diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/NewTabbed.hs b/NewTabbed.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b24a9e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NewTabbed.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : XMonadContrib.Tabbed
+-- Copyright : (c) David Roundy
+-- License : BSD-style (see xmonad/LICENSE)
+-- Maintainer : email@address.com
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : unportable
+-- A tabbed layout for the Xmonad Window Manager
+module XMonadContrib.NewTabbed (
+ -- * Usage:
+ -- $usage
+ Tabbed (..)
+ , TConf (..), defaultTConf
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.State ( gets )
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.List
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
+import XMonad
+import Operations
+import qualified StackSet as W
+import XMonadContrib.NamedWindows
+import XMonadContrib.XPrompt (fillDrawable, printString)
+-- $usage
+-- You can use this module with the following in your configuration file:
+-- > import XMonadContrib.NewTabbed
+-- > defaultLayouts :: [(String, SomeLayout Window)]
+-- > defaultLayouts = [("tall", SomeLayout tiled)
+-- > ,("wide", SomeLayout $ Mirror tiled)
+-- > -- Extension-provided layouts
+-- > ,("tabbed", SomeLayout $ Tabbed Nothing myTabConfig)
+-- > , ... ]
+-- You can also edit the default configuration options.
+-- > myconfig = defaultTConf { inactiveBorderColor = "#FF0000"
+-- > , activeTextColor = "#00FF00"}
+-- and
+-- > defaultLayouts = [ tabbed shrinkText myconfig
+-- > , ... ]
+-- %import XMonadContrib.NewTabbed
+-- %layout , tabbed shrinkText defaultTConf
+data TConf =
+ TConf { activeColor :: String
+ , inactiveColor :: String
+ , activeBorderColor :: String
+ , inactiveTextColor :: String
+ , inactiveBorderColor :: String
+ , activeTextColor :: String
+ , fontName :: String
+ , tabSize :: Int
+ } deriving (Show, Read)
+defaultTConf :: TConf
+defaultTConf =
+ TConf { activeColor = "#999999"
+ , inactiveColor = "#666666"
+ , activeBorderColor = "#FFFFFF"
+ , inactiveBorderColor = "#BBBBBB"
+ , activeTextColor = "#FFFFFF"
+ , inactiveTextColor = "#BFBFBF"
+ , fontName = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ , tabSize = 20
+ }
+data TabState =
+ TabState { tabsWindows :: [(Window,Window)]
+ , scr :: Rectangle
+ , fontS :: FontStruct -- FontSet
+ } deriving (Read, Show)
+data Tabbed a =
+ Tabbed (Maybe TabState) TConf
+ deriving (Show, Read)
+instance Layout Tabbed Window where
+ doLayout (Tabbed mst conf) = doLay mst conf
+ modifyLayout l m = modLay l m
+instance Read FontStruct where
+ readsPrec _ _ = []
+doLay :: Maybe TabState -> TConf -> Rectangle -> W.Stack Window -> X ([(Window, Rectangle)], Maybe (Tabbed Window))
+doLay _ _ sc (W.Stack w [] []) = return ([(w,sc)], Nothing)
+doLay mst conf sc@(Rectangle _ _ wid _) s@(W.Stack w _ _) = do
+ let ws = W.integrate s
+ width = wid `div` fromIntegral (length ws)
+ -- initialize state
+ st <- case mst of
+ Nothing -> initState conf sc ws
+ Just ts -> if map snd (tabsWindows ts) == ws
+ then return ts
+ else do destroyTabs (map fst $ tabsWindows ts)
+ tws <- createTabs conf sc ws
+ return (ts {tabsWindows = zip tws ws})
+ showTabs $ map fst $ tabsWindows st
+ mapM_ (updateTab conf (fontS st) width) $ tabsWindows st
+ return ([(w,shrink conf sc)], Just (Tabbed (Just st) conf))
+modLay :: Tabbed Window -> SomeMessage -> X (Maybe (Tabbed Window))
+modLay (Tabbed mst conf) m
+ | Just st <- mst, Just e <- fromMessage m :: Maybe Event = do
+ handleEvent conf st e >> return Nothing
+ | Just st <- mst, Just Hide == fromMessage m = do
+ hideTabs $ map fst $ tabsWindows st
+ return Nothing
+ | Just st <- mst, Just ReleaseResources == fromMessage m = do
+ d <- asks display
+ destroyTabs $ map fst $ tabsWindows st
+ io $ freeFont d (fontS st)
+ return $ Just $ Tabbed Nothing conf
+ | otherwise = return Nothing
+handleEvent :: TConf -> TabState -> Event -> X ()
+-- button press
+handleEvent conf (TabState {tabsWindows = tws, scr = screen, fontS = fs })
+ (ButtonEvent {ev_window = thisw, ev_subwindow = thisbw, ev_event_type = t })
+ | t == buttonPress && thisw `elem` map fst tws || thisbw `elem` map fst tws = do
+ focus (fromJust $ lookup thisw tws)
+ updateTab conf fs width (thisw, fromJust $ lookup thisw tws)
+ where
+ width = rect_width screen`div` fromIntegral (length tws)
+handleEvent conf (TabState {tabsWindows = tws, scr = screen, fontS = fs })
+ (AnyEvent {ev_window = thisw, ev_event_type = t })
+-- expose
+ | thisw `elem` (map fst tws) && t == expose = do
+ updateTab conf fs width (thisw, fromJust $ lookup thisw tws)
+-- propertyNotify
+ | thisw `elem` (map snd tws) && t == propertyNotify = do
+ let tabwin = (fst $ fromJust $ find (\x -> snd x == thisw) tws, thisw)
+ updateTab conf fs width tabwin
+ where
+ width = rect_width screen`div` fromIntegral (length tws)
+handleEvent _ _ _ = return ()
+initState :: TConf -> Rectangle -> [Window] -> X TabState
+initState conf sc ws = withDisplay $ \ d -> do
+ fs <- io $ loadQueryFont d (fontName conf) `catch`
+ \_-> loadQueryFont d "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ tws <- createTabs conf sc ws
+ return $ TabState (zip tws ws) sc fs
+createTabs :: TConf -> Rectangle -> [Window] -> X [Window]
+createTabs _ _ [] = return []
+createTabs c (Rectangle x y wh ht) owl@(ow:ows) = do
+ let wid = wh `div` (fromIntegral $ length owl)
+ d <- asks display
+ rt <- asks theRoot
+ w <- io $ createSimpleWindow d rt x y wid (fromIntegral $ tabSize c) 0 0 0
+ io $ selectInput d w $ exposureMask .|. buttonPressMask
+ io $ restackWindows d $ w : [ow]
+ ws <- createTabs c (Rectangle (x + fromIntegral wid) y (wh - wid) ht) ows
+ return (w:ws)
+updateTab :: TConf -> FontStruct -> Dimension -> (Window,Window) -> X ()
+updateTab c fs wh (tabw,ow) = do
+ xc <- ask
+ nw <- getName ow
+ let ht = fromIntegral $ tabSize c :: Dimension
+ d = display xc
+ focusColor win ic ac = (maybe ic (\focusw -> if focusw == win
+ then ac else ic) . W.peek)
+ `fmap` gets windowset
+ (bc',borderc',tc') <- focusColor ow
+ (inactiveColor c, inactiveBorderColor c, inactiveTextColor c)
+ (activeColor c, activeBorderColor c, activeTextColor c)
+ -- initialize colors
+ bc <- io $ initColor d bc'
+ borderc <- io $ initColor d borderc'
+ tc <- io $ initColor d tc'
+ -- pixmax and graphic context
+ p <- io $ createPixmap d tabw wh ht (defaultDepthOfScreen $ defaultScreenOfDisplay d)
+ gc <- io $ createGC d p
+ -- draw
+ io $ setGraphicsExposures d gc False
+ io $ fillDrawable d p gc borderc bc 1 wh ht
+ io $ setFont d gc (fontFromFontStruct fs)
+ let name = shrinkWhile shrinkText (\n -> textWidth fs n >
+ fromIntegral wh - fromIntegral (ht `div` 2)) (show nw)
+ width = textWidth fs name
+ (_,asc,desc,_) = textExtents fs name
+ y = fromIntegral $ ((ht - fromIntegral (asc + desc)) `div` 2) + fromIntegral asc
+ x = fromIntegral (wh `div` 2) - fromIntegral (width `div` 2)
+ io $ printString d p gc tc bc x y name
+ io $ copyArea d p tabw gc 0 0 wh ht 0 0
+ io $ freePixmap d p
+ io $ freeGC d gc
+destroyTabs :: [Window] -> X ()
+destroyTabs w = do
+ d <- asks display
+ io $ mapM_ (destroyWindow d) w
+hideTabs :: [Window] -> X ()
+hideTabs w = do
+ d <- asks display
+ io $ mapM_ (unmapWindow d) w
+showTabs :: [Window] -> X ()
+showTabs w = do
+ d <- asks display
+ io $ mapM_ (mapWindow d) w
+shrink :: TConf -> Rectangle -> Rectangle
+shrink c (Rectangle x y w h) =
+ Rectangle x (y + fromIntegral (tabSize c)) w (h - fromIntegral (tabSize c))
+type Shrinker = String -> [String]
+shrinkWhile :: Shrinker -> (String -> Bool) -> String -> String
+shrinkWhile sh p x = sw $ sh x
+ where sw [n] = n
+ sw [] = ""
+ sw (n:ns) | p n = sw ns
+ | otherwise = n
+shrinkText :: Shrinker
+shrinkText "" = [""]
+shrinkText cs = cs : shrinkText (init cs)