----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonad.Actions.LinkWorkspaces -- Copyright : (c) Jan-David Quesel -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : none -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- Provides bindings to add and delete links between workspaces. It is aimed -- at providing useful links between workspaces in a multihead setup. Linked -- workspaces are view at the same time. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module XMonad.Actions.LinkWorkspaces ( -- * Usage -- $usage switchWS, removeAllMatchings, unMatch, toggleLinkWorkspaces, defaultMessageConf, MessageConfig(..) ) where import XMonad import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W import XMonad.Layout.IndependentScreens(countScreens) import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS (get, put) import XMonad.Actions.OnScreen(Focus(FocusCurrent), onScreen') import qualified Data.Map as M ( insert, delete, Map, lookup, empty, filter ) -- $usage -- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@ file: -- -- > import XMonad.Actions.LinkWorkspaces -- -- and add a function to print messages like -- > message_command (S screen) = " dzen2 -p 1 -w 300 -xs " ++ show (screen + 1) -- > message_color_func c1 c2 msg = dzenColor c1 c2 msg -- > message screen c1 c2 msg = spawn $ "echo '" ++ (message_color_func c1 c2 msg) ++ "' | " ++ message_command screen -- -- alternatively you can use the noMessages function as the argument -- -- Then add keybindings like the following: -- -- > ,((modm, xK_p), toggleLinkWorkspaces message) -- > ,((modm .|. shiftMask, xK_p), removeAllMatchings message) -- -- > [ ((modm .|. m, k), a i) -- > | (a, m) <- [(switchWS (\y -> windows $ view y) message, 0),(switchWS (\x -> windows $ shift x . view x) message, shiftMask)] -- > , (i, k) <- zip [1..] [xK_1 .. xK_9]] -- -- For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see -- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings". data MessageConfig = MessageConfig { messageFunction :: (ScreenId -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> X()) , foreground :: [Char] , alertedForeground :: [Char] , background :: [Char] } defaultMessageConf :: MessageConfig defaultMessageConf = MessageConfig { messageFunction = noMessageFn , background = "#000000" , alertedForeground = "#ff7701" , foreground = "#00ff00" } noMessageFn :: ScreenId -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char] -> X() noMessageFn _ _ _ _ = return () :: X () -- | Stuff for linking workspaces data WorkspaceMap = WorkspaceMap (M.Map WorkspaceId WorkspaceId) deriving (Read, Show, Typeable) instance ExtensionClass WorkspaceMap where initialValue = WorkspaceMap M.empty extensionType = PersistentExtension switchWS :: (WorkspaceId -> X ()) -> MessageConfig -> WorkspaceId -> X () switchWS f m ws = switchWS' f m ws Nothing -- | Switch to the given workspace in a non greedy way, stop if we reached the first screen -- | we already did switching on switchWS' :: (WorkspaceId -> X ()) -> MessageConfig -> WorkspaceId -> (Maybe ScreenId) -> X () switchWS' switchFn message workspace stopAtScreen = do ws <- gets windowset nScreens <- countScreens let now = W.screen (W.current ws) let next = ((now + 1) `mod` nScreens) switchFn workspace case stopAtScreen of Nothing -> sTM now next (Just now) Just sId -> if sId == next then return () else sTM now next (Just sId) where sTM = switchToMatching (switchWS' switchFn message) message workspace -- | Switch to the workspace that matches the current one, executing switches for that workspace as well. -- | The function switchWorkspaceNonGreedy' will take of stopping if we reached the first workspace again. switchToMatching :: (WorkspaceId -> (Maybe ScreenId) -> X ()) -> MessageConfig -> WorkspaceId -> ScreenId -> ScreenId -> (Maybe ScreenId) -> X () switchToMatching f message t now next stopAtScreen = do WorkspaceMap matchings <- XS.get :: X WorkspaceMap case (M.lookup t matchings) of Nothing -> return () :: X() Just newWorkspace -> do onScreen' (f newWorkspace stopAtScreen) FocusCurrent next messageFunction message now (foreground message) (background message) ("Switching to: " ++ (t ++ " and " ++ newWorkspace)) -- | Insert a mapping between t1 and t2 or remove it was already present toggleMatching :: MessageConfig -> WorkspaceId -> WorkspaceId -> X () toggleMatching message t1 t2 = do WorkspaceMap matchings <- XS.get :: X WorkspaceMap case (M.lookup t1 matchings) of Nothing -> setMatching message t1 t2 matchings Just t -> if t == t2 then removeMatching' message t1 t2 matchings else setMatching message t1 t2 matchings return () -- | Insert a mapping between t1 and t2 and display a message setMatching :: MessageConfig -> WorkspaceId -> WorkspaceId -> M.Map WorkspaceId WorkspaceId -> X () setMatching message t1 t2 matchings = do ws <- gets windowset let now = W.screen (W.current ws) XS.put $ WorkspaceMap $ M.insert t1 t2 matchings messageFunction message now (foreground message) (background message) ("Linked: " ++ (t1 ++ " " ++ t2)) -- currently this function is called manually this means that if workspaces -- were deleted, some links stay in the RAM even though they are not used -- anymore... because of the small amount of memory used for those there is no -- special cleanup so far removeMatching' :: MessageConfig -> WorkspaceId -> WorkspaceId -> M.Map WorkspaceId WorkspaceId -> X () removeMatching' message t1 t2 matchings = do ws <- gets windowset let now = W.screen (W.current ws) XS.put $ WorkspaceMap $ M.delete t1 matchings messageFunction message now (alertedForeground message) (background message) ("Unlinked: " ++ t1 ++ " " ++ t2) -- | Remove all maps between workspaces removeAllMatchings :: MessageConfig -> X () removeAllMatchings message = do ws <- gets windowset let now = W.screen (W.current ws) XS.put $ WorkspaceMap $ M.empty messageFunction message now (alertedForeground message) (background message) "All links removed!" -- | remove all matching regarding a given workspace unMatch :: WorkspaceId -> X () unMatch workspace = do WorkspaceMap matchings <- XS.get :: X WorkspaceMap XS.put $ WorkspaceMap $ M.delete workspace (M.filter (/= workspace) matchings) -- | Toggle the currently displayed workspaces as matching. Starting from the one with focus -- | a linked list of workspaces is created that will later be iterated by switchToMatching. toggleLinkWorkspaces :: MessageConfig -> X () toggleLinkWorkspaces message = withWindowSet $ \ws -> toggleLinkWorkspaces' (W.screen (W.current ws)) message toggleLinkWorkspaces' :: ScreenId -> MessageConfig -> X () toggleLinkWorkspaces' first message = do ws <- gets windowset nScreens <- countScreens let now = W.screen (W.current ws) let next = (now + 1) `mod` nScreens if next == first then return () else do -- this is also the case if there is only one screen case (W.lookupWorkspace next ws) of Nothing -> return () Just name -> toggleMatching message (W.currentTag ws) (name) onScreen' (toggleLinkWorkspaces' first message) FocusCurrent next