path: root/XMonad/Layout/HintedTile.hs
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diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/HintedTile.hs b/XMonad/Layout/HintedTile.hs
index f71bf0a..34f0898 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/HintedTile.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/HintedTile.hs
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ module XMonad.Layout.HintedTile (
import XMonad hiding (Tall(..))
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad
-- $usage
@@ -55,7 +54,7 @@ data Alignment = TopLeft | Center | BottomRight
instance LayoutClass HintedTile Window where
doLayout (HintedTile { orientation = o, nmaster = nm, frac = f, alignment = al }) r w' = do
- bhs <- mapM getHints w
+ bhs <- mapM mkAdjust w
let (masters, slaves) = splitAt nm bhs
return (zip w (tiler masters slaves), Nothing)
@@ -73,39 +72,27 @@ instance LayoutClass HintedTile Window where
description l = show (orientation l)
-adjBorder :: Dimension -> Dimension -> D -> D
-adjBorder n b (w, h) = (w + n * 2 * b, h + n * 2 * b)
--- | Transform a function on dimensions into one without regard for borders
-hintsUnderBorder :: (Dimension, SizeHints) -> D -> D
-hintsUnderBorder (bW, h) = adjBorder bW 1 . applySizeHints h . adjBorder bW (-1)
-getHints :: Window -> X (Dimension, SizeHints)
-getHints w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ liftM2 (,)
- (fromIntegral . wa_border_width <$> getWindowAttributes d w)
- (getWMNormalHints d w)
align :: Alignment -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Position
align TopLeft p _ _ = p
align Center p a b = p + fromIntegral (a - b) `div` 2
align BottomRight p a b = p + fromIntegral (a - b)
-- Divide the screen vertically (horizontally) into n subrectangles
-divide :: Alignment -> Orientation -> [(Dimension, SizeHints)] -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
+divide :: Alignment -> Orientation -> [D -> D] -> Rectangle -> [Rectangle]
divide _ _ [] _ = []
divide al _ [bh] (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = [Rectangle (align al sx sw w) (align al sy sh h) w h]
- (w, h) = hintsUnderBorder bh (sw, sh)
+ (w, h) = bh (sw, sh)
divide al Tall (bh:bhs) (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = (Rectangle (align al sx sw w) sy w h) :
(divide al Tall bhs (Rectangle sx (sy + fromIntegral h) sw (sh - h)))
- (w, h) = hintsUnderBorder bh (sw, sh `div` fromIntegral (1 + (length bhs)))
+ (w, h) = bh (sw, sh `div` fromIntegral (1 + (length bhs)))
divide al Wide (bh:bhs) (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) = (Rectangle sx (align al sy sh h) w h) :
(divide al Wide bhs (Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral w) sy (sw - w) sh))
- (w, h) = hintsUnderBorder bh (sw `div` fromIntegral (1 + (length bhs)), sh)
+ (w, h) = bh (sw `div` fromIntegral (1 + (length bhs)), sh)
-- Split the screen into two rectangles, using a rational to specify the ratio
split :: Orientation -> Rational -> Rectangle -> (Rectangle -> [Rectangle])