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<H2><A NAME="SECTION002210000000000000000">
2.1 A List's Email Addresses</A>

Every mailing list has a set of email addresses that messages can be
sent to.  There's always one address for posting messages to the list,
one address that bounces will be sent to, and addresses for processing
email commands.  For example, for a mailing list called
<var>mylist@example.com</var>, you'd find these addresses:


<LI>mylist@example.com - this is the email address people should
      use for new postings to the list.

<LI>mylist-join@example.com - by sending a message to this address,
      a new member can request subscription to the list.  Both the
      <span class="mailheader">Subject:</span> header and body of such a message are
      ignored.  Note that mylist-subscribe@example.com is an alias for
      the -join address.

<LI>mylist-leave@example.com - by sending a message to this address,
      a member can request unsubscription from the list.  As with the
      -join address, the <span class="mailheader">Subject:</span> header and body of the
      message is ignored.  Note that mylist-unsubscribe@example.com is
      an alias for the -leave address.

<LI>mylist-owner@example.com - This address reaches the list owner
      and list moderators directly.

<LI>mylist-request@example.com - This address reaches a mail robot
      which processes email commands that can be used to set member
      subscription options, as well as process other commands.

<LI>mylist-bounces@example.com - This address receives bounces from
      members who's addresses have become either temporarily or
      permanently inactive.  The -bounces address is also a mail robot
      that processes bounces and automatically disables or removes
      members as configured in the bounce processing settings.  Any
      bounce messages that are either unrecognized, or do not seem to
      contain member addresses, are forwarded to the list

<LI>mylist-confirm@example.com - This address is another email
      robot, which processes confirmation messages for subscription
      and unsubscription requests.

There's also an -admin address which also reaches the list
administrators, but this address only exists for compatibility with
older versions of Mailman.


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<span class="release-info">Release 2.1, documentation updated on October 2, 2004.</span>
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