----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Hooks.FloatNext -- Copyright : Quentin Moser <quentin.moser@unifr.ch> -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Quentin Moser <quentin.moser@unifr.ch> -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- Hook and keybindings for automatically sending the next -- spawned window(s) to the floating layer. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Hooks.FloatNext ( -- * Usage -- $usage -- * The hook floatNextHook -- * Actions , floatNext , toggleFloatNext , floatAllNew , toggleFloatAllNew -- * Queries , willFloatNext , willFloatAllNew -- * 'DynamicLog' utilities -- $pp , willFloatNextPP , willFloatAllNewPP , runLogHook ) where import Prelude hiding (all) import XMonad import Control.Monad (join) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Arrow (first, second) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) {- Helper functions -} modifyMVar2 :: MVar a -> (a -> a) -> IO () modifyMVar2 v f = modifyMVar_ v (return . f) _set :: ((a -> a) -> (Bool, Bool) -> (Bool, Bool)) -> a -> X () _set f b = io $ modifyMVar2 floatModeMVar (f $ const b) _toggle :: ((Bool -> Bool) -> (Bool, Bool) -> (Bool, Bool)) -> X () _toggle f = io $ modifyMVar2 floatModeMVar (f not) _get :: ((Bool, Bool) -> a) -> X a _get f = io $ f <$> readMVar floatModeMVar _pp :: ((Bool, Bool) -> Bool) -> String -> (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String) _pp f s st = _get f >>= \b -> if b then return $ Just $ st s else return Nothing {- The current state is kept here -} floatModeMVar :: MVar (Bool, Bool) floatModeMVar = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar (False, False) -- $usage -- This module provides actions (that can be set as keybindings) -- to automatically send the next spawned window(s) to the floating -- layer. -- -- You can use it by including the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@: -- -- > import XMonad.Hooks.FloatNext -- -- and adding 'floatNextHook' to your 'ManageHook': -- -- > myManageHook = floatNextHook <+> manageHook defaultConfig -- -- The 'floatNext' and 'toggleFloatNext' functions can be used in key -- bindings to float the next spawned window: -- -- > , ((modMask, xK_e), toggleFloatNext) -- -- 'floatAllNew' and 'toggleFloatAllNew' are similar but float all -- spawned windows until disabled again. -- -- > , ((modMask, xK_r), toggleFloatAllNew) -- | This 'ManageHook' will selectively float windows as set -- by 'floatNext' and 'floatAllNew'. floatNextHook :: ManageHook floatNextHook = do (next, all) <- io $ takeMVar floatModeMVar io $ putMVar floatModeMVar (False, all) if next || all then doFloat else idHook -- | @floatNext True@ arranges for the next spawned window to be -- sent to the floating layer, @floatNext False@ cancels it. floatNext :: Bool -> X () floatNext = _set first toggleFloatNext :: X () toggleFloatNext = _toggle first -- | @floatAllNew True@ arranges for new windows to be -- sent to the floating layer, @floatAllNew False@ cancels it floatAllNew :: Bool -> X () floatAllNew = _set second toggleFloatAllNew :: X () toggleFloatAllNew = _toggle second -- | Whether the next window will be set floating willFloatNext :: X Bool willFloatNext = _get fst -- | Whether new windows will be set floating willFloatAllNew :: X Bool willFloatAllNew = _get snd -- $pp -- The following functions are used to display the current -- state of 'floatNext' and 'floatAllNew' in your -- 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.dynamicLogWithPP'. -- 'willFloatNextPP' and 'willFloatAllNewPP' should be added -- to the 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.ppExtras' field of your -- 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.PP'. -- -- Use 'runLogHook' to refresh the output of your 'logHook', so -- that the effects of a 'floatNext'/... will be visible -- immediately: -- -- > , ((modMask, xK_e), toggleFloatNext >> runLogHook) -- -- The @String -> String@ parameters to 'willFloatNextPP' and -- 'willFloatAllNewPP' will be applied to their output, you -- can use them to set the text color, etc., or you can just -- pass them 'id'. willFloatNextPP :: (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String) willFloatNextPP = _pp fst "Next" willFloatAllNewPP :: (String -> String) -> X (Maybe String) willFloatAllNewPP = _pp snd "All" runLogHook :: X () runLogHook = join $ asks $ logHook . config