path: root/Mailman/Handlers/SMTPDirect.py
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author <>2003-01-02 05:25:50 +0000
committer <>2003-01-02 05:25:50 +0000
commitb132a73f15e432eaf43310fce9196ca0c0651465 (patch)
treec15f816ba7c4de99fef510e3bd75af0890d47441 /Mailman/Handlers/SMTPDirect.py
This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Mailman/Handlers/SMTPDirect.py b/Mailman/Handlers/SMTPDirect.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3033fdbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Mailman/Handlers/SMTPDirect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+"""Local SMTP direct drop-off.
+This module delivers messages via SMTP to a locally specified daemon. This
+should be compatible with any modern SMTP server. It is expected that the MTA
+handles all final delivery. We have to play tricks so that the list object
+isn't locked while delivery occurs synchronously.
+Note: This file only handles single threaded delivery. See SMTPThreaded.py
+for a threaded implementation.
+import time
+import socket
+import smtplib
+from types import UnicodeType
+from Mailman import mm_cfg
+from Mailman import Utils
+from Mailman import Errors
+from Mailman.Handlers import Decorate
+from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
+from Mailman.SafeDict import MsgSafeDict
+import email
+from email.Utils import formataddr
+from email.Header import Header
+from email.Charset import Charset
+DOT = '.'
+# Manage a connection to the SMTP server
+class Connection:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__connect()
+ def __connect(self):
+ self.__conn = smtplib.SMTP()
+ self.__conn.connect(mm_cfg.SMTPHOST, mm_cfg.SMTPPORT)
+ self.__numsessions = mm_cfg.SMTP_MAX_SESSIONS_PER_CONNECTION
+ def sendmail(self, envsender, recips, msgtext):
+ try:
+ results = self.__conn.sendmail(envsender, recips, msgtext)
+ except smtplib.SMTPException:
+ # For safety, reconnect
+ self.__conn.quit()
+ self.__connect()
+ # Let exceptions percolate up
+ raise
+ # Decrement the session counter, reconnecting if necessary
+ self.__numsessions -= 1
+ # By testing exactly for equality to 0, we automatically handle the
+ # case for SMTP_MAX_SESSIONS_PER_CONNECTION <= 0 meaning never close
+ # the connection. We won't worry about wraparound <wink>.
+ if self.__numsessions == 0:
+ self.__conn.quit()
+ self.__connect()
+ return results
+ def quit(self):
+ self.__conn.quit()
+def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
+ recips = msgdata.get('recips')
+ if not recips:
+ # Nobody to deliver to!
+ return
+ # Calculate the non-VERP envelope sender.
+ envsender = msgdata.get('envsender')
+ if envsender is None:
+ if mlist:
+ envsender = mlist.GetBouncesEmail()
+ else:
+ envsender = Utils.get_site_email(extra='bounces')
+ # Time to split up the recipient list. If we're personalizing or VERPing
+ # then each chunk will have exactly one recipient. We'll then hand craft
+ # an envelope sender and stitch a message together in memory for each one
+ # separately. If we're not VERPing, then we'll chunkify based on
+ # SMTP_MAX_RCPTS. Note that most MTAs have a limit on the number of
+ # recipients they'll swallow in a single transaction.
+ deliveryfunc = None
+ if (not msgdata.has_key('personalize') or msgdata['personalize']) and (
+ msgdata.get('verp') or mlist.personalize):
+ chunks = [[recip] for recip in recips]
+ msgdata['personalize'] = 1
+ deliveryfunc = verpdeliver
+ elif mm_cfg.SMTP_MAX_RCPTS <= 0:
+ chunks = [recips]
+ else:
+ chunks = chunkify(recips, mm_cfg.SMTP_MAX_RCPTS)
+ # See if this is an unshunted message for which some were undelivered
+ if msgdata.has_key('undelivered'):
+ chunks = msgdata['undelivered']
+ # If we're doing bulk delivery, then we can stitch up the message now.
+ if deliveryfunc is None:
+ # Be sure never to decorate the message more than once!
+ if not msgdata.get('decorated'):
+ Decorate.process(mlist, msg, msgdata)
+ msgdata['decorated'] = 1
+ deliveryfunc = bulkdeliver
+ refused = {}
+ t0 = time.time()
+ # Open the initial connection
+ origrecips = msgdata['recips']
+ # `undelivered' is a copy of chunks that we pop from to do deliveries.
+ # This seems like a good tradeoff between robustness and resource
+ # utilization. If delivery really fails (i.e. qfiles/shunt type
+ # failures), then we'll pick up where we left off with `undelivered'.
+ # This means at worst, the last chunk for which delivery was attempted
+ # could get duplicates but not every one, and no recips should miss the
+ # message.
+ conn = Connection()
+ try:
+ msgdata['undelivered'] = chunks
+ while chunks:
+ chunk = chunks.pop()
+ msgdata['recips'] = chunk
+ try:
+ deliveryfunc(mlist, msg, msgdata, envsender, refused, conn)
+ except Exception:
+ # If /anything/ goes wrong, push the last chunk back on the
+ # undelivered list and re-raise the exception. We don't know
+ # how many of the last chunk might receive the message, so at
+ # worst, everyone in this chunk will get a duplicate. Sigh.
+ chunks.append(chunk)
+ raise
+ del msgdata['undelivered']
+ finally:
+ conn.quit()
+ msgdata['recips'] = origrecips
+ # Log the successful post
+ t1 = time.time()
+ d = MsgSafeDict(msg, {'time' : t1-t0,
+ # BAW: Urg. This seems inefficient.
+ 'size' : len(msg.as_string()),
+ '#recips' : len(recips),
+ '#refused': len(refused),
+ 'listname': mlist.internal_name(),
+ 'sender' : msg.get_sender(),
+ })
+ # We have to use the copy() method because extended call syntax requires a
+ # concrete dictionary object; it does not allow a generic mapping. It's
+ # still worthwhile doing the interpolation in syslog() because it'll catch
+ # any catastrophic exceptions due to bogus format strings.
+ syslog.write_ex(mm_cfg.SMTP_LOG_EVERY_MESSAGE[0],
+ mm_cfg.SMTP_LOG_EVERY_MESSAGE[1], kws=d)
+ if refused:
+ if mm_cfg.SMTP_LOG_REFUSED:
+ syslog.write_ex(mm_cfg.SMTP_LOG_REFUSED[0],
+ mm_cfg.SMTP_LOG_REFUSED[1], kws=d)
+ elif msgdata.get('tolist'):
+ # Log the successful post, but only if it really was a post to the
+ # mailing list. Don't log sends to the -owner, or -admin addrs.
+ # -request addrs should never get here. BAW: it may be useful to log
+ # the other messages, but in that case, we should probably have a
+ # separate configuration variable to control that.
+ if mm_cfg.SMTP_LOG_SUCCESS:
+ syslog.write_ex(mm_cfg.SMTP_LOG_SUCCESS[0],
+ mm_cfg.SMTP_LOG_SUCCESS[1], kws=d)
+ # Process any failed deliveries.
+ tempfailures = []
+ permfailures = []
+ for recip, (code, smtpmsg) in refused.items():
+ # DRUMS is an internet draft, but it says:
+ #
+ # [RFC-821] incorrectly listed the error where an SMTP server
+ # exhausts its implementation limit on the number of RCPT commands
+ # ("too many recipients") as having reply code 552. The correct
+ # reply code for this condition is 452. Clients SHOULD treat a 552
+ # code in this case as a temporary, rather than permanent failure
+ # so the logic below works.
+ #
+ if code >= 500 and code <> 552:
+ # A permanent failure
+ permfailures.append(recip)
+ else:
+ # Deal with persistent transient failures by queuing them up for
+ # future delivery. TBD: this could generate lots of log entries!
+ tempfailures.append(recip)
+ d.update({'recipient': recip,
+ 'failcode' : code,
+ 'failmsg' : smtpmsg})
+ syslog.write_ex(mm_cfg.SMTP_LOG_EACH_FAILURE[0],
+ mm_cfg.SMTP_LOG_EACH_FAILURE[1], kws=d)
+ # Return the results
+ if tempfailures or permfailures:
+ raise Errors.SomeRecipientsFailed(tempfailures, permfailures)
+def chunkify(recips, chunksize):
+ # First do a simple sort on top level domain. It probably doesn't buy us
+ # much to try to sort on MX record -- that's the MTA's job. We're just
+ # trying to avoid getting a max recips error. Split the chunks along
+ # these lines (as suggested originally by Chuq Von Rospach and slightly
+ # elaborated by BAW).
+ chunkmap = {'com': 1,
+ 'net': 2,
+ 'org': 2,
+ 'edu': 3,
+ 'us' : 3,
+ 'ca' : 3,
+ }
+ buckets = {}
+ for r in recips:
+ tld = None
+ i = r.rfind('.')
+ if i >= 0:
+ tld = r[i+1:]
+ bin = chunkmap.get(tld, 0)
+ bucket = buckets.get(bin, [])
+ bucket.append(r)
+ buckets[bin] = bucket
+ # Now start filling the chunks
+ chunks = []
+ currentchunk = []
+ chunklen = 0
+ for bin in buckets.values():
+ for r in bin:
+ currentchunk.append(r)
+ chunklen = chunklen + 1
+ if chunklen >= chunksize:
+ chunks.append(currentchunk)
+ currentchunk = []
+ chunklen = 0
+ if currentchunk:
+ chunks.append(currentchunk)
+ currentchunk = []
+ chunklen = 0
+ return chunks
+def verpdeliver(mlist, msg, msgdata, envsender, failures, conn):
+ for recip in msgdata['recips']:
+ # We now need to stitch together the message with its header and
+ # footer. If we're VERPIng, we have to calculate the envelope sender
+ # for each recipient. Note that the list of recipients must be of
+ # length 1.
+ #
+ # BAW: ezmlm includes the message number in the envelope, used when
+ # sending a notification to the user telling her how many messages
+ # they missed due to bouncing. Neat idea.
+ msgdata['recips'] = [recip]
+ # Make a copy of the message and decorate + delivery that
+ msgcopy = email.message_from_string(msg.as_string())
+ Decorate.process(mlist, msgcopy, msgdata)
+ # Calculate the envelope sender, which we may be VERPing
+ if msgdata.get('verp'):
+ bmailbox, bdomain = Utils.ParseEmail(envsender)
+ rmailbox, rdomain = Utils.ParseEmail(recip)
+ d = {'bounces': bmailbox,
+ 'mailbox': rmailbox,
+ 'host' : DOT.join(rdomain),
+ }
+ envsender = '%s@%s' % ((mm_cfg.VERP_FORMAT % d), DOT.join(bdomain))
+ if mlist.personalize == 2:
+ # When fully personalizing, we want the To address to point to the
+ # recipient, not to the mailing list
+ del msgcopy['to']
+ name = None
+ if mlist.isMember(recip):
+ name = mlist.getMemberName(recip)
+ if name:
+ # Convert the name to an email-safe representation. If the
+ # name is a byte string, convert it first to Unicode, given
+ # the character set of the member's language, replacing bad
+ # characters for which we can do nothing about. Once we have
+ # the name as Unicode, we can create a Header instance for it
+ # so that it's properly encoded for email transport.
+ charset = Utils.GetCharSet(mlist.getMemberLanguage(recip))
+ if charset == 'us-ascii':
+ # Since Header already tries both us-ascii and utf-8,
+ # let's add something a bit more useful.
+ charset = 'iso-8859-1'
+ charset = Charset(charset)
+ codec = charset.input_codec or 'ascii'
+ if not isinstance(name, UnicodeType):
+ name = unicode(name, codec, 'replace')
+ name = Header(name, charset).encode()
+ msgcopy['To'] = formataddr((name, recip))
+ else:
+ msgcopy['To'] = recip
+ # We can flag the mail as a duplicate for each member, if they've
+ # already received this message, as calculated by Message-ID. See
+ # AvoidDuplicates.py for details.
+ del msgcopy['x-mailman-copy']
+ if msgdata.get('add-dup-header', {}).has_key(recip):
+ msgcopy['X-Mailman-Copy'] = 'yes'
+ # For the final delivery stage, we can just bulk deliver to a party of
+ # one. ;)
+ bulkdeliver(mlist, msgcopy, msgdata, envsender, failures, conn)
+def bulkdeliver(mlist, msg, msgdata, envsender, failures, conn):
+ # Do some final cleanup of the message header. Start by blowing away
+ # any the Sender: and Errors-To: headers so remote MTAs won't be
+ # tempted to delivery bounces there instead of our envelope sender
+ del msg['sender']
+ del msg['errors-to']
+ msg['Sender'] = envsender
+ msg['Errors-To'] = envsender
+ # Get the plain, flattened text of the message, sans unixfrom
+ msgtext = msg.as_string()
+ refused = {}
+ recips = msgdata['recips']
+ try:
+ # Send the message
+ refused = conn.sendmail(envsender, recips, msgtext)
+ except smtplib.SMTPRecipientsRefused, e:
+ refused = e.recipients
+ # MTA not responding, or other socket problems, or any other kind of
+ # SMTPException. In that case, nothing got delivered
+ except (socket.error, smtplib.SMTPException), e:
+ # BAW: should this be configurable?
+ syslog('smtp', 'All recipients refused: %s', e)
+ # If the exception had an associated error code, use it, otherwise,
+ # fake it with a non-triggering exception code
+ errcode = getattr(e, 'smtp_code', -1)
+ errmsg = getattr(e, 'smtp_error', 'ignore')
+ for r in recips:
+ refused[r] = (errcode, errmsg)
+ failures.update(refused)