{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : XMonadContrib.Accordion -- Copyright : (c) glasser@mit.edu -- License : BSD -- -- Maintainer : glasser@mit.edu -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : unportable -- -- LayoutClass that puts non-focused windows in ribbons at the top and bottom -- of the screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module XMonadContrib.Accordion ( -- * Usage -- $usage Accordion(Accordion)) where import XMonad import Operations import qualified StackSet as W import Graphics.X11.Xlib import Data.Ratio -- $usage -- > import XMonadContrib.Accordion -- > defaultLayouts = [ accordion ] -- %import XMonadContrib.Accordion -- %layout , accordion data Accordion a = Accordion deriving ( Read, Show ) instance LayoutClass Accordion Window where pureLayout _ sc ws = zip ups tops ++ [(W.focus ws, mainPane)] ++ zip dns bottoms where ups = W.up ws dns = W.down ws (top, allButTop) = splitVerticallyBy (1%8 :: Ratio Int) sc (center, bottom) = splitVerticallyBy (6%7 :: Ratio Int) allButTop (allButBottom, _) = splitVerticallyBy (7%8 :: Ratio Int) sc mainPane | ups /= [] && dns /= [] = center | ups /= [] = allButTop | dns /= [] = allButBottom | otherwise = sc tops = if ups /= [] then splitVertically (length ups) top else [] bottoms = if dns /= [] then splitVertically (length dns) bottom else []