{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns -- Copyright : (c) Kai Grossjohann <kai@emptydomain.de> -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : ? -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A layout similar to tall but with three columns. With 2560x1600 pixels this -- layout can be used for a huge main window and up to six reasonable sized -- slave windows. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns ( -- * Usage -- $usage -- * Screenshots -- $screenshot ThreeCol(..) ) where import XMonad import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W import Data.Ratio import Control.Monad -- $usage -- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@: -- -- > import XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns -- -- Then edit your @layoutHook@ by adding the ThreeCol layout: -- -- > myLayout = ThreeCol 1 (3/100) (1/2) ||| ThreeColMid 1 (3/100) (1/2) ||| etc.. -- > main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = myLayout } -- -- The first argument specifies how many windows initially appear in the main -- window. The second argument argument specifies the amount to resize while -- resizing and the third argument specifies the initial size of the columns. -- A positive size designates the fraction of the screen that the main window -- should occupy, but if the size is negative the absolute value designates the -- fraction a slave column should occupy. If both slave columns are visible, -- they always occupy the same amount of space. -- -- The ThreeColMid variant places the main window between the slave columns. -- -- For more detailed instructions on editing the layoutHook see: -- -- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_the_layout_hook" -- $screenshot -- <<http://server.c-otto.de/xmonad/ThreeColumnsMiddle.png>> -- | Arguments are nmaster, delta, fraction data ThreeCol a = ThreeColMid { threeColNMaster :: !Int, threeColDelta :: !Rational, threeColFrac :: !Rational} | ThreeCol { threeColNMaster :: !Int, threeColDelta :: !Rational, threeColFrac :: !Rational} deriving (Show,Read) instance LayoutClass ThreeCol a where pureLayout (ThreeCol n _ f) r = doL False n f r pureLayout (ThreeColMid n _ f) r = doL True n f r handleMessage l m = return $ msum [fmap resize (fromMessage m) ,fmap incmastern (fromMessage m)] where resize Shrink = l { threeColFrac = max (-0.5) $ f-d } resize Expand = l { threeColFrac = min 1 $ f+d } incmastern (IncMasterN x) = l { threeColNMaster = max 0 (n+x) } n = threeColNMaster l d = threeColDelta l f = threeColFrac l description _ = "ThreeCol" doL :: Bool-> Int-> Rational-> Rectangle-> W.Stack a-> [(a, Rectangle)] doL m n f r = ap zip (tile3 m f r n . length) . W.integrate -- | tile3. Compute window positions using 3 panes tile3 :: Bool -> Rational -> Rectangle -> Int -> Int -> [Rectangle] tile3 middle f r nmaster n | n <= nmaster || nmaster == 0 = splitVertically n r | n <= nmaster+1 = splitVertically nmaster s1 ++ splitVertically (n-nmaster) s2 | otherwise = splitVertically nmaster r1 ++ splitVertically nslave1 r2 ++ splitVertically nslave2 r3 where (r1, r2, r3) = split3HorizontallyBy middle (if f<0 then 1+2*f else f) r (s1, s2) = splitHorizontallyBy (if f<0 then 1+f else f) r nslave = (n - nmaster) nslave1 = ceiling (nslave % 2) nslave2 = (n - nmaster - nslave1) split3HorizontallyBy :: Bool -> Rational -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle, Rectangle, Rectangle) split3HorizontallyBy middle f (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = if middle then ( Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral r3w) sy r1w sh , Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral r3w + fromIntegral r1w) sy r2w sh , Rectangle sx sy r3w sh ) else ( Rectangle sx sy r1w sh , Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral r1w) sy r2w sh , Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral r1w + fromIntegral r2w) sy r3w sh ) where r1w = ceiling $ fromIntegral sw * f r2w = ceiling ( (sw - r1w) % 2 ) r3w = sw - r1w - r2w