{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, NamedFieldPuns, PatternGuards #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Layout.LimitWindows -- Copyright : (c) 2009 Adam Vogt -- (c) 2009 Max Rabkin -- wrote limitSelect -- License : BSD-style (see xmonad/LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : vogt.adam@gmail.com -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A layout modifier that limits the number of windows that can be shown. -- See "XMonad.Layout.Minimize" for manually setting hidden windows. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Layout.LimitWindows ( -- * Usage -- $usage -- * Layout Modifiers limitWindows,limitSlice,limitSelect, -- * Change the number of windows increaseLimit,decreaseLimit,setLimit ) where import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier import XMonad import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W import XMonad.Layout (IncMasterN (..)) import Control.Monad((<=<),guard) import Control.Applicative((<$>)) import Data.Maybe(fromJust) -- $usage -- To use this module, add the following import to @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@: -- -- > import XMonad.Layout.LimitWindows -- -- > myLayout = limitWindows 6 $ Tall 1 0.03 0.5 ||| Full ||| RandomOtherLayout... -- > main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = myLayout } -- -- You may also be interested in dynamically changing the number dynamically, -- by binding keys to the 'increaseLimit', 'decreaseLimit', or 'setLimit' -- actions. -- -- For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see -- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings". -- -- See also 'XMonad.Layout.BoringWindows.boringAuto' for keybindings that skip -- the hidden windows. increaseLimit :: X () increaseLimit = sendMessage $ LimitChange succ decreaseLimit :: X () decreaseLimit = sendMessage . LimitChange $ max 1 . pred setLimit :: Int -> X () setLimit tgt = sendMessage . LimitChange $ const tgt -- | Only display the first @n@ windows. limitWindows :: Int -> l a -> ModifiedLayout LimitWindows l a limitWindows n = ModifiedLayout (LimitWindows FirstN n) -- | Only display @n@ windows around the focused window. This makes sense with -- layouts that arrange windows linearily, like 'XMonad.Layout.Layout.Accordion'. limitSlice :: Int -> l a -> ModifiedLayout LimitWindows l a limitSlice n = ModifiedLayout (LimitWindows Slice n) -- | Only display the first @m@ windows and @r@ others. -- The @IncMasterN@ message will change @m@, as well as passing it onto the -- underlying layout. limitSelect :: Int -> Int -> l a -> ModifiedLayout Selection l a limitSelect m r = ModifiedLayout Sel{ nMaster=m, start=m, nRest=r } data LimitWindows a = LimitWindows SliceStyle Int deriving (Read,Show) data SliceStyle = FirstN | Slice deriving (Read,Show) data LimitChange = LimitChange { unLC :: (Int -> Int) } deriving (Typeable) instance Message LimitChange instance LayoutModifier LimitWindows a where pureMess (LimitWindows s n) = fmap (LimitWindows s) . pos <=< (`app` n) . unLC <=< fromMessage where pos x = guard (x>=1) >> return x app f x = guard (f x /= x) >> return (f x) modifyLayout (LimitWindows style n) ws r = runLayout ws { W.stack = f n <$> W.stack ws } r where f = case style of FirstN -> firstN Slice -> slice firstN :: Int -> W.Stack a -> W.Stack a firstN n st = upfocus $ fromJust $ W.differentiate $ take (max 1 n) $ W.integrate st where upfocus = foldr (.) id $ replicate (length (W.up st)) W.focusDown' -- | A non-wrapping, fixed-size slice of a stack around the focused element slice :: Int -> W.Stack t -> W.Stack t slice n (W.Stack f u d) = W.Stack f (take (nu + unusedD) u) (take (nd + unusedU) d) where unusedD = max 0 $ nd - length d unusedU = max 0 $ nu - length u nd = div (n - 1) 2 nu = uncurry (+) $ divMod (n - 1) 2 data Selection a = Sel { nMaster :: Int, start :: Int, nRest :: Int } deriving (Read, Show, Eq) instance LayoutModifier Selection a where modifyLayout s w r = runLayout (w { W.stack = updateAndSelect s <$> W.stack w }) r pureModifier sel _ stk wins = (wins, update sel <$> stk) pureMess sel m | Just f <- unLC <$> fromMessage m = Just $ sel { nRest = max 0 (f (nMaster sel + nRest sel) - nMaster sel) } | Just (IncMasterN n) <- fromMessage m = Just $ sel { nMaster = max 0 (nMaster sel + n) } | otherwise = Nothing select :: Selection l -> W.Stack a -> W.Stack a select (Sel { nMaster, start, nRest }) stk | lups < nMaster = stk { W.down=take (nMaster - lups - 1) downs ++ (take nRest . drop (start - lups - 1) $ downs) } | otherwise = stk { W.up=reverse (take nMaster ups ++ drop start ups), W.down=take (nRest - (lups - start) - 1) downs } where downs = W.down stk ups = reverse $ W.up stk lups = length ups updateStart :: Selection l -> W.Stack a -> Int updateStart (Sel { nMaster, start, nRest }) stk | lups < nMaster -- the focussed window is in the master pane = start `min` (lups + ldown - nRest + 1) `max` nMaster | otherwise = start `min` lups `max` (lups - nRest + 1) `min` (lups + ldown - nRest + 1) `max` nMaster where lups = length $ W.up stk ldown = length $ W.down stk update :: Selection l -> W.Stack a -> Selection a update sel stk = sel { start=updateStart sel stk } updateAndSelect :: Selection l -> W.Stack a -> W.Stack a updateAndSelect sel stk = select (update sel stk) stk