path: root/XMonad/Actions
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1 files changed, 37 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/TopicSpace.hs b/XMonad/Actions/TopicSpace.hs
index b60114a..c20c22d 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/TopicSpace.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/TopicSpace.hs
@@ -10,30 +10,38 @@
-- Turns your workspaces into a more topic oriented system.
--- This module allow to organize your workspaces on a precise topic basis. So
+-- This module allows to organize your workspaces on a precise topic basis. So
-- instead of having a workspace called `work' you can setup one workspace per
--- task. Here we will call these workspaces, topics. The great thing with
+-- task. Here we call these workspaces, topics. The great thing with
-- topics is that one can attach a directory that makes sense to each
--- particular topic. One can also attach an action that will be triggered
--- when switching to a topic that does not have any windows in it. So one can
--- attach our mail client to the mail topic, some terminals in the right
--- directory for the xmonad topic... This package also provides a nice way to
--- display your topics in a historical way using a custom `pprWindowSet'
+-- particular topic. One can also attach an action which will be triggered
+-- when switching to a topic that does not have any windows in it. So you can
+-- attach your mail client to the mail topic, some terminals in the right
+-- directory to the xmonad topic... This package also provides a nice way to
+-- display your topics in an historical way using a custom `pprWindowSet'
-- function. You can also easily switch to recents topics using this history
-- of last focused topics.
-- Here is an example of configuration using TopicSpace:
-- @
+-- -- The list of all topics/workspaces of your xmonad configuration.
+-- -- The order is important, new topics must be inserted
+-- -- at the end of the list if you want hot-restarting
+-- -- to work.
+-- myTopics :: [Topic]
+-- myTopics =
+-- [ \"dashboard\" -- the first one
+-- , \"admin\", \"build\", \"cleaning\", \"conf\", \"darcs\", \"haskell\", \"irc\"
+-- , \"mail\", \"movie\", \"music\", \"talk\", \"text\", \"tools\", \"web\", \"xmonad\"
+-- , \"yi\", \"documents\", \"twitter\", \"pdf\"
+-- ]
+-- @
+-- @
-- myTopicConfig :: TopicConfig
-- myTopicConfig = TopicConfig
--- { allTopics =
--- [ \"dashboard\" -- the first one
--- , \"admin\", \"build\", \"cleaning\", \"conf\", \"darcs\", \"haskell\", \"irc\"
--- , \"mail\", \"movie\", \"music\", \"talk\", \"text\", \"tools\", \"web\", \"xmonad\"
--- , \"yi\", \"documents\", \"twitter\", \"pdf\"
--- ]
--- , topicDirs = M.fromList $
+-- { topicDirs = M.fromList $
-- [ (\"conf\", \"w\/conf\")
-- , (\"dashboard\", \"Desktop\")
-- , (\"yi\", \"w\/dev-haskell\/yi\")
@@ -117,11 +125,11 @@
-- @
-- myConfig = do
--- checkTopicConfig myTopicConfig
+-- checkTopicConfig myTopics myTopicConfig
-- myLogHook <- makeMyLogHook
-- return $ defaultConfig
-- { borderWidth = 1 -- Width of the window border in pixels.
--- , workspaces = allTopics myTopicConfig
+-- , workspaces = myTopics
-- , layoutHook = myModifiers myLayouts
-- , manageHook = myManageHook
-- , logHook = myLogHook
@@ -193,14 +201,7 @@ type Topic = WorkspaceId
type Dir = FilePath
-- | Here is the topic space configuration area.
-data TopicConfig = TopicConfig { allTopics :: [Topic]
- -- ^ You have to give a list of topics,
- -- this must the be same list than the workspaces field of
- -- your xmonad configuration.
- -- The order is important, new topics must be inserted
- -- at the end of the list if you want hot-restarting
- -- to work.
- , topicDirs :: M.Map Topic Dir
+data TopicConfig = TopicConfig { topicDirs :: M.Map Topic Dir
-- ^ This mapping associate a directory to each topic.
, topicActions :: M.Map Topic (X ())
-- ^ This mapping associate an action to trigger when
@@ -280,15 +281,18 @@ currentTopicDir tg = do
return . fromMaybe "" . M.lookup topic $ topicDirs tg
-- | Check the given topic configuration for duplicates topics or undefined topics.
-checkTopicConfig :: TopicConfig -> IO ()
-checkTopicConfig tg = do
- unless (null diffTopic) $ xmessage $ "Seen but missing workspaces (tags): " ++ show diffTopic
- unless (null dups) $ xmessage $ "Duplicate workspaces (tags): " ++ show dups
- where
- seenTopics = nub $ sort $ M.keys (topicDirs tg) ++ M.keys (topicActions tg)
- dups = tags \\ nub tags
- diffTopic = seenTopics \\ sort tags
- tags = allTopics tg
+checkTopicConfig :: [Topic] -> TopicConfig -> IO ()
+checkTopicConfig tags tg = do
+ -- tags <- gets $ map W.tag . workspaces . windowset
+ let
+ seenTopics = nub $ sort $ M.keys (topicDirs tg) ++ M.keys (topicActions tg)
+ dups = tags \\ nub tags
+ diffTopic = seenTopics \\ sort tags
+ check lst msg = unless (null lst) $ xmessage $ msg ++ " (tags): " ++ show lst
+ check diffTopic "Seen but missing topics/workspaces"
+ check dups "Duplicate topics/workspaces"
type StringProp = String