{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, PatternGuards #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Layout.Monitor -- Copyright : (c) Roman Cheplyaka -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Roman Cheplyaka -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- Layout modfier for displaying some window (monitor) above other windows -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Layout.Monitor ( -- * Usage -- $usage -- * Hints and issues -- $hints -- * TODO -- $todo Property(..), MonitorMessage(..), addMonitor, addPersistentMonitor, addNamedMonitor, addNamedPersistentMonitor, doHideIgnore ) where import XMonad import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier import XMonad.Util.WindowProperties import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers (doHideIgnore) import Control.Monad -- $usage -- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@: -- -- > import XMonad.Layout.Monitor -- -- Then add monitor to desired layouts: -- -- > myLayouts = addMonitor (ClassName "Cairo-clock" `And` Title "MacSlow's Cairo-Clock") (Rectangle (1280-150) (800-150) 150 150) $ tall ||| Full ||| ... -- -- And make the desired window unmanaged with ManageHook: -- -- > , className =? "Cairo-clock"--> doIgnore -- -- After that, if there exists a window with specified properties, it will be -- displayed on top of all /tiled/ (not floated) windows on specified -- position. -- -- It's also useful to add some keybinding to toggle monitor visibility: -- -- > , ((mod1Mask, xK_u ), broadcastMessage ToggleMonitor >> refresh) -- -- Screenshot: data Monitor a = Monitor { prop :: Property, -- a window which satisfies that property is chosen as monitor rect :: Rectangle, -- where to put monitor visible :: Bool, -- is it visible? mbName :: (Maybe String), -- name of monitor (useful when we have many of them) persistent :: Bool -- on all layouts? } deriving (Read, Show) data MonitorMessage = ToggleMonitor | ShowMonitor | HideMonitor | ToggleMonitorNamed String | ShowMonitorNamed String | HideMonitorNamed String deriving (Read,Show,Eq,Typeable) instance Message MonitorMessage withMonitor :: Property -> a -> (Window -> X a) -> X a withMonitor p a fn = do monitorWindows <- allWithProperty p case monitorWindows of [] -> return a w:_ -> fn w instance LayoutModifier Monitor Window where redoLayout mon _ _ rects = withMonitor (prop mon) (rects, Nothing) $ \w -> if visible mon then do tileWindow w (rect mon) reveal w return ((w,rect mon):rects, Nothing) else do hide w return (rects, Nothing) handleMess mon mess | Just ToggleMonitor <- fromMessage mess = return $ Just $ mon { visible = not $ visible mon } | Just (ToggleMonitorNamed n) <- fromMessage mess = return $ if mbName mon `elem` [Just n, Nothing] then Just $ mon { visible = not $ visible mon } else Nothing | Just ShowMonitor <- fromMessage mess = return $ Just $ mon { visible = True } | Just (ShowMonitorNamed n) <- fromMessage mess = return $ if mbName mon `elem` [Just n, Nothing] then Just $ mon { visible = True } else Nothing | Just HideMonitor <- fromMessage mess = return $ Just $ mon { visible = False } | Just (HideMonitorNamed n) <- fromMessage mess = return $ if mbName mon `elem` [Just n, Nothing] then Just $ mon { visible = False } else Nothing | Just Hide <- fromMessage mess = do unless (persistent mon) $ withMonitor (prop mon) () hide; return Nothing | otherwise = return Nothing addMonitor :: Property -> Rectangle -> l a -> ModifiedLayout Monitor l a addMonitor p r = ModifiedLayout (Monitor p r True Nothing False) addPersistentMonitor :: Property -> Rectangle -> l a -> ModifiedLayout Monitor l a addPersistentMonitor p r = ModifiedLayout (Monitor p r True Nothing True) addNamedMonitor :: String -> Property -> Rectangle -> l a -> ModifiedLayout Monitor l a addNamedMonitor name p r = ModifiedLayout (Monitor p r True (Just name) False) addNamedPersistentMonitor :: String -> Property -> Rectangle -> l a -> ModifiedLayout Monitor l a addNamedPersistentMonitor name p r = ModifiedLayout (Monitor p r True (Just name) True) -- $hints -- - This module assumes that there is only one window satisfying property exists. -- -- - If you want the monitor to be available on /all/ layouts, use -- 'addPersistentMonitor' instead of 'addMonitor' to avoid unnecessary -- flickering. You can still toggle monitor with a keybinding. -- -- - On the other hand, if you use the monitor only with some of the layouts, you -- might want to hide it on the startup. Then change ManageHook to the following: -- -- > className =? "Cairo-clock"--> (ask >>= \w -> liftX (hide w) >> doF (W.delete w)) -- -- - You can use several monitors with nested modifiers. Give them a name using -- 'addNamedMonitor' or 'addNamedPersistentMonitor' to be able to toggle -- them independently. -- -- - To make monitor transparent, import "XMonad.Hooks.FadeInactive" and change -- ManageHook to (@0xAAAAAAAA@ is the level of opacity): -- -- > className =? "Cairo-clock"--> (ask >>= liftX . flip setOpacity 0xAAAAAAAA >> doIgnore) -- -- - You can display monitor only on specific workspaces with -- "XMonad.Layout.PerWorkspace". -- $todo -- - make Monitor remember the window it manages -- -- - automatically unmanage the window? -- -- - specify position relative to the screen