diff options
authortkikuchi <>2004-12-10 08:10:21 +0000
committertkikuchi <>2004-12-10 08:10:21 +0000
commit7c1278251a7454f83a9cd913da6fc0a7173b2db0 (patch)
parentafbae67358f5dc8c4054df4b2043cb40b0ede7ce (diff)
Chinese (China) templates. No support.
Diffstat (limited to '')
34 files changed, 1165 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/templates/Makefile.in b/templates/Makefile.in
index fde7c806..f2518e26 100644
--- a/templates/Makefile.in
+++ b/templates/Makefile.in
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ TEMPLATEDIR= $(prefix)/templates
SHELL= /bin/sh
LANGUAGES= ca cs da de en es et eu fi fr gb hr hu it ja ko lt nl \
- no pl pt pt_BR ro ru sl sr sv tr uk zh_TW
+ no pl pt pt_BR ro ru sl sr sv tr uk zh_CN zh_TW
# Modes for directories and executables created by the install
# process. Default to group-writable directories but
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/admindbdetails.html b/templates/zh_CN/admindbdetails.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1958b362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/admindbdetails.html
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+The administrative requests are displayed in one of two ways, on a <a
+href="%(summaryurl)s">summary page</a>, and on a <em>details</em>
+page. The summary page contains pending subscription and
+unsubscription requests, as well as postings being held for your
+approval, grouped by sender email address. The details page contains
+a more detailed view of each held message, including the all the
+message's headers and an excerpt of the message body.
+<p>On all the pages, the following actions are available:
+<li><b>Defer</b> -- Defer your decision until later. No action is
+ taken now for this pending administrative request, but for held
+ postings, you can still forward or preserve the message (see
+ below).
+<p><li><b>Approve</b> -- Approve the message, sending it on to the list.
+ For membership requests, approve the change in membership status.
+<p><li><b>Reject</b> -- Reject the message, sending a rejection notice to
+ the sender, and discarding the original message. For membership
+ requests, reject the change in membership status. In either case,
+ you should add a reason for the rejection in the accompanying text
+ box.
+<p><li><b>Discard</b> -- Throw away the original message, without sending
+ a rejection notice. For membership requests, this simply discards
+ the request without notice to the person making the request. This
+ is usually the action you want to take for known spam.
+<p>For held messages, turn on the <b>Preserve</b> option if you want
+to save a copy of the message for the site administrator. This is
+useful for abusive messages that you want to discard, but need to keep
+a record of for later inspection.
+<p>Turn on the <b>Forward to</b> option, and fill in the forwarding
+address if you want to forward the message to someone else not on the
+list. To edit a held message before it is sent on to the list, you
+should forward the message to yourself (or the list owners), and
+discard the original message. Then, when the message shows up in your
+mailbox, make your edits and resend the message to the list, including
+an <tt>Approved:</tt> header with the list password as its value. It
+is proper netiquette in this case to include a note in the resent
+message, explaining that you have modified the text.
+<p>If the sender is a list member who is being moderated, you can
+optionally clear their moderation flag. This is useful when your list
+is configured to put new members on probation, and you've decided that
+this member can be trusted to post to the list without approval.
+<p>If the sender is not a list member, you can add the email address to
+a <em>sender filter</em>. Sender filters are described on the <a
+href="%(filterurl)s">sender filter privacy page</a>, and may be one of
+<b>auto-accept</b> (Accepts), <b>auto-hold</b> (Holds),
+<b>auto-reject</b> (Rejects), or <b>auto-discard</b> (Discards). This
+option will not be available if the address is already on one of the
+sender filters.
+<p>When you're finished, click on the <em>Submit All Data</em> button
+at the top or bottom of the page. This button will submit all
+selected actions for all administrative requests that you've made a
+decision for.
+<p><a href="%(summaryurl)s">Return to the summary page</a>.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/admindbpreamble.html b/templates/zh_CN/admindbpreamble.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36ca1903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/admindbpreamble.html
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+这页包括一部分 <em>%(listname目录名)s</em> 已得到你的允许的邮件列表的投稿它现在显示在 %(description描述)s里
+<p>对于各个管理申请,请有选择的拿取,当完了时,点 <b>提交所有数据</b> 键。许多详细的指令从<a href="%(detailsurl)s">这里</a>可以得到。
+<p>你也能 <a href="%(summaryurl)s">一览简要查看</a>所有待决的申请。
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/admindbsummary.html b/templates/zh_CN/admindbsummary.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20ffef58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/admindbsummary.html
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+This page contains a summary of the current set of administrative
+requests requiring your approval for the
+<a href="%(adminurl)s"><em>%(listname)s</em> mailing list</a>.
+First, you will find the list of pending
+subscription and unsubscription requests, if any, followed by any
+postings being held for your approval.
+<p>For each administrative request, please select the action to take,
+clicking on the <b>Submit All Data</b> button when finished.
+<a href="%(detailsurl)s">More detailed instructions</a> are also
+<p>You can also <a href="%(viewallurl)s">view the details</a> of all
+held postings.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/adminsubscribeack.txt b/templates/zh_CN/adminsubscribeack.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..388a3a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/adminsubscribeack.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+%(member)s has been successfully subscribed to %(listname)s.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/adminunsubscribeack.txt b/templates/zh_CN/adminunsubscribeack.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ebcfeb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/adminunsubscribeack.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+%(member)s has been removed from %(listname)s.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/admlogin.html b/templates/zh_CN/admlogin.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63849009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/admlogin.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ <title>%(listname)s %(who)s认证 </title>
+<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
+ <TR>
+ <B><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="+1">%(listname)s %(who)s
+ 认证</FONT></B>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <tr>
+ <TD><div ALIGN="Right">列表 %(who)s 的暗码:</div></TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="adminpw" SIZE="30"></TD>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=2 align=middle><INPUT type="SUBMIT"
+ name="admlogin"
+ value="让我进入...">
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </TABLE>
+ <p><strong><em>重要:</em></strong> 在此基点上,你的浏览器要有
+ 关于用户自己的信息(cookies),否则管理设定变更无效。
+ <p>因为关于用户自己的信息用在管理接口上,所以你不须再一一证实
+ 每个管理操作。当你退出浏览器 或(有意要停止的情况下)点击
+ <em>退出</em> 键,用户自己的信息会自动失效。链接下面
+ <em>别的管理项目</em> (你只要见到其中一个即说明你已登记成功).
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/approve.txt b/templates/zh_CN/approve.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfb0dfb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/approve.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Your request to %(requestaddr)s:
+ %(cmd)s
+has been forwarded to the person running the list.
+This is probably because you are trying to subscribe to a 'closed'
+You will receive email notification of the list owner's decision about
+your subscription request.
+Any questions about the list owner's policy should be directed to:
+ %(adminaddr)s
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/article.html b/templates/zh_CN/article.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8741ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/article.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE> %(title)s
+ </TITLE>
+ <LINK REL="Index" HREF="index.html" >
+ <LINK REL="made" HREF="mailto:%(email_url)s">
+ <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="index,nofollow">
+ %(encoding)s
+ %(prev)s
+ %(next)s
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ <H1>%(subject_html)s
+ </H1>
+ <B>%(author_html)s
+ </B>
+ <A HREF="mailto:%(email_url)s"
+ TITLE="%(subject_html)s">%(email_html)s
+ </A><BR>
+ <I>%(datestr_html)s</I>
+ <P><UL>
+ %(prev_wsubj)s
+ %(next_wsubj)s
+ <LI> <B>文件归类:</B>
+ <a href="date.html#%(sequence)s">[ 日期 ]</a>
+ <a href="thread.html#%(sequence)s">[ 线索 ]</a>
+ <a href="subject.html#%(sequence)s">[ 题目 ]</a>
+ <a href="author.html#%(sequence)s">[ 作者 ]</a>
+ </LI>
+ </UL>
+ <HR>
+ <HR>
+ <P><UL>
+ <!--threads-->
+ %(prev_wsubj)s
+ %(next_wsubj)s
+ <LI> <B>Messages sorted by(文件归类):</B>
+ <a href="date.html#%(sequence)s">[ 日期 ]</a>
+ <a href="thread.html#%(sequence)s">[ 线索 ]</a>
+ <a href="subject.html#%(sequence)s">[ 题目 ]</a>
+ <a href="author.html#%(sequence)s">[ 作者 ]</a>
+ </LI>
+ </UL>
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/bounce.txt b/templates/zh_CN/bounce.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e02cc7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/bounce.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+This is a Mailman mailing list bounce action notice:
+ List: %(listname)s
+ Member: %(addr)s
+ Action: Subscription %(negative)s%(did)s.
+ Reason: Excessive or fatal bounces.
+ %(but)s
+The triggering bounce notice is attached below.
+Contact the Mailman site administrator at %(owneraddr)s.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/checkdbs.txt b/templates/zh_CN/checkdbs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d53925a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/checkdbs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+The %(real_name)s@%(host_name)s mailing list has %(count)d request(s)
+waiting for your consideration at:
+ %(adminDB)s
+Please attend to this at your earliest convenience. This notice of
+pending requests, if any, will be sent out daily.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/convert.txt b/templates/zh_CN/convert.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ae17a79e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/convert.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+The %(listname)s mailing list has just undergone a big change. It is
+running on a new mailing list package called "Mailman". This will
+hopefully solve a lot of problems that administering this list has
+How does this affect you?
+1) Mail intended for the whole list should be sent to: %(listaddr)s.
+2) You have been given an arbitrary password to prevent others from
+unsubscribing you without your knowledge. It will be mailed to you in
+a separate email, which you may have already received. Don't worry if
+you forget this password; a reminder will be sent to you via email
+every month.
+3) If you have World Wide Web access, you can use it any time to
+unsubscribe from this list, to switch to and from digest mode, to
+check back issues of the list (which will be available after the list
+has been getting posts for a day or so), etc. The Web address for
+these resources is:
+ %(listinfo_url)s
+4) If you do not have WWW access, you can do these same things via
+email. Send mail to %(requestaddr)s with a subject or body containing
+just the word "help" (without the quotes). You will receive an
+automated reply giving you further directions.
+Please address any questions or problems with this new setup to:
+This message was auto-generated by Mailman %(version)s. For more
+information on the Mailman software, visit the Mailman homepage at
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/cronpass.txt b/templates/zh_CN/cronpass.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52ce5ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/cronpass.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+This is a reminder, sent out once a month, about your %(hostname)s
+mailing list memberships. It includes your subscription info and how
+to use it to change it or unsubscribe from a list.
+You can visit the URLs to change your membership status or
+configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery
+or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
+In addition to the URL interfaces, you can also use email to make such
+changes. For more info, send a message to the '-request' address of
+the list (for example, %(exreq)s) containing just the word 'help' in
+the message body, and an email message will be sent to you with
+If you have questions, problems, comments, etc, send them to
+%(owner)s. Thanks!
+Passwords for %(useraddr)s:
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/disabled.txt b/templates/zh_CN/disabled.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..69197d19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/disabled.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Your membership in the mailing list %(listname)s has been disabled due
+to excessive bounces. You will not get any more messages from this
+list until you re-enable your membership. You will receive
+%(noticesleft)s more reminders like this before your membership in the
+list is deleted.
+To re-enable your membership, you can simply respond to this message
+(leaving the Subject: line intact), or visit the confirmation page at
+ %(confirmurl)s
+You can also visit your membership page at
+ %(optionsurl)s
+On your membership page, you can change various delivery options such
+as your email address and whether you get digests or not. As a
+reminder, your membership password is
+ %(password)s
+If you have any questions or problems, you can contact the list owner
+ %(owneraddr)s
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/emptyarchive.html b/templates/zh_CN/emptyarchive.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec3492c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/emptyarchive.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ <HEAD>
+ <title> %(listname)s 的信件档案库</title>
+ <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex,follow">
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ <h1> %(listname)s 的信件档案库 </h1>
+ <p>
+ 还没有信件向这个列表投稿,所以档案库现在还是空的。
+ 你可以进 <a href="%(listinfo)s">关于这个列表的一
+ 些介绍</a>.
+ </p>
+ </BODY>
+ </HTML>
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/headfoot.html b/templates/zh_CN/headfoot.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46d43c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/headfoot.html
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+This text can include <b><code>%(attribute)s</code></b> format strings
+which are resolved against the list's attributes. For details, see
+<a href="http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/typesseq-strings.html">Python's
+string formatting rules</a>. Some useful attributes are:
+ <li><b><code>real_name</code></b> - The `pretty' name of the list; usually
+ the list name with capitalization.
+ <li><b><code>_internal_name</code></b> - The name by which the list is
+ identified in URLs, where case is significant.
+ <li><b><code>host_name</code></b> - The fully qualified domain name
+ that the list server runs on.
+ <li><b><code>web_page_url</code></b> - The base URL for Mailman. This
+ can be appended with,
+ e.g. <em><code>listinfo/%(_internal_name)s</code></em> to yield the
+ listinfo page for the mailing list.
+ <li><b><code>description</code></b> - The brief description of the
+ mailing list.
+ <li><b><code>info</code></b> - The full description of the mailing
+ list.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/help.txt b/templates/zh_CN/help.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c331fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/help.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+Help for %(listname)s mailing list:
+This is email command help for version %(version)s of the "Mailman"
+list manager. The following describes commands you can send to get
+information about and control your subscription to Mailman lists at
+this site. A command can be in the subject line or in the body of the
+Note that much of the following can also be accomplished via the World
+Wide Web, at:
+ %(listinfo_url)s
+In particular, you can use the Web site to have your password sent to
+your delivery address.
+List specific commands (subscribe, who, etc) should be sent to the
+*-request address for the particular list, e.g. for the 'mailman'
+list, use 'mailman-request@...'.
+About the descriptions - words in "<>"s signify REQUIRED items and
+words in "[]" denote OPTIONAL items. Do not include the "<>"s or
+"[]"s when you use the commands.
+The following commands are valid:
+ subscribe [password] [digest-option] [address=<address>]
+ Subscribe to the mailing list. Your password must be given to
+ unsubscribe or change your options. When you subscribe to the
+ list, you'll be reminded of your password periodically.
+ 'digest-option' may be either: 'nodigest' or 'digest' (no
+ quotes!) If you wish to subscribe an address other than the
+ address you send this request from, you may specify
+ "address=<email address>" (no brackets around the email
+ address, no quotes!)
+ unsubscribe <password> [address]
+ Unsubscribe from the mailing list. Your password must match
+ the one you gave when you subscribed. If you are trying to
+ unsubscribe from a different address than the one you
+ subscribed from, you may specify it in the 'address' field.
+ who
+ See everyone who is on this mailing list.
+ info
+ View the introductory information for this list.
+ lists
+ See what mailing lists are run by this Mailman server.
+ help
+ This message.
+ set <option> <on|off> <password>
+ Turn on or off list options. Valid options are:
+ ack:
+ Turn this on to receive acknowledgement mail when you send
+ mail to the list.
+ digest:
+ Receive mail from the list bundled together instead of one
+ post at a time.
+ plain:
+ Get plain-text, not MIME-compliant, digests (only if
+ digest is set)
+ nomail:
+ Stop delivering mail. Useful if you plan on taking a
+ short vacation.
+ norcv:
+ Turn this on to NOT receive posts you send to the list.
+ Does not work if digest is set.
+ hide:
+ Conceals your address when people look at who is on this
+ list.
+ options
+ Show the current values of your list options.
+ password <oldpassword> <newpassword>
+ Change your list password.
+ end or --
+ Stop processing commands (good to do if your mailer
+ automatically adds a signature file - it'll save you from a lot
+ of cruft).
+Commands should be sent to %(requestaddr)s
+Questions and concerns for the attention of a person should be sent to
+ %(adminaddr)s
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/listinfo.html b/templates/zh_CN/listinfo.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45d47894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/listinfo.html
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+<!-- $Revision: 7239 $ -->
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE><MM-List-Name> <!-- $Revision: 7239 $ -->
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE><MM-List-Name> 介绍网页</TITLE>
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ <P>
+ <TR>
+ <B><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="+1"><MM-List-Name> --
+ <MM-List-Description></FONT></B>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <p>&nbsp;
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <B><FONT COLOR="#000000">关于 <MM-List-Name></FONT></B>
+ </TD>
+ <MM-lang-form-start><MM-displang-box> <MM-list-langs>
+ <MM-form-end>
+ <MM-Subscribe-Form-Start>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <P><MM-List-Info></P>
+ <p>要看列表所收集的以前的投稿,
+ 请看 <MM-Archive><MM-List-Name>
+ 旧稿档案库</MM-Archive>.
+ <MM-Restricted-List-Message>
+ </p>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <B><FONT COLOR="#000000">应用方法 <MM-List-Name></FONT></B>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ 给列表的全部成员送信,Email送到
+ <A HREF="mailto:<MM-Posting-Addr>"><MM-Posting-Addr></A>.
+ <p>在下面的部分,你可以在列表上登记入会,
+ 或改变你现在的登记。
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <TR>
+ <B><FONT COLOR="#000000">登记入会 <MM-List-Name></FONT></B>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <P>
+ 登记入会 <MM-List-Name> 以如下形式填写。
+ <MM-List-Subscription-Msg>
+ <ul>
+ WIDTH="70%" HEIGHT= "112">
+ <TR>
+ <TD BGCOLOR="#dddddd" WIDTH="55%">你的Email地址:</TD>
+ <TD WIDTH="33%"><MM-Subscribe-Box>
+ </TD>
+ <TD WIDTH="12%">&nbsp;</TD></TR>
+ <tr>
+ <td bgcolor="#dddddd" width="55%">你的名字 (自选):</td>
+ <td width="33%"><mm-fullname-box></td>
+ <TD WIDTH="12%">&nbsp;</TD></TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD COLSPAN="3"><FONT SIZE=-1>你可以在下面填入
+ 秘密暗号。这只能保证一般程度的安全,但能
+ 防止你的入会登记与他人混淆。
+ <b>不要使用重要的暗码</b> 有时暗码会用Email的
+ 明信发给你。
+ <p>如果你选择不填写暗码,会自动给出一个,
+ 在你认同你的登记后发送给你。
+ 当你编辑你的私人选择项时,你什么时候都可以请求
+ 用Email将暗码发给你。
+ <MM-Reminder>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD BGCOLOR="#dddddd">选一个暗码:</TD>
+ <TD><MM-New-Password-Box></TD>
+ <TD>&nbsp;</TD></TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD BGCOLOR="#dddddd">再登记暗码(核对):</TD>
+ <TD><MM-Confirm-Password></TD>
+ <TD>&nbsp; </TD></TR>
+ <tr>
+ <TD BGCOLOR="#dddddd">你希望用哪种语言写你的信</TD>
+ <TD> <MM-list-langs></TD>
+ <TD>&nbsp; </TD></TR>
+ <tr>
+ <td>你要收每天的汇总摘要集吗?
+ </td>
+ <td><MM-Undigest-Radio-Button> 不要
+ <MM-Digest-Radio-Button> 要
+ </TD>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3">
+ <center><MM-Subscribe-Button></P></center>
+ </TABLE>
+ <MM-Form-End>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <TR>
+ <a name="subscribers">
+ <B><FONT COLOR="#000000"><MM-List-Name> 成员名单</FONT></B></a>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <tr>
+ <TD COLSPAN="2" WIDTH="100%">
+ <MM-Roster-Form-Start>
+ <MM-Roster-Option>
+ <MM-Form-End>
+ <p>
+ <MM-Options-Form-Start>
+ <MM-Editing-Options>
+ <MM-Form-End>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/masthead.txt b/templates/zh_CN/masthead.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..30c526ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/masthead.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Send %(real_name)s mailing list submissions to
+ %(got_list_email)s
+To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
+ %(got_listinfo_url)s
+or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
+ %(got_request_email)s
+You can reach the person managing the list at
+ %(got_owner_email)s
+When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
+"Re: Contents of %(real_name)s digest..."
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/newlist.txt b/templates/zh_CN/newlist.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3362887d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/newlist.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+The mailing list `%(listname)s' has just been created for you. The
+following is some basic information about your mailing list.
+Your mailing list password is:
+ %(password)s
+You need this password to configure your mailing list. You also need
+it to handle administrative requests, such as approving mail if you
+choose to run a moderated list.
+You can configure your mailing list at the following web page:
+ %(admin_url)s
+The web page for users of your mailing list is:
+ %(listinfo_url)s
+You can even customize these web pages from the list configuration
+page. However, you do need to know HTML to be able to do this.
+There is also an email-based interface for users (not administrators)
+of your list; you can get info about using it by sending a message
+with just the word `help' as subject or in the body, to:
+ %(requestaddr)s
+To unsubscribe a user: from the mailing list 'listinfo' web page,
+click on or enter the user's email address as if you were that user.
+Where that user would put in their password to unsubscribe, put in
+your admin password. You can also use your password to change
+member's options, including digestification, delivery disabling, etc.
+Please address all questions to %(siteowner)s.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/options.html b/templates/zh_CN/options.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51919240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/options.html
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+<!-- $Revision: 7239 $ -->
+ <title><MM-Presentable-User> 会员关系的配置 <MM-List-Name>
+ </title>
+<BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ <TR><TD WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#99CCFF"><B>
+ <FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=+1>
+ <MM-List-Name> 信址列表的会员关系配置
+ <MM-Presentable-User>
+ </FONT></B></TD></TR>
+ </TABLE>
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
+ <tr><td>
+ <b><MM-Presentable-User></b>的注册的身分,
+ 暗码,信址列表的选择项 <MM-List-Name> 。
+ </td><td><mm-logout-button></td>
+ </tr><tr>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <MM-Case-Preserved-User>
+ <MM-Disabled-Notice>
+ <p><mm-results>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <TR><TD WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0" colspan="2">
+ <FONT COLOR="#000000">
+ <B>改变你的 <MM-List-Name> 会员关系的信息</B>
+ </FONT></TD></TR>
+ <tr><td colspan="2">你可以在下面的栏目里填写新的地址,这样能
+ 变更你原来在这个信址列表登记的地址。注意,确认Email会送到
+ 信地址,并且变更必须在它执行之前被认可。
+ <p>批准时间的期限 <mm-pending-days>.
+ <p>你也可以选择设定或变为你的真名
+ (例如 <em>郭静</em>).
+ <p>如果你要改变所有列表的会员关系,(那些你已登记过的)
+ <mm-host>, 请用
+ <em>全部变更</em> 。
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><td><center>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="80%" cols="2">
+ <tr><td bgcolor="#dddddd"><div align="right">新地址:</div></td>
+ <td><mm-new-address-box></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td bgcolor="#dddddd"><div align="right">再次
+ 确认:</div></td>
+ <td><mm-confirm-address-box></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tr></table></center>
+ </td>
+ <td><center>
+ <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" width="80%" cols="2">
+ <tr><td bgcolor="#dddddd"><div align="right">你的名字
+ (随意):</div></td>
+ <td><mm-fullname-box></td>
+ </tr>
+ </table></center>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr><td colspan="2"><center><mm-change-address-button>
+ <p><mm-global-change-of-address>全部变更</center></td>
+ </tr>
+ <TR><TD WIDTH="50%" BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0"><FONT COLOR="#000000">
+ <B>退会 <MM-List-Name></B></td>
+ <TD WIDTH="50%" BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0"><FONT COLOR="#000000">
+ <B>你的别的 <MM-Host> 登记</B>
+ </FONT></TD></TR>
+ <tr><td>
+ 打开认可「确认盒」并敲击此键从这个新址列表中退会。
+ <strong>警告:</strong>
+ 这个指令将会立即得到执行!!
+ <p>
+ <center><MM-Unsubscribe-Button></center></td>
+ <td>
+ 你可以看到其他所有你作为成员已登记在册
+ <mm-host> 的信址列表的清单。你用这个也可同样的
+ 变更这些别的登记。
+ <p>
+ <center><MM-Other-Subscriptions-Submit></center>
+ </TD></TR>
+ <TR><TD COLSPAN=2 WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0"><FONT COLOR="#000000">
+ <B>你的 <MM-List-Name> 暗码</B>
+ </FONT></TD></TR>
+ <tr valign="TOP"><td WIDTH="50%">
+ <a name=reminder>
+ <center>
+ <h3>你忘记了暗码吗?</h3>
+ </center>
+ 敲击此键后会给你的登记地址用Email
+ 发送你的暗码。
+ <p><MM-Umbrella-Notice>
+ <center>
+ <MM-Email-My-Pw>
+ </center>
+ </td>
+ <td WIDTH="50%">
+ <a name=changepw>
+ <center>
+ <h3>变更你的暗码</h3>
+ <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#dddddd"><div align="right">新
+ 暗码:</div></TD>
+ <TD><MM-New-Pass-Box></TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <TD BGCOLOR="#dddddd"><div align="right">再次
+ 确认:</div></TD>
+ <TD><MM-Confirm-Pass-Box></TD>
+ </TR>
+ </table>
+ <MM-Change-Pass-Button>
+ <p><center><mm-global-pw-changes-button>全部变更。
+ </center>
+ <TR><TD WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0"><FONT COLOR="#000000">
+ <B>你的 <MM-List-Name> 登记会员选择项</B>
+ </FONT></TD></TR>
+<p>请注意一些选择项里有 <em>全部设定</em>
+的确认部分。这些会改变你已登记的每个列表的登记 <mm-host>。在
+<em>其他的列表登记情况</em> 能知道你在其他信址列表的登记状况。
+ <tr><TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <a name="disable">
+ <strong>Mail 的配送</strong></a><p>
+ 设定这个选择项 <em>有效</em> 使这个信址列表可以接收投稿。
+ 可设定 <em>停止</em> ,当你在一定时期内不想收发Mail时
+ (例如你要休假等)。如果你停止了收发功能,休假归来后不要
+ 忘记再把它打开。
+ </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <mm-delivery-enable-button>有效<br>
+ <mm-delivery-disable-button>停止<p>
+ <mm-global-deliver-button><i>全部设定</i>
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <strong>设定汇总摘要方式</strong><p>
+ 如果你打开汇总摘要,你每天将收到一件总摘要,而不是一封封的收。
+ 如果你关闭汇总摘要,你可以收到一件最后的总摘要。
+ </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <MM-Undigest-Radio-Button>关<br>
+ <MM-Digest-Radio-Button>开
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <strong>用平信还是MIME形式发汇总摘要?</strong><p>
+ 你的阅读器支持不支持MIME方式的摘要。
+ 一般情况下,MIME形式的摘要比较好,但如果你的阅读器对此
+ 有问题的话,请选择平信的形式。
+ </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <MM-Mime-Digests-Button>MIME<br>
+ <MM-Plain-Digests-Button>平信
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <strong>你还需要收你自己向列表投的信件吗?</strong><p>
+ 通常情况下,你将收到你向列表投的每封信的复印件,
+ 若是你不想要这些复印件,可以选择
+ <em>不要</em>.
+ </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <mm-dont-receive-own-mail-button>不要<br>
+ <mm-receive-own-mail-button>要
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <strong>你向列表发送Mail后需要列表返回收到通知吗?
+ </strong><p>
+ </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <mm-dont-ack-posts-button>不要<br>
+ <mm-ack-posts-button>要
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <strong>这个列表领收提醒暗码用的Email吗?</strong><p>
+ 每个月,作为会员你都会收到每个列表发给你的信箱的Email
+ 包含有提示暗码。你可以选择<em>不要</em>关闭列表(一个)
+ 的这个功能。如果你关闭所有你已登记的列表的暗码提示接收
+ 选择的话,就没有提示Email发给你
+ </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <mm-dont-get-password-reminder-button>不要<br>
+ <mm-get-password-reminder-button>要<p>
+ <mm-global-remind-button><i>全部设定</i>
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <strong>在会员名录上不显示你吗?</strong><p>
+ 当某人看列表会员关系时,你的地址通常是显示的(为了防止
+ 大量收集mail地址用于恶用,而采取模糊处理)。如果你不希望
+ 你的地址出现在这个会员关系名册上,可选择<em>不显示</em>。
+ </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <MM-Public-Subscription-Button>不要<br>
+ <MM-Hide-Subscription-Button>要
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><TD BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
+ <strong>希望使用何种语言?</strong><p>
+ </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <MM-list-langs>
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <strong>你想订阅的题目分类是什么形式的?</strong><p>
+ 你可以从信址列表上筛选出一个或几个题目,也即是只接收
+ 其中的一部分的邮件。如果信件合于你的题目,就送给你,
+ 否则就不给你。
+ <p>如果没有信件合于题目,收寄的规则基于下面选择项的
+ 设定不同而不同。如果你没选择感兴趣的题目的话,你会接
+ 到所有的信件。
+ </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <mm-topics>
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <strong>你要收与任何题目的筛选都不符的信件吗?</strong><p>
+ 这个选择项只有在至少选了一个题目的基础上才有效。
+ 如果没有一个信件合于题目的筛选的话,说明违反了
+ 信件收寄规则。选择 <em>不</em> 即你不接收不合于
+ 任何题目的邮件,若选 <em>是</em> 则接收。
+ <p>如果你一个题目也没选,那么你将收到所有的
+ 投向信址列表的稿件。
+ </td><td bgcolor="#cccccc">
+ <mm-suppress-nonmatching-topics>不<br>
+ <mm-receive-nonmatching-topics>是
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr><TD colspan="2">
+ <center><MM-options-Submit-button></center>
+ </td></tr>
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/postack.txt b/templates/zh_CN/postack.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca26517d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/postack.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Your message entitled
+ %(subject)s
+was successfully received by the %(listname)s mailing list.
+List info page: %(listinfo_url)s
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/postauth.txt b/templates/zh_CN/postauth.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1072771
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/postauth.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+As list administrator, your authorization is requested for the
+following mailing list posting:
+ List: %(listname)s@%(hostname)s
+ From: %(sender)s
+ Subject: %(subject)s
+ Reason: %(reason)s
+At your convenience, visit:
+ %(admindb_url)s
+to approve or deny the request.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/postheld.txt b/templates/zh_CN/postheld.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..877bb405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/postheld.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Your mail to '%(listname)s' with the subject
+ %(subject)s
+Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
+The reason it is being held:
+ %(reason)s
+Either the message will get posted to the list, or you will receive
+notification of the moderator's decision. If you would like to cancel
+this posting, please visit the following URL:
+ %(confirmurl)s
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/private.html b/templates/zh_CN/private.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3996d0b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/private.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ <title>%(realname)s 私人信件档案库的认证</title>
+<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
+<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="%(action)s/">
+ <TR>
+ <B><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="+1">%(realname)s 私人信件档案库
+ 的认证</FONT></B>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <tr>
+ <TD><div ALIGN="Right">Email 地址:</div></TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="username" SIZE="30"></TD>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <TD><div ALIGN="Right">暗码:</div></TD>
+ <TD><INPUT TYPE="password" NAME="password" SIZE="30"></TD>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan=2 align="middle"><INPUT type="SUBMIT"
+ name="submit"
+ value="认证...">
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </TABLE>
+ <p><strong><em>重要:</em></strong> 在此基点上,你的
+ 浏览器要有有效的关于用户自己的信息,否则管理设定变更无效。
+ <p>因为关于用户自己的信息用在管理接口上,所以你不须再一一证实
+ 每个管理操作。当你退出浏览器 或(有意要停止的情况下)点击
+ <em>退出</em> 键,用户自己的信息会自动失效。链接下面
+ <em>别的管理项目</em> (你只要见到其中一个即说明你已登记成功)。
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/refuse.txt b/templates/zh_CN/refuse.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b6d9bb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/refuse.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Your request to the %(listname)s mailing list
+ %(request)s
+has been rejected by the list moderator. The moderator gave the
+following reason for rejecting your request:
+Any questions or comments should be directed to the list administrator
+ %(adminaddr)s
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/roster.html b/templates/zh_CN/roster.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e4a4013b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/roster.html
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<!-- $Revision: 7239 $ -->
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE><MM-List-Name> Subscribers</TITLE>
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff">
+ <P>
+ <TR>
+ <B><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE="+1"><MM-List-Name>
+ Subscribers</FONT></B>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR>
+ <P align = "right"> <MM-lang-form-start><MM-displang-box>
+ <MM-list-langs><MM-form-end></p>
+ <P>Click on your address to visit your subscription
+ options page.<br><I>(Parenthesized entries have list delivery
+ disabled.)</I></P>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR WIDTH="100%" VALIGN="top">
+ <TD BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0" WIDTH="50%">
+ <center>
+ <B><FONT COLOR="#000000"><MM-Num-Reg-Users>
+ Non-digested Members of <MM-List-Name>:</FONT></B>
+ </center>
+ </TD>
+ <TD BGCOLOR="#FFF0D0" WIDTH="50%">
+ <center>
+ <B><FONT COLOR="#000000"><MM-Num-Digesters> Digested
+ Members of <MM-List-Name>:</FONT></B>
+ </center>
+ </TD>
+ </TR>
+ <TR VALIGN="top">
+ <td>
+ <P><MM-Regular-Users>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <P><MM-Digest-Users>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/subauth.txt b/templates/zh_CN/subauth.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c20c3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/subauth.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Your authorization is required for a mailing list subscription request
+ For: %(username)s
+ List: %(listname)s@%(hostname)s
+At your convenience, visit:
+ %(admindb_url)s
+to process the request.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/subscribe.html b/templates/zh_CN/subscribe.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c86c2fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/subscribe.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!-- $Revision: 7239 $ -->
+<head><title><MM-List-Name> 入会手续的结果</title></head>
+<body bgcolor="white">
+<h1><MM-List-Name> 入会手续的结果</h1>
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/subscribeack.txt b/templates/zh_CN/subscribeack.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fad433f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/subscribeack.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+Welcome to the %(real_name)s@%(host_name)s mailing list!
+To post to this list, send your email to:
+ %(emailaddr)s
+General information about the mailing list is at:
+ %(listinfo_url)s
+If you ever want to unsubscribe or change your options (eg, switch to or
+from digest mode, change your password, etc.), visit your subscription
+page at:
+ %(optionsurl)s
+You can also make such adjustments via email by sending a message to:
+ %(real_name)s-request@%(host_name)s
+with the word `help' in the subject or body (don't include the
+quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions.
+You must know your password to change your options (including changing
+the password, itself) or to unsubscribe. It is:
+ %(password)s
+Normally, Mailman will remind you of your %(host_name)s mailing list
+passwords once every month, although you can disable this if you
+prefer. This reminder will also include instructions on how to
+unsubscribe or change your account options. There is also a button on
+your options page that will email your current password to you.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/unsub.txt b/templates/zh_CN/unsub.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b08f65ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/unsub.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Mailing list removal confirmation notice for mailing list %(listname)s
+We have received a request%(remote)s for the removal of your email
+address, "%(email)s" from the %(listaddr)s mailing list. To confirm
+that you want to be removed from this mailing list, simply reply to
+this message, keeping the Subject: header intact. Or visit this web
+ %(confirmurl)s
+Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
+message to %(requestaddr)s:
+ confirm %(cookie)s
+Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
+most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in
+the right form (additional "Re:" text in the Subject: is okay).
+If you do not wish to be removed from this list, please simply
+disregard this message. If you think you are being maliciously
+removed from the list, or have any other questions, send them to
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/unsubauth.txt b/templates/zh_CN/unsubauth.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..920f6c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/unsubauth.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Your authorization is required for a mailing list unsubscription
+request approval:
+ By: %(username)s
+ From: %(listname)s@%(hostname)s
+At your convenience, visit:
+ %(admindb_url)s
+to process the request.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/userpass.txt b/templates/zh_CN/userpass.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a53a846
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/userpass.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+You, or someone posing as you, has requested a password reminder for
+your membership on the mailing list %(fqdn_lname)s. You will need
+this password in order to change your membership options (e.g. do you
+want regular delivery or digest delivery), and having this password
+makes it easier for you to unsubscribe from the mailing list.
+You are subscribed with the address: %(user)s
+Your %(listname)s password is: %(password)s
+To make changes to your membership options, log in and visit your
+options web page:
+ %(options_url)s
+You can also make such changes via email by sending a message to:
+ %(requestaddr)s
+with the text "help" in the subject or body. The automatic reply will
+contain more detailed instructions.
+Questions or comments? Please send them to the %(listname)s mailing
+list administrator at %(owneraddr)s.
diff --git a/templates/zh_CN/verify.txt b/templates/zh_CN/verify.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..36229f8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/zh_CN/verify.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Mailing list subscription confirmation notice for mailing list %(listname)s
+We have received a request%(remote)s for subscription of your email
+address, "%(email)s", to the %(listaddr)s mailing list. To confirm
+that you want to be added to this mailing list, simply reply to this
+message, keeping the Subject: header intact. Or visit this web page:
+ %(confirmurl)s
+Or include the following line -- and only the following line -- in a
+message to %(requestaddr)s:
+ confirm %(cookie)s
+Note that simply sending a `reply' to this message should work from
+most mail readers, since that usually leaves the Subject: line in
+the right form (additional "Re:" text in the Subject: is okay).
+If you do not wish to be subscribed from this list, please simply
+disregard this message. If you think you are being maliciously
+subscribed to the list, or have any other questions, send them to