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diff --git a/XMonad/Hooks/ManageDocks.hs b/XMonad/Hooks/ManageDocks.hs
index b8c4a11..d971e7c 100644
--- a/XMonad/Hooks/ManageDocks.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Hooks/ManageDocks.hs
@@ -112,24 +112,6 @@ calcGap = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
let screen = r2c $ Rectangle (fi $ wa_x wa) (fi $ wa_y wa) (fi $ wa_width wa) (fi $ wa_height wa)
return $ \r -> c2r $ foldr (reduce screen) (r2c r) struts
-fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
-fi = fromIntegral
-r2c :: Rectangle -> RectC
-r2c (Rectangle x y w h) = (fi x, fi y, fi x + fi w - 1, fi y + fi h - 1)
-c2r :: RectC -> Rectangle
-c2r (x1, y1, x2, y2) = Rectangle (fi x1) (fi y1) (fi $ x2 - x1 + 1) (fi $ y2 - y1 + 1)
--- TODO: Add these QuickCheck properties to the test suite, along with
--- suitable Arbitrary instances.
--- prop_r2c_c2r :: RectC -> Bool
--- prop_r2c_c2r r = r2c (c2r r) == r
--- prop_c2r_r2c :: Rectangle -> Bool
--- prop_c2r_r2c r = c2r (r2c r) == r
-- | Adjust layout automagically.
avoidStruts :: LayoutClass l a => l a -> ModifiedLayout AvoidStruts l a
avoidStruts = ModifiedLayout (AvoidStruts True)
@@ -159,6 +141,28 @@ type Strut = (Side, CLong, CLong, CLong)
type RectC = (CLong, CLong, CLong, CLong)
+fi :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
+fi = fromIntegral
+-- | Invertible conversion.
+r2c :: Rectangle -> RectC
+r2c (Rectangle x y w h) = (fi x, fi y, fi x + fi w - 1, fi y + fi h - 1)
+-- | Invertible conversion.
+c2r :: RectC -> Rectangle
+c2r (x1, y1, x2, y2) = Rectangle (fi x1) (fi y1) (fi $ x2 - x1 + 1) (fi $ y2 - y1 + 1)
+-- TODO: Add these QuickCheck properties to the test suite, along with
+-- suitable Arbitrary instances.
+-- prop_r2c_c2r :: RectC -> Bool
+-- prop_r2c_c2r r = r2c (c2r r) == r
+-- prop_c2r_r2c :: Rectangle -> Bool
+-- prop_c2r_r2c r = c2r (r2c r) == r
reduce :: RectC -> Strut -> RectC -> RectC
reduce (sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1) (s, n, l, h) (x0, y0, x1, y1) = case s of
L | p (y0, y1) -> (mx x0 sx0 , y0 , x1 , y1 )
@@ -169,6 +173,16 @@ reduce (sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1) (s, n, l, h) (x0, y0, x1, y1) = case s of
mx a b = max a (b + n)
mn a b = min a (b - n)
- inRange (a, b) c = c >= a && c <= b
- -- Does the strut range overlap (a, b)?
- p (a, b) = inRange (a, b) l || inRange (a, b) h || inRange (l, h) a
+ p r = r `overlaps` (l, h)
+-- | Do the two ranges overlap?
+-- Precondition for every input range @(x, y)@: @x '<=' y@.
+-- A range @(x, y)@ is assumed to include every pixel from @x@ to @y@.
+overlaps :: Ord a => (a, a) -> (a, a) -> Bool
+(a, b) `overlaps` (x, y) =
+ inRange (a, b) x || inRange (a, b) y || inRange (x, y) a
+ where
+ inRange (i, j) k = i <= k && k <= j