path: root/XMonad/Actions/DynamicWorkspaces.hs
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1 files changed, 32 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/DynamicWorkspaces.hs b/XMonad/Actions/DynamicWorkspaces.hs
index fc73542..6b2d050 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/DynamicWorkspaces.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/DynamicWorkspaces.hs
@@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ module XMonad.Actions.DynamicWorkspaces (
-- * Usage
-- $usage
addWorkspace, addWorkspacePrompt,
+ appendWorkspace, appendWorkspacePrompt,
+ addWorkspaceAt,
- addHiddenWorkspace,
+ addHiddenWorkspace, addHiddenWorkspaceAt,
selectWorkspace, renameWorkspace,
@@ -63,6 +65,7 @@ import Control.Monad (when)
-- "XMonad.Actions.CopyWindow", 'windows', 'shift', and 'XPConfig'.
mkCompl :: [String] -> String -> IO [String]
mkCompl l s = return $ filter (\x -> take (length s) x == s) l
@@ -108,20 +111,41 @@ selectWorkspace conf = workspacePrompt conf $ \w ->
-- workspace with the given name already exists; then switch to the
-- newly created workspace.
addWorkspace :: String -> X ()
-addWorkspace newtag = addHiddenWorkspace newtag >> windows (greedyView newtag)
+addWorkspace = addWorkspaceAt (:)
+-- | Same as addWorkspace, but adds the workspace to the end of the list of workspaces
+appendWorkspace :: String -> X()
+appendWorkspace = addWorkspaceAt (flip (++) . return)
+-- | Adds a new workspace with the given name to the current list of workspaces.
+-- This function allows the user to pass a function that inserts an element
+-- into a list at an arbitrary spot.
+addWorkspaceAt :: (WindowSpace -> [WindowSpace] -> [WindowSpace]) -> String -> X ()
+addWorkspaceAt add newtag = addHiddenWorkspaceAt add newtag >> windows (greedyView newtag)
-- | Prompt for the name of a new workspace, add it if it does not
-- already exist, and switch to it.
addWorkspacePrompt :: XPConfig -> X ()
addWorkspacePrompt conf = mkXPrompt (Wor "New workspace name: ") conf (const (return [])) addWorkspace
+-- | Prompt for the name of a new workspace, appending it to the end of the list of workspaces
+-- if it does not already exist, and switch to it.
+appendWorkspacePrompt :: XPConfig -> X ()
+appendWorkspacePrompt conf = mkXPrompt (Wor "New workspace name: ") conf (const (return [])) appendWorkspace
-- | Add a new hidden workspace with the given name, or do nothing if
--- a workspace with the given name already exists.
-addHiddenWorkspace :: String -> X ()
-addHiddenWorkspace newtag =
+-- a workspace with the given name already exists. Takes a function to insert
+-- the workspace at an arbitrary spot in the list.
+addHiddenWorkspaceAt :: (WindowSpace -> [WindowSpace] -> [WindowSpace]) -> String -> X ()
+addHiddenWorkspaceAt add newtag =
whenX (gets (not . tagMember newtag . windowset)) $ do
l <- asks (layoutHook . config)
- windows (addHiddenWorkspace' newtag l)
+ windows (addHiddenWorkspace' add newtag l)
+-- | Add a new hidden workspace with the given name, or do nothing if
+-- a workspace with the given name already exists.
+addHiddenWorkspace :: String -> X ()
+addHiddenWorkspace = addHiddenWorkspaceAt (:)
-- | Remove the current workspace if it contains no windows.
removeEmptyWorkspace :: X ()
@@ -166,8 +190,8 @@ isEmpty t = do wsl <- gets $ workspaces . windowset
let mws = find (\ws -> tag ws == t) wsl
return $ maybe True (isNothing . stack) mws
-addHiddenWorkspace' :: i -> l -> StackSet i l a sid sd -> StackSet i l a sid sd
-addHiddenWorkspace' newtag l s@(StackSet { hidden = ws }) = s { hidden = Workspace newtag l Nothing:ws }
+addHiddenWorkspace' :: (Workspace i l a -> [Workspace i l a] -> [Workspace i l a]) -> i -> l -> StackSet i l a sid sd -> StackSet i l a sid sd
+addHiddenWorkspace' add newtag l s@(StackSet { hidden = ws }) = s { hidden = add (Workspace newtag l Nothing) ws }
-- | Remove the hidden workspace with the given tag from the StackSet, if
-- it exists. All the windows in that workspace are moved to the current