----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Util.Dzen -- Copyright : (c) glasser@mit.edu -- License : BSD -- -- Maintainer : glasser@mit.edu -- Stability : stable -- Portability : unportable -- -- Handy wrapper for dzen. Requires dzen >= 0.2.4. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Util.Dzen ( -- * Flexible interface dzenConfig, timeout, font, xScreen, vCenter, hCenter, center, onCurr, x, y, addArgs, -- * Legacy interface dzen, dzenScreen, dzenWithArgs, -- * Miscellaneous seconds, chomp, (>=>) ) where import Control.Monad import Data.List import XMonad import XMonad.StackSet import XMonad.Util.Run (runProcessWithInputAndWait, seconds) type DzenConfig = (Int, [String]) -> X (Int, [String]) -- | @dzenConfig config s@ will display the string @s@ according to the -- configuration @config@. For example, to display the string @\"foobar\"@ with -- all the default settings, you can simply call -- -- > dzenConfig return "foobar" -- -- Or, to set a longer timeout, you could use -- -- > dzenConfig (timeout 10) "foobar" -- -- You can combine configurations with the (>=>) operator. To display -- @\"foobar\"@ for 10 seconds on the first screen, you could use -- -- > dzenConfig (timeout 10 >=> xScreen 0) "foobar" -- -- As a final example, you could adapt the above to display @\"foobar\"@ for -- 10 seconds on the current screen with -- -- > dzenConfig (timeout 10 >=> onCurr xScreen) "foobar" dzenConfig :: DzenConfig -> String -> X () dzenConfig conf s = do (t, args) <- conf (seconds 3, []) runProcessWithInputAndWait "dzen2" args (chomp s) t -- | dzen wants exactly one newline at the end of its input, so this can be -- used for your own invocations of dzen. However, all functions in this -- module will call this for you. chomp :: String -> String chomp = (++"\n") . reverse . dropWhile ('\n' ==) . reverse -- | Set the timeout, in seconds. This defaults to 3 seconds if not -- specified. timeout :: Rational -> DzenConfig timeout = timeoutMicro . seconds -- | Set the timeout, in microseconds. Mostly here for the legacy -- interface. timeoutMicro :: Int -> DzenConfig timeoutMicro n (_, ss) = return (n, ss) -- | Add raw command-line arguments to the configuration. These will be -- passed on verbatim to dzen2. The default includes no arguments. addArgs :: [String] -> DzenConfig addArgs ss (n, ss') = return (n, ss ++ ss') -- | Start dzen2 on a particular screen. Only works with versions of dzen -- that support the "-xs" argument. xScreen :: ScreenId -> DzenConfig xScreen sc = addArgs ["-xs", show (fromIntegral sc + 1 :: Int)] -- | Take a screen-specific configuration and supply it with the screen ID -- of the currently focused screen, according to xmonad. For example, show -- a 100-pixel wide bar centered within the current screen, you could use -- -- > dzenConfig (onCurr (hCenter 100)) "foobar" -- -- Of course, you can still combine these with (>=>); for example, to center -- the string @\"foobar\"@ both horizontally and vertically in a 100x14 box -- using the lovely Terminus font, you could use -- -- > terminus = "-*-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" -- > dzenConfig (onCurr (center 100 14) >=> font terminus) "foobar" onCurr :: (ScreenId -> DzenConfig) -> DzenConfig onCurr f conf = gets (screen . current . windowset) >>= flip f conf -- | Put the top of the dzen bar at a particular pixel. x :: Int -> DzenConfig x n = addArgs ["-x", show n] -- | Put the left of the dzen bar at a particular pixel. y :: Int -> DzenConfig y n = addArgs ["-y", show n] -- | Specify the font. Check out xfontsel to get the format of the String -- right; if your dzen supports xft, then you can supply that here, too. font :: String -> DzenConfig font fn = addArgs ["-fn", fn] -- | @vCenter height sc@ sets the configuration to have the dzen bar appear -- on screen @sc@ with height @height@, vertically centered with respect to -- the actual size of that screen. vCenter :: Int -> ScreenId -> DzenConfig vCenter = center' rect_height "-h" "-y" -- | @hCenter width sc@ sets the configuration to have the dzen bar appear -- on screen @sc@ with width @width@, horizontally centered with respect to -- the actual size of that screen. hCenter :: Int -> ScreenId -> DzenConfig hCenter = center' rect_width "-w" "-x" -- | @center width height sc@ sets the configuration to have the dzen bar -- appear on screen @sc@ with width @width@ and height @height@, centered -- both horizontally and vertically with respect to the actual size of that -- screen. center :: Int -> Int -> ScreenId -> DzenConfig center width height sc = hCenter width sc >=> vCenter height sc -- Center things along a single dimension on a particular screen. center' :: (Rectangle -> Dimension) -> String -> String -> Int -> ScreenId -> DzenConfig center' selector extentName positionName extent sc conf = do rect <- gets (detailFromScreenId sc . windowset) case rect of Nothing -> return conf Just r -> addArgs [extentName , show extent, positionName, show ((fromIntegral (selector r) - extent) `div` 2), "-xs" , show (fromIntegral sc + 1 :: Int) ] conf -- Get the rectangle outlining a particular screen. detailFromScreenId :: ScreenId -> WindowSet -> Maybe Rectangle detailFromScreenId sc ws = fmap screenRect maybeSD where c = current ws v = visible ws mapping = map (\s -> (screen s, screenDetail s)) (c:v) maybeSD = lookup sc mapping -- | @dzen str timeout@ pipes @str@ to dzen2 for @timeout@ microseconds. -- Example usage: -- -- > dzen "Hi, mom!" (5 `seconds`) dzen :: String -> Int -> X () dzen = flip (dzenConfig . timeoutMicro) -- | @dzen str args timeout@ pipes @str@ to dzen2 for @timeout@ seconds, passing @args@ to dzen. -- Example usage: -- -- > dzenWithArgs "Hi, dons!" ["-ta", "r"] (5 `seconds`) dzenWithArgs :: String -> [String] -> Int -> X () dzenWithArgs str args t = dzenConfig (timeoutMicro t >=> addArgs args) str -- | @dzenScreen sc str timeout@ pipes @str@ to dzen2 for @timeout@ microseconds, and on screen @sc@. -- Requires dzen to be compiled with Xinerama support. dzenScreen :: ScreenId -> String -> Int -> X () dzenScreen sc str t = dzenConfig (timeoutMicro t >=> xScreen sc) str