# Copyright (C) 1998-2003 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
"""The class representing a Mailman mailing list.
Mixes in many task-specific classes.
import sys
import os
import time
import marshal
import errno
import re
import shutil
import socket
import urllib
import cPickle
from cStringIO import StringIO
from UserDict import UserDict
from urlparse import urlparse
from types import *
import email.Iterators
from email.Utils import getaddresses, formataddr, parseaddr
from Mailman import mm_cfg
from Mailman import Utils
from Mailman import Errors
from Mailman import LockFile
from Mailman.UserDesc import UserDesc
# base classes
from Mailman.Archiver import Archiver
from Mailman.Autoresponder import Autoresponder
from Mailman.Bouncer import Bouncer
from Mailman.Deliverer import Deliverer
from Mailman.Digester import Digester
from Mailman.GatewayManager import GatewayManager
from Mailman.HTMLFormatter import HTMLFormatter
from Mailman.ListAdmin import ListAdmin
from Mailman.SecurityManager import SecurityManager
from Mailman.TopicMgr import TopicMgr
# gui components package
from Mailman import Gui
# other useful classes
from Mailman import MemberAdaptor
from Mailman.OldStyleMemberships import OldStyleMemberships
from Mailman import Message
from Mailman import Pending
from Mailman import Site
from Mailman import i18n
from Mailman.Logging.Syslog import syslog
_ = i18n._
True, False
except NameError:
True = 1
False = 0
# Use mixins here just to avoid having any one chunk be too large.
class MailList(HTMLFormatter, Deliverer, ListAdmin,
Archiver, Digester, SecurityManager, Bouncer, GatewayManager,
Autoresponder, TopicMgr):
# A MailList object's basic Python object model support
def __init__(self, name=None, lock=1):
# No timeout by default. If you want to timeout, open the list
# unlocked, then lock explicitly.
# Only one level of mixin inheritance allowed
for baseclass in self.__class__.__bases__:
if hasattr(baseclass, '__init__'):
# Initialize volatile attributes
# Default membership adaptor class
self._memberadaptor = OldStyleMemberships(self)
# This extension mechanism allows list-specific overrides of any
# method (well, except __init__(), InitTempVars(), and InitVars()
# I think). Note that fullpath() will return None when we're creating
# the list, which will only happen when name is None.
if name is None:
filename = os.path.join(self.fullpath(), 'extend.py')
dict = {}
execfile(filename, dict)
except IOError, e:
# Ignore missing files, but log other errors
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
syslog('error', 'IOError reading list extension: %s', e)
func = dict.get('extend')
if func:
if lock:
# This will load the database.
def __getattr__(self, name):
# Because we're using delegation, we want to be sure that attribute
# access to a delegated member function gets passed to the
# sub-objects. This of course imposes a specific name resolution
# order.
return getattr(self._memberadaptor, name)
except AttributeError:
for guicomponent in self._gui:
return getattr(guicomponent, name)
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError, name
def __repr__(self):
if self.Locked():
status = '(locked)'
status = '(unlocked)'
return '<mailing list "%s" %s at %x>' % (
self.internal_name(), status, id(self))
# Lock management
def Lock(self, timeout=0):
# Must reload our database for consistency. Watch out for lists that
# don't exist.
except Exception:
def Unlock(self):
def Locked(self):
return self.__lock.locked()
# Useful accessors
def internal_name(self):
return self._internal_name
def fullpath(self):
return self._full_path
def getListAddress(self, extra=None):
if extra is None:
return '%s@%s' % (self.internal_name(), self.host_name)
return '%s-%s@%s' % (self.internal_name(), extra, self.host_name)
# For backwards compatibility
def GetBouncesEmail(self):
return self.getListAddress('bounces')
def GetOwnerEmail(self):
return self.getListAddress('owner')
def GetRequestEmail(self):
return self.getListAddress('request')
def GetConfirmEmail(self, cookie):
return mm_cfg.VERP_CONFIRM_FORMAT % {
'addr' : '%s-confirm' % self.internal_name(),
'cookie': cookie,
} + '@' + self.host_name
def GetListEmail(self):
return self.getListAddress()
def GetMemberAdminEmail(self, member):
"""Usually the member addr, but modified for umbrella lists.
Umbrella lists have other mailing lists as members, and so admin stuff
like confirmation requests and passwords must not be sent to the
member addresses - the sublists - but rather to the administrators of
the sublists. This routine picks the right address, considering
regular member address to be their own administrative addresses.
if not self.umbrella_list:
return member
acct, host = tuple(member.split('@'))
return "%s%s@%s" % (acct, self.umbrella_member_suffix, host)
def GetScriptURL(self, scriptname, absolute=0):
return Utils.ScriptURL(scriptname, self.web_page_url, absolute) + \
'/' + self.internal_name()
def GetOptionsURL(self, user, obscure=0, absolute=0):
url = self.GetScriptURL('options', absolute)
if obscure:
user = Utils.ObscureEmail(user)
return '%s/%s' % (url, urllib.quote(user.lower()))
# Instance and subcomponent initialization
def InitTempVars(self, name):
"""Set transient variables of this and inherited classes."""
# The timestamp is set whenever we load the state from disk. If our
# timestamp is newer than the modtime of the config.pck file, we don't
# need to reload, otherwise... we do.
self.__timestamp = 0
self.__lock = LockFile.LockFile(
os.path.join(mm_cfg.LOCK_DIR, name or '<site>') + '.lock',
# TBD: is this a good choice of lifetime?
lifetime = mm_cfg.LIST_LOCK_LIFETIME,
withlogging = mm_cfg.LIST_LOCK_DEBUGGING)
self._internal_name = name
if name:
self._full_path = Site.get_listpath(name)
self._full_path = None
# Only one level of mixin inheritance allowed
for baseclass in self.__class__.__bases__:
if hasattr(baseclass, 'InitTempVars'):
# Now, initialize our gui components
self._gui = []
for component in dir(Gui):
if component.startswith('_'):
self._gui.append(getattr(Gui, component)())
def InitVars(self, name=None, admin='', crypted_password=''):
"""Assign default values - some will be overriden by stored state."""
# Non-configurable list info
if name:
self._internal_name = name
# When was the list created?
self.created_at = time.time()
# Must save this state, even though it isn't configurable
self.volume = 1
self.members = {} # self.digest_members is initted in mm_digest
self.data_version = mm_cfg.DATA_FILE_VERSION
self.last_post_time = 0
self.post_id = 1. # A float so it never has a chance to overflow.
self.user_options = {}
self.language = {}
self.usernames = {}
self.passwords = {}
self.new_member_options = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_NEW_MEMBER_OPTIONS
# This stuff is configurable
self.respond_to_post_requests = 1
self.advertised = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_LIST_ADVERTISED
self.max_num_recipients = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_MAX_NUM_RECIPIENTS
self.max_message_size = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE
# See the note in Defaults.py concerning DEFAULT_HOST_NAME
self.host_name = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_HOST_NAME or mm_cfg.DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST
self.web_page_url = (
mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL or
self.owner = [admin]
self.moderator = []
self.reply_goes_to_list = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_REPLY_GOES_TO_LIST
self.reply_to_address = ''
self.first_strip_reply_to = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FIRST_STRIP_REPLY_TO
self.admin_immed_notify = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ADMIN_IMMED_NOTIFY
self.admin_notify_mchanges = \
self.require_explicit_destination = \
self.acceptable_aliases = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_ALIASES
self.umbrella_list = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_UMBRELLA_LIST
self.umbrella_member_suffix = \
self.send_reminders = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SEND_REMINDERS
self.send_welcome_msg = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SEND_WELCOME_MSG
self.send_goodbye_msg = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SEND_GOODBYE_MSG
self.bounce_matching_headers = \
self.anonymous_list = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ANONYMOUS_LIST
internalname = self.internal_name()
self.real_name = internalname[0].upper() + internalname[1:]
self.description = ''
self.info = ''
self.welcome_msg = ''
self.goodbye_msg = ''
self.subscribe_policy = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_POLICY
self.unsubscribe_policy = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_UNSUBSCRIBE_POLICY
self.private_roster = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_PRIVATE_ROSTER
self.obscure_addresses = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_OBSCURE_ADDRESSES
self.admin_member_chunksize = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ADMIN_MEMBER_CHUNKSIZE
self.administrivia = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_ADMINISTRIVIA
self.preferred_language = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE
self.available_languages = []
self.include_rfc2369_headers = 1
self.include_list_post_header = 1
self.filter_mime_types = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FILTER_MIME_TYPES
self.pass_mime_types = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_PASS_MIME_TYPES
self.filter_content = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FILTER_CONTENT
self.convert_html_to_plaintext = \
self.filter_action = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FILTER_ACTION
# Analogs to these are initted in Digester.InitVars
self.nondigestable = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_NONDIGESTABLE
self.personalize = 0
# New sender-centric moderation (privacy) options
self.default_member_moderation = \
# Emergency moderation bit
self.emergency = 0
# This really ought to default to mm_cfg.HOLD, but that doesn't work
# with the current GUI description model. So, 0==Hold, 1==Reject,
# 2==Discard
self.member_moderation_action = 0
self.member_moderation_notice = ''
self.accept_these_nonmembers = []
self.hold_these_nonmembers = []
self.reject_these_nonmembers = []
self.discard_these_nonmembers = []
self.forward_auto_discards = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_FORWARD_AUTO_DISCARDS
self.generic_nonmember_action = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_GENERIC_NONMEMBER_ACTION
# Ban lists
self.ban_list = []
# BAW: This should really be set in SecurityManager.InitVars()
self.password = crypted_password
# Max autoresponses per day. A mapping between addresses and a
# 2-tuple of the date of the last autoresponse and the number of
# autoresponses sent on that date.
self.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses = {}
# Only one level of mixin inheritance allowed
for baseclass in self.__class__.__bases__:
if hasattr(baseclass, 'InitVars'):
# These need to come near the bottom because they're dependent on
# other settings.
self.subject_prefix = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SUBJECT_PREFIX % self.__dict__
self.msg_header = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_MSG_HEADER
self.msg_footer = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_MSG_FOOTER
# Set this to Never if the list's preferred language uses us-ascii,
# otherwise set it to As Needed
if Utils.GetCharSet(self.preferred_language) == 'us-ascii':
self.encode_ascii_prefixes = 0
self.encode_ascii_prefixes = 2
# Web API support via administrative categories
def GetConfigCategories(self):
class CategoryDict(UserDict):
def __init__(self):
self.keysinorder = mm_cfg.ADMIN_CATEGORIES[:]
def keys(self):
return self.keysinorder
def items(self):
items = []
for k in mm_cfg.ADMIN_CATEGORIES:
items.append((k, self.data[k]))
return items
def values(self):
values = []
for k in mm_cfg.ADMIN_CATEGORIES:
return values
categories = CategoryDict()
# Only one level of mixin inheritance allowed
for gui in self._gui:
k, v = gui.GetConfigCategory()
categories[k] = (v, gui)
return categories
def GetConfigSubCategories(self, category):
for gui in self._gui:
if hasattr(gui, 'GetConfigSubCategories'):
# Return the first one that knows about the given subcategory
subcat = gui.GetConfigSubCategories(category)
if subcat is not None:
return subcat
return None
def GetConfigInfo(self, category, subcat=None):
for gui in self._gui:
if hasattr(gui, 'GetConfigInfo'):
value = gui.GetConfigInfo(self, category, subcat)
if value:
return value
# List creation
def Create(self, name, admin, crypted_password,
langs=None, emailhost=None):
if Utils.list_exists(name):
raise Errors.MMListAlreadyExistsError, name
# Validate what will be the list's posting address. If that's
# invalid, we don't want to create the mailing list. The hostname
# part doesn't really matter, since that better already be valid.
# However, most scripts already catch MMBadEmailError as exceptions on
# the admin's email address, so transform the exception.
if emailhost is None:
emailhost = mm_cfg.DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST
postingaddr = '%s@%s' % (name, emailhost)
except Errors.MMBadEmailError:
raise Errors.BadListNameError, postingaddr
# Validate the admin's email address
self._internal_name = name
self._full_path = Site.get_listpath(name, create=1)
# Don't use Lock() since that tries to load the non-existant config.pck
self.InitVars(name, admin, crypted_password)
if langs is None:
self.available_languages = [self.preferred_language]
self.available_languages = langs
# Database and filesystem I/O
def __save(self, dict):
# Save the file as a binary pickle, and rotate the old version to a
# backup file. We must guarantee that config.pck is always valid so
# we never rotate unless the we've successfully written the temp file.
# We use pickle now because marshal is not guaranteed to be compatible
# between Python versions.
fname = os.path.join(self.fullpath(), 'config.pck')
fname_tmp = fname + '.tmp.%s.%d' % (socket.gethostname(), os.getpid())
fname_last = fname + '.last'
fp = None
fp = open(fname_tmp, 'w')
# Use a binary format... it's more efficient.
cPickle.dump(dict, fp, 1)
except IOError, e:
'Failed config.pck write, retaining old state.\n%s', e)
if fp is not None:
# Now do config.pck.tmp.xxx -> config.pck -> config.pck.last rotation
# as safely as possible.
# might not exist yet
except OSError, e:
if e.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise
# might not exist yet
os.link(fname, fname_last)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise
os.rename(fname_tmp, fname)
# Reset the timestamp
self.__timestamp = os.path.getmtime(fname)
def Save(self):
# Refresh the lock, just to let other processes know we're still
# interested in it. This will raise a NotLockedError if we don't have
# the lock (which is a serious problem!). TBD: do we need to be more
# defensive?
# copy all public attributes to serializable dictionary
dict = {}
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
if key[0] == '_' or type(value) is MethodType:
dict[key] = value
# Make config.pck unreadable by `other', as it contains all the
# list members' passwords (in clear text).
omask = os.umask(007)
def __load(self, dbfile):
# Attempt to load and unserialize the specified database file. This
# could actually be a config.db (for pre-2.1alpha3) or config.pck,
# i.e. a marshal or a binary pickle. Actually, it could also be a
# .last backup file if the primary storage file was corrupt. The
# decision on whether to unpickle or unmarshal is based on the file
# extension, but we always save it using pickle (since only it, and
# not marshal is guaranteed to be compatible across Python versions).
# On success return a 2-tuple of (dictionary, None). On error, return
# a 2-tuple of the form (None, errorobj).
if dbfile.endswith('.db') or dbfile.endswith('.db.last'):
loadfunc = marshal.load
elif dbfile.endswith('.pck') or dbfile.endswith('.pck.last'):
loadfunc = cPickle.load
assert 0, 'Bad database file name'
# Check the mod time of the file first. If it matches our
# timestamp, then the state hasn't change since the last time we
# loaded it. Otherwise open the file for loading, below. If the
# file doesn't exist, we'll get an EnvironmentError with errno set
# to ENOENT (EnvironmentError is the base class of IOError and
# OSError).
mtime = os.path.getmtime(dbfile)
if mtime <= self.__timestamp:
# File is not newer
return None, None
fp = open(dbfile)
except EnvironmentError, e:
if e.errno <> errno.ENOENT: raise
# The file doesn't exist yet
return None, e
dict = loadfunc(fp)
if type(dict) <> DictType:
return None, 'Load() expected to return a dictionary'
except (EOFError, ValueError, TypeError, MemoryError,
cPickle.PicklingError), e:
return None, e
# Update timestamp
self.__timestamp = mtime
return dict, None
def Load(self, check_version=1):
if not Utils.list_exists(self.internal_name()):
raise Errors.MMUnknownListError
# We first try to load config.pck, which contains the up-to-date
# version of the database. If that fails, perhaps because it's
# corrupted or missing, we'll try to load the backup file
# config.pck.last.
# Should both of those fail, we'll look for config.db and
# config.db.last for backwards compatibility with pre-2.1alpha3
pfile = os.path.join(self.fullpath(), 'config.pck')
plast = pfile + '.last'
dfile = os.path.join(self.fullpath(), 'config.db')
dlast = dfile + '.last'
for file in (pfile, plast, dfile, dlast):
dict, e = self.__load(file)
if dict is None:
if e is not None:
# Had problems with this file; log it and try the next one.
syslog('error', "couldn't load config file %s\n%s",
file, e)
# We already have the most up-to-date state
# Nothing worked, so we have to give up
syslog('error', 'All %s fallbacks were corrupt, giving up',
raise Errors.MMCorruptListDatabaseError, e
# Now, if we didn't end up using the primary database file, we want to
# copy the fallback into the primary so that the logic in Save() will
# still work. For giggles, we'll copy it to a safety backup.
if file == plast:
shutil.copy(file, pfile)
shutil.copy(file, pfile + '.safety')
elif file == dlast:
shutil.copy(file, dfile)
shutil.copy(file, pfile + '.safety')
# Copy the loaded dictionary into the attributes of the current
# mailing list object, then run sanity check on the data.
if check_version:
# Sanity checks
def CheckVersion(self, stored_state):
"""Auto-update schema if necessary."""
if self.data_version >= mm_cfg.DATA_FILE_VERSION:
# Initialize any new variables
# Then reload the database (but don't recurse). Force a reload even
# if we have the most up-to-date state.
self.__timestamp = 0
# We must hold the list lock in order to update the schema
waslocked = self.Locked()
if not waslocked:
from versions import Update
Update(self, stored_state)
self.data_version = mm_cfg.DATA_FILE_VERSION
if not waslocked:
def CheckValues(self):
"""Normalize selected values to known formats."""
if '' in urlparse(self.web_page_url)[:2]:
# Either the "scheme" or the "network location" part of the parsed
# URL is empty; substitute faulty value with (hopefully sane)
# default. Note that DEFAULT_URL is obsolete.
self.web_page_url = (
mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL or
if self.web_page_url and self.web_page_url[-1] <> '/':
self.web_page_url = self.web_page_url + '/'
# Legacy reply_to_address could be an illegal value. We now verify
# upon setting and don't check it at the point of use.
if self.reply_to_address.strip() and self.reply_goes_to_list:
except Errors.EmailAddressError:
syslog('error', 'Bad reply_to_address "%s" cleared for list: %s',
self.reply_to_address, self.internal_name())
self.reply_to_address = ''
self.reply_goes_to_list = 0
# Legacy topics may have bad regular expressions in their patterns
goodtopics = []
for name, pattern, desc, emptyflag in self.topics:
except (re.error, TypeError):
syslog('error', 'Bad topic pattern "%s" for list: %s',
pattern, self.internal_name())
goodtopics.append((name, pattern, desc, emptyflag))
self.topics = goodtopics
# Membership management front-ends and assertion checks
def InviteNewMember(self, userdesc, text=''):
"""Invite a new member to the list.
This is done by creating a subscription pending for the user, and then
crafting a message to the member informing them of the invitation.
invitee = userdesc.address
requestaddr = self.GetRequestEmail()
# Hack alert! Squirrel away a flag that only invitations have, so
# that we can do something slightly different when an invitation
# subscription is confirmed. In those cases, we don't need further
# admin approval, even if the list is so configured. The flag is the
# list name to prevent invitees from cross-subscribing.
userdesc.invitation = self.internal_name()
cookie = Pending.new(Pending.SUBSCRIPTION, userdesc)
confirmurl = '%s/%s' % (self.GetScriptURL('confirm', absolute=1),
listname = self.real_name
text += Utils.maketext(
{'email' : invitee,
'listname' : listname,
'hostname' : self.host_name,
'confirmurl' : confirmurl,
'requestaddr': requestaddr,
'cookie' : cookie,
'listowner' : self.GetOwnerEmail(),
}, mlist=self)
subj = _(
'You have been invited to join the %(listname)s mailing list')
sender = self.GetConfirmEmail(cookie)
# Do it the old fashioned way
subj = 'confirm ' + cookie
sender = requestaddr
msg = Message.UserNotification(
invitee, sender, subj,
text, lang=self.preferred_language)
def AddMember(self, userdesc, remote=None):
"""Front end to member subscription.
This method enforces subscription policy, validates values, sends
notifications, and any other grunt work involved in subscribing a
user. It eventually calls ApprovedAddMember() to do the actual work
of subscribing the user.
userdesc is an instance with the following public attributes:
address -- the unvalidated email address of the member
fullname -- the member's full name (i.e. John Smith)
digest -- a flag indicating whether the user wants digests or not
language -- the requested default language for the user
password -- the user's password
Other attributes may be defined later. Only address is required; the
others all have defaults (fullname='', digests=0, language=list's
preferred language, password=generated).
remote is a string which describes where this add request came from.
assert self.Locked()
# Suck values out of userdesc, apply defaults, and reset the userdesc
# attributes (for passing on to ApprovedAddMember()). Lowercase the
# addr's domain part.
email = Utils.LCDomain(userdesc.address)
name = getattr(userdesc, 'fullname', '')
lang = getattr(userdesc, 'language', self.preferred_language)
digest = getattr(userdesc, 'digest', None)
password = getattr(userdesc, 'password', Utils.MakeRandomPassword())
if digest is None:
if self.nondigestable:
digest = 0
digest = 1
# Validate the e-mail address to some degree.
if self.isMember(email):
raise Errors.MMAlreadyAMember, email
if email.lower() == self.GetListEmail().lower():
# Trying to subscribe the list to itself!
raise Errors.MMBadEmailError
# Is the subscribing address banned from this list?
ban = 0
for pattern in self.ban_list:
if pattern.startswith('^'):
# This is a regular expression match
if re.search(pattern, email, re.IGNORECASE):
ban = 1
except re.error:
# BAW: we should probably remove this pattern
# Do the comparison case insensitively
if pattern.lower() == email.lower():
ban = 1
if ban:
syslog('vette', 'banned subscription: %s (matched: %s)',
email, pattern)
raise Errors.MembershipIsBanned, pattern
# Sanity check the digest flag
if digest and not self.digestable:
raise Errors.MMCantDigestError
elif not digest and not self.nondigestable:
raise Errors.MMMustDigestError
userdesc.address = email
userdesc.fullname = name
userdesc.digest = digest
userdesc.language = lang
userdesc.password = password
# Apply the list's subscription policy. 0 means open subscriptions; 1
# means the user must confirm; 2 means the admin must approve; 3 means
# the user must confirm and then the admin must approve
if self.subscribe_policy == 0:
self.ApprovedAddMember(userdesc, whence=remote or '')
elif self.subscribe_policy == 1 or self.subscribe_policy == 3:
# User confirmation required. BAW: this should probably just
# accept a userdesc instance.
cookie = Pending.new(Pending.SUBSCRIPTION, userdesc)
# Send the user the confirmation mailback
if remote is None:
by = remote = ''
by = ' ' + remote
remote = _(' from %(remote)s')
recipient = self.GetMemberAdminEmail(email)
realname = self.real_name
confirmurl = '%s/%s' % (self.GetScriptURL('confirm', absolute=1),
text = Utils.maketext(
{'email' : email,
'listaddr' : self.GetListEmail(),
'listname' : realname,
'cookie' : cookie,
'requestaddr' : self.GetRequestEmail(),
'remote' : remote,
'listadmin' : self.GetOwnerEmail(),
'confirmurl' : confirmurl,
}, lang=lang, mlist=self)
msg = Message.UserNotification(
recipient, self.GetRequestEmail(),
text=text, lang=lang)
# BAW: See ChangeMemberAddress() for why we do it this way...
del msg['subject']
msg['Subject'] = 'confirm ' + cookie
msg['Reply-To'] = self.GetRequestEmail()
who = formataddr((name, email))
syslog('subscribe', '%s: pending %s %s',
self.internal_name(), who, by)
raise Errors.MMSubscribeNeedsConfirmation
# Subscription approval is required. Add this entry to the admin
# requests database. BAW: this should probably take a userdesc
# just like above.
self.HoldSubscription(email, name, password, digest, lang)
raise Errors.MMNeedApproval, _(
'subscriptions to %(realname)s require moderator approval')
def ApprovedAddMember(self, userdesc, ack=None, admin_notif=None, text='',
"""Add a member right now.
The member's subscription must be approved by what ever policy the
list enforces.
userdesc is as above in AddMember().
ack is a flag that specifies whether the user should get an
acknowledgement of their being subscribed. Default is to use the
list's default flag value.
admin_notif is a flag that specifies whether the list owner should get
an acknowledgement of this subscription. Default is to use the list's
default flag value.
assert self.Locked()
# Set up default flag values
if ack is None:
ack = self.send_welcome_msg
if admin_notif is None:
admin_notif = self.admin_notify_mchanges
# Suck values out of userdesc, and apply defaults.
email = Utils.LCDomain(userdesc.address)
name = getattr(userdesc, 'fullname', '')
lang = getattr(userdesc, 'language', self.preferred_language)
digest = getattr(userdesc, 'digest', None)
password = getattr(userdesc, 'password', Utils.MakeRandomPassword())
if digest is None:
if self.nondigestable:
digest = 0
digest = 1
# Let's be extra cautious
if self.isMember(email):
raise Errors.MMAlreadyAMember, email
# Do the actual addition
self.addNewMember(email, realname=name, digest=digest,
password=password, language=lang)
self.setMemberOption(email, mm_cfg.DisableMime,
1 - self.mime_is_default_digest)
self.setMemberOption(email, mm_cfg.Moderate,
# Now send and log results
if digest:
kind = ' (digest)'
kind = ''
syslog('subscribe', '%s: new%s %s, %s', self.internal_name(),
kind, formataddr((email, name)), whence)
if ack:
self.SendSubscribeAck(email, self.getMemberPassword(email),
digest, text)
if admin_notif:
lang = self.preferred_language
otrans = i18n.get_translation()
realname = self.real_name
subject = _('%(realname)s subscription notification')
if isinstance(name, UnicodeType):
name = name.encode(Utils.GetCharSet(lang), 'replace')
text = Utils.maketext(
{"listname" : realname,
"member" : formataddr((name, email)),
}, mlist=self)
msg = Message.OwnerNotification(self, subject, text)
def DeleteMember(self, name, whence=None, admin_notif=None, userack=True):
realname, email = parseaddr(name)
if self.unsubscribe_policy == 0:
self.ApprovedDeleteMember(name, whence, admin_notif, userack)
raise Errors.MMNeedApproval, _(
'unsubscriptions require moderator approval')
def ApprovedDeleteMember(self, name, whence=None,
admin_notif=None, userack=None):
if userack is None:
userack = self.send_goodbye_msg
if admin_notif is None:
admin_notif = self.admin_notify_mchanges
# Delete a member, for which we know the approval has been made
fullname, emailaddr = parseaddr(name)
userlang = self.getMemberLanguage(emailaddr)
# Remove the member
# And send an acknowledgement to the user...
if userack:
self.SendUnsubscribeAck(emailaddr, userlang)
# ...and to the administrator
if admin_notif:
realname = self.real_name
subject = _('%(realname)s unsubscribe notification')
text = Utils.maketext(
{'member' : name,
'listname': self.real_name,
}, mlist=self)
msg = Message.OwnerNotification(self, subject, text)
if whence:
whence = "; %s" % whence
whence = ""
syslog('subscribe', '%s: deleted %s%s',
self.internal_name(), name, whence)
def ChangeMemberName(self, addr, name, globally):
self.setMemberName(addr, name)
if not globally:
for listname in Utils.list_names():
# Don't bother with ourselves
if listname == self.internal_name():
mlist = MailList(listname, lock=0)
if mlist.host_name <> self.host_name:
if not mlist.isMember(addr):
mlist.setMemberName(addr, name)
def ChangeMemberAddress(self, oldaddr, newaddr, globally):
# Changing a member address consists of verifying the new address,
# making sure the new address isn't already a member, and optionally
# going through the confirmation process.
# Most of these checks are copied from AddMember
newaddr = Utils.LCDomain(newaddr)
# Raise an exception if this email address is already a member of the
# list, but only if the new address is the same case-wise as the old
# address and we're not doing a global change.
if not globally and newaddr == oldaddr and self.isMember(newaddr):
raise Errors.MMAlreadyAMember
if newaddr == self.GetListEmail().lower():
raise Errors.MMBadEmailError
# Pend the subscription change
cookie = Pending.new(Pending.CHANGE_OF_ADDRESS,
oldaddr, newaddr, globally)
confirmurl = '%s/%s' % (self.GetScriptURL('confirm', absolute=1),
realname = self.real_name
lang = self.getMemberLanguage(oldaddr)
text = Utils.maketext(
{'email' : newaddr,
'listaddr' : self.GetListEmail(),
'listname' : realname,
'cookie' : cookie,
'requestaddr': self.GetRequestEmail(),
'remote' : '',
'listadmin' : self.GetOwnerEmail(),
'confirmurl' : confirmurl,
}, lang=lang, mlist=self)
# BAW: We don't pass the Subject: into the UserNotification
# constructor because it will encode it in the charset of the language
# being used. For non-us-ascii charsets, this means it will probably
# quopri quote it, and thus replies will also be quopri encoded. But
# CommandRunner doesn't yet grok such headers. So, just set the
# Subject: in a separate step, although we have to delete the one
# UserNotification adds.
msg = Message.UserNotification(
newaddr, self.GetRequestEmail(),
text=text, lang=lang)
del msg['subject']
msg['Subject'] = 'confirm ' + cookie
msg['Reply-To'] = self.GetRequestEmail()
def ApprovedChangeMemberAddress(self, oldaddr, newaddr, globally):
# It's possible they were a member of this list, but choose to change
# their membership globally. In that case, we simply remove the old
# address.
if self.isMember(newaddr):
self.changeMemberAddress(oldaddr, newaddr)
# If globally is true, then we also include every list for which
# oldaddr is a member.
if not globally:
for listname in Utils.list_names():
# Don't bother with ourselves
if listname == self.internal_name():
mlist = MailList(listname, lock=0)
if mlist.host_name <> self.host_name:
if not mlist.isMember(oldaddr):
# Same logic as above, re newaddr is already a member
if mlist.isMember(newaddr):
mlist.changeMemberAddress(oldaddr, newaddr)
# Confirmation processing
def ProcessConfirmation(self, cookie, context=None):
data = Pending.confirm(cookie)
if data is None:
raise Errors.MMBadConfirmation, 'data is None'
op = data[0]
data = data[1:]
except ValueError:
raise Errors.MMBadConfirmation, 'op-less data %s' % (data,)
if op == Pending.SUBSCRIPTION:
whence = 'via email confirmation'
userdesc = data[0]
# If confirmation comes from the web, context should be a
# UserDesc instance which contains overrides of the original
# subscription information. If it comes from email, then
# context is a Message and isn't relevant, so ignore it.
if isinstance(context, UserDesc):
userdesc += context
whence = 'via web confirmation'
addr = userdesc.address
fullname = userdesc.fullname
password = userdesc.password
digest = userdesc.digest
lang = userdesc.language
except ValueError:
raise Errors.MMBadConfirmation, 'bad subscr data %s' % (data,)
# Hack alert! Was this a confirmation of an invitation?
invitation = getattr(userdesc, 'invitation', False)
# We check for both 2 (approval required) and 3 (confirm +
# approval) because the policy could have been changed in the
# middle of the confirmation dance.
if invitation:
if invitation <> self.internal_name():
# Not cool. The invitee was trying to subscribe to a
# different list than they were invited to. Alert both
# list administrators.
self.SendHostileSubscriptionNotice(invitation, addr)
raise Errors.HostileSubscriptionError
elif self.subscribe_policy in (2, 3):
self.HoldSubscription(addr, fullname, password, digest, lang)
name = self.real_name
raise Errors.MMNeedApproval, _(
'subscriptions to %(name)s require administrator approval')
self.ApprovedAddMember(userdesc, whence=whence)
return op, addr, password, digest, lang
elif op == Pending.UNSUBSCRIPTION:
addr = data[0]
# Log file messages don't need to be i18n'd
if isinstance(context, Message.Message):
whence = 'email confirmation'
whence = 'web confirmation'
# Can raise NotAMemberError if they unsub'd via other means
self.ApprovedDeleteMember(addr, whence=whence)
return op, addr
elif op == Pending.CHANGE_OF_ADDRESS:
oldaddr, newaddr, globally = data
self.ApprovedChangeMemberAddress(oldaddr, newaddr, globally)
return op, oldaddr, newaddr
elif op == Pending.HELD_MESSAGE:
id = data[0]
approved = None
# Confirmation should be coming from email, where context should
# be the confirming message. If the message does not have an
# Approved: header, this is a discard, otherwise it's an approval
# (if the passwords match).
if isinstance(context, Message.Message):
# See if it's got an Approved: header, either in the headers,
# or in the first text/plain section of the response. For
# robustness, we'll accept Approve: as well.
approved = context.get('Approved', context.get('Approve'))
if not approved:
subpart = list(email.Iterators.typed_subpart_iterator(
context, 'text', 'plain'))[0]
except IndexError:
subpart = None
if subpart:
s = StringIO(subpart.get_payload())
while 1:
line = s.readline()
if not line:
if not line.strip():
i = line.find(':')
if i > 0:
if (line[:i].lower() == 'approve' or
line[:i].lower() == 'approved'):
# then
approved = line[i+1:].strip()
# Okay, does the approved header match the list password?
if approved and self.Authenticate([mm_cfg.AuthListAdmin,
approved) <> mm_cfg.UnAuthorized:
action = mm_cfg.APPROVE
action = mm_cfg.DISCARD
self.HandleRequest(id, action)
except KeyError:
# Most likely because the message has already been disposed of
# via the admindb page.
syslog('error', 'Could not process HELD_MESSAGE: %s', id)
return (op,)
elif op == Pending.RE_ENABLE:
member = data[1]
self.setDeliveryStatus(member, MemberAdaptor.ENABLED)
return op, member
def ConfirmUnsubscription(self, addr, lang=None, remote=None):
if lang is None:
lang = self.getMemberLanguage(addr)
cookie = Pending.new(Pending.UNSUBSCRIPTION, addr)
confirmurl = '%s/%s' % (self.GetScriptURL('confirm', absolute=1),
realname = self.real_name
if remote is not None:
by = " " + remote
remote = _(" from %(remote)s")
by = ""
remote = ""
text = Utils.maketext(
{'email' : addr,
'listaddr' : self.GetListEmail(),
'listname' : realname,
'cookie' : cookie,
'requestaddr' : self.GetRequestEmail(),
'remote' : remote,
'listadmin' : self.GetOwnerEmail(),
'confirmurl' : confirmurl,
}, lang=lang, mlist=self)
msg = Message.UserNotification(
addr, self.GetRequestEmail(),
text=text, lang=lang)
# BAW: See ChangeMemberAddress() for why we do it this way...
del msg['subject']
msg['Subject'] = 'confirm ' + cookie
msg['Reply-To'] = self.GetRequestEmail()
# Miscellaneous stuff
def HasExplicitDest(self, msg):
"""True if list name or any acceptable_alias is included among the
to or cc addrs."""
# BAW: fall back to Utils.ParseAddr if the first test fails.
# this is the list's full address
listfullname = '%s@%s' % (self.internal_name(), self.host_name)
recips = []
# check all recipient addresses against the list's explicit addresses,
# specifically To: Cc: and Resent-to:
to = []
for header in ('to', 'cc', 'resent-to', 'resent-cc'):
to.extend(getaddresses(msg.get_all(header, [])))
for fullname, addr in to:
# It's possible that if the header doesn't have a valid
# (i.e. RFC822) value, we'll get None for the address. So skip
# it.
if addr is None:
addr = addr.lower()
localpart = addr.split('@')[0]
if (# TBD: backwards compatibility: deprecated
localpart == self.internal_name() or
# exact match against the complete list address
addr == listfullname):
return 1
recips.append((addr, localpart))
# helper function used to match a pattern against an address. Do it
def domatch(pattern, addr):
if re.match(pattern, addr):
return 1
except re.error:
# The pattern is a malformed regexp -- try matching safely,
# with all non-alphanumerics backslashed:
if re.match(re.escape(pattern), addr):
return 1
# Here's the current algorithm for matching acceptable_aliases:
# 1. If the pattern does not have an `@' in it, we first try matching
# it against just the localpart. This was the behavior prior to
# 2.0beta3, and is kept for backwards compatibility.
# (deprecated).
# 2. If that match fails, or the pattern does have an `@' in it, we
# try matching against the entire recip address.
for addr, localpart in recips:
for alias in self.acceptable_aliases.split('\n'):
stripped = alias.strip()
if not stripped:
# ignore blank or empty lines
if '@' not in stripped and domatch(stripped, localpart):
return 1
if domatch(stripped, addr):
return 1
return 0
def parse_matching_header_opt(self):
"""Return a list of triples [(field name, regex, line), ...]."""
# - Blank lines and lines with '#' as first char are skipped.
# - Leading whitespace in the matchexp is trimmed - you can defeat
# that by, eg, containing it in gratuitous square brackets.
all = []
for line in self.bounce_matching_headers.split('\n'):
line = line.strip()
# Skip blank lines and lines *starting* with a '#'.
if not line or line[0] == "#":
i = line.find(':')
if i < 0:
# This didn't look like a header line. BAW: should do a
# better job of informing the list admin.
syslog('config', 'bad bounce_matching_header line: %s\n%s',
self.real_name, line)
header = line[:i]
value = line[i+1:].lstrip()
cre = re.compile(value, re.IGNORECASE)
except re.error, e:
# The regexp was malformed. BAW: should do a better
# job of informing the list admin.
syslog('config', '''\
bad regexp in bounce_matching_header line: %s
\n%s (cause: %s)''', self.real_name, value, e)
all.append((header, cre, line))
return all
def hasMatchingHeader(self, msg):
"""Return true if named header field matches a regexp in the
bounce_matching_header list variable.
Returns constraint line which matches or empty string for no
for header, cre, line in self.parse_matching_header_opt():
for value in msg.get_all(header, []):
if cre.search(value):
return line
return 0
def autorespondToSender(self, sender):
"""Return true if Mailman should auto-respond to this sender.
This is only consulted for messages sent to the -request address, or
for posting hold notifications, and serves only as a safety value for
mail loops with email 'bots.
# No limit
return 1
today = time.localtime()[:3]
info = self.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses.get(sender)
if info is None or info[0] <> today:
# First time we've seen a -request/post-hold for this sender
self.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses[sender] = (today, 1)
# BAW: no check for MAX_AUTORESPONSES_PER_DAY <= 1
return 1
date, count = info
if count < 0:
# They've already hit the limit for today.
syslog('vette', '-request/hold autoresponse discarded for: %s',
return 0
if count >= mm_cfg.MAX_AUTORESPONSES_PER_DAY:
syslog('vette', '-request/hold autoresponse limit hit for: %s',
self.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses[sender] = (today, -1)
# Send this notification message instead
text = Utils.maketext(
{'sender' : sender,
'listname': '%s@%s' % (self.real_name, self.host_name),
'num' : count,
'owneremail': self.GetOwnerEmail(),
msg = Message.UserNotification(
sender, self.GetOwnerEmail(),
_('Last autoresponse notification for today'),
return 0
self.hold_and_cmd_autoresponses[sender] = (today, count+1)
return 1
# Multilingual (i18n) support
def GetAvailableLanguages(self):
langs = self.available_languages
# If we don't add this, and the site admin has never added any
# language support to the list, then the general admin page may have a
# blank field where the list owner is supposed to chose the list's
# preferred language.
if mm_cfg.DEFAULT_SERVER_LANGUAGE not in langs:
return langs