----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName -- Copyright : © 2007 Ivan Tarasov <Ivan.Tarasov@gmail.com> -- License : BSD -- -- Maintainer : Ivan.Tarasov@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unportable -- -- Sets the WM name to a given string, so that it could be detected using -- _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK protocol. -- -- May be useful for making Java GUI programs work, just set WM name to "LG3D" -- and use Java 1.6u1 (1.6.0_01-ea-b03 works for me) or later. -- -- Remember that you need to call the setWMName action yourself (at least until -- we have startup hooks). E.g., you can bind it in your Config.hs: -- -- > ((modMask .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_z), setWMName "LG3D") -- @@ Java hack -- -- and press the key combination before running the Java programs (you only -- need to do it once per XMonad execution) -- -- For details on the problems with running Java GUI programs in non-reparenting -- WMs, see "http:\/\/bugs.sun.com\/bugdatabase\/view_bug.do?bug_id=6429775" and -- related bugs. -- -- Setting WM name to "compiz" does not solve the problem, because of yet -- another bug in AWT code (related to insets). For LG3D insets are explicitly -- set to 0, while for other WMs the insets are \"guessed\" and the algorithm -- fails miserably by guessing absolutely bogus values. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName ( setWMName) where import Control.Monad (join) import Control.Monad.Reader (asks) import Data.Char (ord) import Data.List (nub) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, listToMaybe, maybeToList) import Foreign.C.Types (CChar) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca) import XMonad import Graphics.X11.Xlib import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Atom import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras -- | sets WM name setWMName :: String -> X () setWMName name = do atom_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK <- netSupportingWMCheckAtom atom_NET_WM_NAME <- getAtom "_NET_WM_NAME" atom_NET_SUPPORTED_ATOM <- getAtom "_NET_SUPPORTED" atom_UTF8_STRING <- getAtom "UTF8_STRING" root <- asks theRoot supportWindow <- getSupportWindow dpy <- asks display io $ do -- _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK atom of root and support windows refers to the support window mapM_ (\w -> changeProperty32 dpy w atom_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK wINDOW 0 [fromIntegral supportWindow]) [root, supportWindow] -- set WM_NAME in supportWindow (now only accepts latin1 names to eliminate dependency on utf8 encoder) changeProperty8 dpy supportWindow atom_NET_WM_NAME atom_UTF8_STRING 0 (latin1StringToCCharList name) -- declare which _NET protocols are supported (append to the list if it exists) supportedList <- fmap (join . maybeToList) $ getWindowProperty32 dpy atom_NET_SUPPORTED_ATOM root changeProperty32 dpy root atom_NET_SUPPORTED_ATOM aTOM 0 (nub $ fromIntegral atom_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK : fromIntegral atom_NET_WM_NAME : supportedList) where netSupportingWMCheckAtom :: X Atom netSupportingWMCheckAtom = getAtom "_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK" latin1StringToCCharList :: String -> [CChar] latin1StringToCCharList str = map (fromIntegral . ord) str getSupportWindow :: X Window getSupportWindow = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do atom_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK <- netSupportingWMCheckAtom root <- asks theRoot supportWindow <- fmap (join . fmap listToMaybe) $ io $ getWindowProperty32 dpy atom_NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK root validateWindow (fmap fromIntegral supportWindow) validateWindow :: Maybe Window -> X Window validateWindow w = do valid <- maybe (return False) isValidWindow w if valid then return $ fromJust w else createSupportWindow -- is there a better way to check the validity of the window? isValidWindow :: Window -> X Bool isValidWindow w = withDisplay $ \dpy -> io $ alloca $ \p -> do status <- xGetWindowAttributes dpy w p return (status /= 0) -- this code was translated from C (see OpenBox WM, screen.c) createSupportWindow :: X Window createSupportWindow = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do root <- asks theRoot let visual = defaultVisual dpy (defaultScreen dpy) -- should be CopyFromParent (=0), but the constructor is hidden in X11.XLib window <- io $ allocaSetWindowAttributes $ \winAttrs -> do set_override_redirect winAttrs True -- WM cannot decorate/move/close this window set_event_mask winAttrs propertyChangeMask -- not sure if this is needed let bogusX = -100 bogusY = -100 in createWindow dpy root bogusX bogusY 1 1 0 0 inputOutput visual (cWEventMask .|. cWOverrideRedirect) winAttrs io $ mapWindow dpy window -- not sure if this is needed io $ lowerWindow dpy window -- not sure if this is needed return window