path: root/XMonad/Layout
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diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/Groups.hs b/XMonad/Layout/Groups.hs
index 75658d7..fad1154 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/Groups.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/Groups.hs
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Util.Stack
-import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromMaybe, catMaybes)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing, fromMaybe, catMaybes, fromJust)
import Data.List ((\\))
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
@@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ import Control.Monad (forM)
-- need to manage 'Window's. This is obvious, when you think
-- about it.
group :: l Window -> l2 (Group l Window) -> Groups l l2 Window
-group l l2 = Groups l l2 emptyZ (U 0 0)
+group l l2 = Groups l l2 startingGroups (U 1 0)
+ where startingGroups = fromJust $ singletonZ $ G (ID (U 0 0) l) emptyZ
-- * Stuff with unique keys
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ data Groups l l2 a = Groups { -- | The starting layout for new groups
-- | The layout for placing each group on the screen
, partitioner :: l2 (Group l a)
-- | The window groups
- , groups :: Zipper (Group l a)
+ , groups :: W.Stack (Group l a)
-- | A seed for generating unique ids
, seed :: Uniq
@@ -203,7 +204,10 @@ instance Message GroupsMessage
modifyGroups :: (Zipper (Group l a) -> Zipper (Group l a))
-> Groups l l2 a -> Groups l l2 a
-modifyGroups f g = g { groups = f $ groups g }
+modifyGroups f g = let (seed', id:_) = gen (seed g)
+ defaultGroups = fromJust $ singletonZ $ G (ID id $ baseLayout g) emptyZ
+ in g { groups = fromMaybe defaultGroups . f . Just $ groups g
+ , seed = seed' }
-- ** Readaptation
@@ -213,21 +217,23 @@ modifyGroups f g = g { groups = f $ groups g }
-- ignores changes in window ordering, and tries to react to any
-- other stack changes as gracefully as possible.
readapt :: Eq a => Zipper a -> Groups l l2 a -> Groups l l2 a
-readapt Nothing g = g { groups = Nothing }
-readapt (Just s) g = let f = W.focus s
- (seed', id:_) = gen $ seed g
- g' = g { seed = seed' }
- in flip modifyGroups g' $ mapZ_ (onZipper $ removeDeleted s)
- >>> filterZ_ (isJust . gZipper)
- >>> findNewWindows (W.integrate s)
- >>> addWindows (ID id $ baseLayout g)
- >>> focusGroup f
- >>> onFocusedZ (onZipper $ focusWindow f)
+readapt z g = let mf = getFocusZ z
+ (seed', id:_) = gen $ seed g
+ g' = g { seed = seed' }
+ in flip modifyGroups g' $ mapZ_ (onZipper $ removeDeleted z)
+ >>> filterKeepLast (isJust . gZipper)
+ >>> findNewWindows (W.integrate' z)
+ >>> addWindows (ID id $ baseLayout g)
+ >>> focusGroup mf
+ >>> onFocusedZ (onZipper $ focusWindow mf)
+ where filterKeepLast _ Nothing = Nothing
+ filterKeepLast f z@(Just s) = maybe (singletonZ $ W.focus s) Just
+ $ filterZ_ f z
-- | Remove the windows from a group which are no longer present in
-- the stack.
-removeDeleted :: Eq a => W.Stack a -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
-removeDeleted s = filterZ_ (flip elemZ $ Just s)
+removeDeleted :: Eq a => Zipper a -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
+removeDeleted z = filterZ_ (flip elemZ z)
-- | Identify the windows not already in a group.
findNewWindows :: Eq a => [a] -> Zipper (Group l a)
@@ -243,12 +249,14 @@ addWindows _ (z, as) = onFocusedZ (onZipper add) z
where add z = foldl (flip insertUpZ) z as
-- | Focus the group containing the given window
-focusGroup :: Eq a => a -> Zipper (Group l a) -> Zipper (Group l a)
-focusGroup a = fromTags . map (tagBy $ elemZ a . gZipper) . W.integrate'
+focusGroup :: Eq a => Maybe a -> Zipper (Group l a) -> Zipper (Group l a)
+focusGroup Nothing = id
+focusGroup (Just a) = fromTags . map (tagBy $ elemZ a . gZipper) . W.integrate'
-- | Focus the given window
-focusWindow :: Eq a => a -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
-focusWindow a = fromTags . map (tagBy (==a)) . W.integrate'
+focusWindow :: Eq a => Maybe a -> Zipper a -> Zipper a
+focusWindow Nothing = id
+focusWindow (Just a) = fromTags . map (tagBy (==a)) . W.integrate'
-- * Interface
@@ -258,18 +266,18 @@ focusWindow a = fromTags . map (tagBy (==a)) . W.integrate'
instance (LayoutClass l Window, LayoutClass l2 (Group l Window))
=> LayoutClass (Groups l l2) Window where
- description (Groups b p gs _) = s1++" by "++s2
- where s1 = fromMaybe (description b) $ fmap (description . gLayout) $ getFocusZ gs
+ description (Groups _ p gs _) = s1++" by "++s2
+ where s1 = description $ gLayout $ W.focus gs
s2 = description p
runLayout ws@(W.Workspace _ _l z) r = let l = readapt z _l in
do (areas, mpart') <- runLayout ws { W.layout = partitioner l
- , W.stack = groups l } r
+ , W.stack = Just $ groups l } r
results <- forM areas $ \(g, r') -> runLayout ws { W.layout = gLayout g
, W.stack = gZipper g } r'
- let hidden = map gLayout (W.integrate' $ groups l) \\ map (gLayout . fst) areas
+ let hidden = map gLayout (W.integrate $ groups l) \\ map (gLayout . fst) areas
hidden' <- mapM (flip handleMessage $ SomeMessage Hide) hidden
let placements = concatMap fst results
@@ -283,7 +291,7 @@ instance (LayoutClass l Window, LayoutClass l2 (Group l Window))
handleMessage l@(Groups _ p gs _) sm | Just (ToAll sm') <- fromMessage sm
= do mp' <- handleMessage p sm'
- mg's <- mapZM_ (handle sm') gs
+ mg's <- mapZM_ (handle sm') $ Just gs
return $ maybeMakeNew l mp' $ W.integrate' mg's
where handle sm (G l _) = handleMessage l sm
@@ -292,7 +300,7 @@ instance (LayoutClass l Window, LayoutClass l2 (Group l Window))
-- of doing this?
in handleMessage l $ SomeMessage $ ToAll sm
- handleMessage l@(Groups _ _ z@(Just _) _) sm = case fromMessage sm of
+ handleMessage l@(Groups _ _ z _) sm = case fromMessage sm of
Just (ToFocused sm') -> do mg's <- W.integrate' <$> handleOnFocused sm' z
return $ maybeMakeNew l Nothing mg's
Just (ToGroup i sm') -> do mg's <- handleOnIndex i sm' z
@@ -303,34 +311,32 @@ instance (LayoutClass l Window, LayoutClass l2 (Group l Window))
Just Refocus -> refocus l >> return (Just l)
Just _ -> return Nothing
Nothing -> handleMessage l $ SomeMessage (ToFocused sm)
- where handleOnFocused sm z = mapZM step z
+ where handleOnFocused sm z = mapZM step $ Just z
where step True (G l _) = handleMessage l sm
step False _ = return Nothing
- handleOnIndex i sm z = mapM step $ zip [0..] $ W.integrate' z
+ handleOnIndex i sm z = mapM step $ zip [0..] $ W.integrate z
where step (j, (G l _)) | i == j = handleMessage l sm
step _ = return Nothing
- handleMessage _ _ = return Nothing
justMakeNew :: Groups l l2 a -> Maybe (l2 (Group l a)) -> [Maybe (WithID l a)]
-> Maybe (Groups l l2 a)
justMakeNew g mpart' ml's = Just g { partitioner = fromMaybe (partitioner g) mpart'
, groups = combine (groups g) ml's }
where combine z ml's = let table = map (\(ID id a) -> (id, a)) $ catMaybes ml's
- in flip mapZ_ z $ \(G (ID id l) ws) -> case lookup id table of
+ in flip mapS_ z $ \(G (ID id l) ws) -> case lookup id table of
Nothing -> G (ID id l) ws
Just l' -> G (ID id l') ws
+ mapS_ f = fromJust . mapZ_ f . Just
maybeMakeNew :: Groups l l2 a -> Maybe (l2 (Group l a)) -> [Maybe (WithID l a)]
-> Maybe (Groups l l2 a)
-maybeMakeNew _ Nothing [] = Nothing
maybeMakeNew _ Nothing ml's | all isNothing ml's = Nothing
maybeMakeNew g mpart' ml's = justMakeNew g mpart' ml's
refocus :: Groups l l2 Window -> X ()
-refocus g = case getFocusZ (groups g) >>= (getFocusZ . gZipper)
+refocus g = case getFocusZ $ gZipper $ W.focus $ groups g
of Just w -> focus w
Nothing -> return ()
@@ -356,11 +362,14 @@ type ModifySpec = forall l. WithID l Window
-- | Apply a ModifySpec.
applySpec :: ModifySpec -> Groups l l2 Window -> Maybe (Groups l l2 Window)
applySpec f g = let (seed', id:ids) = gen $ seed g
- gs' = f (ID id $ baseLayout g) (groups g)
- gs'' = fromTags $ snd $ foldr reID ((ids, []), []) $ toTags gs'
- in case groups g == gs' of
+ g' = flip modifyGroups g $ f (ID id $ baseLayout g)
+ >>> toTags
+ >>> foldr reID ((ids, []), [])
+ >>> snd
+ >>> fromTags
+ in case groups g == groups g' of
True -> Nothing
- False -> Just g { groups = gs'', seed = seed' }
+ False -> Just g' { seed = seed' }
where reID eg ((id:ids, seen), egs)
= let myID = getID $ gLayout $ fromE eg