path: root/XMonad/Layout/Groups/Helpers.hs
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1 files changed, 232 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/Groups/Helpers.hs b/XMonad/Layout/Groups/Helpers.hs
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index 0000000..1c979ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/Groups/Helpers.hs
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+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, Rank2Types #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : XMonad.Layout.Groups.Helpers
+-- Copyright : Quentin Moser <moserq@gmail.com>
+-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : orphaned
+-- Stability : stable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- Utility functions for "XMonad.Layout.Groups".
+module XMonad.Layout.Groups.Helpers ( -- * Usage
+ -- $usage
+ -- ** Layout-generic actions
+ swapUp
+ , swapDown
+ , swapMaster
+ , focusUp
+ , focusDown
+ , focusMaster
+ , toggleFocusFloat
+ -- ** 'G.Groups'-secific actions
+ , swapGroupUp
+ , swapGroupDown
+ , swapGroupMaster
+ , focusGroupUp
+ , focusGroupDown
+ , focusGroupMaster
+ , moveToGroupUp
+ , moveToGroupDown
+ , moveToNewGroupUp
+ , moveToNewGroupDown
+ , splitGroup ) where
+import XMonad hiding ((|||))
+import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
+import qualified XMonad.Layout.Groups as G
+import XMonad.Actions.MessageFeedback
+import Control.Monad (unless)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+-- $usage
+-- This module provides helpers functions for use with "XMonad.Layout.Groups"-based
+-- layouts. You can use its contents by adding
+-- > import XMonad.Layout.Groups.Helpers
+-- to the top of your @.\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@.
+-- "XMonad.Layout.Groups"-based layouts do not have the same notion
+-- of window ordering as the rest of XMonad. For this reason, the usual
+-- ways of reordering windows and moving focus do not work with them.
+-- "XMonad.Layout.Groups" provides 'Message's that can be used to obtain
+-- the right effect.
+-- But what if you want to use both 'G.Groups' and other layouts?
+-- This module provides actions that try to send 'G.GroupsMessage's, and
+-- fall back to the classic way if the current layout doesn't hande them.
+-- They are in the section called \"Layout-generic actions\".
+-- The sections \"Groups-specific actions\" contains actions that don't make
+-- sense for non-'G.Groups'-based layouts. These are simply wrappers around
+-- the equivalent 'G.GroupsMessage's, but are included so you don't have to
+-- write @sendMessage $ Modify $ ...@ everytime.
+-- This module exports many operations with the same names as
+-- 'G.ModifySpec's from "XMonad.Layout.Groups", so if you want
+-- to import both, we suggest to import "XMonad.Layout.Groups"
+-- qualified:
+-- > import qualified XMonad.Layout.Groups as G
+-- For more information on how to extend your layour hook and key bindings, see
+-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending".
+-- ** Layout-generic actions
+-- #Layout-generic actions#
+alt :: G.ModifySpec -> (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X ()
+alt f g = alt2 (G.Modify f) $ windows g
+alt2 :: G.GroupsMessage -> X () -> X ()
+alt2 m x = do b <- send m
+ unless b x
+-- | Swap the focused window with the previous one
+swapUp :: X ()
+swapUp = alt G.swapUp W.swapUp
+-- | Swap the focused window with the next one
+swapDown :: X ()
+swapDown = alt G.swapDown W.swapDown
+-- | Swap the focused window with the master window
+swapMaster :: X ()
+swapMaster = alt G.swapMaster W.swapMaster
+-- | If the focused window is floating, focus the next floating
+-- window. otherwise, focus the next non-floating one.
+focusUp :: X ()
+focusUp = ifFloat focusFloatUp focusNonFloatUp
+-- | If the focused window is floating, focus the next floating
+-- window. otherwise, focus the next non-floating one.
+focusDown :: X ()
+focusDown = ifFloat focusFloatDown focusNonFloatDown
+-- | Move focus to the master window
+focusMaster :: X ()
+focusMaster = alt G.focusMaster W.shiftMaster
+-- | Move focus between the floating and non-floating layers
+toggleFocusFloat :: X ()
+toggleFocusFloat = ifFloat focusNonFloat focusFloatUp
+-- *** Floating layer helpers
+getFloats :: X [Window]
+getFloats = gets $ M.keys . W.floating . windowset
+getWindows :: X [Window]
+getWindows = gets $ W.integrate' . W.stack . W.workspace . W.current . windowset
+ifFloat :: X () -> X () -> X ()
+ifFloat x1 x2 = withFocused $ \w -> do floats <- getFloats
+ if elem w floats then x1 else x2
+focusNonFloat :: X ()
+focusNonFloat = alt2 G.Refocus helper
+ where helper = withFocused $ \w -> do
+ ws <- getWindows
+ floats <- getFloats
+ let (before, after) = span (/=w) ws
+ case filter (flip notElem floats) $ after ++ before of
+ [] -> return ()
+ w':_ -> focus w'
+focusHelper :: (Bool -> Bool) -- ^ if you want to focus a floating window, 'id'.
+ -- if you want a non-floating one, 'not'.
+ -> ([Window] -> [Window]) -- ^ if you want the next window, 'id'.
+ -- if you want the previous one, 'reverse'.
+ -> X ()
+focusHelper f g = withFocused $ \w -> do
+ ws <- getWindows
+ let (before, _:after) = span (/=w) ws
+ let toFocus = g $ after ++ before
+ floats <- getFloats
+ case filter (f . flip elem floats) toFocus of
+ [] -> return ()
+ w':_ -> focus w'
+focusNonFloatUp :: X ()
+focusNonFloatUp = alt2 (G.Modify G.focusUp) $ focusHelper not reverse
+focusNonFloatDown :: X ()
+focusNonFloatDown = alt2 (G.Modify G.focusDown) $ focusHelper not id
+focusFloatUp :: X ()
+focusFloatUp = focusHelper id reverse
+focusFloatDown :: X ()
+focusFloatDown = focusHelper id id
+-- ** Groups-specific actions
+wrap :: G.ModifySpec -> X ()
+wrap = sendMessage . G.Modify
+-- | Swap the focused group with the previous one
+swapGroupUp :: X ()
+swapGroupUp = wrap G.swapGroupUp
+-- | Swap the focused group with the next one
+swapGroupDown :: X ()
+swapGroupDown = wrap G.swapGroupDown
+-- | Swap the focused group with the master group
+swapGroupMaster :: X ()
+swapGroupMaster = wrap G.swapGroupMaster
+-- | Move the focus to the previous group
+focusGroupUp :: X ()
+focusGroupUp = wrap G.focusGroupUp
+-- | Move the focus to the next group
+focusGroupDown :: X ()
+focusGroupDown = wrap G.focusGroupDown
+-- | Move the focus to the master group
+focusGroupMaster :: X ()
+focusGroupMaster = wrap G.focusGroupMaster
+-- | Move the focused window to the previous group. The 'Bool' argument
+-- determines what will be done if the focused window is in the very first
+-- group: Wrap back to the end ('True'), or create a new group before
+-- it ('False').
+moveToGroupUp :: Bool -> X ()
+moveToGroupUp = wrap . G.moveToGroupUp
+-- | Move the focused window to the next group. The 'Bool' argument
+-- determines what will be done if the focused window is in the very last
+-- group: Wrap back to the beginning ('True'), or create a new group after
+-- it ('False').
+moveToGroupDown :: Bool -> X ()
+moveToGroupDown = wrap . G.moveToGroupDown
+-- | Move the focused window to a new group before the current one
+moveToNewGroupUp :: X ()
+moveToNewGroupUp = wrap G.moveToNewGroupUp
+-- | Move the focused window to a new group after the current one
+moveToNewGroupDown :: X ()
+moveToNewGroupDown = wrap G.moveToNewGroupDown
+-- | Split the focused group in two at the position of the focused
+-- window.
+splitGroup :: X ()
+splitGroup = wrap G.splitGroup