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diff --git a/RotSlaves.hs b/RotSlaves.hs
index 6bda6e7..8f06117 100644
--- a/RotSlaves.hs
+++ b/RotSlaves.hs
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@
module XMonadContrib.RotSlaves (
-- $usage
- rotSlaves', rotSlaves
+ rotSlaves', rotSlavesUp, rotSlavesDown
) where
-import qualified StackSet as SS
+import StackSet
+import Operations
+import XMonad
-- $usage
@@ -26,22 +28,20 @@ import qualified StackSet as SS
-- and add a keybinding:
--- , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Tab ), windows rotSlaves)
+-- , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Tab ), rotSlavesUp)
-- This operation will rotate all windows except the master window, while the focus
-- stays where it is. It is usefull together with the TwoPane-Layout (see XMonadContrib.TwoPane).
-rotSlaves :: SS.StackSet i a s sd -> SS.StackSet i a s sd
-rotSlaves = SS.modify' rotSlaves'
-rotSlaves' :: SS.Stack a -> SS.Stack a
-rotSlaves' (SS.Stack t ls rs) | (null ls) = SS.Stack t [] ((rearRs)++(frontRs)) --Master has focus
- | otherwise = SS.Stack t' (reverse ((master)++revls')) rs' --otherwise
- where (frontRs, rearRs) = splitAt (max 0 ((length rs) - 1)) rs
- (ils, master) = splitAt (max 0 ((length ls) - 1)) ls
- toBeRotated = (reverse ils)++(t:rs)
- (revls',t':rs') = splitAt (length ils) ((last toBeRotated):(init toBeRotated))
+rotSlavesUp,rotSlavesDown :: X ()
+rotSlavesUp = windows $ modify' (rotSlaves' (\l -> (tail l)++[head l]))
+rotSlavesDown = windows $ modify' (rotSlaves' (\l -> [last l]++(init l)))
+rotSlaves' :: ([a] -> [a]) -> Stack a -> Stack a
+rotSlaves' _ s@(Stack _ [] []) = s
+rotSlaves' f (Stack t [] rs) = Stack t [] (f rs) -- Master has focus
+rotSlaves' f s@(Stack _ ls _ ) = Stack t' (reverse revls') rs' -- otherwise
+ where (master:ws) = integrate s
+ (revls',t':rs') = splitAt (length ls) (master:(f ws))