#!/bin/sh DIR="${HOME}/.dzen2/" FONT="-*-terminus-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" SCREEN=1 # get width of screen OFFSET=$(${DIR}/bin/xinerama-resolution ${SCREEN} | cut -dx -f1) CLOCK_WIDTH=$(textwidth "$FONT" "$(date)") OFFSET=$((OFFSET - $CLOCK_WIDTH - 20)) sh "${DIR}/bin/clock.sh" | dzen2 -xs ${SCREEN} -x ${OFFSET} -w $(($CLOCK_WIDTH + 20)) -fn "${FONT}" -bg black -l 17 -p -sa c -e 'button1=exec:xscreensaver-command -lock;button3=exec:xcalendar;button2=exec:xscreensaver-command -prefs;onstart=collapse;entertitle=uncollapse,unhide;leavetitle=collapse' & if [ -e "/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0" ]; then # if battery is available, display battery widget OFFSET=$((OFFSET - 120)) sh "${DIR}/bin/bat.sh" | dzen2 -xs ${SCREEN} -x ${OFFSET} -w 120 -fn "${FONT}" -bg black -e 'button1=none' & fi OFFSET=$((OFFSET - 120)) gcpubar -fg '#999' -bg '#444' -w 50 -h 7 -l "^i(${DIR}/icons/cpu.xbm) " | \ sed -u 's/#D56F6C/#ff0000/' | \ dzen2 -xs ${SCREEN} -x ${OFFSET} -w 120 -fn "${FONT}" -bg black -e 'button1=none' & OFFSET=$((OFFSET - 17)) sh "${DIR}/bin/sound.sh" | dzen2 -xs ${SCREEN} -x ${OFFSET} -tw 17 -w 100 -fn "${FONT}" -bg black -sa c -l 1 -e 'entertitle=uncollapse,unhide;leavetitle=collapse;button1=exec:amixer -q -c0 set Master toggle;button2=exec:pavucontrol;button3=exec:amixer -c0 -- set Master playback 80%;button4=exec:amixer -c0 -- set Master playback 2%+;button5=exec:amixer -c0 -- set Master playback 2%-' >/dev/null & # fill the rest of the screen with the information from xmonad cat $* | dzen2 -xs ${SCREEN} -x 0 -w ${OFFSET} -ta l -fn "${FONT}" -bg black -e 'button1=none' & MAIN=$! # kill bars on new RandR config ( ${DIR}/bin/xrandr-notify && kill ${MAIN} ) & wait $MAIN # kill all kill -TERM -$$