module XMonadContrib.ReadMap () where {- An instance of Read for Data.Map.Map's; useful for people that are still - compiling under 6.4. To use it, add the following line to StackSet.hs: - import XMonadContrib.ReadMap -} import Data.Map (Map, fromList) import GHC.Read instance (Ord k, Read k, Read e) => Read (Map k e) where readsPrec _ = \s1 -> do ("{", s2) <- lex s1 (xs, s3) <- readPairs s2 ("}", s4) <- lex s3 return (fromList xs, s4) -- parses a pair of things with the syntax a:=b -- stolen from the GHC 6.6 sources readPair :: (Read a, Read b) => ReadS (a,b) readPair s = do (a, ct1) <- reads s (":=", ct2) <- lex ct1 (b, ct3) <- reads ct2 return ((a,b), ct3) readPairs :: (Read a, Read b) => ReadS [(a,b)] readPairs s1 = case readPair s1 of [(p, s2)] -> case s2 of (',':s3) -> do (ps, s4) <- readPairs s3 return (p:ps, s4) _ -> [([p], s2)] _ -> [([],s1)]