/* -*- Mode: java; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Rhino code, released * May 6, 1999. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1997-1999 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Tom Beauvais * Norris Boyd * Mike McCabe * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), in which * case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of those above. If * you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of * the GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the * MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replacing * them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL. If you do * not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this * file under either the MPL or the GPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ package org.mozilla.javascript; import java.text.Collator; /** * This class implements the String native object. * * See ECMA 15.5. * * String methods for dealing with regular expressions are * ported directly from C. Latest port is from version * in the JSFUN13_BRANCH. * * @author Mike McCabe * @author Norris Boyd */ final class NativeString extends IdScriptableObject { static final long serialVersionUID = 920268368584188687L; private static final Object STRING_TAG = new Object(); static void init(Scriptable scope, boolean sealed) { NativeString obj = new NativeString(""); obj.exportAsJSClass(MAX_PROTOTYPE_ID, scope, sealed); } private NativeString(String s) { string = s; } public String getClassName() { return "String"; } private static final int Id_length = 1, MAX_INSTANCE_ID = 1; protected int getMaxInstanceId() { return MAX_INSTANCE_ID; } protected int findInstanceIdInfo(String s) { if (s.equals("length")) { return instanceIdInfo(DONTENUM | READONLY | PERMANENT, Id_length); } return super.findInstanceIdInfo(s); } protected String getInstanceIdName(int id) { if (id == Id_length) { return "length"; } return super.getInstanceIdName(id); } protected Object getInstanceIdValue(int id) { if (id == Id_length) { return ScriptRuntime.wrapInt(string.length()); } return super.getInstanceIdValue(id); } protected void fillConstructorProperties(IdFunctionObject ctor) { addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_fromCharCode, "fromCharCode", 1); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_charAt, "charAt", 2); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_charCodeAt, "charCodeAt", 2); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_indexOf, "indexOf", 2); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_lastIndexOf, "lastIndexOf", 2); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_split, "split", 3); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_substring, "substring", 3); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_toLowerCase, "toLowerCase", 1); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_toUpperCase, "toUpperCase", 1); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_substr, "substr", 3); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_concat, "concat", 2); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_slice, "slice", 3); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_equalsIgnoreCase, "equalsIgnoreCase", 2); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_match, "match", 2); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_search, "search", 2); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_replace, "replace", 2); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_localeCompare, "localeCompare", 2); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_toLocaleLowerCase, "toLocaleLowerCase", 1); addIdFunctionProperty(ctor, STRING_TAG, ConstructorId_fromCharCode, "fromCharCode", 1); super.fillConstructorProperties(ctor); } protected void initPrototypeId(int id) { String s; int arity; switch (id) { case Id_constructor: arity=1; s="constructor"; break; case Id_toString: arity=0; s="toString"; break; case Id_toSource: arity=0; s="toSource"; break; case Id_valueOf: arity=0; s="valueOf"; break; case Id_charAt: arity=1; s="charAt"; break; case Id_charCodeAt: arity=1; s="charCodeAt"; break; case Id_indexOf: arity=1; s="indexOf"; break; case Id_lastIndexOf: arity=1; s="lastIndexOf"; break; case Id_split: arity=2; s="split"; break; case Id_substring: arity=2; s="substring"; break; case Id_toLowerCase: arity=0; s="toLowerCase"; break; case Id_toUpperCase: arity=0; s="toUpperCase"; break; case Id_substr: arity=2; s="substr"; break; case Id_concat: arity=1; s="concat"; break; case Id_slice: arity=2; s="slice"; break; case Id_bold: arity=0; s="bold"; break; case Id_italics: arity=0; s="italics"; break; case Id_fixed: arity=0; s="fixed"; break; case Id_strike: arity=0; s="strike"; break; case Id_small: arity=0; s="small"; break; case Id_big: arity=0; s="big"; break; case Id_blink: arity=0; s="blink"; break; case Id_sup: arity=0; s="sup"; break; case Id_sub: arity=0; s="sub"; break; case Id_fontsize: arity=0; s="fontsize"; break; case Id_fontcolor: arity=0; s="fontcolor"; break; case Id_link: arity=0; s="link"; break; case Id_anchor: arity=0; s="anchor"; break; case Id_equals: arity=1; s="equals"; break; case Id_equalsIgnoreCase: arity=1; s="equalsIgnoreCase"; break; case Id_match: arity=1; s="match"; break; case Id_search: arity=1; s="search"; break; case Id_replace: arity=1; s="replace"; break; case Id_localeCompare: arity=1; s="localeCompare"; break; case Id_toLocaleLowerCase: arity=0; s="toLocaleLowerCase"; break; case Id_toLocaleUpperCase: arity=0; s="toLocaleUpperCase"; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(id)); } initPrototypeMethod(STRING_TAG, id, s, arity); } public Object execIdCall(IdFunctionObject f, Context cx, Scriptable scope, Scriptable thisObj, Object[] args) { if (!f.hasTag(STRING_TAG)) { return super.execIdCall(f, cx, scope, thisObj, args); } int id = f.methodId(); again: for(;;) { switch (id) { case ConstructorId_charAt: case ConstructorId_charCodeAt: case ConstructorId_indexOf: case ConstructorId_lastIndexOf: case ConstructorId_split: case ConstructorId_substring: case ConstructorId_toLowerCase: case ConstructorId_toUpperCase: case ConstructorId_substr: case ConstructorId_concat: case ConstructorId_slice: case ConstructorId_equalsIgnoreCase: case ConstructorId_match: case ConstructorId_search: case ConstructorId_replace: case ConstructorId_localeCompare: case ConstructorId_toLocaleLowerCase: { thisObj = ScriptRuntime.toObject(scope, ScriptRuntime.toString(args[0])); Object[] newArgs = new Object[args.length-1]; for (int i=0; i < newArgs.length; i++) newArgs[i] = args[i+1]; args = newArgs; id = -id; continue again; } case ConstructorId_fromCharCode: { int N = args.length; if (N < 1) return ""; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(N); for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { sb.append(ScriptRuntime.toUint16(args[i])); } return sb.toString(); } case Id_constructor: { String s = (args.length >= 1) ? ScriptRuntime.toString(args[0]) : ""; if (thisObj == null) { // new String(val) creates a new String object. return new NativeString(s); } // String(val) converts val to a string value. return s; } case Id_toString: case Id_valueOf: // ECMA 'the toString function is not generic. return realThis(thisObj, f).string; case Id_toSource: { String s = realThis(thisObj, f).string; return "(new String(\""+ScriptRuntime.escapeString(s)+"\"))"; } case Id_charAt: case Id_charCodeAt: { // See ECMA 15.5.4.[4,5] String target = ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj); double pos = ScriptRuntime.toInteger(args, 0); if (pos < 0 || pos >= target.length()) { if (id == Id_charAt) return ""; else return ScriptRuntime.NaNobj; } char c = target.charAt((int)pos); if (id == Id_charAt) return String.valueOf(c); else return ScriptRuntime.wrapInt(c); } case Id_indexOf: return ScriptRuntime.wrapInt(js_indexOf( ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args)); case Id_lastIndexOf: return ScriptRuntime.wrapInt(js_lastIndexOf( ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args)); case Id_split: return js_split(cx, scope, ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args); case Id_substring: return js_substring(cx, ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args); case Id_toLowerCase: // See ECMA return ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj).toLowerCase(); case Id_toUpperCase: // See ECMA return ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj).toUpperCase(); case Id_substr: return js_substr(ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args); case Id_concat: return js_concat(ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args); case Id_slice: return js_slice(ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), args); case Id_bold: return tagify(thisObj, "b", null, null); case Id_italics: return tagify(thisObj, "i", null, null); case Id_fixed: return tagify(thisObj, "tt", null, null); case Id_strike: return tagify(thisObj, "strike", null, null); case Id_small: return tagify(thisObj, "small", null, null); case Id_big: return tagify(thisObj, "big", null, null); case Id_blink: return tagify(thisObj, "blink", null, null); case Id_sup: return tagify(thisObj, "sup", null, null); case Id_sub: return tagify(thisObj, "sub", null, null); case Id_fontsize: return tagify(thisObj, "font", "size", args); case Id_fontcolor: return tagify(thisObj, "font", "color", args); case Id_link: return tagify(thisObj, "a", "href", args); case Id_anchor: return tagify(thisObj, "a", "name", args); case Id_equals: case Id_equalsIgnoreCase: { String s1 = ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj); String s2 = ScriptRuntime.toString(args, 0); return ScriptRuntime.wrapBoolean( (id == Id_equals) ? s1.equals(s2) : s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2)); } case Id_match: case Id_search: case Id_replace: { int actionType; if (id == Id_match) { actionType = RegExpProxy.RA_MATCH; } else if (id == Id_search) { actionType = RegExpProxy.RA_SEARCH; } else { actionType = RegExpProxy.RA_REPLACE; } return ScriptRuntime.checkRegExpProxy(cx). action(cx, scope, thisObj, args, actionType); } // ECMA-262 1 case Id_localeCompare: { // For now, create and configure a collator instance. I can't // actually imagine that this'd be slower than caching them // a la ClassCache, so we aren't trying to outsmart ourselves // with a caching mechanism for now. Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(cx.getLocale()); collator.setStrength(Collator.IDENTICAL); collator.setDecomposition(Collator.CANONICAL_DECOMPOSITION); return ScriptRuntime.wrapNumber(collator.compare( ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj), ScriptRuntime.toString(args, 0))); } case Id_toLocaleLowerCase: { return ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj) .toLowerCase(cx.getLocale()); } case Id_toLocaleUpperCase: { return ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj) .toUpperCase(cx.getLocale()); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(id)); } } private static NativeString realThis(Scriptable thisObj, IdFunctionObject f) { if (!(thisObj instanceof NativeString)) throw incompatibleCallError(f); return (NativeString)thisObj; } /* * HTML composition aids. */ private static String tagify(Object thisObj, String tag, String attribute, Object[] args) { String str = ScriptRuntime.toString(thisObj); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append('<'); result.append(tag); if (attribute != null) { result.append(' '); result.append(attribute); result.append("=\""); result.append(ScriptRuntime.toString(args, 0)); result.append('"'); } result.append('>'); result.append(str); result.append("</"); result.append(tag); result.append('>'); return result.toString(); } public String toString() { return string; } /* Make array-style property lookup work for strings. * XXX is this ECMA? A version check is probably needed. In js too. */ public Object get(int index, Scriptable start) { if (0 <= index && index < string.length()) { return string.substring(index, index + 1); } return super.get(index, start); } public void put(int index, Scriptable start, Object value) { if (0 <= index && index < string.length()) { return; } super.put(index, start, value); } /* * * See ECMA Uses Java String.indexOf() * OPT to add - BMH searching from jsstr.c. */ private static int js_indexOf(String target, Object[] args) { String search = ScriptRuntime.toString(args, 0); double begin = ScriptRuntime.toInteger(args, 1); if (begin > target.length()) { return -1; } else { if (begin < 0) begin = 0; return target.indexOf(search, (int)begin); } } /* * * See ECMA * */ private static int js_lastIndexOf(String target, Object[] args) { String search = ScriptRuntime.toString(args, 0); double end = ScriptRuntime.toNumber(args, 1); if (end != end || end > target.length()) end = target.length(); else if (end < 0) end = 0; return target.lastIndexOf(search, (int)end); } /* * Used by js_split to find the next split point in target, * starting at offset ip and looking either for the given * separator substring, or for the next re match. ip and * matchlen must be reference variables (assumed to be arrays of * length 1) so they can be updated in the leading whitespace or * re case. * * Return -1 on end of string, >= 0 for a valid index of the next * separator occurrence if found, or the string length if no * separator is found. */ private static int find_split(Context cx, Scriptable scope, String target, String separator, int version, RegExpProxy reProxy, Scriptable re, int[] ip, int[] matchlen, boolean[] matched, String[][] parensp) { int i = ip[0]; int length = target.length(); /* * Perl4 special case for str.split(' '), only if the user has selected * JavaScript1.2 explicitly. Split on whitespace, and skip leading w/s. * Strange but true, apparently modeled after awk. */ if (version == Context.VERSION_1_2 && re == null && separator.length() == 1 && separator.charAt(0) == ' ') { /* Skip leading whitespace if at front of str. */ if (i == 0) { while (i < length && Character.isWhitespace(target.charAt(i))) i++; ip[0] = i; } /* Don't delimit whitespace at end of string. */ if (i == length) return -1; /* Skip over the non-whitespace chars. */ while (i < length && !Character.isWhitespace(target.charAt(i))) i++; /* Now skip the next run of whitespace. */ int j = i; while (j < length && Character.isWhitespace(target.charAt(j))) j++; /* Update matchlen to count delimiter chars. */ matchlen[0] = j - i; return i; } /* * Stop if past end of string. If at end of string, we will * return target length, so that * * "ab,".split(',') => new Array("ab", "") * * and the resulting array converts back to the string "ab," * for symmetry. NB: This differs from perl, which drops the * trailing empty substring if the LIMIT argument is omitted. */ if (i > length) return -1; /* * Match a regular expression against the separator at or * above index i. Return -1 at end of string instead of * trying for a match, so we don't get stuck in a loop. */ if (re != null) { return reProxy.find_split(cx, scope, target, separator, re, ip, matchlen, matched, parensp); } /* * Deviate from ECMA by never splitting an empty string by any separator * string into a non-empty array (an array of length 1 that contains the * empty string). */ if (version != Context.VERSION_DEFAULT && version < Context.VERSION_1_3 && length == 0) return -1; /* * Special case: if sep is the empty string, split str into * one character substrings. Let our caller worry about * whether to split once at end of string into an empty * substring. * * For 1.2 compatibility, at the end of the string, we return the length as * the result, and set the separator length to 1 -- this allows the caller * to include an additional null string at the end of the substring list. */ if (separator.length() == 0) { if (version == Context.VERSION_1_2) { if (i == length) { matchlen[0] = 1; return i; } return i + 1; } return (i == length) ? -1 : i + 1; } /* Punt to j.l.s.indexOf; return target length if separator is * not found. */ if (ip[0] >= length) return length; i = target.indexOf(separator, ip[0]); return (i != -1) ? i : length; } /* * See ECMA Modified to match JS 1.2 - optionally takes * a limit argument and accepts a regular expression as the split * argument. */ private static Object js_split(Context cx, Scriptable scope, String target, Object[] args) { // create an empty Array to return; Scriptable top = getTopLevelScope(scope); Scriptable result = ScriptRuntime.newObject(cx, top, "Array", null); // return an array consisting of the target if no separator given // don't check against undefined, because we want // 'fooundefinedbar'.split(void 0) to split to ['foo', 'bar'] if (args.length < 1) { result.put(0, result, target); return result; } // Use the second argument as the split limit, if given. boolean limited = (args.length > 1) && (args[1] != Undefined.instance); long limit = 0; // Initialize to avoid warning. if (limited) { /* Clamp limit between 0 and 1 + string length. */ limit = ScriptRuntime.toUint32(args[1]); if (limit > target.length()) limit = 1 + target.length(); } String separator = null; int[] matchlen = new int[1]; Scriptable re = null; RegExpProxy reProxy = null; if (args[0] instanceof Scriptable) { reProxy = ScriptRuntime.getRegExpProxy(cx); if (reProxy != null) { Scriptable test = (Scriptable)args[0]; if (reProxy.isRegExp(test)) { re = test; } } } if (re == null) { separator = ScriptRuntime.toString(args[0]); matchlen[0] = separator.length(); } // split target with separator or re int[] ip = { 0 }; int match; int len = 0; boolean[] matched = { false }; String[][] parens = { null }; int version = cx.getLanguageVersion(); while ((match = find_split(cx, scope, target, separator, version, reProxy, re, ip, matchlen, matched, parens)) >= 0) { if ((limited && len >= limit) || (match > target.length())) break; String substr; if (target.length() == 0) substr = target; else substr = target.substring(ip[0], match); result.put(len, result, substr); len++; /* * Imitate perl's feature of including parenthesized substrings * that matched part of the delimiter in the new array, after the * split substring that was delimited. */ if (re != null && matched[0] == true) { int size = parens[0].length; for (int num = 0; num < size; num++) { if (limited && len >= limit) break; result.put(len, result, parens[0][num]); len++; } matched[0] = false; } ip[0] = match + matchlen[0]; if (version < Context.VERSION_1_3 && version != Context.VERSION_DEFAULT) { /* * Deviate from ECMA to imitate Perl, which omits a final * split unless a limit argument is given and big enough. */ if (!limited && ip[0] == target.length()) break; } } return result; } /* * See ECMA */ private static String js_substring(Context cx, String target, Object[] args) { int length = target.length(); double start = ScriptRuntime.toInteger(args, 0); double end; if (start < 0) start = 0; else if (start > length) start = length; if (args.length <= 1 || args[1] == Undefined.instance) { end = length; } else { end = ScriptRuntime.toInteger(args[1]); if (end < 0) end = 0; else if (end > length) end = length; // swap if end < start if (end < start) { if (cx.getLanguageVersion() != Context.VERSION_1_2) { double temp = start; start = end; end = temp; } else { // Emulate old JDK1.0 java.lang.String.substring() end = start; } } } return target.substring((int)start, (int)end); } int getLength() { return string.length(); } /* * Non-ECMA methods. */ private static String js_substr(String target, Object[] args) { if (args.length < 1) return target; double begin = ScriptRuntime.toInteger(args[0]); double end; int length = target.length(); if (begin < 0) { begin += length; if (begin < 0) begin = 0; } else if (begin > length) { begin = length; } if (args.length == 1) { end = length; } else { end = ScriptRuntime.toInteger(args[1]); if (end < 0) end = 0; end += begin; if (end > length) end = length; } return target.substring((int)begin, (int)end); } /* * Python-esque sequence operations. */ private static String js_concat(String target, Object[] args) { int N = args.length; if (N == 0) { return target; } else if (N == 1) { String arg = ScriptRuntime.toString(args[0]); return target.concat(arg); } // Find total capacity for the final string to avoid unnecessary // re-allocations in StringBuffer int size = target.length(); String[] argsAsStrings = new String[N]; for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { String s = ScriptRuntime.toString(args[i]); argsAsStrings[i] = s; size += s.length(); } StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(size); result.append(target); for (int i = 0; i != N; ++i) { result.append(argsAsStrings[i]); } return result.toString(); } private static String js_slice(String target, Object[] args) { if (args.length != 0) { double begin = ScriptRuntime.toInteger(args[0]); double end; int length = target.length(); if (begin < 0) { begin += length; if (begin < 0) begin = 0; } else if (begin > length) { begin = length; } if (args.length == 1) { end = length; } else { end = ScriptRuntime.toInteger(args[1]); if (end < 0) { end += length; if (end < 0) end = 0; } else if (end > length) { end = length; } if (end < begin) end = begin; } return target.substring((int)begin, (int)end); } return target; } // #string_id_map# protected int findPrototypeId(String s) { int id; // #generated# Last update: 2007-05-01 22:11:49 EDT L0: { id = 0; String X = null; int c; L: switch (s.length()) { case 3: c=s.charAt(2); if (c=='b') { if (s.charAt(0)=='s' && s.charAt(1)=='u') {id=Id_sub; break L0;} } else if (c=='g') { if (s.charAt(0)=='b' && s.charAt(1)=='i') {id=Id_big; break L0;} } else if (c=='p') { if (s.charAt(0)=='s' && s.charAt(1)=='u') {id=Id_sup; break L0;} } break L; case 4: c=s.charAt(0); if (c=='b') { X="bold";id=Id_bold; } else if (c=='l') { X="link";id=Id_link; } break L; case 5: switch (s.charAt(4)) { case 'd': X="fixed";id=Id_fixed; break L; case 'e': X="slice";id=Id_slice; break L; case 'h': X="match";id=Id_match; break L; case 'k': X="blink";id=Id_blink; break L; case 'l': X="small";id=Id_small; break L; case 't': X="split";id=Id_split; break L; } break L; case 6: switch (s.charAt(1)) { case 'e': X="search";id=Id_search; break L; case 'h': X="charAt";id=Id_charAt; break L; case 'n': X="anchor";id=Id_anchor; break L; case 'o': X="concat";id=Id_concat; break L; case 'q': X="equals";id=Id_equals; break L; case 't': X="strike";id=Id_strike; break L; case 'u': X="substr";id=Id_substr; break L; } break L; case 7: switch (s.charAt(1)) { case 'a': X="valueOf";id=Id_valueOf; break L; case 'e': X="replace";id=Id_replace; break L; case 'n': X="indexOf";id=Id_indexOf; break L; case 't': X="italics";id=Id_italics; break L; } break L; case 8: c=s.charAt(4); if (c=='r') { X="toString";id=Id_toString; } else if (c=='s') { X="fontsize";id=Id_fontsize; } else if (c=='u') { X="toSource";id=Id_toSource; } break L; case 9: c=s.charAt(0); if (c=='f') { X="fontcolor";id=Id_fontcolor; } else if (c=='s') { X="substring";id=Id_substring; } break L; case 10: X="charCodeAt";id=Id_charCodeAt; break L; case 11: switch (s.charAt(2)) { case 'L': X="toLowerCase";id=Id_toLowerCase; break L; case 'U': X="toUpperCase";id=Id_toUpperCase; break L; case 'n': X="constructor";id=Id_constructor; break L; case 's': X="lastIndexOf";id=Id_lastIndexOf; break L; } break L; case 13: X="localeCompare";id=Id_localeCompare; break L; case 16: X="equalsIgnoreCase";id=Id_equalsIgnoreCase; break L; case 17: c=s.charAt(8); if (c=='L') { X="toLocaleLowerCase";id=Id_toLocaleLowerCase; } else if (c=='U') { X="toLocaleUpperCase";id=Id_toLocaleUpperCase; } break L; } if (X!=null && X!=s && !X.equals(s)) id = 0; break L0; } // #/generated# return id; } private static final int ConstructorId_fromCharCode = -1, Id_constructor = 1, Id_toString = 2, Id_toSource = 3, Id_valueOf = 4, Id_charAt = 5, Id_charCodeAt = 6, Id_indexOf = 7, Id_lastIndexOf = 8, Id_split = 9, Id_substring = 10, Id_toLowerCase = 11, Id_toUpperCase = 12, Id_substr = 13, Id_concat = 14, Id_slice = 15, Id_bold = 16, Id_italics = 17, Id_fixed = 18, Id_strike = 19, Id_small = 20, Id_big = 21, Id_blink = 22, Id_sup = 23, Id_sub = 24, Id_fontsize = 25, Id_fontcolor = 26, Id_link = 27, Id_anchor = 28, Id_equals = 29, Id_equalsIgnoreCase = 30, Id_match = 31, Id_search = 32, Id_replace = 33, Id_localeCompare = 34, Id_toLocaleLowerCase = 35, Id_toLocaleUpperCase = 36, MAX_PROTOTYPE_ID = 36; // #/string_id_map# private static final int ConstructorId_charAt = -Id_charAt, ConstructorId_charCodeAt = -Id_charCodeAt, ConstructorId_indexOf = -Id_indexOf, ConstructorId_lastIndexOf = -Id_lastIndexOf, ConstructorId_split = -Id_split, ConstructorId_substring = -Id_substring, ConstructorId_toLowerCase = -Id_toLowerCase, ConstructorId_toUpperCase = -Id_toUpperCase, ConstructorId_substr = -Id_substr, ConstructorId_concat = -Id_concat, ConstructorId_slice = -Id_slice, ConstructorId_equalsIgnoreCase = -Id_equalsIgnoreCase, ConstructorId_match = -Id_match, ConstructorId_search = -Id_search, ConstructorId_replace = -Id_replace, ConstructorId_localeCompare = -Id_localeCompare, ConstructorId_toLocaleLowerCase = -Id_toLocaleLowerCase; private String string; }