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diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/FlexibleResize.hs b/XMonad/Actions/FlexibleResize.hs
index 534bcaf..380f70e 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/FlexibleResize.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/FlexibleResize.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
module XMonad.Actions.FlexibleResize (
-- * Usage
-- $usage
- XMonad.Actions.FlexibleResize.mouseResizeWindow
+ XMonad.Actions.FlexibleResize.mouseResizeWindow,
+ XMonad.Actions.FlexibleResize.mouseResizeEdgeWindow
) where
import XMonad
@@ -35,33 +36,46 @@ import Foreign.C.Types
-- | Resize a floating window from whichever corner the mouse is
-- closest to.
-mouseResizeWindow :: Window -> X ()
-mouseResizeWindow w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
+ :: Window -- ^ The window to resize.
+ -> X ()
+mouseResizeWindow = mouseResizeEdgeWindow 0
+-- | Resize a floating window from whichever corner or edge the mouse is
+-- closest to.
+ :: Rational -- ^ The size of the area where only one edge is resized.
+ -> Window -- ^ The window to resize.
+ -> X ()
+mouseResizeEdgeWindow edge w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ raiseWindow d w
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
sh <- io $ getWMNormalHints d w
(_, _, _, _, _, ix, iy, _) <- io $ queryPointer d w
- [pos_x, pos_y, width, height] = map (fromIntegral . ($ wa)) [wa_x, wa_y, wa_width, wa_height]
- west = firstHalf ix width
- north = firstHalf iy height
+ [pos_x, pos_y, width, height] = map (fi . ($ wa)) [wa_x, wa_y, wa_width, wa_height]
+ west = findPos ix width
+ north = findPos iy height
(cx, fx, gx) = mkSel west width pos_x
(cy, fy, gy) = mkSel north height pos_y
io $ warpPointer d none w 0 0 0 0 cx cy
- mouseDrag (\ex ey -> do
- wa' <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
- let [px, py] = map (fromIntegral . ($ wa')) [wa_x, wa_y]
- io $ moveResizeWindow d w (fx px (fromIntegral ex))
- (fy py (fromIntegral ey))
- `uncurry` applySizeHintsContents sh (gx $ fromIntegral ex, gy $ fromIntegral ey))
+ mouseDrag (\ex ey -> do let (nw,nh) = applySizeHintsContents sh (gx ex, gy ey)
+ io $ moveResizeWindow d w (fx nw) (fy nh) nw nh)
(float w)
- firstHalf :: CInt -> Position -> Bool
- firstHalf a b = fromIntegral a * 2 <= b
- cfst = curry fst
- csnd = curry snd
- mkSel :: Bool -> Position -> Position -> (Position, a -> a -> a, CInt -> Position)
- mkSel b k p =
- if b
- then (0, csnd, ((k + p) -) . fromIntegral)
- else (k, cfst, subtract p . fromIntegral)
+ findPos :: CInt -> Position -> Maybe Bool
+ findPos m s = if p < 0.5 - edge/2
+ then Just True
+ else if p < 0.5 + edge/2
+ then Nothing
+ else Just False
+ where p = fi m / fi s
+ mkSel :: Maybe Bool -> Position -> Position -> (Position, Dimension -> Position, Position -> Dimension)
+ mkSel b k p = case b of
+ Just True -> (0, (fi k + fi p -).fi, (fi k + fi p -).fi)
+ Nothing -> (k `div` 2, const p, const $ fi k)
+ Just False -> (k, const p, subtract (fi p) . fi)
+fi :: (Num b, Integral a) => a -> b
+fi = fromIntegral