path: root/XMonad/Layout
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1 files changed, 51 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/HintedTile.hs b/XMonad/Layout/HintedTile.hs
index 0f9d766..ff79601 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/HintedTile.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/HintedTile.hs
@@ -21,11 +21,12 @@ module XMonad.Layout.HintedTile (
HintedTile(..), Orientation(..)) where
import XMonad
-import XMonad.Layouts ( Resize(..), IncMasterN(..) )
-import XMonad.Operations ( applySizeHints )
+import XMonad.Layouts (Resize(..), IncMasterN(..))
+import XMonad.Operations (applySizeHints, D)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Reader
-- $usage
@@ -51,61 +52,66 @@ data HintedTile a = HintedTile
data Orientation = Wide | Tall deriving ( Show, Read )
instance LayoutClass HintedTile Window where
- doLayout c rect w' = let w = W.integrate w'
- in do { hints <- sequence (map getHints w)
- ; b <- asks (borderWidth . config)
- ; return (zip w (tiler b (frac c) rect `uncurry` splitAt (nmaster c) hints)
- , Nothing) }
- where
- (split, divide) =
- case orientation c of
- Tall -> (splitHorizontally, divideVertically)
- Wide -> (splitVertically, divideHorizontally)
- tiler b f r masters slaves =
- if null masters || null slaves
- then divide b (masters ++ slaves) r
- else split f r (divide b masters) (divide b slaves)
+ doLayout c rect w' = do
+ bhs <- mapM getHints w
+ let (masters, slaves) = splitAt (nmaster c) bhs
+ return (zip w (tiler (frac c) rect masters slaves), Nothing)
+ where
+ w = W.integrate w'
+ (split, divide) = case orientation c of
+ Tall -> (splitHorizontally, divideVertically)
+ Wide -> (splitVertically, divideHorizontally)
+ tiler f r masters slaves
+ | null masters || null slaves = divide (masters ++ slaves) r
+ | otherwise = split f r (divide masters) (divide slaves)
pureMessage c m = fmap resize (fromMessage m) `mplus`
fmap incmastern (fromMessage m)
- where
- resize Shrink = c { frac = max 0 $ frac c - delta c }
- resize Expand = c { frac = min 1 $ frac c + delta c }
- incmastern (IncMasterN d) = c { nmaster = max 0 $ nmaster c + d }
+ where
+ resize Shrink = c { frac = max 0 $ frac c - delta c }
+ resize Expand = c { frac = min 1 $ frac c + delta c }
+ incmastern (IncMasterN d) = c { nmaster = max 0 $ nmaster c + d }
description l = "HintedTile " ++ show (orientation l)
-addBorder, substractBorder :: Dimension -> (Dimension, Dimension) -> (Dimension, Dimension)
-addBorder b (w, h) = (w + 2 * b, h + 2 * b)
-substractBorder b (w, h) = (w - 2 * b, h - 2 * b)
+adjBorder :: Dimension -> Dimension -> D -> D
+adjBorder n b (w, h) = (w + n * 2 * b, h + n * 2 * b)
-getHints :: Window -> X SizeHints
-getHints w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ getWMNormalHints d w
+-- | Transform a function on dimensions into one without regard for borders
+hintsUnderBorder :: (Dimension, SizeHints) -> D -> D
+hintsUnderBorder (bW, h) = adjBorder bW 1 . applySizeHints h . adjBorder bW (-1)
+getHints :: Window -> X (Dimension, SizeHints)
+getHints w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ liftM2 (,)
+ (fromIntegral . wa_border_width <$> getWindowAttributes d w)
+ (getWMNormalHints d w)
-- Divide the screen vertically (horizontally) into n subrectangles
-divideVertically, divideHorizontally :: Dimension -> [SizeHints] -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
-divideVertically _ [] _ = [] -- there's a fold here, struggling to get out
-divideVertically b (hints:rest) (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = (Rectangle sx sy w h) :
- (divideVertically b rest (Rectangle sx (sy + fromIntegral h) sw (sh - h)))
- where (w, h) = addBorder b $ applySizeHints hints $ substractBorder b
- (sw, sh `div` fromIntegral (1 + (length rest)))
+divideVertically, divideHorizontally :: [(Dimension, SizeHints)] -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
+divideVertically [] _ = [] -- there's a fold here, struggling to get out
+divideVertically (bh:bhs) (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = (Rectangle sx sy w h) :
+ (divideVertically bhs (Rectangle sx (sy + fromIntegral h) sw (sh - h)))
+ where (w, h) = hintsUnderBorder bh (sw, sh `div` fromIntegral (1 + (length bhs)))
-divideHorizontally _ [] _ = []
-divideHorizontally b (hints:rest) (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = (Rectangle sx sy w h) :
- (divideHorizontally b rest (Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral w) sy (sw - w) sh))
- where (w, h) = addBorder b $ applySizeHints hints $ substractBorder b
- (sw `div` fromIntegral (1 + (length rest)), sh)
+divideHorizontally [] _ = []
+divideHorizontally (bh:bhs) (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = (Rectangle sx sy w h) :
+ (divideHorizontally bhs (Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral w) sy (sw - w) sh))
+ where
+ (w, h) = hintsUnderBorder bh (sw `div` fromIntegral (1 + (length bhs)), sh)
-- Split the screen into two rectangles, using a rational to specify the ratio
-splitHorizontally, splitVertically :: Rational -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle -> [Rectangle]) -> (Rectangle -> [Rectangle]) -> [Rectangle]
+splitHorizontally, splitVertically :: Rational -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle -> [Rectangle])
+ -> (Rectangle -> [Rectangle]) -> [Rectangle]
splitHorizontally f (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) left right = leftRects ++ rightRects
- where leftw = floor $ fromIntegral sw * f
- leftRects = left $ Rectangle sx sy leftw sh
- rightx = (maximum . map rect_width) leftRects
- rightRects = right $ Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral rightx) sy (sw - rightx) sh
+ where
+ leftw = floor $ fromIntegral sw * f
+ leftRects = left $ Rectangle sx sy leftw sh
+ rightx = (maximum . map rect_width) leftRects
+ rightRects = right $ Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral rightx) sy (sw - rightx) sh
splitVertically f (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) top bottom = topRects ++ bottomRects
- where toph = floor $ fromIntegral sh * f
- topRects = top $ Rectangle sx sy sw toph
- bottomy = (maximum . map rect_height) topRects
- bottomRects = bottom $ Rectangle sx (sy + fromIntegral bottomy) sw (sh - bottomy)
+ where
+ toph = floor $ fromIntegral sh * f
+ topRects = top $ Rectangle sx sy sw toph
+ bottomy = (maximum . map rect_height) topRects
+ bottomRects = bottom $ Rectangle sx (sy + fromIntegral bottomy) sw (sh - bottomy)