;;; template-simple.el --- Simple template functions and utils ;; Copyright (C) 2007 Ye Wenbin ;; Author: Ye Wenbin <wenbinye@gmail.com> ;; Maintainer: Ye Wenbin <wenbinye@gmail.com> ;; Created: 21 Dec 2007 ;; Version: 0.01 ;; Keywords: tools, convenience ;; ;; This file is part of PDE (Perl Development Environment). ;; But it is useful for generic programming. ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; * Why not template? ;; A template.el is already exists, and it does everything well. ;; But I hate to read the code to use it in my extension. I need ;; simple thing to get work done. template-simple is designed ;; to compatible with template. The two useful features are ;; implemented, expand template in file and update file header. ;; And with addtional, you can use this to write simple skeleton ;; and tempo template. Or you can implement other expand function ;; to expand the parsed templates. ;; ;; * Where to use it? ;; You can use it with autoinsert, tempo, skeleton or other related ;; extensions. I hope this help you to write template for tempo or ;; skeleton without any knowledge with emacs lisp. ;; ;; * Tips ;; If you don't like the (>>> and <<<) for open and close paren, ;; you can overwrite it like file variable in template, for example: ;; ;; (template-simple-expand ;; ";; -*- template-parens: (\"{\" . \"}\"); template-expand-function: template-tempo-expand -*- ;; (defun {p} ({p}) ;; \"{p}\" ;; {p} ;; )") ;; ;; The template is expand by template-tempo-expand and use {} as paren inside ;; template string. ;;; Dependencies: ;; no extra libraries is required ;;; Installation: ;; Put this file into your load-path and the following into your ~/.emacs: ;; (require 'template-simple) ;; ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) ;;; Customizable variables (defgroup template-simple nil "Simple template functions and utils" :group 'abbrev :group 'convenience :group 'pde) (defcustom template-directory-list (append '("~/.templates/") (if (boundp 'auto-insert-directory) (list auto-insert-directory))) "*Directory for lookup template files." :type '(repeat directory) :group 'template-simple) (defcustom template-default-alist '(("dir" (file-name-directory template-file-name)) ("file" (file-name-nondirectory template-file-name)) ("file-sans" (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory template-file-name))) ("file-ext" (file-name-extension (file-name-nondirectory template-file-name))) ("file-upcase" (upcase (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory template-file-name)))) ("date" (format-time-string template-date-format)) ("cdate" (let ((system-time-locale "C")) (format-time-string template-cdate-format))) ("iso-date" (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d")) ("vc-date" (prog2 (set-time-zone-rule "UTC") (format-time-string "%Y/%m/%d %T") (set-time-zone-rule nil))) ("year" (format-time-string "%Y")) ("time" (format-time-string template-time-format)) ("author" (or user-mail-address (concat (user-login-name) "@" (system-name)))) ("user-name" user-full-name) ("login-name" user-login-name) ("host-addr" (or mail-host-address (system-name)))) "*Default expansion list" :type '(alist :key-type string :value-type sexp) :group 'template-simple) (defcustom template-date-format "%d %b %Y" "*Date format for date in `template-default-alist'." :type 'string :group 'template-simple) (defcustom template-cdate-format "%d %b %Y" "*Date format for date with `system-time-locale' has value \"C\"" :type 'string :group 'template-simple) (defcustom template-time-format "%T" "*Time format for time in `template-time-format'." :type 'string :group 'template-simple) (defcustom template-header-regexp '(("@(#)\\([^ \t\n]+\\)" . 1) ("^\\([^ \t]\\{,3\\}[ \t]+\\)\\([^ \t\n][^ \t\n]*\\)[ \t]+--" . 2)) "Alist of regexps matching the file name in the header. `car' is a regexp to match file header, `cdr' indicate which part to replace with the file name." :type '(alist :key-type regexp :value-type integer) :group 'template-simple) (defcustom template-query t "*Non-nil means ask user before expand template or update header." :type 'boolean :group 'template-simple) (defvar template-skeleton-alist '(("point" _)) "*Translation between parsed template to skeleton element.") (defvar template-tempo-alist '(("point" p) ("p" p)) "*Translation between parsed template to tempo element.") ;;; Internal variables (defvar template-expand-function 'template-tempo-expand "Functions to expand parsed template.") (put 'template-expand-function 'safe-local-variable 'functionp) (defvar template-parens (cons "(>>>" "<<<)") "Open and close parenthesis.") (put 'template-parens 'safe-local-variable 'consp) (defvar template-file-name nil "Internal variable: full name of the file when template expanded.") ;;; Core functions (defun template-compile () "Parse current buffer to parsed template. The template can have a file variable line, which can override default global variable `template-parens' and `template-expand-function'. The program fragment is surrounded by `template-parens', the escape char `\\' is used for escape the open parenthesis. The text in the parentheseses are `read' into a list. For example: (template-compile-string \";; -*- template-parens: (\\\"{\\\" . \\\"}\\\") -*- (defun {p} ({p}) \\\"{(read-from-minibuffer \\\"Document: \\\")}\\\" ) \") is compile to a list like this: (\" (defun \" (p) \" (\" (p) \") \\\"\" ((read-from-minibuffer \"Document: \")) \"\\\" ) \") " (save-excursion (let ((vars (hack-local-variables-prop-line)) (beg (point-min)) (template-parens template-parens) open close templates escape) (goto-char (point-min)) (when vars (mapc (lambda (var) (set (car var) (cdr var))) vars) ;; delete the file variable line for template-simple only (forward-line 1) (delete-region (point-min) (point))) (setq open (regexp-quote (car template-parens)) close (regexp-quote (cdr template-parens))) (while (re-search-forward open nil t) (setq escape nil) (when (looking-back (concat "\\([^\\]\\|\\`\\)\\([\\]+\\)" open)) (setq escape (match-string 2)) (replace-match (substring escape 0 (/ (length escape) 2)) nil t nil 2) (goto-char (match-end 0)) ;; if length of escape is odd, just a normal string, continue (setq escape (= (% (length escape) 2) 1))) (unless escape ;; parse template expansion (let ((expansion-start (point)) state done forms) (push (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (- (point) (length (car template-parens)))) templates) (with-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table (while (not done) (if (re-search-forward close nil t) (progn (setq state (parse-partial-sexp expansion-start (point))) (if (nth 3 state) ; if inside a string, continue () (setq done t))) (error "Unmatch parentheses for line %d" (line-number-at-pos expansion-start))))) (setq beg (point)) (save-excursion (save-restriction (narrow-to-region expansion-start (- beg (length (cdr template-parens)))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (not (eobp)) (push (read (current-buffer)) forms)))) (push (nreverse forms) templates)))) (push (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (point-max)) templates) (nreverse templates)))) (defun template-compile-string (str) (with-temp-buffer (insert str) (template-compile))) ;;; Expand functions (defun template-normal-name (name) "Convert all kinds of symbol name to standard name." (replace-regexp-in-string "_" "-" (downcase (symbol-name name)))) (defun template-expansion (elem) "Lookup name in `template-default-alist'. If the elem is a list with length more" (if (stringp elem) (list elem) (if (= (length elem) 1) (progn (setq elem (car elem)) (list (cond ((symbolp elem) (or (cadr (assoc (template-normal-name elem) template-default-alist)) (and (boundp elem) (symbol-value elem)) `(or (cadr (assoc (template-normal-name ',elem) template-default-alist)) (let ((str (read-from-minibuffer (format "Replace '%S' with: " ',elem)))) (add-to-list 'template-default-alist (list (template-normal-name ',elem) str)) str)))) ;; ignore integer ((integerp elem) "") (t elem)))) elem))) (defmacro define-template-expander (name alist &rest body) "Define a new type of `template-expand-function'. NAME is used to create a function template-<NAME>-expand. ALIST can be a symbol or a form to return a list of symbol table add to template-default-alist. BODY is the code to expand and insert the template. the value of variable TEMPLATE is the translated template. The element of parsed template is translated by `template-expansion'" (declare (debug t) (indent 2)) `(defun ,(intern (format "template-%s-expand" name)) (template) ,(format "Expand template by %s" name) (let ((template-default-alist (append ,alist template-default-alist)) ;; save global variable (template-expand-function ',(intern (format "template-%s-expand" name)))) (if (stringp template) (setq template (template-compile-string template))) (setq template (apply 'append (mapcar 'template-expansion template))) ,@body))) (define-template-expander skeleton template-skeleton-alist (skeleton-insert (cons nil template))) (autoload 'tempo-insert-template "tempo") (define-template-expander tempo template-tempo-alist (let ((tempo-template template)) (tempo-insert-template 'tempo-template nil))) ;;; Exported commands (defun template-derive-template () "Derive which template file should use for current buffer." (when buffer-file-name (let ((ext (or (file-name-extension buffer-file-name) (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))) (locate-file "TEMPLATE." template-directory-list (list ext (concat ext ".tpl")))))) ;; (defun template-include (name) ;; (let ((file (locate-file name template-directory-list))) ;; (when file (template-simple-expand-template file)))) ;;;###autoload (defun template-simple-expand-template (file) "Expand template in file. Parse the template to parsed templates with `template-compile'. Use `template-expand-function' to expand the parsed template." (interactive (list (let ((def (template-derive-template)) file) (and def (setq def (file-name-nondirectory def))) (setq file (completing-read (if def (format "Insert template(default %s): " def) "Insert template: ") (apply 'append (mapcar 'directory-files template-directory-list)) nil t nil nil def)) (locate-file file template-directory-list)))) (let ((template-expand-function template-expand-function)) (template-simple-expand (with-temp-buffer (insert-file-contents file) (template-compile))))) ;;;###autoload (defun template-simple-expand (template) "Expand string TEMPLATE. Parse the template to parsed templates with `template-compile'. Use `template-expand-function' to expand the parsed template." ;; in case the template-expand-function is overide in template (let ((template-file-name (or buffer-file-name (concat (file-name-as-directory default-directory) (buffer-name)))) (template-expand-function template-expand-function) err) (condition-case err (progn (if (stringp template) (setq template (template-compile-string template))) (funcall template-expand-function template)) (error (message "%s: %s" (car err) (cdr err)))))) ;;; Commands for write template to string (defun template-kill-ring-save (beg end) "Stringfy text in region, `yank' to see it." (interactive "r") (kill-new (format "%S" (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end)) nil)) ;;; Provide addtional command in template.el (defun template-simple-update-header () (interactive) (when buffer-file-name (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((end (progn (forward-line 3) (point))) ; check only first 3 lines (alist template-header-regexp) (fn (file-name-sans-versions (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))) case-fold-search) (while alist (goto-char (point-min)) (if (re-search-forward (caar alist) end t) (progn (when (not (string= (match-string (cdar alist)) fn)) (if (or (null template-query) (y-or-n-p (format "Update file header %s to %s? " (match-string (cdar alist)) fn))) (replace-match fn nil t nil (cdar alist)))) (setq alist nil)) (setq alist (cdr alist))))))) ;; return nil for calling other functions nil) ;; Hope auto-insert can add a test for template-derive-template (defun template-auto-insert () (and (not buffer-read-only) (or (eq this-command 'template-auto-insert) (and (bobp) (eobp))) (let ((file (template-derive-template))) (when file (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer)) (if (or (null template-query) (y-or-n-p (format "Use template %s? " file))) (template-simple-expand-template file))))) nil) (if (boundp 'write-file-functions) (add-hook 'write-file-functions 'template-simple-update-header) (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'template-simple-update-header)) (let ((hook (if (boundp 'find-file-hook) 'find-file-hook 'find-file-hooks))) ;; make template-auto-insert the last, so session history ;; will not affect point set by template (add-hook hook 'template-auto-insert t) ;; make auto-insert lower priority (when (memq 'auto-insert (symbol-value hook)) (remove-hook hook 'auto-insert) (add-hook hook 'auto-insert t))) (provide 'template-simple) ;;; template-simple.el ends here