=0, absolute=0):
+ url = self.GetScriptURL('options', absolute)
+ if obscure:
+ user = Utils.ObscureEmail(user)
+ return '%s/%s' % (url, urllib.quote(user.lower()))
+ #
+ # Instance and subcomponent initialization
+ #
+ def InitTempVars(self, name):
+ """Set transient variables of this and inherited classes."""
+ # The timestamp is set whenever we load the state from disk. If our
+ # timestamp is newer than the modtime of the config.pck file, we don't
+ # need to reload, otherwise... we do.
+ self.__timestamp = 0
+ self.__lock = LockFile.LockFile(
+ os.path.join(mm_cfg.LOCK_DIR, name or '<site>') + '.lock',
+ # TBD: is this a good choice of lifetime?
+ lifetime = mm_cfg.LIST_LOCK_LIFETIME,
+ withlogging = mm_cfg.LIST_LOCK_DEBUGGING)
+ self._internal_name = name
+ if name:
+ self._full_path = Site.get_listpath(name)
+ else:
+ self._full_path = None
+ # Only one level of mixin inheritance allowed
+ for baseclass in self.__class__.__bases__:
+ if hasattr(baseclass, 'InitTempVars'):
+ baseclass.InitTempVars(self)
+ # Now, initialize our gui components
+ self._gui = []
+ for component in dir(Gui):
+ if component.startswith('_'):
+ continue
+ self._gui.append(getattr(Gui, component)())
+ def InitVars(self, name=None, admin='', crypted_password=''):
+ """Assign default values - some will be overriden by stored state."""
+ # Non-configurable list info
+ if name:
+ self._internal_name = name
+ # When was the list created?
+ self.created_at = time.time()
+ # Must save this state, even though it isn't configurable
+ self.volume = 1
+ self.members = {} # self.digest_members is initted in mm_digest
+ self.data_version = mm_cfg.DATA_FILE_VERSION
+ self.last_post_time = 0
+ self.post_id = 1. # A float so it never has a chance to overflow.
+ self.user_options = {}
+ self.language = {}
+ self.usernames = {}
+ self.passwords = {}
+ self.new_member_options = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_NEW_MEMBER_OPTIONS
+ # This stuff is configurable
+ self.respond_to_post_requests = 1
+ self.advertised = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_LIST_ADVERTISED
+ self.max_num_recipients = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_RECIPIENTS
+ self.max_message_size = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE
+ # See the note in Defaults.py concerning DEFAULT_HOST_NAME
+ self.host_name = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_HOST_NAME or mm_cfg.DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST
+ self.web_page_url = (
+ mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL or
+ self.owner = [admin]
+ self.moderator = []
+ self.reply_goes_to_list = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_REPLY_GOES_TO_LIST
+ self.reply_to_address = ''
+ self.first_strip_reply_to = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FIRST_STRIP_REPLY_TO
+ self.admin_immed_notify = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ADMIN_IMMED_NOTIFY
+ self.admin_notify_mchanges = \
+ self.require_explicit_destination = \
+ self.acceptable_aliases = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_ALIASES
+ self.umbrella_list = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_UMBRELLA_LIST
+ self.umbrella_member_suffix = \
+ self.send_reminders = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SEND_REMINDERS
+ self.send_welcome_msg = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SEND_WELCOME_MSG
+ self.send_goodbye_msg = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SEND_GOODBYE_MSG
+ self.bounce_matching_headers = \
+ self.anonymous_list = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ANONYMOUS_LIST
+ internalname = self.internal_name()
+ self.real_name = internalname[0].upper() + internalname[1:]
+ self.description = ''
+ self.info = ''
+ self.welcome_msg = ''
+ self.goodbye_msg = ''
+ self.subscribe_policy = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_POLICY
+ self.unsubscribe_policy = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_UNSUBSCRIBE_POLICY
+ self.private_roster = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_ROSTER
+ self.obscure_addresses = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_OBSCURE_ADDRESSES
+ self.admin_member_chunksize = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ADMIN_MEMBER_CHUNKSIZE
+ self.administrivia = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ADMINISTRIVIA
+ self.preferred_language = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE
+ self.available_languages = []
+ self.include_rfc2369_headers = 1
+ self.include_list_post_header = 1
+ self.filter_mime_types = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FILTER_MIME_TYPES
+ self.pass_mime_types = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_PASS_MIME_TYPES
+ self.filter_content = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FILTER_CONTENT
+ self.convert_html_to_plaintext = \
+ self.filter_action = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FILTER_ACTION
+ # Analogs to these are initted in Digester.InitVars
+ self.nondigestable = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_NONDIGESTABLE
+ self.personalize = 0
+ # New sender-centric moderation (privacy) options
+ self.default_member_moderation = \
+ # Emergency moderation bit
+ self.emergency = 0
+ # This really ought to default to mm_cfg.HOLD, but that doesn't work
+ # with the current GUI description model. So, 0==Hold, 1==Reject,
+ # 2==Discard
+ self.member_moderation_action = 0
+ self.member_moderation_notice = ''
+ self.accept_these_nonmembers = []
+ self.hold_these_nonmembers = []
+ self.reject_these_nonmembers = []
+ self.discard_these_nonmembers = []
+ self.forward_auto_discards = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FORWARD_AUTO_DISCARDS
+ self.generic_nonmember_action = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_GENERIC_NONMEMBER_ACTION
+ # Ban lists
+ self.ban_list = []
+ # BAW: This should really be set in SecurityManager.InitVars()
+ self.password = crypted_password
+ # Max autoresponses per day. A mapping between addresses and a
+ # 2-tuple of the date of the last autoresponse and the number of
+ # autoresponses sent on that date.
+ self.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses = {}
+ # Only one level of mixin inheritance allowed
+ for baseclass in self.__class__.__bases__:
+ if hasattr(baseclass, 'InitVars'):
+ baseclass.InitVars(self)
+ # These need to come near the bottom because they're dependent on
+ # other settings.
+ self.subject_prefix = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SUBJECT_PREFIX % self.__dict__
+ self.msg_header = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_MSG_HEADER
+ self.msg_footer = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_MSG_FOOTER
+ # Set this to Never if the list's preferred language uses us-ascii,
+ # otherwise set it to As Needed
+ if Utils.GetCharSet(self.preferred_language) == 'us-ascii':
+ self.encode_ascii_prefixes = 0
+ else:
+ self.encode_ascii_prefixes = 2
+ #
+ # Web API support via administrative categories
+ #
+ def GetConfigCategories(self):
+ class CategoryDict(UserDict):
+ def __init__(self):
+ UserDict.__init__(self)
+ self.keysinorder = mm_cfg.ADMIN_CATEGORIES[:]
+ def keys(self):
+ return self.keysinorder
+ def items(self):
+ items = []
+ for k in mm_cfg.ADMIN_CATEGORIES:
+ items.append((k, self.data[k]))
+ return items
+ def values(self):
+ values = []
+ for k in mm_cfg.ADMIN_CATEGORIES:
+ values.append(self.data[k])
+ return values
+ categories = CategoryDict()
+ # Only one level of mixin inheritance allowed
+ for gui in self._gui:
+ k, v = gui.GetConfigCategory()
+ categories[k] = (v, gui)
+ return categories
+ def GetConfigSubCategories(self, category):
+ for gui in self._gui:
+ if hasattr(gui, 'GetConfigSubCategories'):
+ # Return the first one that knows about the given subcategory
+ subcat = gui.GetConfigSubCategories(category)
+ if subcat is not None:
+ return subcat
+ return None
+ def GetConfigInfo(self, category, subcat=None):
+ for gui in self._gui:
+ if hasattr(gui, 'GetConfigInfo'):
+ value = gui.GetConfigInfo(self, category, subcat)
+ if value:
+ return value
+ #
+ # List creation
+ #
+ def Create(self, name, admin, crypted_password, langs=None):
+ if Utils.list_exists(name):
+ raise Errors.MMListAlreadyExistsError, name
+ # Validate what will be the list's posting address. If that's
+ # invalid, we don't want to create the mailing list. The hostname
+ # part doesn't really matter, since that better already be valid.
+ # However, most scripts already catch MMBadEmailError as exceptions on
+ # the admin's email address, so transform the exception.
+ postingaddr = '%s@%s' % (name, mm_cfg.DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST)
+ try:
+ Utils.ValidateEmail(postingaddr)
+ except Errors.MMBadEmailError:
+ raise Errors.BadListNameError, postingaddr
+ # Validate the admin's email address
+ Utils.ValidateEmail(admin)
+ self._internal_name = name
+ self._full_path = Site.get_listpath(name, create=1)
+ # Don't use Lock() since that tries to load the non-existant config.pck
+ self.__lock.lock()
+ self.InitVars(name, admin, crypted_password)
+ self.CheckValues()
+ if langs is None:
+ self.available_languages = [self.preferred_language]
+ else:
+ self.available_languages = langs
+ #
+ # Database and filesystem I/O
+ #
+ def __save(self, dict):
+ # Save the file as a binary pickle, and rotate the old version to a
+ # backup file. We must guarantee that config.pck is always valid so
+ # we never rotate unless the we've successfully written the temp file.
+ # We use pickle now because marshal is not guaranteed to be compatible
+ # between Python versions.
+ fname = os.path.join(self.fullpath(), 'config.pck')
+ fname_tmp = fname + '.tmp.%s.%d' % (socket.gethostname(), os.getpid())
+ fname_last = fname + '.last'
+ fp = None
+ try:
+ fp = open(fname_tmp, 'w')
+ # Use a binary format... it's more efficient.
+ cPickle.dump(dict, fp, 1)
+ fp.close()
+ except IOError, e:
+ syslog('error',
+ 'Failed config.pck write, retaining old state.\n%s', e)
+ if fp is not None:
+ os.unlink(fname_tmp)
+ raise
+ # Now do config.pck.tmp.xxx -> config.pck -> config.pck.last rotation
+ # as safely as possible.
+ try:
+ # might not exist yet
+ os.unlink(fname_last)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise
+ try:
+ # might not exist yet
+ os.link(fname, fname_last)
+ except OSError, e:
+ if e.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise
+ os.rename(fname_tmp, fname)
+ # Reset the timestamp
+ self.__timestamp = os.path.getmtime(fname)
+ def Save(self):
+ # Refresh the lock, just to let other processes know we're still
+ # interested in it. This will raise a NotLockedError if we don't have
+ # the lock (which is a serious problem!). TBD: do we need to be more
+ # defensive?
+ self.__lock.refresh()
+ # copy all public attributes to serializable dictionary
+ dict = {}
+ for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
+ if key[0] == '_' or type(value) is MethodType:
+ continue
+ dict[key] = value
+ # Make config.pck unreadable by `other', as it contains all the
+ # list members' passwords (in clear text).
+ omask = os.umask(007)
+ try:
+ self.__save(dict)
+ finally:
+ os.umask(omask)
+ self.SaveRequestsDb()
+ self.CheckHTMLArchiveDir()
+ def __load(self, dbfile):
+ # Attempt to load and unserialize the specified database file. This
+ # could actually be a config.db (for pre-2.1alpha3) or config.pck,
+ # i.e. a marshal or a binary pickle. Actually, it could also be a
+ # .last backup file if the primary storage file was corrupt. The
+ # decision on whether to unpickle or unmarshal is based on the file
+ # extension, but we always save it using pickle (since only it, and
+ # not marshal is guaranteed to be compatible across Python versions).
+ #
+ # On success return a 2-tuple of (dictionary, None). On error, return
+ # a 2-tuple of the form (None, errorobj).
+ if dbfile.endswith('.db') or dbfile.endswith('.db.last'):
+ loadfunc = marshal.load
+ elif dbfile.endswith('.pck') or dbfile.endswith('.pck.last'):
+ loadfunc = cPickle.load
+ else:
+ assert 0, 'Bad database file name'
+ try:
+ # Check the mod time of the file first. If it matches our
+ # timestamp, then the state hasn't change since the last time we
+ # loaded it. Otherwise open the file for loading, below. If the
+ # file doesn't exist, we'll get an EnvironmentError with errno set
+ # to ENOENT (EnvironmentError is the base class of IOError and
+ # OSError).
+ mtime = os.path.getmtime(dbfile)
+ if mtime <= self.__timestamp:
+ # File is not newer
+ return None, None
+ fp = open(dbfile)
+ except EnvironmentError, e:
+ if e.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise
+ # The file doesn't exist yet
+ return None, e
+ try:
+ try:
+ dict = loadfunc(fp)
+ if type(dict) <> DictType:
+ return None, 'Load() expected to return a dictionary'
+ except (EOFError, ValueError, TypeError, MemoryError,
+ cPickle.PicklingError), e:
+ return None, e
+ finally:
+ fp.close()
+ # Update timestamp
+ self.__timestamp = mtime
+ return dict, None
+ def Load(self, check_version=1):
+ if not Utils.list_exists(self.internal_name()):
+ raise Errors.MMUnknownListError
+ # We first try to load config.pck, which contains the up-to-date
+ # version of the database. If that fails, perhaps because it's
+ # corrupted or missing, we'll try to load the backup file
+ # config.pck.last.
+ #
+ # Should both of those fail, we'll look for config.db and
+ # config.db.last for backwards compatibility with pre-2.1alpha3
+ pfile = os.path.join(self.fullpath(), 'config.pck')
+ plast = pfile + '.last'
+ dfile = os.path.join(self.fullpath(), 'config.db')
+ dlast = dfile + '.last'
+ for file in (pfile, plast, dfile, dlast):
+ dict, e = self.__load(file)
+ if dict is None:
+ if e is not None:
+ # Had problems with this file; log it and try the next one.
+ syslog('error', "couldn't load config file %s\n%s",
+ file, e)
+ else:
+ # We already have the most up-to-date state
+ return
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ # Nothing worked, so we have to give up
+ syslog('error', 'All %s fallbacks were corrupt, giving up',
+ self.internal_name())
+ raise Errors.MMCorruptListDatabaseError, e
+ # Now, if we didn't end up using the primary database file, we want to
+ # copy the fallback into the primary so that the logic in Save() will
+ # still work. For giggles, we'll copy it to a safety backup.
+ if file == plast:
+ shutil.copy(file, pfile)
+ shutil.copy(file, pfile + '.safety')
+ elif file == dlast:
+ shutil.copy(file, dfile)
+ shutil.copy(file, pfile + '.safety')
+ # Copy the loaded dictionary into the attributes of the current
+ # mailing list object, then run sanity check on the data.
+ self.__dict__.update(dict)
+ if check_version:
+ self.CheckVersion(dict)
+ self.CheckValues()
+ #
+ # Sanity checks
+ #
+ def CheckVersion(self, stored_state):
+ """Auto-update schema if necessary."""
+ if self.data_version >= mm_cfg.DATA_FILE_VERSION:
+ return
+ # Initialize any new variables
+ self.InitVars()
+ # Then reload the database (but don't recurse). Force a reload even
+ # if we have the most up-to-date state.
+ self.__timestamp = 0
+ self.Load(check_version=0)
+ # We must hold the list lock in order to update the schema
+ waslocked = self.Locked()
+ if not waslocked:
+ self.Lock()
+ try:
+ from versions import Update
+ Update(self, stored_state)
+ self.data_version = mm_cfg.DATA_FILE_VERSION
+ self.Save()
+ finally:
+ if not waslocked:
+ self.Unlock()
+ def CheckValues(self):
+ """Normalize selected values to known formats."""
+ if '' in urlparse(self.web_page_url)[:2]:
+ # Either the "scheme" or the "network location" part of the parsed
+ # URL is empty; substitute faulty value with (hopefully sane)
+ # default. Note that DEFAULT_URL is obsolete.
+ self.web_page_url = (
+ mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL or
+ if self.web_page_url and self.web_page_url[-1] <> '/':
+ self.web_page_url = self.web_page_url + '/'
+ # Legacy reply_to_address could be an illegal value. We now verify
+ # upon setting and don't check it at the point of use.
+ try:
+ if self.reply_to_address.strip() and self.reply_goes_to_list:
+ Utils.ValidateEmail(self.reply_to_address)
+ except Errors.EmailAddressError:
+ syslog('error', 'Bad reply_to_address "%s" cleared for list: %s',
+ self.reply_to_address, self.internal_name())
+ self.reply_to_address = ''
+ self.reply_goes_to_list = 0
+ # Legacy topics may have bad regular expressions in their patterns
+ goodtopics = []
+ for name, pattern, desc, emptyflag in self.topics:
+ try:
+ re.compile(pattern)
+ except (re.error, TypeError):
+ syslog('error', 'Bad topic pattern "%s" for list: %s',
+ pattern, self.internal_name())
+ else:
+ goodtopics.append((name, pattern, desc, emptyflag))
+ self.topics = goodtopics
+ #
+ # Membership management front-ends and assertion checks
+ #
+ def InviteNewMember(self, userdesc, text=''):
+ """Invite a new member to the list.
+ This is done by creating a subscription pending for the user, and then
+ crafting a message to the member informing them of the invitation.
+ """
+ invitee = userdesc.address
+ requestaddr = self.GetRequestEmail()
+ # Hack alert! Squirrel away a flag that only invitations have, so
+ # that we can do something slightly different when an invitation
+ # subscription is confirmed. In those cases, we don't need further
+ # admin approval, even if the list is so configured
+ userdesc.invitation = 1
+ cookie = Pending.new(Pending.SUBSCRIPTION, userdesc)
+ confirmurl = '%s/%s' % (self.GetScriptURL('confirm', absolute=1),
+ cookie)
+ listname = self.real_name
+ text += Utils.maketext(
+ 'invite.txt',
+ {'email' : invitee,
+ 'listname' : listname,
+ 'hostname' : self.host_name,
+ 'confirmurl' : confirmurl,
+ 'requestaddr': requestaddr,
+ 'cookie' : cookie,
+ 'listowner' : self.GetOwnerEmail(),
+ }, mlist=self)
+ subj = _(
+ 'You have been invited to join the %(listname)s mailing list')
+ sender = self.GetConfirmEmail(cookie)
+ else:
+ # Do it the old fashioned way
+ subj = 'confirm ' + cookie
+ sender = requestaddr
+ msg = Message.UserNotification(
+ invitee, sender, subj,
+ text, lang=self.preferred_language)
+ msg.send(self)
+ def AddMember(self, userdesc, remote=None):
+ """Front end to member subscription.
+ This method enforces subscription policy, validates values, sends
+ notifications, and any other grunt work involved in subscribing a
+ user. It eventually calls ApprovedAddMember() to do the actual work
+ of subscribing the user.
+ userdesc is an instance with the following public attributes:
+ address -- the unvalidated email address of the member
+ fullname -- the member's full name (i.e. John Smith)
+ digest -- a flag indicating whether the user wants digests or not
+ language -- the requested default language for the user
+ password -- the user's password
+ Other attributes may be defined later. Only address is required; the
+ others all have defaults (fullname='', digests=0, language=list's
+ preferred language, password=generated).
+ remote is a string which describes where this add request came from.
+ """
+ assert self.Locked()
+ # Suck values out of userdesc, apply defaults, and reset the userdesc
+ # attributes (for passing on to ApprovedAddMember()). Lowercase the
+ # addr's domain part.
+ email = Utils.LCDomain(userdesc.address)
+ name = getattr(userdesc, 'fullname', '')
+ lang = getattr(userdesc, 'language', self.preferred_language)
+ digest = getattr(userdesc, 'digest', None)
+ password = getattr(userdesc, 'password', Utils.MakeRandomPassword())
+ if digest is None:
+ if self.nondigestable:
+ digest = 0
+ else:
+ digest = 1
+ # Validate the e-mail address to some degree.
+ Utils.ValidateEmail(email)
+ if self.isMember(email):
+ raise Errors.MMAlreadyAMember, email
+ if email.lower() == self.GetListEmail().lower():
+ # Trying to subscribe the list to itself!
+ raise Errors.MMBadEmailError
+ # Is the subscribing address banned from this list?
+ ban = 0
+ for pattern in self.ban_list:
+ if pattern.startswith('^'):
+ # This is a regular expression match
+ try:
+ if re.search(pattern, email, re.IGNORECASE):
+ ban = 1
+ break
+ except re.error:
+ # BAW: we should probably remove this pattern
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Do the comparison case insensitively
+ if pattern.lower() == email.lower():
+ ban = 1
+ break
+ if ban:
+ syslog('vette', 'banned subscription: %s (matched: %s)',
+ email, pattern)
+ raise Errors.MembershipIsBanned, pattern
+ # Sanity check the digest flag
+ if digest and not self.digestable:
+ raise Errors.MMCantDigestError
+ elif not digest and not self.nondigestable:
+ raise Errors.MMMustDigestError
+ userdesc.address = email
+ userdesc.fullname = name
+ userdesc.digest = digest
+ userdesc.language = lang
+ userdesc.password = password
+ # Apply the list's subscription policy. 0 means open subscriptions; 1
+ # means the user must confirm; 2 means the admin must approve; 3 means
+ # the user must confirm and then the admin must approve
+ if self.subscribe_policy == 0:
+ self.ApprovedAddMember(userdesc)
+ elif self.subscribe_policy == 1 or self.subscribe_policy == 3:
+ # User confirmation required. BAW: this should probably just
+ # accept a userdesc instance.
+ cookie = Pending.new(Pending.SUBSCRIPTION, userdesc)
+ # Send the user the confirmation mailback
+ if remote is None:
+ by = remote = ''
+ else:
+ by = ' ' + remote
+ remote = _(' from %(remote)s')
+ recipient = self.GetMemberAdminEmail(email)
+ realname = self.real_name
+ confirmurl = '%s/%s' % (self.GetScriptURL('confirm', absolute=1),
+ cookie)
+ text = Utils.maketext(
+ 'verify.txt',
+ {'email' : email,
+ 'listaddr' : self.GetListEmail(),
+ 'listname' : realname,
+ 'cookie' : cookie,
+ 'requestaddr' : self.GetRequestEmail(),
+ 'remote' : remote,
+ 'listadmin' : self.GetOwnerEmail(),
+ 'confirmurl' : confirmurl,
+ }, lang=lang, mlist=self)
+ msg = Message.UserNotification(
+ recipient, self.GetRequestEmail(),
+ text=text, lang=lang)
+ # BAW: See ChangeMemberAddress() for why we do it this way...
+ del msg['subject']
+ msg['Subject'] = 'confirm ' + cookie
+ msg['Reply-To'] = self.GetRequestEmail()
+ msg.send(self)
+ who = formataddr((name, email))
+ syslog('subscribe', '%s: pending %s %s',
+ self.internal_name(), who, by)
+ raise Errors.MMSubscribeNeedsConfirmation
+ else:
+ # Subscription approval is required. Add this entry to the admin
+ # requests database. BAW: this should probably take a userdesc
+ # just like above.
+ self.HoldSubscription(email, name, password, digest, lang)
+ raise Errors.MMNeedApproval, _(
+ 'subscriptions to %(realname)s require moderator approval')
+ def ApprovedAddMember(self, userdesc, ack=None, admin_notif=None, text=''):
+ """Add a member right now.
+ The member's subscription must be approved by what ever policy the
+ list enforces.
+ userdesc is as above in AddMember().
+ ack is a flag that specifies whether the user should get an
+ acknowledgement of their being subscribed. Default is to use the
+ list's default flag value.
+ admin_notif is a flag that specifies whether the list owner should get
+ an acknowledgement of this subscription. Default is to use the list's
+ default flag value.
+ """
+ assert self.Locked()
+ # Set up default flag values
+ if ack is None:
+ ack = self.send_welcome_msg
+ if admin_notif is None:
+ admin_notif = self.admin_notify_mchanges
+ # Suck values out of userdesc, and apply defaults.
+ email = Utils.LCDomain(userdesc.address)
+ name = getattr(userdesc, 'fullname', '')
+ lang = getattr(userdesc, 'language', self.preferred_language)
+ digest = getattr(userdesc, 'digest', None)
+ password = getattr(userdesc, 'password', Utils.MakeRandomPassword())
+ if digest is None:
+ if self.nondigestable:
+ digest = 0
+ else:
+ digest = 1
+ # Let's be extra cautious
+ Utils.ValidateEmail(email)
+ if self.isMember(email):
+ raise Errors.MMAlreadyAMember, email
+ # Do the actual addition
+ self.addNewMember(email, realname=name, digest=digest,
+ password=password, language=lang)
+ self.setMemberOption(email, mm_cfg.DisableMime,
+ 1 - self.mime_is_default_digest)
+ self.setMemberOption(email, mm_cfg.Moderate,
+ self.default_member_moderation)
+ # Now send and log results
+ if digest:
+ kind = ' (digest)'
+ else:
+ kind = ''
+ syslog('subscribe', '%s: new%s %s', self.internal_name(),
+ kind, formataddr((email, name)))
+ if ack:
+ self.SendSubscribeAck(email, self.getMemberPassword(email),
+ digest, text)
+ if admin_notif:
+ realname = self.real_name
+ subject = _('%(realname)s subscription notification')
+ text = Utils.maketext(
+ "adminsubscribeack.txt",
+ {"listname" : self.real_name,
+ "member" : formataddr((name, email)),
+ }, mlist=self)
+ msg = Message.OwnerNotification(self, subject, text)
+ msg.send(self)
+ def DeleteMember(self, name, whence=None, admin_notif=0, userack=1):
+ realname, email = parseaddr(name)
+ if self.unsubscribe_policy == 0:
+ self.ApprovedDeleteMember(name, whence, admin_notif, userack)
+ else:
+ self.HoldUnsubscription(email)
+ raise Errors.MMNeedApproval, _(
+ 'unsubscriptions require moderator approval')
+ def ApprovedDeleteMember(self, name, whence=None,
+ admin_notif=None, userack=None):
+ if userack is None:
+ userack = self.send_goodbye_msg
+ if admin_notif is None:
+ admin_notif = self.admin_notify_mchanges
+ # Delete a member, for which we know the approval has been made
+ fullname, emailaddr = parseaddr(name)
+ userlang = self.getMemberLanguage(emailaddr)
+ # Remove the member
+ self.removeMember(emailaddr)
+ # And send an acknowledgement to the user...
+ if userack:
+ self.SendUnsubscribeAck(emailaddr, userlang)
+ # ...and to the administrator
+ if admin_notif:
+ realname = self.real_name
+ subject = _('%(realname)s unsubscribe notification')
+ text = Utils.maketext(
+ 'adminunsubscribeack.txt',
+ {'member' : name,
+ 'listname': self.real_name,
+ }, mlist=self)
+ msg = Message.OwnerNotification(self, subject, text)
+ msg.send(self)
+ if whence:
+ whence = "; %s" % whence
+ else:
+ whence = ""
+ syslog('subscribe', '%s: deleted %s%s',
+ self.internal_name(), name, whence)
+ def ChangeMemberName(self, addr, name, globally):
+ self.setMemberName(addr, name)
+ if not globally:
+ return
+ for listname in Utils.list_names():
+ # Don't bother with ourselves
+ if listname == self.internal_name():
+ continue
+ mlist = MailList(listname, lock=0)
+ if mlist.host_name <> self.host_name:
+ continue
+ if not mlist.isMember(addr):
+ continue
+ mlist.Lock()
+ try:
+ mlist.setMemberName(addr, name)
+ mlist.Save()
+ finally:
+ mlist.Unlock()
+ def ChangeMemberAddress(self, oldaddr, newaddr, globally):
+ # Changing a member address consists of verifying the new address,
+ # making sure the new address isn't already a member, and optionally
+ # going through the confirmation process.
+ #
+ # Most of these checks are copied from AddMember
+ newaddr = Utils.LCDomain(newaddr)
+ Utils.ValidateEmail(newaddr)
+ # Raise an exception if this email address is already a member of the
+ # list, but only if the new address is the same case-wise as the old
+ # address.
+ if newaddr == oldaddr and self.isMember(newaddr):
+ raise Errors.MMAlreadyAMember
+ if newaddr == self.GetListEmail().lower():
+ raise Errors.MMBadEmailError
+ # Pend the subscription change
+ cookie = Pending.new(Pending.CHANGE_OF_ADDRESS,
+ oldaddr, newaddr, globally)
+ confirmurl = '%s/%s' % (self.GetScriptURL('confirm', absolute=1),
+ cookie)
+ realname = self.real_name
+ lang = self.getMemberLanguage(oldaddr)
+ text = Utils.maketext(
+ 'verify.txt',
+ {'email' : newaddr,
+ 'listaddr' : self.GetListEmail(),
+ 'listname' : realname,
+ 'cookie' : cookie,
+ 'requestaddr': self.GetRequestEmail(),
+ 'remote' : '',
+ 'listadmin' : self.GetOwnerEmail(),
+ 'confirmurl' : confirmurl,
+ }, lang=lang, mlist=self)
+ # BAW: We don't pass the Subject: into the UserNotification
+ # constructor because it will encode it in the charset of the language
+ # being used. For non-us-ascii charsets, this means it will probably
+ # quopri quote it, and thus replies will also be quopri encoded. But
+ # CommandRunner doesn't yet grok such headers. So, just set the
+ # Subject: in a separate step, although we have to delete the one
+ # UserNotification adds.
+ msg = Message.UserNotification(
+ newaddr, self.GetRequestEmail(),
+ text=text, lang=lang)
+ del msg['subject']
+ msg['Subject'] = 'confirm ' + cookie
+ msg['Reply-To'] = self.GetRequestEmail()
+ msg.send(self)
+ def ApprovedChangeMemberAddress(self, oldaddr, newaddr, globally):
+ # Change the membership for the current list first. We don't lock and
+ # save ourself since we assume that the list is already locked.
+ if self.isMember(newaddr):
+ # Just delete the old address
+ if self.isMember(oldaddr):
+ self.ApprovedDeleteMember(oldaddr, admin_notif=1, userack=1)
+ else:
+ self.changeMemberAddress(oldaddr, newaddr)
+ # If globally is true, then we also include every list for which
+ # oldaddr is a member.
+ if not globally:
+ return
+ for listname in Utils.list_names():
+ # Don't bother with ourselves
+ if listname == self.internal_name():
+ continue
+ mlist = MailList(listname, lock=0)
+ if mlist.host_name <> self.host_name:
+ continue
+ if not mlist.isMember(oldaddr) or mlist.isMember(newaddr):
+ continue
+ mlist.Lock()
+ try:
+ mlist.changeMemberAddress(oldaddr, newaddr)
+ mlist.Save()
+ finally:
+ mlist.Unlock()
+ #
+ # Confirmation processing
+ #
+ def ProcessConfirmation(self, cookie, context=None):
+ data = Pending.confirm(cookie)
+ if data is None:
+ raise Errors.MMBadConfirmation, 'data is None'
+ try:
+ op = data[0]
+ data = data[1:]
+ except ValueError:
+ raise Errors.MMBadConfirmation, 'op-less data %s' % (data,)
+ if op == Pending.SUBSCRIPTION:
+ try:
+ userdesc = data[0]
+ # If confirmation comes from the web, context should be a
+ # UserDesc instance which contains overrides of the original
+ # subscription information. If it comes from email, then
+ # context is a Message and isn't relevant, so ignore it.
+ if isinstance(context, UserDesc):
+ userdesc += context
+ addr = userdesc.address
+ fullname = userdesc.fullname
+ password = userdesc.password
+ digest = userdesc.digest
+ lang = userdesc.language
+ except ValueError:
+ raise Errors.MMBadConfirmation, 'bad subscr data %s' % (data,)
+ # Hack alert! Was this a confirmation of an invitation?
+ invitation = getattr(userdesc, 'invitation', 0)
+ # We check for both 2 (approval required) and 3 (confirm +
+ # approval) because the policy could have been changed in the
+ # middle of the confirmation dance.
+ if not invitation and self.subscribe_policy in (2, 3):
+ self.HoldSubscription(addr, fullname, password, digest, lang)
+ name = self.real_name
+ raise Errors.MMNeedApproval, _(
+ 'subscriptions to %(name)s require administrator approval')
+ self.ApprovedAddMember(userdesc)
+ return op, addr, password, digest, lang
+ elif op == Pending.UNSUBSCRIPTION:
+ addr = data[0]
+ # Log file messages don't need to be i18n'd
+ if isinstance(context, Message.Message):
+ whence = 'email confirmation'
+ else:
+ whence = 'web confirmation'
+ # Can raise NotAMemberError if they unsub'd via other means
+ self.ApprovedDeleteMember(addr, whence=whence)
+ return op, addr
+ elif op == Pending.CHANGE_OF_ADDRESS:
+ oldaddr, newaddr, globally = data
+ self.ApprovedChangeMemberAddress(oldaddr, newaddr, globally)
+ return op, oldaddr, newaddr
+ elif op == Pending.HELD_MESSAGE:
+ id = data[0]
+ approved = None
+ # Confirmation should be coming from email, where context should
+ # be the confirming message. If the message does not have an
+ # Approved: header, this is a discard, otherwise it's an approval
+ # (if the passwords match).
+ if isinstance(context, Message.Message):
+ # See if it's got an Approved: header, either in the headers,
+ # or in the first text/plain section of the response. For
+ # robustness, we'll accept Approve: as well.
+ approved = context.get('Approved', context.get('Approve'))
+ if not approved:
+ try:
+ subpart = list(email.Iterators.typed_subpart_iterator(
+ context, 'text', 'plain'))[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ subpart = None
+ if subpart:
+ s = StringIO(subpart.get_payload())
+ while 1:
+ line = s.readline()
+ if not line:
+ break
+ if not line.strip():
+ continue
+ i = line.find(':')
+ if i > 0:
+ if (line[:i].lower() == 'approve' or
+ line[:i].lower() == 'approved'):
+ # then
+ approved = line[i+1:].strip()
+ break
+ # Okay, does the approved header match the list password?
+ if approved and self.Authenticate([mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin,
+ mm_cfg.AuthListModerator],
+ approved) <> mm_cfg.UnAuthorized:
+ action = mm_cfg.APPROVE
+ else:
+ action = mm_cfg.DISCARD
+ try:
+ self.HandleRequest(id, action)
+ except KeyError:
+ # Most likely because the message has already been disposed of
+ # via the admindb page.
+ syslog('error', 'Could not process HELD_MESSAGE: %s', id)
+ return (op,)
+ elif op == Pending.RE_ENABLE:
+ member = data[1]
+ self.setDeliveryStatus(member, MemberAdaptor.ENABLED)
+ return op, member
+ def ConfirmUnsubscription(self, addr, lang=None, remote=None):
+ if lang is None:
+ lang = self.getMemberLanguage(addr)
+ cookie = Pending.new(Pending.UNSUBSCRIPTION, addr)
+ confirmurl = '%s/%s' % (self.GetScriptURL('confirm', absolute=1),
+ cookie)
+ realname = self.real_name
+ if remote is not None:
+ by = " " + remote
+ remote = _(" from %(remote)s")
+ else:
+ by = ""
+ remote = ""
+ text = Utils.maketext(
+ 'unsub.txt',
+ {'email' : addr,
+ 'listaddr' : self.GetListEmail(),
+ 'listname' : realname,
+ 'cookie' : cookie,
+ 'requestaddr' : self.GetRequestEmail(),
+ 'remote' : remote,
+ 'listadmin' : self.GetOwnerEmail(),
+ 'confirmurl' : confirmurl,
+ }, lang=lang, mlist=self)
+ msg = Message.UserNotification(
+ addr, self.GetRequestEmail(),
+ text=text, lang=lang)
+ # BAW: See ChangeMemberAddress() for why we do it this way...
+ del msg['subject']
+ msg['Subject'] = 'confirm ' + cookie
+ msg['Reply-To'] = self.GetRequestEmail()
+ msg.send(self)
+ #
+ # Miscellaneous stuff
+ #
+ def HasExplicitDest(self, msg):
+ """True if list name or any acceptable_alias is included among the
+ to or cc addrs."""
+ # BAW: fall back to Utils.ParseAddr if the first test fails.
+ # this is the list's full address
+ listfullname = '%s@%s' % (self.internal_name(), self.host_name)
+ recips = []
+ # check all recipient addresses against the list's explicit addresses,
+ # specifically To: Cc: and Resent-to:
+ to = []
+ for header in ('to', 'cc', 'resent-to', 'resent-cc'):
+ to.extend(getaddresses(msg.get_all(header, [])))
+ for fullname, addr in to:
+ # It's possible that if the header doesn't have a valid
+ # (i.e. RFC822) value, we'll get None for the address. So skip
+ # it.
+ if addr is None:
+ continue
+ addr = addr.lower()
+ localpart = addr.split('@')[0]
+ if (# TBD: backwards compatibility: deprecated
+ localpart == self.internal_name() or
+ # exact match against the complete list address
+ addr == listfullname):
+ return 1
+ recips.append((addr, localpart))
+ #
+ # helper function used to match a pattern against an address. Do it
+ def domatch(pattern, addr):
+ try:
+ if re.match(pattern, addr):
+ return 1
+ except re.error:
+ # The pattern is a malformed regexp -- try matching safely,
+ # with all non-alphanumerics backslashed:
+ if re.match(re.escape(pattern), addr):
+ return 1
+ #
+ # Here's the current algorithm for matching acceptable_aliases:
+ #
+ # 1. If the pattern does not have an `@' in it, we first try matching
+ # it against just the localpart. This was the behavior prior to
+ # 2.0beta3, and is kept for backwards compatibility.
+ # (deprecated).
+ #
+ # 2. If that match fails, or the pattern does have an `@' in it, we
+ # try matching against the entire recip address.
+ for addr, localpart in recips:
+ for alias in self.acceptable_aliases.split('\n'):
+ stripped = alias.strip()
+ if not stripped:
+ # ignore blank or empty lines
+ continue
+ if '@' not in stripped and domatch(stripped, localpart):
+ return 1
+ if domatch(stripped, addr):
+ return 1
+ return 0
+ def parse_matching_header_opt(self):
+ """Return a list of triples [(field name, regex, line), ...]."""
+ # - Blank lines and lines with '#' as first char are skipped.
+ # - Leading whitespace in the matchexp is trimmed - you can defeat
+ # that by, eg, containing it in gratuitous square brackets.
+ all = []
+ for line in self.bounce_matching_headers.split('\n'):
+ line = line.strip()
+ # Skip blank lines and lines *starting* with a '#'.
+ if not line or line[0] == "#":
+ continue
+ i = line.find(':')
+ if i < 0:
+ # This didn't look like a header line. BAW: should do a
+ # better job of informing the list admin.
+ syslog('config', 'bad bounce_matching_header line: %s\n%s',
+ self.real_name, line)
+ else:
+ header = line[:i]
+ value = line[i+1:].lstrip()
+ try:
+ cre = re.compile(value, re.IGNORECASE)
+ except re.error, e:
+ # The regexp was malformed. BAW: should do a better
+ # job of informing the list admin.
+ syslog('config', '''\
+bad regexp in bounce_matching_header line: %s
+\n%s (cause: %s)''', self.real_name, value, e)
+ else:
+ all.append((header, cre, line))
+ return all
+ def hasMatchingHeader(self, msg):
+ """Return true if named header field matches a regexp in the
+ bounce_matching_header list variable.
+ Returns constraint line which matches or empty string for no
+ matches.
+ """
+ for header, cre, line in self.parse_matching_header_opt():
+ for value in msg.get_all(header, []):
+ if cre.search(value):
+ return line
+ return 0
+ def autorespondToSender(self, sender):
+ """Return true if Mailman should auto-respond to this sender.
+ This is only consulted for messages sent to the -request address, or
+ for posting hold notifications, and serves only as a safety value for
+ mail loops with email 'bots.
+ """
+ # No limit
+ return 1
+ today = time.localtime()[:3]
+ info = self.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses.get(sender)
+ if info is None or info[0] <> today:
+ # First time we've seen a -request/post-hold for this sender
+ self.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses[sender] = (today, 1)
+ # BAW: no check for MAX_AUTORESPONSES_PER_DAY <= 1
+ return 1
+ date, count = info
+ if count < 0:
+ # They've already hit the limit for today.
+ syslog('vette', '-request/hold autoresponse discarded for: %s',
+ sender)
+ return 0
+ if count >= mm_cfg.MAX_AUTORESPONSES_PER_DAY:
+ syslog('vette', '-request/hold autoresponse limit hit for: %s',
+ sender)
+ self.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses[sender] = (today, -1)
+ # Send this notification message instead
+ text = Utils.maketext(
+ 'nomoretoday.txt',
+ {'sender' : sender,
+ 'listname': '%s@%s' % (self.real_name, self.host_name),
+ 'num' : count,
+ 'owneremail': self.GetOwnerEmail(),
+ })
+ msg = Message.UserNotification(
+ sender, self.GetOwnerEmail(),
+ _('Last autoresponse notification for today'),
+ text)
+ msg.send(self)
+ return 0
+ self.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses[sender] = (today, count+1)
+ return 1
+ #
+ # Multilingual (i18n) support
+ #
+ def GetAvailableLanguages(self):
+ langs = self.available_languages
+ # If we don't add this, and the site admin has never added any
+ # language support to the list, then the general admin page may have a
+ # blank field where the list owner is supposed to chose the list's
+ # preferred language.
+ if mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE not in langs:
+ langs.append(mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE)
+ return langs