#!/bin/sh STATEFILE='/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state' # battery's state file INFOFILE='/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info' # battery's info file while true do BAT_FULL=`cat $INFOFILE | grep "last full" |cut -d " " -f 9`; STATUS=`cat $STATEFILE | grep charging |cut -d " " -f 12`; RCAP=`cat $STATEFILE | grep remaining |cut -d " " -f 8`; RPERCT=`expr $RCAP \* 100`; RPERC=`expr $RPERCT / $BAT_FULL`; echo -n '^p(10)' if [ $RPERC -ge 100 ] then RPERC=100 fi # draw the bar and pipe everything into dzen COLOR="#999" IMAGE="power-ac" if [ "$STATUS" == "discharging" ] then if [ $RPERC -le 20 ] then COLOR="#f00" IMAGE="power-bat-empty" else IMAGE="power-bat-full" fi fi echo $RPERC | gdbar -h 6 -w 50 -fg "${COLOR}" -bg '#444' -l "^i(/home/alex/.dzen2/icons/${IMAGE}.xbm) " -nonl echo " ${RPERC}%" sleep 5; done