-- boilerplate {{{ {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, NoMonomorphismRestriction, TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} module XMonad.Config.Dmwit where -- system imports import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Char import Data.List import Data.Map (Map, fromList) import Data.Ratio import Data.Word import GHC.Real import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import System.Process -- xmonad core import XMonad import XMonad.StackSet hiding (workspaces) -- xmonad contrib import XMonad.Actions.SpawnOn import XMonad.Actions.Warp import XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks import XMonad.Hooks.ManageHelpers import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName import XMonad.Layout.Grid import XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens import XMonad.Layout.Magnifier import XMonad.Layout.NoBorders import XMonad.Util.Dzen hiding (x, y) import XMonad.Util.SpawnOnce -- }}} -- volume {{{ outputOf :: String -> IO String outputOf s = do uninstallSignalHandlers (hIn, hOut, hErr, p) <- runInteractiveCommand s mapM_ hClose [hIn, hErr] hGetContents hOut <* waitForProcess p <* installSignalHandlers geomMean :: Floating a => [a] -> a geomMean xs = product xs ** (recip . fromIntegral . length $ xs) arithMean :: Floating a => [a] -> a arithMean xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs) namedNumbers n s = do l <- lines s guard (sentinel `isPrefixOf` l) return (drop (length sentinel) l) where sentinel = n ++ " #" -- Data.List.Split.splitOn ":", but without involving an extra dependency splitColon xs = case break (==':') xs of (a, ':':b) -> a : splitColon b (a, _) -> [a] parse s = arithMean $ do l <- lines s guard ("\tVolume: " `isPrefixOf` l) part <- splitColon l (n,'%':_) <- reads part return n modVolume :: String -> Integer -> IO Double modVolume kind n = do is <- namedNumbers parseKind <$> outputOf listCommand forM_ is (outputOf . setCommand) parse <$> outputOf listCommand where sign | n > 0 = "+" | otherwise = "-" ctlKind = map (\c -> if c == ' ' then '-' else c) kind parseKind = unwords . map (\(c:cs) -> toUpper c : cs) . words $ kind setCommand i = "pactl set-" ++ ctlKind ++ "-volume " ++ i ++ " -- " ++ sign ++ show (abs n) ++ "%" listCommand = "pactl list " ++ ctlKind ++ "s" -- }}} -- convenient actions {{{ centerMouse = warpToWindow (1/2) (1/2) statusBarMouse = warpToScreen 0 (5/1600) (5/1200) withScreen s f = screenWorkspace s >>= flip whenJust (windows . f) makeLauncher yargs run exec close = concat ["exe=`yeganesh ", yargs, "` && ", run, " ", exec, "$exe", close] launcher = makeLauncher "" "eval" "\"exec " "\"" termLauncher = makeLauncher "-p withterm" "exec urxvt -e" "" "" viewShift i = view i . shift i floatAll = composeAll . map (\s -> className =? s --> doFloat) sinkFocus = peek >>= maybe id sink showMod k n = liftIO (modVolume k n) >>= volumeDzen . show . round volumeDzen = dzenConfig $ onCurr (center 170 66) >=> font "-*-helvetica-*-r-*-*-64-*-*-*-*-*-*-*,-*-terminus-*-*-*-*-64-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" -- }}} altMask = mod1Mask bright = "#80c0ff" dark = "#13294e" -- manage hooks for mplayer {{{ fullscreen43on169 = expand $ RationalRect 0 (-1/6) 1 (4/3) where expand (RationalRect x y w h) = RationalRect (x - bwx) (y - bwy) (w + 2 * bwx) (h + 2 * bwy) bwx = 2 / 1920 -- borderwidth bwy = 2 / 1080 fullscreenMPlayer = className =? "MPlayer" --> do dpy <- liftX $ asks display win <- ask hints <- liftIO $ getWMNormalHints dpy win case fmap (approx . fst) (sh_aspect hints) of Just ( 4 :% 3) -> viewFullOn 0 "5" win Just (16 :% 9) -> viewFullOn 1 "5" win _ -> doFloat where fi = fromIntegral :: Dimension -> Double approx (n, d) = approxRational (fi n / fi d) (1/100) operationOn f s n w = do let ws = marshall s n currws <- liftX $ screenWorkspace s doF $ view ws . maybe id view currws . shiftWin ws w . f w viewFullOn = operationOn sink centerWineOn = operationOn (`XMonad.StackSet.float` RationalRect (79/960) (-1/540) (401/480) (271/270)) -- }}} -- debugging {{{ class Show a => PPrint a where pprint :: Int -> a -> String pprint _ = show data PPrintable = forall a. PPrint a => P a instance Show PPrintable where show (P x) = show x instance PPrint PPrintable where pprint n (P x) = pprint n x record :: String -> Int -> [(String, PPrintable)] -> String record s n xs = preamble ++ intercalate newline fields ++ postlude where indentation = '\n' : replicate n '\t' preamble = s ++ " {" ++ indentation postlude = indentation ++ "}" newline = ',' : indentation fields = map (\(name, value) -> name ++ " = " ++ pprint (n+1) value) xs instance PPrint a => PPrint (Maybe a) where pprint n (Just x) = "Just (" ++ pprint n x ++ ")" pprint _ x = show x instance PPrint a => PPrint [a] where pprint _ [] = "[]" pprint n xs = preamble ++ intercalate newline allLines ++ postlude where indentation = '\n' : replicate n '\t' preamble = "[" ++ indentation allLines = map (pprint (n+1)) xs newline = ',' : indentation postlude = indentation ++ "]" instance PPrint Rectangle where pprint n x = record "Rectangle" n [ ("rect_x", P (rect_x x)), ("rect_y", P (rect_y x)), ("rect_width", P (rect_width x)), ("rect_height", P (rect_height x)) ] instance PPrint a => PPrint (Stack a) where pprint n x = record "Stack" n [ ("focus", P (XMonad.StackSet.focus x)), ("up", P (up x)), ("down", P (down x)) ] instance (PPrint i, PPrint l, PPrint a) => PPrint (Workspace i l a) where pprint n x = record "Workspace" n [ ("tag", P (tag x)), ("layout", P (layout x)), ("stack", P (stack x)) ] instance PPrint ScreenDetail where pprint n x = record "SD" n [("screenRect", P (screenRect x))] instance (PPrint i, PPrint l, PPrint a, PPrint sid, PPrint sd) => PPrint (XMonad.StackSet.Screen i l a sid sd) where pprint n x = record "Screen" n [ ("workspace", P (workspace x)), ("screen", P (screen x)), ("screenDetail", P (screenDetail x)) ] instance (PPrint i, PPrint l, PPrint a, PPrint sid, PPrint sd) => PPrint (StackSet i l a sid sd) where pprint n x = record "StackSet" n [ ("current", P (current x)), ("visible", P (visible x)), ("hidden", P (hidden x)), ("floating", P (floating x)) ] instance PPrint (Layout a) instance PPrint Int instance PPrint XMonad.Screen instance PPrint Integer instance PPrint Position instance PPrint Dimension instance PPrint Char instance PPrint Word64 instance PPrint ScreenId instance (Show a, Show b) => PPrint (Map a b) -- }}} -- main {{{ dmwitConfig nScreens = defaultConfig { borderWidth = 2, workspaces = withScreens nScreens (map show [1..5]), terminal = "urxvt", normalBorderColor = dark, focusedBorderColor = bright, modMask = mod4Mask, keys = keyBindings, layoutHook = magnifierOff $ avoidStruts (GridRatio 0.9) ||| noBorders Full, manageHook = (title =? "CGoban: Main Window" --> doF sinkFocus) <+> (className =? "Wine" <&&> (appName =? "hl2.exe" <||> appName =? "portal2.exe") --> ask >>= viewFullOn {-centerWineOn-} 1 "5") <+> (className =? "VirtualBox" --> ask >>= viewFullOn 1 "5") <+> (isFullscreen --> doFullFloat) -- TF2 matches the "isFullscreen" criteria, so its manage hook should appear after (e.g., to the left of a <+> compared to) this one <+> (appName =? "huludesktop" --> doRectFloat fullscreen43on169) <+> fullscreenMPlayer <+> floatAll ["Gimp", "Wine"] <+> manageDocks <+> manageSpawn, logHook = allPPs nScreens, startupHook = refresh >> setWMName "LG3D" -- gotta keep this until all the machines I use have the version of openjdk that respects _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING >> mapM_ (spawnOnce . xmobarCommand) [0 .. nScreens-1] } main = countScreens >>= xmonad . dmwitConfig -- }}} -- keybindings {{{ keyBindings conf = let m = modMask conf in fromList . anyMask $ [ ((m , xK_BackSpace ), spawnHere "urxvt"), ((m , xK_p ), spawnHere launcher), ((m .|. shiftMask , xK_p ), spawnHere termLauncher), ((m .|. shiftMask , xK_c ), kill), ((m , xK_q ), restart "xmonad" True), ((m .|. shiftMask , xK_q ), io (exitWith ExitSuccess)), ((m , xK_grave ), sendMessage NextLayout), ((m .|. shiftMask , xK_grave ), setLayout $ layoutHook conf), ((m , xK_o ), sendMessage Toggle), ((m , xK_x ), withFocused (windows . sink)), ((m , xK_Home ), windows focusUp), ((m .|. shiftMask , xK_Home ), windows swapUp), ((m , xK_End ), windows focusDown), ((m .|. shiftMask , xK_End ), windows swapDown), ((m , xK_a ), windows focusMaster), ((m .|. shiftMask , xK_a ), windows swapMaster), ((m , xK_Control_L ), withScreen 0 view), ((m .|. shiftMask , xK_Control_L ), withScreen 0 viewShift), ((m , xK_Alt_L ), withScreen 1 view), ((m .|. shiftMask , xK_Alt_L ), withScreen 1 viewShift), ((m , xK_u ), centerMouse), ((m .|. shiftMask , xK_u ), statusBarMouse), ((m , xK_s ), spawnHere "chromium --password-store=gnome"), ((m , xK_n ), spawnHere "gvim todo"), ((m , xK_t ), spawnHere "mpc toggle"), ((m , xK_h ), spawnHere "urxvt -e alsamixer"), ((m , xK_d ), spawnHere "wyvern"), ((m , xK_l ), spawnHere "urxvt -e sup"), ((m , xK_r ), spawnHere "urxvt -e ncmpcpp"), ((m , xK_c ), spawnHere "urxvt -e ghci"), ((m , xK_g ), spawnHere "slock" >> spawnHere "xscreensaver-command -lock"), ((m , xK_f ), spawnHere "gvim ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs"), (( noModMask , xK_F8 ), showMod "sink input" (-4)), (( noModMask , xK_F9 ), showMod "sink input" 4 ), (( shiftMask , xK_F8 ), showMod "sink" (-4)), (( shiftMask , xK_F9 ), showMod "sink" 4 ), (( noModMask , xK_Super_L ), return ()) -- make VirtualBox ignore stray hits of the Windows key ] ++ [ ((m .|. e , key ), windows (onCurrentScreen f ws)) | (key, ws) <- zip [xK_1..xK_9] (workspaces' conf) , (e, f) <- [(0, view), (shiftMask, viewShift)] ] atSchool school home = do host <- liftIO (getEnv "HOST") return $ case host of "sorghum" -> home "buckwheat" -> home _ -> school anyMask xs = do ((mask, key), action) <- xs extraMask <- [0, controlMask, altMask, controlMask .|. altMask] return ((mask .|. extraMask, key), action) -- }}} -- logHook {{{ pipeName n s = "/home/dmwit/.xmonad/pipe-" ++ n ++ "-" ++ show s xmobarCommand (S s) = unwords ["xmobar", "-x", show s, "-t", template s, "-C", pipeReader ] where template 0 = "}%focus%{%workspaces%" template _ = "%date%}%focus%{%workspaces%" pipeReader = "'[\ \Run PipeReader \"" ++ pipeName "focus" s ++ "\" \"focus\",\ \Run PipeReader \"" ++ pipeName "workspaces" s ++ "\" \"workspaces\"\ \]'" allPPs nScreens = sequence_ [dynamicLogWithPP (pp s) | s <- [0..nScreens-1], pp <- [ppFocus, ppWorkspaces]] color c = xmobarColor c "" ppFocus s@(S s_) = whenCurrentOn s defaultPP { ppOrder = \(_:_:windowTitle:_) -> [windowTitle], ppOutput = appendFile (pipeName "focus" s_) . (++ "\n") } ppWorkspaces s@(S s_) = marshallPP s defaultPP { ppCurrent = color "white", ppVisible = color "white", ppHiddenNoWindows = color dark, ppUrgent = color "red", ppSep = "", ppOrder = \(wss:_layout:_title:_) -> [wss], ppOutput = appendFile (pipeName "workspaces" s_) . (++"\n") } -- }}}