path: root/XMonad/Actions
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diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs b/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
index ff2d4ae..bc72464 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/GridSelect.hs
@@ -18,9 +18,15 @@ module XMonad.Actions.GridSelect (
-- * Usage
-- $usage
+ -- ** Customizing
+ -- *** Using a common GSConfig
+ -- $commonGSConfig
+ -- *** Custom keybindings
+ -- $keybindings
-- * Configuration
- GSCONFIG(defaultGSConfig),
+ defaultGSConfig,
@@ -34,9 +40,10 @@ module XMonad.Actions.GridSelect (
- -- * Utility functions for customizing the 'GSConfig'
+ -- * Colorizers
+ HasColorizer(defaultColorizer),
- defaultColorizer,
+ stringColorizer,
-- * Screenshots
@@ -76,6 +83,64 @@ import Data.Word (Word8)
-- > , ((modMask x, xK_s), spawnSelected defaultGSConfig ["xterm","gmplayer","gvim"])
+-- $commonGSConfig
+-- It is possible to bind a @gsconfig@ at top-level in your configuration. Like so:
+-- > gsconfig1 :: HasColorizer a => GSConfig a
+-- > gsconfig1 = defaultGSConfig { gs_cellheight = 30, gs_cellWidth = 100 }
+-- Regarding type signatures: to leave them out in this case, add @{-# LANGUAGE
+-- NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}@ to the top of your @xmonad.hs@. Refer to
+-- this page for an explanation:
+-- <http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Monomorphism_restriction>
+-- @gsconfig2@ is an example where 'buildDefaultGSConfig' is used instead of
+-- 'defaultGSConfig' in order to specify a custom colorizer (found in
+-- "XMonad.Actions.GridSelect#Colorizers"):
+-- > gsconfig2 colorizer = (buildDefaultGSConfig colorizer) { gs_cellheight = 30, gs_cellWidth = 100 }
+-- > -- | A green monochrome colorizer based on window class
+-- > greenColorizer = colorRangeFromClassName
+-- > black -- lowest inactive bg
+-- > (0x70,0xFF,0x70) -- highest inactive bg
+-- > black -- active bg
+-- > white -- inactive fg
+-- > white -- active fg
+-- > where black = minBound
+-- > white = maxBound
+-- Then you can bind to:
+-- ,((modMask x, xK_g), goToSelected $ gsconfig2 myWinColorizer)
+-- ,((modMask x, xK_p), spawnSelected $ spawnSelected defaultColorizer)
+-- $keybindings
+-- Adding more keybindings for gridselect to listen to is similar:
+-- At the top of your config:
+-- > import qualified Data.Map as M
+-- Then define @gsconfig3@ which may be used in exactly the same manner as @gsconfig1@:
+-- > gsconfig3 :: HasColorizer a => GSConfig a
+-- > gsconfig3 = defaultGSConfig
+-- > { gs_cellheight = 30
+-- > , gs_cellWidth = 100
+-- > , gs_navigate = M.unions [reset, nethackKeys, gs_navigate $ defaultGSConfig `asTypeOf` gsconfig3] }
+-- > where addPair (a,b) (x,y) = (a+x,b+y)
+-- > nethackKeys = M.map addPair
+-- > $ M.fromList [((0,xK_y),(-1,-1)
+-- > ,((0,xK_i),(1,-1)
+-- > ,((0,xK_n),(-1,1)
+-- > ,((0,xK_m),(1,1)
+-- > ]
+-- > -- jump back to the center with the spacebar, regardless of the current position.
+-- > reset = M.singleton (0,xK_space) (const (0,0))
-- $screenshots
-- Selecting a workspace:
@@ -97,30 +162,30 @@ data GSConfig a = GSConfig {
gs_originFractY :: Double
-class GSCONFIG a where
- defaultGSConfig :: GSConfig a -- ^ A basic configuration for 'gridselect'.
- -- To configure your own colorizer, use
- -- 'buildDefaultGSConfig', otherwise the
- -- default colorizer with the correct type
- -- will be used.
- --
- -- That is 'fromClassName' if
- -- you are selecting a 'Window', or
- -- 'defaultColorizer' if you are selecting a
- -- 'String'. The catch-all instance @GSCONFIG
- -- a@ uses the 'focusedBorderColor' and
- -- 'normalBorderColor' colors.
-instance GSCONFIG Window where
- defaultGSConfig = buildDefaultGSConfig fromClassName
-instance GSCONFIG String where
- defaultGSConfig = buildDefaultGSConfig defaultColorizer
-instance GSCONFIG a where
- defaultGSConfig = buildDefaultGSConfig $ \_ isFg -> do
+-- | That is 'fromClassName' if you are selecting a 'Window', or
+-- 'defaultColorizer' if you are selecting a 'String'. The catch-all instance
+-- @HasColorizer a@ uses the 'focusedBorderColor' and 'normalBorderColor'
+-- colors.
+class HasColorizer a where
+ defaultColorizer :: a -> Bool -> X (String, String)
+instance HasColorizer Window where
+ defaultColorizer = fromClassName
+instance HasColorizer String where
+ defaultColorizer = stringColorizer
+instance HasColorizer a where
+ defaultColorizer _ isFg =
let getColor = if isFg then focusedBorderColor else normalBorderColor
- asks $ flip (,) "black" . getColor . config
+ in asks $ flip (,) "black" . getColor . config
+-- | A basic configuration for 'gridselect', with the colorizer chosen based on the type.
+-- If you want to replace the 'gs_colorizer' field, use 'buildDefaultGSConfig'
+-- instead, to avoid ambiguous type variables.
+defaultGSConfig :: HasColorizer a => GSConfig a
+defaultGSConfig = buildDefaultGSConfig defaultColorizer
type NavigateMap = M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (TwoDPosition -> TwoDPosition)
@@ -288,8 +353,8 @@ hsv2rgb (h,s,v) =
_ -> error "The world is ending. x mod a >= a."
-- | Default colorizer for Strings
-defaultColorizer :: String -> Bool -> X (String, String)
-defaultColorizer s active =
+stringColorizer :: String -> Bool -> X (String, String)
+stringColorizer s active =
let seed x = toInteger (sum $ map ((*x).fromEnum) s) :: Integer
(r,g,b) = hsv2rgb ((seed 83) `mod` 360,
(fromInteger ((seed 191) `mod` 1000))/2500+0.4,