path: root/XMonad
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1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/Decoration.hs b/XMonad/Layout/Decoration.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02954e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/Decoration.hs
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+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, PatternGuards, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : XMonad.Layout.Decoration
+-- Copyright : (c) 2007 Andrea Rossato
+-- License : BSD-style (see xmonad/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : andrea.rossato@unibz.it
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- A layout modifier and a class for easily creating decorated
+-- layouts.
+module XMonad.Layout.Decoration
+ ( -- * Usage:
+ -- $usage
+ decoration
+ , Decoration
+ , DecorationStyle (..)
+ , shrinkText, CustomShrink(CustomShrink)
+ , mkDefaultDeConfig
+ , DeConfig (..), defaultDeConfig
+ , Shrinker(..)
+ , module XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
+ , fi
+ ) where
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List
+import XMonad
+import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
+import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier
+import XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger
+import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows
+import XMonad.Util.Invisible
+import XMonad.Util.XUtils
+import XMonad.Util.Font
+import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
+-- $usage
+-- For usage examples you can see "XMonad.Layout.SimpleDecoration",
+-- "XMonad.Layout.Tabbed", "XMonad.Layout.DwmStyle",
+decoration :: (DecorationStyle ds a, Shrinker s) => s -> DeConfig ds a
+ -> l a -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration ds s) l a
+decoration s c = ModifiedLayout (Decoration (I Nothing) s c)
+data DeConfig ds a =
+ DeConfig { activeColor :: String
+ , inactiveColor :: String
+ , urgentColor :: String
+ , activeBorderColor :: String
+ , inactiveBorderColor :: String
+ , urgentBorderColor :: String
+ , activeTextColor :: String
+ , inactiveTextColor :: String
+ , urgentTextColor :: String
+ , fontName :: String
+ , decoWidth :: Dimension
+ , decoHeight :: Dimension
+ , style :: ds a
+ } deriving (Show, Read)
+mkDefaultDeConfig :: DecorationStyle ds a => ds a -> DeConfig ds a
+mkDefaultDeConfig ds =
+ DeConfig { activeColor = "#999999"
+ , inactiveColor = "#666666"
+ , urgentColor = "#FFFF00"
+ , activeBorderColor = "#FFFFFF"
+ , inactiveBorderColor = "#BBBBBB"
+ , urgentBorderColor = "##00FF00"
+ , activeTextColor = "#FFFFFF"
+ , inactiveTextColor = "#BFBFBF"
+ , urgentTextColor = "#FF0000"
+ , fontName = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ , decoWidth = 200
+ , decoHeight = 20
+ , style = ds
+ }
+type DecoWin = (Window,Maybe Rectangle)
+type OrigWin = (Window,Rectangle)
+data DecorationState =
+ DS { decos :: [(OrigWin,DecoWin)]
+ , font :: XMonadFont
+ }
+data Decoration ds s a =
+ Decoration (Invisible Maybe DecorationState) s (DeConfig ds a)
+ deriving (Show, Read)
+class (Read (ds a), Show (ds a)) => DecorationStyle ds a where
+ describeDeco :: ds a -> String
+ describeDeco ds = show ds
+ decorateFirst :: ds a -> Bool
+ decorateFirst _ = True
+ shrink :: ds a -> Rectangle -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
+ shrink _ (Rectangle _ _ _ dh) (Rectangle x y w h) = Rectangle x (y + fi dh) w (h - dh)
+ pureDecoration :: ds a -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Rectangle
+ -> W.Stack a -> [(a,Rectangle)] -> (a,Rectangle) -> Maybe Rectangle
+ pureDecoration _ _ h _ _ _ (_,Rectangle x y w _) = Just $ Rectangle x y w h
+ decorate :: ds a -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Rectangle
+ -> W.Stack a -> [(a,Rectangle)] -> (a,Rectangle) -> X (Maybe Rectangle)
+ decorate ds w h r s ars ar = return $ pureDecoration ds w h r s ars ar
+data DefaultStyle a = DefaultStyle deriving (Read, Show)
+instance DecorationStyle DefaultStyle a
+defaultDeConfig :: DeConfig DefaultStyle a
+defaultDeConfig = mkDefaultDeConfig DefaultStyle
+instance (DecorationStyle ds Window, Shrinker s) => LayoutModifier (Decoration ds s) Window where
+ redoLayout (Decoration st sh c) sc stack wrs
+ | decorate_first = do whenIJust st $ \s -> deleteWindows (getDWs $ decos s)
+ return (wrs, Just $ Decoration (I Nothing) sh c)
+ | I Nothing <- st = initState c wrs >>= processState
+ | I (Just s) <- st = do let dwrs = decos s
+ (d,a) = curry diff (get_ws dwrs) ws
+ toDel = todel d dwrs
+ toAdd = toadd a wrs
+ deleteWindows (getDWs toDel)
+ ndwrs <- createDecos c toAdd
+ processState (s {decos = ndwrs ++ del_dwrs d dwrs })
+ | otherwise = return (wrs, Nothing)
+ where
+ ws = map fst wrs
+ del_dwrs = listFromList get_w notElem
+ get_ws = map get_w
+ get_w = fst . fst
+ find_dw i = fst . snd . flip (!!) i
+ todel d = filter (flip elem d . get_w)
+ toadd a = filter (flip elem a . fst )
+ insert_dwr ((w,r),(dw,Just dr)) xs = (dw,dr):(w, shrink (style c) dr r):xs
+ insert_dwr (x ,(_ ,Nothing)) xs = x:xs
+ resync _ [] = return []
+ resync d ((w,r):xs) = case w `elemIndex` get_ws d of
+ Just i -> do dr <- decorate (style c) (decoWidth c) (decoHeight c) sc stack wrs (w,r)
+ dwrs <- resync d xs
+ return $ ((w,r),(find_dw i d, dr)) : dwrs
+ Nothing -> resync d xs
+ decorate_first = length wrs == 1 && (not . decorateFirst . style $ c)
+ processState s = do ndwrs <- resync (decos s) wrs
+ showWindows (getDWs ndwrs)
+ updateDecos sh c (font s) ndwrs
+ return (foldr insert_dwr [] ndwrs, Just (Decoration (I (Just (s {decos = ndwrs}))) sh c))
+ handleMess (Decoration (I (Just s@(DS {decos = dwrs}))) sh c) m
+ | Just e <- fromMessage m :: Maybe Event = handleEvent sh c s e >> return Nothing
+ | Just Hide <- fromMessage m = hideWindows dws >> return Nothing
+ | Just ReleaseResources <- fromMessage m = do deleteWindows dws
+ releaseXMF (font s)
+ return $ Just $ Decoration (I Nothing) sh c
+ where dws = getDWs dwrs
+ handleMess _ _ = return Nothing
+ emptyLayoutMod (Decoration (I (Just (DS dwrs _))) _ _) _ _ = deleteWindows (getDWs dwrs) >> return ([], Nothing)
+ emptyLayoutMod _ _ _ = return ([], Nothing)
+ modifierDescription (Decoration _ _ c) = describeDeco $ style c
+handleEvent :: (DecorationStyle ds a, Shrinker s) => s -> DeConfig ds a -> DecorationState-> Event -> X ()
+handleEvent sh c (DS dwrs fs) e
+ | PropertyEvent {ev_window = w} <- e, w `elem` (map (fst . fst) dwrs) = updateDecos sh c fs dwrs
+ | ExposeEvent {ev_window = w} <- e, w `elem` (map (fst . snd) dwrs) = updateDecos sh c fs dwrs
+handleEvent _ _ _ _ = return ()
+getDWs :: [(OrigWin,DecoWin)] -> [Window]
+getDWs = map (fst . snd)
+initState :: DecorationStyle ds a => DeConfig ds a -> [(Window,Rectangle)] -> X DecorationState
+initState conf wrs = do
+ fs <- initXMF (fontName conf)
+ dwrs <- createDecos conf wrs
+ return $ DS dwrs fs
+createDecos :: DecorationStyle ds a => DeConfig ds a -> [(Window,Rectangle)] -> X [(OrigWin,DecoWin)]
+createDecos _ [] = return []
+createDecos c (wr:wrs) = do
+ let rect = Rectangle 0 0 1 1
+ mask = Just (exposureMask .|. buttonPressMask)
+ dw <- createNewWindow rect mask (inactiveColor c) True
+ dwrs <- createDecos c wrs
+ return ((wr,(dw,Nothing)):dwrs)
+updateDecos :: (DecorationStyle ds a, Shrinker s) => s -> DeConfig ds a -> XMonadFont -> [(OrigWin, DecoWin)] -> X ()
+updateDecos s c f = mapM_ $ updateDeco s c f
+updateDeco :: (DecorationStyle ds a, Shrinker s) => s -> DeConfig ds a -> XMonadFont -> (OrigWin, DecoWin) -> X ()
+updateDeco sh c fs ((w,_),(dw,Just (Rectangle _ _ wh ht))) = do
+ nw <- getName w
+ ur <- readUrgents
+ dpy <- asks display
+ let focusColor win ic ac uc = (maybe ic (\focusw -> case () of
+ _ | focusw == win -> ac
+ | win `elem` ur -> uc
+ | otherwise -> ic) . W.peek)
+ `fmap` gets windowset
+ (bc',borderc',tc') <- focusColor w
+ (inactiveColor c, inactiveBorderColor c, inactiveTextColor c)
+ (activeColor c, activeBorderColor c, activeTextColor c)
+ (urgentColor c, urgentBorderColor c, urgentTextColor c)
+ let s = shrinkIt sh
+ name <- shrinkWhile s (\n -> do
+ size <- io $ textWidthXMF dpy fs n
+ return $ size > fromIntegral wh - fromIntegral (ht `div` 2)) (show nw)
+ paintAndWrite dw fs wh ht 1 bc' borderc' tc' bc' AlignCenter name
+updateDeco _ _ _ (_,(w,Nothing)) = hideWindow w
+shrinkWhile :: (String -> [String]) -> (String -> X Bool) -> String -> X String
+shrinkWhile sh p x = sw $ sh x
+ where sw [n] = return n
+ sw [] = return ""
+ sw (n:ns) = do
+ cond <- p n
+ if cond
+ then sw ns
+ else return n
+data CustomShrink = CustomShrink
+instance Show CustomShrink where show _ = ""
+instance Read CustomShrink where readsPrec _ s = [(CustomShrink,s)]
+class (Read s, Show s) => Shrinker s where
+ shrinkIt :: s -> String -> [String]
+data DefaultShrinker = DefaultShrinker
+instance Show DefaultShrinker where show _ = ""
+instance Read DefaultShrinker where readsPrec _ s = [(DefaultShrinker,s)]
+instance Shrinker DefaultShrinker where
+ shrinkIt _ "" = [""]
+ shrinkIt s cs = cs : shrinkIt s (init cs)
+shrinkText :: DefaultShrinker
+shrinkText = DefaultShrinker