path: root/XMonad/Layout/LayoutHints.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'XMonad/Layout/LayoutHints.hs')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/LayoutHints.hs b/XMonad/Layout/LayoutHints.hs
index 3b324fd..91a067f 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/LayoutHints.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/LayoutHints.hs
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ module XMonad.Layout.LayoutHints
, LayoutHints
) where
-import XMonad(LayoutClass(runLayout), X, mkAdjust, Window,
- Dimension, Position, Rectangle(Rectangle))
+import XMonad(LayoutClass(runLayout), mkAdjust, Window,
+ Dimension, Position, Rectangle(Rectangle),D)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks(Direction(..))
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import XMonad.Layout.Decoration(isInStack)
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier(ModifiedLayout(..),
LayoutModifier(modifyLayout, redoLayout, modifierDescription))
import Control.Applicative((<$>))
-import Control.Arrow(Arrow((***), second))
+import Control.Arrow(Arrow((***), first, second))
import Control.Monad(Monad(return), mapM, join)
import Data.Function(on)
import Data.List(sortBy)
@@ -115,14 +115,14 @@ fitting rects = sum $ do
r <- rects
return $ length $ filter (touching r) rects
-applyOrder :: Rectangle -> [(Window, Rectangle)] -> [[(Window, Rectangle)]]
+applyOrder :: Rectangle -> [((Window, Rectangle),t)] -> [[((Window, Rectangle),t)]]
applyOrder root wrs = do
-- perhaps it would just be better to take all permutations, or apply the
-- resizing multiple times
f <- [maximum, minimum, sum, sum . map sq]
return $ sortBy (compare `on` (f . distance)) wrs
where distFC = uncurry ((+) `on` sq) . pairWise (-) (center root)
- distance = map distFC . corners . snd
+ distance = map distFC . corners . snd . fst
pairWise f (a,b) (c,d) = (f a c, f b d)
sq = join (*)
@@ -134,22 +134,22 @@ instance LayoutModifier LayoutHintsToCenter Window where
(arrs,ol) <- runLayout ws r
flip (,) ol
. head . reverse . sortBy (compare `on` (fitting . map snd))
- <$> mapM (applyHints st r) (applyOrder r arrs)
+ . map (applyHints st r) . applyOrder r
+ <$> mapM (\x -> fmap ((,) x) $ mkAdjust (fst x)) arrs
-- apply hints to first, grow adjacent windows
-applyHints :: W.Stack Window -> Rectangle -> [(Window, Rectangle)] -> X [(Window, Rectangle)]
-applyHints _ _ [] = return []
-applyHints s root ((w,lrect@(Rectangle a b c d)):xs) = do
- adj <- mkAdjust w
+applyHints :: W.Stack Window -> Rectangle -> [((Window, Rectangle),(D -> D))] -> [(Window, Rectangle)]
+applyHints _ _ [] = []
+applyHints s root (((w,lrect@(Rectangle a b c d)),adj):xs) =
let (c',d') = adj (c,d)
redr = placeRectangle (centerPlacement root lrect :: (Double,Double)) lrect
$ if isInStack s w then Rectangle a b c' d' else lrect
ds = (fromIntegral c - fromIntegral c',fromIntegral d - fromIntegral d')
growOther' r = growOther ds lrect (freeDirs root lrect) r
- mapSnd f = map (second f)
- next <- applyHints s root $ mapSnd growOther' xs
- return $ (w,redr):next
+ mapSnd f = map (first $ second f)
+ next = applyHints s root $ mapSnd growOther' xs
+ in (w,redr):next
growOther :: (Position, Position) -> Rectangle -> Set Direction -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
growOther ds lrect fds r