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diff --git a/TagWindows.hs b/TagWindows.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76ef3bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TagWindows.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : XMonadContrib.TagWindows
+-- Copyright : (c) Karsten Schoelzel <kuser@gmx.de>
+-- License : BSD
+-- Maintainer : Karsten Schoelzel <kuser@gmx.de>
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- Functions for tagging windows and selecting them by tags.
+module XMonadContrib.TagWindows (
+ -- * Usage
+ -- $usage
+ addTag, delTag, unTag,
+ setTags, getTags,
+ withTaggedP, withTaggedGlobalP, withFocusedP,
+ withTagged , withTaggedGlobal ,
+ focusUpTagged, focusUpTaggedGlobal,
+ focusDownTagged, focusDownTaggedGlobal,
+ shiftHere, shiftToScreen,
+ tagPrompt,
+ tagDelPrompt
+ ) where
+import Data.List (nub,concat,sortBy)
+import Control.Monad.State
+import StackSet hiding (filter)
+import Operations (windows, withFocused)
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
+import XMonadContrib.XPrompt
+import XMonad
+-- $usage
+-- To use window tags add in your Config.hs:
+-- > import XMonadContrib.TagWindows
+-- > import XMonadContrib.XPrompt -- to use tagPrompt
+-- and add keybindings like as follows:
+-- , ((modMask, xK_f ), withFocused (addTag "abc"))
+-- , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_f ), withFocused (delTag "abc"))
+-- , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_f ), withTaggedGlobal "abc" sink)
+-- , ((modMask, xK_d ), withTaggedP "abc" (shiftWin "2"))
+-- , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_d ), withTaggedGlobalP "abc" shiftHere)
+-- , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_d ), focusUpTaggedGlobal "abc")
+-- , ((modMask, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> withFocused (addTag s)))
+-- , ((modMask .|. controlMask, xK_g ), tagDelPrompt defaultXPConfig)
+-- , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> withTaggedGlobal s float))
+-- , ((modWinMask, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> withTaggedP s (shiftWin "2")))
+-- , ((modWinMask .|. shiftMask, xK_g ), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> withTaggedGlobalP s shiftHere))
+-- , ((modWinMask .|. controlMask, xK_g), tagPrompt defaultXPConfig (\s -> focusUpTaggedGlobal s))
+-- NOTE: Tags are saved as space seperated string and split with 'unwords' thus
+-- if you add a tag "a b" the window will have the tags "a" and "b" but not "a b".
+-- %import XMonadContrib.TagWindows
+-- %import XMonadContrib.XPrompt -- to use tagPrompt
+-- set multiple tags for a window at once (overriding any previous tags)
+setTags :: [String] -> Window -> X ()
+setTags = setTag . unwords
+-- set a tag for a window (overriding any previous tags)
+-- writes it to the "_XMONAD_TAGS" window property
+setTag :: String -> Window -> X ()
+setTag s w = withDisplay $ \d ->
+ io $ internAtom d "_XMONAD_TAGS" False >>= setTextProperty d w s
+-- read all tags of a window
+-- reads from the "_XMONAD_TAGS" window property
+getTags :: Window -> X [String]
+getTags w = withDisplay $ \d ->
+ io $ catch (internAtom d "_XMONAD_TAGS" False >>=
+ getTextProperty d w >>=
+ wcTextPropertyToTextList d)
+ (\_ -> return [[]])
+ >>= return . words . unwords
+-- check a window for the given tag
+hasTag :: String -> Window -> X Bool
+hasTag s w = (s `elem`) `liftM` getTags w
+-- add a tag to the existing ones
+addTag :: String -> Window -> X ()
+addTag s w = do
+ tags <- getTags w
+ if (s `notElem` tags) then setTags (s:tags) w else return ()
+-- remove a tag from a window, if it exists
+delTag :: String -> Window -> X ()
+delTag s w = do
+ tags <- getTags w
+ setTags (filter (/= s) tags) w
+-- remove all tags
+unTag :: Window -> X ()
+unTag = setTag ""
+-- Move the focus in a group of windows, which share the same given tag.
+-- The Global variants move through all workspaces, whereas the other
+-- ones operate only on the current workspace
+focusUpTagged, focusDownTagged, focusUpTaggedGlobal, focusDownTaggedGlobal :: String -> X ()
+focusUpTagged = focusTagged' (reverse . wsToList)
+focusDownTagged = focusTagged' wsToList
+focusUpTaggedGlobal = focusTagged' (reverse . wsToListGlobal)
+focusDownTaggedGlobal = focusTagged' wsToListGlobal
+wsToList :: (Ord i) => StackSet i l a s sd -> [a]
+wsToList ws = crs ++ cls
+ where
+ (crs, cls) = (cms down, cms (reverse . up))
+ cms f = maybe [] f (stack . workspace . current $ ws)
+wsToListGlobal :: (Ord i) => StackSet i l a s sd -> [a]
+wsToListGlobal ws = concat ([crs] ++ rws ++ lws ++ [cls])
+ where
+ curtag = tag . workspace . current $ ws
+ (crs, cls) = (cms down, cms (reverse . up))
+ cms f = maybe [] f (stack . workspace . current $ ws)
+ (lws, rws) = (mws (<), mws (>))
+ mws cmp = map (integrate' . stack) . sortByTag . filter (\w -> tag w `cmp` curtag) . workspaces $ ws
+ sortByTag = sortBy (\x y -> compare (tag x) (tag y))
+focusTagged' :: (WindowSet -> [Window]) -> String -> X ()
+focusTagged' wl t = gets windowset >>= findM (hasTag t) . wl >>=
+ maybe (return ()) (windows . focusWindow)
+findM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
+findM _ [] = return Nothing
+findM p (x:xs) = do b <- p x
+ if b then return (Just x) else findM p xs
+-- apply a pure function to windows with a tag
+withTaggedP, withTaggedGlobalP :: String -> (Window -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X ()
+withTaggedP t f = withTagged' t (winMap f)
+withTaggedGlobalP t f = withTaggedGlobal' t (winMap f)
+winMap :: (Window -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> [Window] -> X ()
+winMap f tw = when (tw /= []) (windows $ foldl1 (.) (map f tw))
+withTagged, withTaggedGlobal :: String -> (Window -> X ()) -> X ()
+withTagged t f = withTagged' t (mapM_ f)
+withTaggedGlobal t f = withTaggedGlobal' t (mapM_ f)
+withTagged' :: String -> ([Window] -> X ()) -> X ()
+withTagged' t m = gets windowset >>=
+ filterM (hasTag t) . integrate' . stack . workspace . current >>= m
+withTaggedGlobal' :: String -> ([Window] -> X ()) -> X ()
+withTaggedGlobal' t m = gets windowset >>=
+ filterM (hasTag t) . concat . map (integrate' . stack) . workspaces >>= m
+withFocusedP :: (Window -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X ()
+withFocusedP f = withFocused $ windows . f
+shiftHere :: (Ord a, Eq s, Eq i) => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd
+shiftHere w s = shiftWin (tag . workspace . current $ s) w s
+shiftToScreen :: (Ord a, Eq s, Eq i) => s -> a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd
+shiftToScreen sid w s = case filter (\m -> sid /= screen m) ((current s):(visible s)) of
+ [] -> s
+ (t:_) -> shiftWin (tag . workspace $ t) w s
+data TagPrompt = TagPrompt
+instance XPrompt TagPrompt where
+ showXPrompt TagPrompt = "Select Tag: "
+tagPrompt :: XPConfig -> (String -> X ()) -> X ()
+tagPrompt c f = do
+ sc <- tagComplList
+ mkXPrompt TagPrompt c (mkComplFunFromList' sc) f
+tagComplList :: X [String]
+tagComplList = gets (concat . map (integrate' . stack) . workspaces . windowset) >>=
+ mapM getTags >>=
+ return . nub . concat
+tagDelPrompt :: XPConfig -> X ()
+tagDelPrompt c = do
+ sc <- tagDelComplList
+ if (sc /= [])
+ then mkXPrompt TagPrompt c (mkComplFunFromList' sc) (\s -> withFocused (delTag s))
+ else return ()
+tagDelComplList :: X [String]
+tagDelComplList = gets windowset >>= maybe (return []) getTags . peek
+mkComplFunFromList' :: [String] -> String -> IO [String]
+mkComplFunFromList' l [] = return l
+mkComplFunFromList' l s =
+ return $ filter (\x -> take (length s) x == s) l