----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation -- Copyright : (c) 2007 David Roundy , -- Devin Mullins -- Maintainer : Devin Mullins -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- This is a rewrite of "XMonad.Layout.WindowNavigation", for the purposes of -- code cleanup and Xinerama support. It's not complete, so you'll want to -- use that one for now. -- -- WindowNavigation lets you assign keys to move up/down/left/right, based on -- actual cartesian window coordinates, rather than just going j/k on the stack. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonad.Actions.WindowNavigation ( -- * Usage -- $usage withWindowNavigation, withWindowNavigationKeys, WNAction(..), go, swap, Direction(..) ) where import XMonad import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks (Direction(..)) import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.Arrow (second) import Data.IORef import Data.List (sortBy) import Data.Map (Map()) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe, listToMaybe) import Graphics.X11.Xlib -- $usage -- -- Don't use it! What, are you crazy? -- TODO: -- - 1. 2x2, top right; 2. a,j,d 3. error! -- - implement swap -- - cleanup -- - documentation :) -- - tests? (esp. for edge cases in currentPosition) -- - solve the 2+3, middle right to bottom left problem -- - manageHook to draw window decos? -- TODO: more flexible api withWindowNavigation :: (KeySym, KeySym, KeySym, KeySym) -> XConfig l -> IO (XConfig l) withWindowNavigation (u,l,d,r) conf = withWindowNavigationKeys [ ((modMask conf , u), WNGo U), ((modMask conf , l), WNGo L), ((modMask conf , d), WNGo D), ((modMask conf , r), WNGo R), ((modMask conf .|. shiftMask, u), WNSwap U), ((modMask conf .|. shiftMask, l), WNSwap L), ((modMask conf .|. shiftMask, d), WNSwap D), ((modMask conf .|. shiftMask, r), WNSwap R) ] conf withWindowNavigationKeys :: [((KeyMask, KeySym), WNAction)] -> XConfig l -> IO (XConfig l) withWindowNavigationKeys wnKeys conf = do posRef <- newIORef M.empty return conf { keys = \cnf -> M.fromList (map (second (fromWNAction posRef)) wnKeys) `M.union` keys conf cnf } where fromWNAction posRef (WNGo dir) = go posRef dir fromWNAction posRef (WNSwap dir) = swap posRef dir data WNAction = WNGo Direction | WNSwap Direction type WNState = Map WorkspaceId Point -- go: -- 1. get current position, verifying it matches the current window -- 2. get target windowrect -- 3. focus window -- 4. set new position go :: IORef WNState -> Direction -> X () go = withTargetWindow W.focusWindow swap :: IORef WNState -> Direction -> X () swap = withTargetWindow swapWithFocused where swapWithFocused targetWin winSet = case W.peek winSet of Just currentWin -> W.focusWindow currentWin $ mapWindows (swapWin currentWin targetWin) winSet Nothing -> winSet mapWindows f ss = W.mapWorkspace (mapWindows' f) ss mapWindows' f ws@(W.Workspace { W.stack = s }) = ws { W.stack = mapWindows'' f <$> s } mapWindows'' f (W.Stack focused up down) = W.Stack (f focused) (map f up) (map f down) swapWin win1 win2 win = if win == win1 then win2 else if win == win2 then win1 else win withTargetWindow :: (Window -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> IORef WNState -> Direction -> X () withTargetWindow adj posRef dir = fromCurrentPoint $ \win pos -> do targets <- filter ((/= win) . fst) <$> navigableTargets pos dir whenJust (listToMaybe targets) $ \(targetWin, targetRect) -> do windows (adj targetWin) setPosition posRef pos targetRect where fromCurrentPoint f = withFocused $ \win -> do currentPosition posRef >>= f win -- Gets the current position from the IORef passed in, or if nothing (say, from -- a restart), derives the current position from the current window. Also, -- verifies that the position is congruent with the current window (say, if you -- used mod-j/k or mouse or something). -- TODO: worry about off-by-one issues with inside definition currentPosition :: IORef WNState -> X Point currentPosition posRef = do root <- asks theRoot currentWindow <- gets (W.peek . windowset) currentRect <- maybe (Rectangle 0 0 0 0) snd <$> windowRect (fromMaybe root currentWindow) wsid <- gets (W.tag . W.workspace . W.current . windowset) mp <- M.lookup wsid <$> io (readIORef posRef) case mp of Just p | p `inside` currentRect -> return p _ -> return (middleOf currentRect) where Point px py `inside` Rectangle rx ry rw rh = px >= rx && px < rx + fromIntegral rw && py >= rx && py < ry + fromIntegral rh middleOf (Rectangle x y w h) = Point (x + fromIntegral w `div` 2) (y + fromIntegral h `div` 2) -- return $ fromMaybe (Point 0 0) mp -- TODO: use a smarter algorithm (with memory of last position) setPosition :: IORef WNState -> Point -> Rectangle -> X () setPosition posRef _ (Rectangle x y w h) = do wsid <- gets (W.tag . W.workspace . W.current . windowset) let position = Point (x + (fromIntegral w `div` 2)) (y + (fromIntegral h `div` 2)) io $ modifyIORef posRef $ M.insert wsid position navigableTargets :: Point -> Direction -> X [(Window, Rectangle)] navigableTargets point dir = navigable dir point <$> windowRects -- Filters and sorts the windows in terms of what is closest from the Point in -- the Direction. navigable :: Direction -> Point -> [(Window, Rectangle)] -> [(Window, Rectangle)] navigable d pt = sortby d . filter (inr d (fromPoint pt) . snd) -- Produces a list of normal-state windows, on any screen. Rectangles are -- adjusted based on screen position relative to the current screen, because I'm -- bad like that. -- TODO: only the visible windows -- TODO: adjust rectangles based on screen position? (perhaps this is already handled) windowRects :: X [(Window, Rectangle)] windowRects = do wins <- gets (visibleWindows . windowset) catMaybes <$> mapM windowRect wins where visibleWindows wset = concatMap (W.integrate' . W.stack . W.workspace) (W.current wset : W.visible wset) windowRect :: Window -> X (Maybe (Window, Rectangle)) windowRect win = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do (_, x, y, w, h, _, _) <- io $ getGeometry dpy win return $ Just $ (win, Rectangle x y w h) `catchX` return Nothing fromPoint :: Point -> FPoint fromPoint p = P (fromIntegral $ pt_x p) (fromIntegral $ pt_y p) -- Stolen from droundy's implementation of WindowNavigation. -- TODO: refactor, perhaps data FPoint = P Double Double inr :: Direction -> FPoint -> Rectangle -> Bool inr D (P x y) (Rectangle l yr w h) = x >= fromIntegral l && x < fromIntegral l + fromIntegral w && y < fromIntegral yr + fromIntegral h inr U (P x y) (Rectangle l yr w _) = x >= fromIntegral l && x < fromIntegral l + fromIntegral w && y > fromIntegral yr inr R (P a x) (Rectangle b l _ w) = x >= fromIntegral l && x < fromIntegral l + fromIntegral w && a < fromIntegral b inr L (P a x) (Rectangle b l c w) = x >= fromIntegral l && x < fromIntegral l + fromIntegral w && a > fromIntegral b + fromIntegral c sortby :: Direction -> [(a,Rectangle)] -> [(a,Rectangle)] sortby U = sortBy (\(_,Rectangle _ y _ _) (_,Rectangle _ y' _ _) -> compare y' y) sortby D = sortBy (\(_,Rectangle _ y _ _) (_,Rectangle _ y' _ _) -> compare y y') sortby R = sortBy (\(_,Rectangle x _ _ _) (_,Rectangle x' _ _ _) -> compare x x') sortby L = sortBy (\(_,Rectangle x _ _ _) (_,Rectangle x' _ _ _) -> compare x' x)