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diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/Tabbed.hs b/XMonad/Layout/Tabbed.hs
index da314da..a8752e6 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/Tabbed.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/Tabbed.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ module XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
simpleTabbed, tabbed, addTabs
, simpleTabbedAlways, tabbedAlways, addTabsAlways
, simpleTabbedBottom, tabbedBottom, addTabsBottom
+ , simpleTabbedLeft, tabbedLeft, addTabsLeft
+ , simpleTabbedRight, tabbedRight, addTabsRight
, simpleTabbedBottomAlways, tabbedBottomAlways, addTabsBottomAlways
+ , simpleTabbedLeftAlways, tabbedLeftAlways, addTabsLeftAlways
+ , simpleTabbedRightAlways, tabbedRightAlways, addTabsRightAlways
, Theme (..)
, def
, defaultTheme
@@ -98,6 +102,18 @@ simpleTabbedBottom = tabbedBottom shrinkText def
simpleTabbedBottomAlways :: ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration DefaultShrinker) Simplest Window
simpleTabbedBottomAlways = tabbedBottomAlways shrinkText def
+-- | A side-tabbed layout with the default xmonad Theme.
+simpleTabbedLeft, simpleTabbedRight :: ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration DefaultShrinker)
+ Simplest Window
+simpleTabbedLeft = tabbedLeft shrinkText def
+simpleTabbedRight = tabbedRight shrinkText def
+-- | A side-tabbed layout with the default xmonad Theme.
+simpleTabbedLeftAlways, simpleTabbedRightAlways :: ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration DefaultShrinker)
+ Simplest Window
+simpleTabbedLeftAlways = tabbedLeftAlways shrinkText def
+simpleTabbedRightAlways = tabbedRightAlways shrinkText def
-- | A layout decorated with tabs and the possibility to set a custom
-- shrinker and theme.
tabbed :: (Eq a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme
@@ -118,6 +134,20 @@ tabbedBottomAlways :: (Eq a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme
-> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) Simplest a
tabbedBottomAlways s c = addTabsBottomAlways s c Simplest
+-- | A layout decorated with tabs and the possibility to set a custom
+-- shrinker and theme.
+tabbedLeft, tabbedRight :: (Eq a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme
+ -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) Simplest a
+tabbedLeft s c = addTabsLeft s c Simplest
+tabbedRight s c = addTabsRight s c Simplest
+-- | A layout decorated with tabs and the possibility to set a custom
+-- shrinker and theme.
+tabbedLeftAlways, tabbedRightAlways :: (Eq a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme
+ -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) Simplest a
+tabbedLeftAlways s c = addTabsLeftAlways s c Simplest
+tabbedRightAlways s c = addTabsRightAlways s c Simplest
-- Layout Modifiers
-- | A layout modifier that uses the provided shrinker and theme to add tabs to any layout.
@@ -138,6 +168,16 @@ addTabsBottomAlways :: (Eq a, LayoutClass l a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> l a
-> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) l a
addTabsBottomAlways = createTabs Always Bottom
+-- | A layout modifier that uses the provided shrinker and theme to add tabs to the side of any layout.
+addTabsRight, addTabsLeft :: (Eq a, LayoutClass l a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> l a
+ -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) l a
+addTabsRight = createTabs WhenPlural RightS
+addTabsLeft = createTabs WhenPlural LeftS
+addTabsRightAlways, addTabsLeftAlways :: (Eq a, LayoutClass l a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> l a
+ -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) l a
+addTabsRightAlways = createTabs Always RightS
+addTabsLeftAlways = createTabs Always LeftS
-- Tab creation abstractions. Internal use only.
@@ -145,9 +185,10 @@ addTabsBottomAlways = createTabs Always Bottom
-- shrinker and theme to the supplied layout.
createTabs ::(Eq a, LayoutClass l a, Shrinker s) => TabbarShown -> TabbarLocation -> s
-> Theme -> l a -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) l a
createTabs sh loc tx th l = decoration tx th (Tabbed loc sh) l
-data TabbarLocation = Top | Bottom deriving (Read,Show)
+data TabbarLocation = Top | Bottom | LeftS | RightS deriving (Read,Show)
data TabbarShown = Always | WhenPlural deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
@@ -156,30 +197,42 @@ data TabbedDecoration a = Tabbed TabbarLocation TabbarShown deriving (Read, Show
instance Eq a => DecorationStyle TabbedDecoration a where
describeDeco (Tabbed Top _ ) = "Tabbed"
describeDeco (Tabbed Bottom _ ) = "Tabbed Bottom"
+ describeDeco (Tabbed LeftS _ ) = "Tabbed Left"
+ describeDeco (Tabbed RightS _ ) = "Tabbed Right"
decorationEventHook _ ds ButtonEvent { ev_window = ew
, ev_event_type = et
, ev_button = eb }
| et == buttonPress
- , Just ((w,_),_) <-findWindowByDecoration ew ds =
+ , Just ((w,_),_) <- findWindowByDecoration ew ds =
if eb == button2
then killWindow w
else focus w
decorationEventHook _ _ _ = return ()
- pureDecoration (Tabbed lc sh) _ ht _ s wrs (w,r@(Rectangle x y wh hh))
+ pureDecoration (Tabbed lc sh) wt ht _ s wrs (w,r@(Rectangle x y wh hh))
= if ((sh == Always && numWindows > 0) || numWindows > 1)
then Just $ case lc of
Top -> upperTab
Bottom -> lowerTab
+ LeftS -> leftTab
+ RightS -> rightTab
else Nothing
where ws = filter (`elem` map fst (filter ((==r) . snd) wrs)) (S.integrate s)
- loc i = x + fi ((wh * fi i) `div` max 1 (fi $ length ws))
- wid = fi $ maybe x (\i -> loc (i+1) - loc i) $ w `elemIndex` ws
- nx = maybe x loc $ w `elemIndex` ws
- upperTab = Rectangle nx y wid (fi ht)
- lowerTab = Rectangle nx (y+fi(hh-ht)) wid (fi ht)
+ loc k h i = k + fi ((h * fi i) `div` max 1 (fi $ length ws))
+ esize k h = fi $ maybe k (\i -> loc k h (i+1) - loc k h i) $ w `elemIndex` ws
+ wid = esize x wh
+ hid = esize y hh
+ n k h = maybe k (loc k h) $ w `elemIndex` ws
+ nx = n x wh
+ ny = n y hh
+ upperTab = Rectangle nx y wid (fi ht)
+ lowerTab = Rectangle nx (y + fi (hh - ht)) wid (fi ht)
+ leftTab = Rectangle x ny (fi wt) hid
+ rightTab = Rectangle (x + fi (wh - wt)) ny (fi wt) hid
numWindows = length ws
- shrink (Tabbed loc _ ) (Rectangle _ _ _ dh) (Rectangle x y w h)
+ shrink (Tabbed loc _ ) (Rectangle _ _ dw dh) (Rectangle x y w h)
= case loc of
Top -> Rectangle x (y + fi dh) w (h - dh)
Bottom -> Rectangle x y w (h - dh)
+ LeftS -> Rectangle (x + fi dw) y (w - dw) h
+ RightS -> Rectangle x y (w - dw) h