----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonadContrib.Dzen -- Copyright : (c) glasser@mit.edu -- License : BSD -- -- Maintainer : glasser@mit.edu -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- Handy wrapper for dzen. Requires dzen >= 0.2.4. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonadContrib.Dzen (dzen, dzenScreen, dzenUrgencyHook, seconds) where import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Monad.State (gets) import qualified Data.Set as S import Graphics.X11.Types (Window) import qualified StackSet as W import XMonad import XMonadContrib.NamedWindows (getName) import XMonadContrib.Run (runProcessWithInputAndWait, seconds) toXineramaArg :: ScreenId -> String toXineramaArg n = show ( ((fromIntegral n)+1)::Int ) -- | @dzen str timeout@ pipes @str@ to dzen2 for @timeout@ microseconds. -- Example usage: -- > dzen "Hi, mom!" (5 `seconds`) dzen :: String -> Int -> X () dzen str timeout = dzenWithArgs str [] timeout -- | @dzenScreen sc str timeout@ pipes @str@ to dzen2 for @timeout@ microseconds, and on screen @sc@. -- Requires dzen to be compiled with Xinerama support. dzenScreen :: ScreenId -> String -> Int -> X() dzenScreen sc str timeout = dzenWithArgs str ["-xs", screen] timeout where screen = toXineramaArg sc -- | Flashes when a window requests your attention and you can't see it. For use with -- XMonadContrib.UrgencyHook. Usage: -- > urgencyHook = dzenUrgencyHook (5 `seconds`) -- Bug: Doesn't flash if you're on the same workspace, Full or Tabbed layout, different window. dzenUrgencyHook :: Int -> Window -> X () dzenUrgencyHook duration w = do visibles <- gets mapped name <- getName w ws <- gets windowset whenJust (W.findIndex w ws) (flash name ws visibles) where flash name ws visibles index = when (index /= W.tag (W.workspace (W.current ws)) && not (S.member w visibles)) $ dzen (show name ++ " requests your attention on workspace " ++ index) duration dzenWithArgs :: String -> [String] -> Int -> X () dzenWithArgs str args timeout = io $ runProcessWithInputAndWait "dzen2" args (unchomp str) timeout -- dzen seems to require the input to terminate with exactly one newline. where unchomp s@['\n'] = s unchomp [] = ['\n'] unchomp (c:cs) = c : unchomp cs