path: root/XMonad
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diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/WindowGo.hs b/XMonad/Actions/WindowGo.hs
index c11bebb..a437748 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/WindowGo.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/WindowGo.hs
@@ -28,13 +28,17 @@ module XMonad.Actions.WindowGo (
+ ifWindows,
+ ifWindow,
+ raiseHook,
module XMonad.ManageHook
) where
-import Control.Monad (filterM)
+import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (toLower)
-import XMonad (Query(), X(), withWindowSet, runQuery, liftIO)
+import Data.Monoid
+import XMonad (Query(), X(), ManageHook, withWindowSet, runQuery, liftIO, ask)
import Graphics.X11 (Window)
import XMonad.ManageHook
import XMonad.Operations (windows)
@@ -60,6 +64,21 @@ appropriate one, or cover your bases by using instead something like
For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see
"XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings". -}
+-- | If windows that satisfy the query exist, apply the supplied
+-- function to them, otherwise run the action given as
+-- second parameter.
+ifWindows :: Query Bool -> ([Window] -> X ()) -> X () -> X ()
+ifWindows qry f el = withWindowSet $ \wins -> do
+ matches <- filterM (runQuery qry) $ W.allWindows wins
+ case matches of
+ [] -> el
+ ws -> f ws
+-- | The same as ifWindows, but applies a ManageHook to the first match
+-- instead and discards the other matches
+ifWindow :: Query Bool -> ManageHook -> X () -> X ()
+ifWindow qry mh = ifWindows qry (windows . appEndo <=< runQuery mh . head)
-- | 'action' is an executable to be run via 'safeSpawnProg' (of "XMonad.Util.Run") if the Window cannot be found.
-- Presumably this executable is the same one that you were looking for.
runOrRaise :: String -> Query Bool -> X ()
@@ -96,11 +115,11 @@ raise = raiseMaybe $ return ()
> , ((modm, xK_m), raiseMaybe (runInTerm "-title mutt" "mutt") (title =? "mutt"))
raiseMaybe :: X () -> Query Bool -> X ()
-raiseMaybe f thatUserQuery = withWindowSet $ \s -> do
- maybeResult <- filterM (runQuery thatUserQuery) (W.allWindows s)
- case maybeResult of
- [] -> f
- (x:_) -> windows $ W.focusWindow x
+raiseMaybe f qry = ifWindow qry raiseHook f
+-- | A manage hook that raises the window.
+raiseHook :: ManageHook
+raiseHook = ask >>= doF . W.focusWindow
-- | See 'runOrRaise' and 'raiseNextMaybe'. Version that allows cycling through matches.
runOrRaiseNext :: String -> Query Bool -> X ()
@@ -116,18 +135,14 @@ raiseNext = raiseNextMaybe $ return ()
query the next matching window is raised. If no matches are found
the function f is executed.
raiseNextMaybe :: X () -> Query Bool -> X ()
-raiseNextMaybe f thatUserQuery = withWindowSet $ \s -> do
- ws <- filterM (runQuery thatUserQuery) (W.allWindows s)
- case ws of
- [] -> f
- (x:_) -> let go (Just w) | (w `elem` ws) = next w $ cycle ws
- go _ = windows $ W.focusWindow x
- in go $ W.peek s
- where
- next w (x:y:_) | x==w = windows $ W.focusWindow y
- next w (_:xs) = next w xs
- next _ _ = error "raiseNextMaybe: empty list"
+raiseNextMaybe f qry = flip (ifWindows qry) f $ \ws -> do
+ foc <- withWindowSet $ return . W.peek
+ case foc of
+ Just w | w `elem` ws -> let (_:y:_) = dropWhile (/=w) $ cycle ws -- cannot fail to match
+ in windows $ W.focusWindow y
+ _ -> windows . W.focusWindow . head $ ws
-- | Given a function which gets us a String, we try to raise a window with that classname,
-- or we then interpret that String as a executable name.
@@ -145,12 +160,8 @@ raiseEditor = raiseVar getEditor
otherwise, the first argument is called
See 'raiseMaster' for an example. -}
raiseAndDo :: X () -> Query Bool -> (Window -> X ())-> X ()
-raiseAndDo raisef thatUserQuery afterRaise = withWindowSet $ \s -> do
- maybeResult <- filterM (runQuery thatUserQuery) (W.allWindows s)
- case maybeResult of
- [] -> raisef
- (x:_) -> do windows $ W.focusWindow x
- afterRaise x
+raiseAndDo f qry after = ifWindow qry (afterRaise `mappend` raiseHook) f
+ where afterRaise = ask >>= (>> idHook) . liftX . after
{- | If a window matching the second arugment is found, the window is focused and the third argument is called;
otherwise, the first argument is called. -}