path: root/XMonad/Config/Prime.hs
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diff --git a/XMonad/Config/Prime.hs b/XMonad/Config/Prime.hs
index 7d53b64..ff08cdb 100644
--- a/XMonad/Config/Prime.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Config/Prime.hs
@@ -64,10 +64,17 @@ RemovableClass(..),
-- $workspaces
+-- * Modifying the screen keybindings
+-- $screens
-- * Modifying the layoutHook
-- $layout
@@ -400,7 +407,7 @@ mouseBindings = MouseBindings {
-- | Configure workspaces through a Prime-like interface. Example:
-- > withWorkspaces $ do
--- > wsKeyspecs =+ ["0"]
+-- > wsKeys =+ ["0"]
-- > wsActions =+ [("M-M1-", windows . swapWithCurrent)]
-- > wsSetName 1 "mail"
@@ -411,21 +418,21 @@ withWorkspaces wsarr xconf = (P.>>=) (wsarr def) $ \wsconf -> wsprime wsconf xco
where wsprime :: WorkspaceConfig -> Prime l l
wsprime wsconf =
(workspaces =: allNames) >>
- (keys =+ [(mod ++ key, action name) | (name, key) <- zip allNames (wsKeyspecs_ wsconf),
+ (keys =+ [(mod ++ key, action name) | (name, key) <- zip allNames (wsKeys_ wsconf),
(mod, action) <- wsActions_ wsconf])
- where allNames = zipWith chooseName (wsNames_ wsconf) (wsKeyspecs_ wsconf)
+ where allNames = zipWith chooseName (wsNames_ wsconf) (wsKeys_ wsconf)
chooseName name keyspec = if not (null name) then name else keyspec
data WorkspaceConfig = WorkspaceConfig {
wsNames_ :: [String],
- wsKeyspecs_ :: [String],
+ wsKeys_ :: [String],
wsActions_ :: [(String, String -> X ())]
instance Default WorkspaceConfig where
def = WorkspaceConfig {
wsNames_ = repeat "",
- wsKeyspecs_ = map (:[]) ['1'..'9'], -- The hungry monkey eats dots and turns them into numbers.
+ wsKeys_ = map (:[]) ['1'..'9'], -- The hungry monkey eats dots and turns them into numbers.
wsActions_ = [("M-", windows . W.greedyView),
("M-S-", windows . W.shift)]
@@ -433,8 +440,8 @@ instance Default WorkspaceConfig where
-- | The list of workspace names, like 'workspaces' but with two differences:
-- 1. If any entry is the empty string, it'll be replaced with the
--- corresponding entry in 'wsKeyspecs'.
--- 2. The list is truncated to the size of 'wsKeyspecs'.
+-- corresponding entry in 'wsKeys'.
+-- 2. The list is truncated to the size of 'wsKeys'.
-- The default value is @'repeat' ""@.
@@ -446,14 +453,14 @@ wsNames = Settable wsNames_ (\x c -> c { wsNames_ = x })
-- | The list of workspace keys. These are combined with the modifiers in
-- 'wsActions' to form the keybindings for navigating to workspaces. Default:
-- @["1","2",...,"9"]@.
-wsKeyspecs :: Summable [String] [String] WorkspaceConfig
-wsKeyspecs = Summable wsKeyspecs_ (\x c -> c { wsKeyspecs_ = x }) (++)
+wsKeys :: Summable [String] [String] WorkspaceConfig
+wsKeys = Summable wsKeys_ (\x c -> c { wsKeys_ = x }) (++)
-- | Mapping from key prefix to command. Its type is @[(String, String ->
-- X())]@. The key prefix may be a modifier such as @\"M-\"@, or a submap
-- prefix such as @\"M-a \"@. The command is a function that takes a workspace
-- name and returns an @X ()@. 'withWorkspaces' creates keybindings for the
--- cartesian product of 'wsKeyspecs' and 'wsActions'.
+-- cartesian product of 'wsKeys' and 'wsActions'.
-- Default:
@@ -472,7 +479,60 @@ wsSetName index newName = wsNames =. (map maybeSet . zip [0..])
where maybeSet (i, oldName) | i == (index - 1) = newName
| otherwise = oldName
--- TODO: Something for screens, too.
+-- $screens
+-- 'withScreens' provides a convenient mechanism to set keybindings for moving
+-- between screens, much like 'withWorkspaces'.
+-- | Configure screen keys through a Prime-like interface:
+-- > withScreens $ do
+-- > sKeys =+ ["e", "r"]
+-- This will add the necessary keybindings to 'keys'. Note that it won't remove
+-- old keybindings; it's just not that clever.
+withScreens :: Arr ScreenConfig ScreenConfig -> Prime l l
+withScreens sarr xconf = (P.>>=) (sarr def) $ \sconf -> sprime sconf xconf
+ where sprime :: ScreenConfig -> Prime l l
+ sprime sconf =
+ (keys =+ [(mod ++ key, action sid) | (sid, key) <- zip [0..] (sKeys_ sconf),
+ (mod, action) <- sActions_ sconf])
+data ScreenConfig = ScreenConfig {
+ sKeys_ :: [String],
+ sActions_ :: [(String, ScreenId -> X ())]
+instance Default ScreenConfig where
+ def = ScreenConfig {
+ sKeys_ = ["w", "e", "r"],
+ sActions_ = [("M-", windows . onScreens W.view),
+ ("M-S-", windows . onScreens W.shift)]
+ }
+-- | The list of screen keys. These are combined with the modifiers in
+-- 'sActions' to form the keybindings for navigating to workspaces. Default:
+-- @["w","e","r"]@.
+sKeys :: Summable [String] [String] ScreenConfig
+sKeys = Summable sKeys_ (\x c -> c { sKeys_ = x }) (++)
+-- | Mapping from key prefix to command. Its type is @[(String, ScreenId ->
+-- X())]@. Works the same as 'wsActions' except for a different function type.
+-- Default:
+-- > [("M-", windows . onScreens W.view),
+-- > ("M-S-", windows . onScreens W.shift)]
+sActions :: Summable [(String, ScreenId -> X ())] [(String, ScreenId -> X ())] ScreenConfig
+sActions = Summable sActions_ (\x c -> c { sActions_ = x }) (++)
+-- Converts a stackset transformer parameterized on the workspace type into one
+-- parameterized on the screen type. For example, you can use @onScreens W.view
+-- 0@ to navigate to the workspace on the 0th screen. If the screen id is not
+-- recognized, the returned transformer acts as an identity function.
+onScreens :: Eq s => (i -> W.StackSet i l a s sd -> W.StackSet i l a s sd) ->
+ s -> W.StackSet i l a s sd -> W.StackSet i l a s sd
+onScreens f sc ws = maybe id f (W.lookupWorkspace sc ws) ws
-- $layout
-- Layouts are special. You can't modify them using the @=:@ or @=.@ operator.
@@ -571,7 +631,7 @@ applyIO = id -- This is here in case we want to change the Prime type later.
-- > apply fullscreenSupport
-- > applyIO $ withWindowNavigation (xK_w, xK_a, xK_s, xK_d)
-- > withWorkspaces $ do
--- > wsKeyspecs =+ ["0"]
+-- > wsKeys =+ ["0"]
-- > wsActions =+ [("M-M1-", windows . swapWithCurrent)]
-- > keys =+ [
-- > ("M-,", sendMessage $ IncMasterN (-1)),
@@ -605,7 +665,7 @@ applyIO = id -- This is here in case we want to change the Prime type later.
-- > apply $ flip additionalKeys $ [((mod1Mask, xK_z), spawn "date | dzen2 -fg '#eeeeee' -p 2")]
--- === How do I run command before xmonad starts (like 'spawnPipe')?
+-- === How do I run a command before xmonad starts (like 'spawnPipe')?
-- If you're using it for a status bar, see if 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.dzen'
-- or 'XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.xmobar' does what you want. If so, you can apply
-- it with 'applyIO'.
@@ -613,3 +673,14 @@ applyIO = id -- This is here in case we want to change the Prime type later.
-- If not, you can write your own @XConfig l -> IO (XConfig l)@ and apply it
-- with 'applyIO'. When writing this function, see the above tip about using
-- normal monads.
+-- Alternatively, you could do something like this this:
+-- > import qualified Prelude as P (>>)
+-- >
+-- > main =
+-- > openFile ".xmonad.log" AppendMode >>= \log ->
+-- > hSetBuffering log LineBuffering P.>>
+-- > (xmonad $ do
+-- > nothing -- Prime config here.
+-- > )