path: root/ToggleLayouts.hs
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1 files changed, 20 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/ToggleLayouts.hs b/ToggleLayouts.hs
index 5f76380..a48ff15 100644
--- a/ToggleLayouts.hs
+++ b/ToggleLayouts.hs
@@ -25,13 +25,21 @@ import Operations ( LayoutMessages(Hide, ReleaseResources) )
-- $usage
-- Use toggleLayouts to toggle between two layouts.
--- import XMonadContrib.ToggleLayouts, and add to your layoutHook something like
+-- import XMonadContrib.ToggleLayouts
+-- and add to your layoutHook something like
-- > layoutHook = Layout $ toggleLayouts (noBorders Full) $ Select layouts
-- and a key binding like
-- > , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_space), sendMessage ToggleLayout)
+-- or a key binding like
+-- > , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_space), sendMessage (Toggle "Full"))
data ToggleLayouts lt lf a = ToggleLayouts Bool (lt a) (lf a) deriving (Read,Show)
-data ToggleLayout = ToggleLayout deriving (Read,Show,Typeable)
+data ToggleLayout = ToggleLayout | Toggle String deriving (Read,Show,Typeable)
instance Message ToggleLayout
toggleLayouts :: (LayoutClass lt a, LayoutClass lf a) => lt a -> lf a -> ToggleLayouts lt lf a
@@ -57,11 +65,21 @@ instance (LayoutClass lt a, LayoutClass lf a) => LayoutClass (ToggleLayouts lt l
| Just ToggleLayout <- fromMessage m = do mlt' <- handleMessage lt (SomeMessage Hide)
let lt' = maybe lt id mlt'
return $ Just $ ToggleLayouts False lt' lf
+ | Just (Toggle d) <- fromMessage m,
+ d == description lt || d == description lf =
+ do mlt' <- handleMessage lt (SomeMessage Hide)
+ let lt' = maybe lt id mlt'
+ return $ Just $ ToggleLayouts False lt' lf
| otherwise = do mlt' <- handleMessage lt m
return $ fmap (\lt' -> ToggleLayouts True lt' lf) mlt'
handleMessage (ToggleLayouts False lt lf) m
| Just ToggleLayout <- fromMessage m = do mlf' <- handleMessage lf (SomeMessage Hide)
let lf' = maybe lf id mlf'
return $ Just $ ToggleLayouts True lt lf'
+ | Just (Toggle d),
+ d == description lt || d == description lf <- fromMessage m =
+ do mlf' <- handleMessage lf (SomeMessage Hide)
+ let lf' = maybe lf id mlf'
+ return $ Just $ ToggleLayouts True lt lf'
| otherwise = do mlf' <- handleMessage lf m
return $ fmap (\lf' -> ToggleLayouts False lt lf') mlf'