========= ChangeLog ========= .. _Organizing Snippets: snippet-organization.html .. _Expanding Snippets: snippet-expansion.html .. _Writing Snippets: snippet-development.html .. _The YASnippet Menu: snippet-menu.html 0.6.1c / 2009-08-13 =================== * Fixed `issues `_ 99, 98, 93, 90, 91, 88, 87. Thanks everybody. * More compliant customization group `Issue94 `_, (thanks wyuenho). * Added workaround for issue 97 in the FAQ * Small updates to documentation. 0.6.1b / 2009-08-29 =================== * Much more powerful menu. See `The YASnippet menu`_. * New ways to organize snippets. See `Organizing snippets`_. * Added ``yas/also-auto-indent-first-line`` customization variable. * Renamed directive ``# env:`` to ``# expand-env:`` * Rewrote much of the documentation. * Added TextMate import tool ``textmate-import.rb`` to to svn repository (see "extras/") * Added *experimental* bundle of textmate snippets ``yasnippet-textmate-bundle.el`` * Fixed `Issue 74 `_ (thanks rmartin.k...@gmail.com) * Fixed `Issues 80 through 84 `_ (thanks Moritz Bunkus) * Fixed many more issues... 0.6.0c / 2009-07-27 =================== * Now byte compiles correctly with no warnings. * Fixed `Issue 68 `_ with mouse-clicking alternatives in ``ido-mode``. * Added ``yas/also-auto-indent-first-line`` customization variable. 0.6.0b / 2009-07-25 =================== * Nested placeholders of the type `` $0``. * More robust undo/redo support. * Stacked snippet expansion (*snippet in snippet*). * Transformation on a primary field with syntax ``${1:default$(transform)}`` * Validations on field exit through the ``yas/verify-value`` primary field transformation. * Wrapping the region in the exit marker ``$0`` of the snippet. Use ``yas/wrap-around-region``. * Auto-indentation. Use ``yas/indent-line`` set to ``'auto`` * Easier definition of snippets. Use ``yas/find-snippets`` or ``yas/visit-snippet-file``. In the new ``snippet-mode`` use ``yas/load-snippet-buffer`` and ``yas/tryout-snippet``. * Customization group ``yasnippet``. * Overriding customization variables in snippets. Use the ``env: let-form`` template keyword. * Fixed `Issue 60 `_ * Fixed `Issue 65 `_ * Fixed `Issue 56 `_ 0.5.10 / 2009-02-11 =================== * Added *grouping* support so that the snippets in the menu can be groupped together. * Make the bundle `ELPA `_ compatible. 0.5.9 / 2009-01-21 ================== * Fixed the bug of disabling the auto-indenting of ``cc-mode``. 0.5.8 / 2009-01-15 ================== * Added a ``key`` property in snippet definition for snippet names that are not valid path name. * Fixed some bugs of indenting (`Issue 44 `_, `Issue 46 `_). * Fixed `Issue 45 `_ by providing a proper default value for ``yas/buffer-local-condition``. * Added helper function ``yas/substr`` for convenient mirror transformation. * Make variable ``yas/registered-snippet`` properly initialized. * Fixed the overlay error when overlay becomes empty (`Issue 49 `_ and `Issue 48 `_). This bug has occurred and been fixed earlier, and should not have happened if we have proper regression test. * Added a workaround for ``c-electric-`` serial commands (`Issue 27 `_). 0.5.7 / 2008-12-03 ================== * Fixed `Issue 28 `_ of properly clean up snippet (by joaotavora). * Added a new section "Field-level undo functionality" to correct `Issue 33 `_ (by joaotavora). * Added some snippets from users for sql, erlang, scala, html, xml, latex, etc. * Fixed `Issue 16 `_ by adding ``$>`` support. Here's the `doc for $> indenting `_. 0.5.6 / 2008-08-07 ================== * Added a buffer local variable ``yas/dont-activate`` to turn off ``yas/minor-mode`` in some major modes. See `Issue 29 `_. * Make the environment of elisp evaluation more friendly to ``(current-column)``. * Fixed the regular expression bug in python-mode snippets. * Use filename or full key extension for snippet name if no ``name`` property is defined. 0.5.5 / 2008-05-29 ================== * Tweak ``yas/extra-mode-hooks`` so that it can be more easily customized. * Add an entry in FAQ about why ``TAB`` key doesn't work in some modes. 0.5.4 / 2008-05-15 ================== * Added ``ox-mode-hook`` and ``python-mode-hook`` to ``yas/extra-mode-hooks`` to fix the problem YASnippet is not enabled in those modes. 0.5.3 / 2008-05-07 ================== * Fix indent of python-mode snippets. * Fix a bug of dropdown-list: conflicts with color-theme (`Issue 23 `_). Thanks Mike. * Fix a bug of condition system. 0.5.2 / 2008-04-20 ================== * Fix a bug for comparing string to symbol using ``string=`` (which will fire an error). 0.5.1 / 2008-04-14 ================== * Use a beautiful css style in the document. 0.5.0 / 2008-04-10 ================== * Integrate with hippie-expand. Just add ``yas/hippie-try-expand`` to ``hippie-expand-try-functions-list``. * If you set ``yas/fall-back-behavior`` to ``'return-nil``, YASnippet will return nil when it can't find a snippet to expand. * Defect fix: the condition of a snippet was evaluated twice in earlier version. * Deleting snippet (using ``C-w`` or ``C-k``) won't cause serious problem now. * Several complex snippet for python-mode from Yasser included in the distribution. 0.4.5 / 2008-04-07 ================== * Merge the latest dropdown-list.el. * Add snippets for f90-mode from Li Zhu. * Bug fix: l-safe-expr-p: Lisp nesting exceeds ``max-lisp-eval-depth`` error when several (more than two) snippets overlaps. Thanks sunwaybupt@newsmth for reporting this bug. 0.4.4 / 2008-03-24 ================== * Bug fix: dropdown-list.el doesn't recognize [return] properly. 0.4.3 / 2008-03-23 ================== * Bug fix: failed to recognize user customized yas/trigger-key. 0.4.2 / 2008-03-22 ================== * Make a separate document package for release. Also make document available online. 0.4.1 / 2008-03-21 ================== * Make sure ``yas/minor-mode``'s key bindings always take priority to other minor modes. 0.4.0 / 2008-03-20 ================== * Document refinement and released with YASnippet. Most of the Online wiki document will be deprecated soon. * Powerful condition system added to yasnippet! * Incorporate ``dropdown-list.el`` and make it default way for selecting multiple candidates. Thanks to `Jaeyoun Chung `_. * yas/before-expand-snippet-hook 0.3.2 / 2008-03-19 ================== * Enhancement: A better way to define minor-mode. Thanks to Kentaro Kuribayashi. See `this thread `_ for more details. 0.3.1 / 2008-03-17 ================== * Bug fix: Emacs get confused when a field is deleted. See `issue 10 `_. 0.3.0 / 2008-03-16 ================== * Add a ``yas/after-exit-snippet-hook`` so that you can do something like ``indent-region`` or ``fill-region`` after finish the snippet. * Use minor-mode instead of ``global-set-key`` to bind the trigger key. Now the trigger key and fall-back behavior can be more flexible. Not constrained to ````. Thanks to Trey Jackson. See this `thread `_ for more details. * Now user can customize the popup function for selecting multiple candidate for the same snippet key. * Support ``dropdown-list.el`` to be a better way to select multiple candidate when in text mode. 0.2.3 / 2008-03-15 ================== * Bug in non-window (-nw) mode when there's multiple candidate to expand. See `issue 7 `_. * Allow expanding another snippet as long as not currently inside a field. 0.2.2 / 2008-03-13 ================== * Added customized face for fields and mirrors. Better in dark background. And users can customize it. 0.2.1 / 2008-03-10 ================== * Fix the insert-behind problem under both Emacs 22 and Emacs 23. 0.2.0 / 2008-03-10 ================== * Use big keymap overlay to detect ``insert-behind`` event manually to avoid sometimes missed hook calls. See `issue 3 `_ for more details. * Support parent snippet table. Now you can set (for example) ``cc-mode`` as common mode for ``c++-mode``, ``c-mode`` and ``java-mode``. They'll share snippets defined for ``cc-mode``. 0.1.1 / 2008-03-08 ================== * Add a rake task to upload to google code. * Use elisp compile-bundle function instead of python scrip 0.1.0 / 2008-03-07 ================== * Embedded elisp support. * Fields navigation support. * Mirror of fields support. * Menu-bar support. * Multiple snippets with same name support. * Popup menu for multiple snippet with same name support. * Transformation of fields support. * Load directory support. * Compile bundle support.