path: root/XMonad
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2 files changed, 171 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs b/XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs
index af70dc7..fe5bf7a 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/FocusNth.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
module XMonad.Actions.FocusNth (
-- * Usage
-- $usage
- focusNth) where
+ focusNth,focusNth') where
import XMonad.StackSet
import XMonad
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/WorkspaceCursors.hs b/XMonad/Actions/WorkspaceCursors.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aedc5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/WorkspaceCursors.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceCursors
+-- Copyright : (c) 2009 Adam Vogt <vogt.adam@gmail.com>
+-- License : BSD
+-- Maintainer : Adam Vogt
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : portable
+-- Generalizes plane to arbitrary dimensions.
+module XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceCursors
+ (
+ -- * Usage
+ -- $usage
+ toList
+ ,focusDepth
+ ,workspaceCursors
+ ,modifyLayer
+ ,makeCursors
+ ,sampleCursors
+ -- * Functions to pass to 'modifyLayer'
+ ,focusNth'
+ ,noWrapUp,noWrapDown
+ ) where
+import XMonad.Actions.FocusNth(focusNth')
+import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier(LayoutModifier(handleMess,
+ redoLayout))
+import XMonad(Typeable, Message, WorkspaceId, X, XState(windowset),
+ fromMessage, sendMessage, windows, gets)
+import Control.Applicative((<$>))
+import Control.Monad(Monad(return, (>>=), (>>)), Functor(..),
+ guard, unless)
+import Data.Foldable(Foldable(foldMap), toList)
+import Data.Maybe(Maybe(Nothing), fromJust, listToMaybe)
+import Data.Monoid(Monoid(mconcat, mappend))
+import Data.Traversable(sequenceA)
+import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
+-- $usage
+-- Here is an example config:
+-- > import XMonad
+-- > import XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceCursors
+-- > import XMonad.Config.Desktops
+-- > import XMonad.Util.EZConfig
+-- >
+-- > main = do
+-- > xmonad $ additionalKeysP desktopConfig
+-- > { workspaces = toList sampleCurs
+-- > , layoutHook = workspaceCursors myCursors $ layoutHook desktopConfig
+-- > }
+-- > [("M-"++shift++[k], modifyLayer f depth)
+-- > | (f,shift) <- zip [W.focusUp',W.focusDown'] [[],"S-"]
+-- > , (depth,k) <- zip [1..focusDepth myCursors] "asdf"]
+-- >
+-- > myCursors = makeCursors $ map (map show) [[1..3],[1..3],[1..3],[1..9]]
+sampleCursors :: Cursors String
+sampleCursors = makeCursors $ map (map show) [[1..3::Int],[1..3],[1..9]]
+makeCursors :: [[String]] -> Cursors String
+makeCursors (x:xs) = Prelude.foldr addDim (end x) xs
+makeCursors [] = error "Cursors cannot be empty"
+addDim :: (Monoid a) => [a] -> Cursors a -> Cursors a
+addDim prefixes prev = Cons . fromJust . W.differentiate
+ $ map (\p -> fmap (p `mappend`) prev) prefixes
+end :: [String] -> Cursors String
+end = Cons . fromJust . W.differentiate . map End
+data Cursors a
+ = Cons (W.Stack (Cursors a))
+ | End a deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Typeable)
+instance Foldable Cursors where
+ foldMap f (End x) = f x
+ foldMap f (Cons st) = mconcat $ map (foldMap f) $ W.integrate st
+instance Functor Cursors where
+ fmap f (End a) = End $ f a
+ fmap f (Cons (W.Stack x y z)) = Cons $ W.Stack (fmap f x) (fmap (fmap f) y) (fmap (fmap f) z)
+changeFocus :: (Cursors t -> Bool) -> Cursors t -> [Cursors t]
+changeFocus p (Cons x) = chFocus p x >>= changeFocus p . Cons
+changeFocus p x = guard (p x) >> return x
+chFocus :: (a -> Bool) -> W.Stack a -> [W.Stack a]
+chFocus p st = filter (p . W.focus) $ zipWith const (iterate W.focusDown' st) (W.integrate st)
+getFocus :: Cursors b -> b
+getFocus (Cons x) = getFocus $ W.focus x
+getFocus (End x) = x
+focusTo :: (Eq t) => t -> Cursors t -> Maybe (Cursors t)
+focusTo x = listToMaybe . changeFocus ((x==) . getFocus)
+-- | non-wrapping version of 'XMonad.StackSet.focusUp''
+noWrapUp :: W.Stack t -> W.Stack t
+noWrapUp (W.Stack t (l:ls) rs) = W.Stack l ls (t:rs)
+noWrapUp x@(W.Stack _ [] _ ) = x
+-- | non-wrapping version of 'XMonad.StackSet.focusDown''
+noWrapDown :: W.Stack t -> W.Stack t
+noWrapDown = reverseStack . noWrapUp . reverseStack
+ where reverseStack (W.Stack t ls rs) = W.Stack t rs ls
+focusDepth :: Cursors t -> Int
+focusDepth (Cons x) = 1 + focusDepth (W.focus x)
+focusDepth (End _) = 0
+descend :: (W.Stack (Cursors a) -> W.Stack (Cursors a))-> Int-> Cursors a-> Cursors a
+descend f 1 (Cons x) = Cons $ f x
+descend f n (Cons x) | n > 1 = Cons $ descend f (pred n) `onFocus` x
+descend _ _ x = x
+onFocus :: (a -> a) -> W.Stack a -> W.Stack a
+onFocus f st = st { W.focus = f $ W.focus st }
+modifyLayer :: (W.Stack (Cursors String) -> W.Stack (Cursors String)) -> Int -> X ()
+modifyLayer f depth = modifyCursors (return . descend f depth)
+modifyCursors :: (Cursors String -> X (Cursors String)) -> X ()
+modifyCursors = sendMessage . ChangeCursors
+currentWs :: X WorkspaceId
+currentWs = gets $ W.tag . W.workspace . W.current . windowset
+data WorkspaceCursors a = WorkspaceCursors Bool (Cursors String) deriving (Typeable,Read,Show)
+-- | WorkspaceCursors is implemented as a layout modifier, since that state is
+-- serialized, and easily modified (with sendMessage)
+workspaceCursors :: Cursors String -> WorkspaceCursors a
+workspaceCursors = WorkspaceCursors False
+data ChangeCursors = ChangeCursors {
+ unWrap :: Cursors String -> X (Cursors String)
+ } deriving (Typeable)
+instance Message ChangeCursors
+instance LayoutModifier WorkspaceCursors a where
+ redoLayout (WorkspaceCursors False cs) _ _ arrs = do
+ cws <- currentWs
+ return (arrs,do
+ guard (getFocus cs /= cws)
+ fmap (WorkspaceCursors True) $ focusTo cws cs)
+ redoLayout (WorkspaceCursors _ cs) _ _ arrs = do
+ cws <- currentWs
+ -- redundant check to avoid switching workspaces
+ unless (getFocus cs == cws) $ windows $ W.greedyView (getFocus cs)
+ return (arrs,Nothing)
+ handleMess (WorkspaceCursors prevMod cs) m =
+ let wrap x = WorkspaceCursors (max prevMod (x /= cs)) x
+ in sequenceA $ fmap wrap . ($ cs) . unWrap <$> fromMessage m