path: root/scripts/generate-configs.sh
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/generate-configs.sh')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/generate-configs.sh b/scripts/generate-configs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bfd9a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/generate-configs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# generate-configs.sh - Docstring parser for generating xmonad build configs
+# with default settings for extensions
+# Author: Alex Tarkovsky <alextarkovsky@gmail.com>
+# Released into the public domain
+# This script parses custom docstrings specifying build-time configuration data
+# from xmonad extension source files, then inserts the data into copies of
+# xmonad's Config.hs and xmonad.cabal files accordingly.
+# Usage: generate-configs.sh PATH_TO_CONTRIBS
+# Run this script from the directory containing xmonad's main Config.hs and
+# xmonad.cabal files, otherwise you'll need to change the value of
+# $REPO_DIR_BASE below.
+# The docstring markup can be extended as needed. Currently the following tags
+# are defined, shown with some examples:
+# ~~~~~
+# %cabalbuilddep
+# Cabal build dependency. Value is appended to the "build-depends" line in
+# xmonad.cabal and automatically prefixed with ", ". NB: Don't embed
+# comments in this tag!
+# -- %cabalbuilddep readline>=1.0
+# %def
+# General definition. Value is appended to the end of Config.sh.
+# -- %def commands :: [(String, X ())]
+# -- %def commands = defaultCommands
+# %import
+# Module needed by Config.sh to build the extension. Value is appended to
+# the end of the default import list in Config.sh and automatically
+# prefixed with "import ".
+# -- %import XMonadContrib.Accordion
+# -- %import qualified XMonadContrib.FlexibleManipulate as Flex
+# %keybind
+# Tuple defining a key binding. Must be prefixed with ", ". Value is
+# inserted at the end of the "keys" list in Config.sh.
+# -- %keybind , ((modMask, xK_d), date)
+# %keybindlist
+# Same as %keybind, but instead of a key binding tuple the definition is a
+# list of key binding tuples (or a list comprehension producing them). This
+# list is concatenated to the "keys" list must begin with the "++" operator
+# rather than ", ".
+# -- %keybindlist ++
+# -- %keybindlist -- mod-[1..9] @@ Switch to workspace N
+# -- %keybindlist -- mod-shift-[1..9] @@ Move client to workspace N
+# -- %keybindlist -- mod-control-shift-[1..9] @@ Copy client to workspace N
+# -- %keybindlist [((m .|. modMask, k), f i)
+# -- %keybindlist | (i, k) <- zip [0..fromIntegral (workspaces-1)] [xK_1 ..]
+# -- %keybindlist , (f, m) <- [(view, 0), (shift, shiftMask), (copy, shiftMask .|. controlMask)]]
+# %layout
+# A layout. Must be prefixed with ", ". Value is inserted at the end of the
+# "defaultLayouts" list in Config.sh.
+# -- %layout , accordion
+# %mousebind
+# Tuple defining a mouse binding. Must be prefixed with ", ". Value is
+# inserted at the end of the "mouseBindings" list in Config.sh.
+# -- %mousebind , ((modMask, button3), (\\w -> focus w >> Flex.mouseResizeWindow w))
+# ~~~~~
+# NB: '/' and '\' characters must be escaped with a '\' character!
+# Tags may also contain comments, as illustrated in the %keybindlist examples
+# above. Comments are a good place for special user instructions:
+# -- %def -- comment out default logHook definition above if you uncomment this:
+# -- %def logHook = dynamicLog
+if [[ -z "$1" || $# > 1 || ! -d "$1" ]] ; then
+ echo "Usage: generate-configs.sh PATH_TO_CONTRIB"
+ exit 1
+# Markup tag to search for in source files.
+# Insert markers to search for in Config.sh and xmonad.cabal. Values are
+# extended sed regular expressions.
+INS_MARKER_DEF='-- Extension-provided definitions$'
+INS_MARKER_IMPORT='-- Extension-provided imports$'
+INS_MARKER_KEYBIND='-- Extension-provided key bindings$'
+INS_MARKER_KEYBINDLIST='-- Extension-provided key bindings lists$'
+INS_MARKER_LAYOUT='-- Extension-provided layouts$'
+INS_MARKER_MOUSEBIND='-- Extension-provided mouse bindings$'
+# Literal indentation strings. Values may contain escaped chars such as \t.
+# Prefix applied to inserted values after indent strings have been applied.
+INS_PREFIX_IMPORT="--import "
+for extension_srcfile in $(ls --color=never -1 "${1}"/*.hs | head -n -1 | sort -r) ; do
+ for tag in $TAG_CABALBUILDDEP \
+ $TAG_DEF \
+ ifs="$IFS"
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ tags=( $(sed -n -r -e "s/^.*--\s*${tag}\s//p" "${extension_srcfile}") )
+ IFS="${ifs}"
+ case $tag in
+ ;;
+ $TAG_DEF) ins_indent=$INS_INDENT_DEF
+ ins_marker=$INS_MARKER_DEF
+ ins_prefix=$INS_PREFIX_DEF
+ ;;
+ ins_marker=$INS_MARKER_IMPORT
+ ins_prefix=$INS_PREFIX_IMPORT
+ ;;
+ ins_marker=$INS_MARKER_KEYBIND
+ ins_prefix=$INS_PREFIX_KEYBIND
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ins_marker=$INS_MARKER_LAYOUT
+ ins_prefix=$INS_PREFIX_LAYOUT
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Insert in reverse so values will ultimately appear in correct order.
+ for i in $( seq $(( ${#tags[*]} - 1 )) -1 0 ) ; do
+ [ -z "${tags[i]}" ] && continue
+ if [[ $tag == $TAG_CABALBUILDDEP ]] ; then
+ sed -i -r -e "s/${ins_marker}/\\0${ins_prefix}${tags[i]}/" "${CABAL_FILE_CONTRIB}"
+ else
+ sed -i -r -e "/${ins_marker}/{G;s/$/${ins_indent}${ins_prefix}${tags[i]}/;}" "${CONFIG_FILE_CONTRIB}"
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ $tag != $TAG_CABALBUILDDEP && -n "${tags}" ]] ; then
+ ins_group_comment="${ins_indent}-- For extension $(basename $extension_srcfile .hs):"
+ sed -i -r -e "/${ins_marker}/{G;s/$/${ins_group_comment}/;}" "${CONFIG_FILE_CONTRIB}"
+ fi
+ done