----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Prompt.Shell -- Copyright : (C) 2007 Andrea Rossato -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : andrea.rossato@unibz.it -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A shell prompt for XMonad -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Prompt.Shell( -- * Usage -- $usage shellPrompt , getShellCompl , split , prompt , safePrompt ) where import System.Environment import Control.Monad import Data.List import System.Directory import System.IO import XMonad.Util.Run import XMonad hiding (config) import XMonad.Prompt -- $usage -- -- 1. In Config.hs add: -- -- > import XMonad.Prompt -- > import XMonad.Prompt.Shell -- -- 2. In your keybindings add something like: -- -- > , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_x), shellPrompt defaultXPConfig) -- -- %import XMonad.Prompt -- %import XMonad.Prompt.ShellPrompt -- %keybind , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_x), shellPrompt defaultXPConfig) data Shell = Shell instance XPrompt Shell where showXPrompt Shell = "Run: " shellPrompt :: XPConfig -> X () shellPrompt c = do cmds <- io $ getCommands mkXPrompt Shell c (getShellCompl cmds) spawn -- | See safe and unsafeSpawn. prompt is an alias for safePrompt; -- safePrompt and unsafePrompt work on the same principles, but will use -- XPrompt to interactively query the user for input; the appearance is -- set by passing an XPConfig as the second argument. The first argument -- is the program to be run with the interactive input. -- You would use these like this: -- -- > , ((modMask, xK_b ), safePrompt "firefox" greenXPConfig) -- > , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_c ), prompt ("xterm" ++ " -e") greenXPConfig) -- -- Note that you want to use safePrompt for Firefox input, as Firefox -- wants URLs, and unsafePrompt for the XTerm example because this allows -- you to easily start a terminal executing an arbitrary command, like -- 'top'. prompt, unsafePrompt, safePrompt :: FilePath -> XPConfig -> X () prompt = unsafePrompt safePrompt c config = mkXPrompt Shell config (getShellCompl [c]) run where run = safeSpawn c unsafePrompt c config = mkXPrompt Shell config (getShellCompl [c]) run where run a = unsafeSpawn $ c ++ " " ++ a getShellCompl :: [String] -> String -> IO [String] getShellCompl cmds s | s == "" || last s == ' ' = return [] | otherwise = do f <- fmap lines $ runProcessWithInput "bash" [] ("compgen -A file " ++ s ++ "\n") return . map escape . uniqSort $ f ++ commandCompletionFunction cmds s commandCompletionFunction :: [String] -> String -> [String] commandCompletionFunction cmds str | '/' `elem` str = [] | otherwise = filter (isPrefixOf str) cmds getCommands :: IO [String] getCommands = do p <- getEnv "PATH" `catch` const (return []) let ds = split ':' p fp d f = d ++ "/" ++ f es <- forM ds $ \d -> do exists <- doesDirectoryExist d if exists then getDirectoryContents d >>= filterM (isExecutable . fp d) else return [] return . uniqSort . concat $ es isExecutable :: FilePath ->IO Bool isExecutable f = do fe <- doesFileExist f if fe then fmap executable $ getPermissions f else return False split :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]] split _ [] = [] split e l = f : split e (rest ls) where (f,ls) = span (/=e) l rest s | s == [] = [] | otherwise = tail s escape :: String -> String escape [] = "" escape (' ':xs) = "\\ " ++ escape xs escape (x:xs) | isSpecialChar x = '\\' : x : escape xs | otherwise = x : escape xs isSpecialChar :: Char -> Bool isSpecialChar = flip elem "\\@\"'#?$*()[]{};"