{- | Module : XMonad.Util.Paste Copyright : (C) 2008 Jérémy Bobbio, gwern License : BSD3 Maintainer : gwern Stability : unstable Portability : unportable A module for sending key presses to windows. This modules provides generalized and specialized functions for this task. -} module XMonad.Util.Paste ( -- * Usage -- $usage pasteSelection, pasteString, pasteChar, sendKey, sendKeyWindow, noModMask ) where import XMonad (io, theRoot, withDisplay, X ()) import Graphics.X11 import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras (none, setEventType, setKeyEvent) import Control.Monad.Reader (asks) import XMonad.Operations (withFocused) import Data.Char (isUpper) import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Misc (stringToKeysym) import XMonad.Util.XSelection (getSelection) import XMonad.Util.EZConfig (parseKey) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S) {- $usage Import this module into your xmonad.hs as usual: > import XMonad.Util.Paste And use the functions. They all return 'X' (), and so are appropriate for use as keybindings. Example: > , ((m, xK_d), pasteString "foo bar") ] Don't expect too much of the functions; they probably don't work on complex texts. -} -- | Paste the current X mouse selection. Note that this uses 'getSelection' from -- "XMonad.Util.XSelection" and so is heir to its flaws. pasteSelection :: X () pasteSelection = getSelection >>= pasteString -- | Send a string to the window which is currently focused. This function correctly -- handles capitalization. pasteString :: String -> X () pasteString = mapM_ (\x -> if isUpper x then pasteChar shiftMask x else pasteChar noModMask x) {- | Send a character to the current window. This is more low-level. Remember that you must handle the case of capitalization appropriately. That is, from the window's perspective: > pasteChar mod2Mask 'F' ~> "f" You would want to do something like: > pasteChar shiftMask 'F' Note that this function makes use of 'stringToKeysym', and so will probably have trouble with any 'Char' outside ASCII. -} pasteChar :: KeyMask -> Char -> X () pasteChar m c = sendKey m $ maybe (stringToKeysym [c]) fst $ listToMaybe $ readP_to_S parseKey [c] sendKey :: KeyMask -> KeySym -> X () sendKey = (withFocused .) . sendKeyWindow -- | The primitive. Allows you to send any combination of 'KeyMask' and 'KeySym' to any 'Window' you specify. sendKeyWindow :: KeyMask -> KeySym -> Window -> X () sendKeyWindow mods key w = withDisplay $ \d -> do rootw <- asks theRoot keycode <- io $ keysymToKeycode d key io $ allocaXEvent $ \ev -> do setEventType ev keyPress setKeyEvent ev w rootw none mods keycode True sendEvent d w True keyPressMask ev setEventType ev keyRelease sendEvent d w True keyReleaseMask ev -- | A null 'KeyMask'. Used when you don't want a character or string shifted, control'd, or what. -- -- TODO: This really should be a function in the X11 binding. When noModMask shows up there, remove. noModMask :: KeyMask noModMask = 0