----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonadContrib.Grid -- Copyright : (c) Lukas Mai -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- A simple layout that attempts to put all windows in a square grid. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonadContrib.Grid ( -- * Usage -- $usage Grid(..) ) where import XMonad import StackSet import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types -- $usage -- Put the following in your Config.hs file: -- -- > import XMonadContrib.Grid -- > ... -- > defaultLayouts = [ ... -- > , Layout Grid -- > ] -- %import XMonadContrib.Grid -- %layout , Layout Grid data Grid a = Grid deriving (Read, Show) instance LayoutClass Grid a where pureLayout Grid r s = arrange r (integrate s) arrange :: Rectangle -> [a] -> [(a, Rectangle)] arrange (Rectangle rx ry rw rh) st = zip st rectangles where nwins = length st ncols = ceiling . (sqrt :: Double -> Double) . fromIntegral $ nwins mincs = nwins `div` ncols extrs = nwins - ncols * mincs chop :: Int -> Dimension -> [(Position, Dimension)] chop n m = ((0, m - k * fromIntegral (pred n)) :) . map (flip (,) k) . tail . reverse . take n . tail . iterate (subtract k') $ m' where k :: Dimension k = m `div` fromIntegral n m' = fromIntegral m k' :: Position k' = fromIntegral k xcoords = chop ncols rw ycoords = chop mincs rh ycoords' = chop (succ mincs) rh (xbase, xext) = splitAt (ncols - extrs) xcoords rectangles = combine ycoords xbase ++ combine ycoords' xext where combine ys xs = [Rectangle (rx + x) (ry + y) w h | (x, w) <- xs, (y, h) <- ys]